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<body><b>To our valued NCS customers: </b>
<br><br>Thank you for logging on to complete this survey.<br><br>As part of our ongoing commitment to improve customer service and client communications, NCS is seeking your input on several key service delivery areas. NCS has engaged the ACTS Corporation to develop and conduct a web based Client Satisfaction survey. The results of the survey will be shared with you in the first quarter FY2002\2003. NCS is committed to providing quality, cost effective and efficient Infrastructure and Services to all its Client base. We sincerely hope you will take the time to complete this short survey so NCS can judge your overall satisfaction with the service and identify areas where we need to improve. Below is a brief explanation of the terms used in the survey. <br><br>Infrastructure and Services Definition:<br><br><center><table><TD WIDTH=800>“NCS provides a wide variety of Infrastructure (Hardware/Software Application hosting) and Services to a large and diverse Client base; this infrastructure includes Office (OA/Mail), Mainframe, Midrange (DG), Cross Platform (HP/Unix/NT, Database, Web hosting), Network, Print and services such as Service Desks, Client Relations and Disaster Recovery services." </td></table></center><br>If you prefer to remain <b>anonymous</b>, at the end of the survey you will be given the option to submit your results to NCS anonymously.<BR><BR>Otherwise, your responses will be shared with NCS so they can consider if future follow-up and/or action may be needed.