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cdc3.001&mcs&0&&In a multipart continuous form, splitting a print position with a vertical rule is recommended because it&allows for slight misregistration.&reduces the cost of copy preparation.;increases the number of print positions per inch.;reduces computer-printer time.;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.002&mcs&0&&When designing an output form that will work with an existing software program, the forms designer should obtain a&full-field printout of the program's print routine.&printout of all fonts used by the software program.;completed sample of the input document.;copy of the source code for the program.;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.003&mcs&0&&To help ensure that the user of a form knows how to complete the form, where should instructions be placed?&At the beginning of each section where an action must occur&On the back of the form, together with a flowchart;At the beginning of the form, below the title;At the bottom of the form, indexed as a guide;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.004&mcs&0&N&Which of the following procedures is recommended for identifying a form revision?&Use a suffix code with a form number&Print <i>revised</i> in outline type;Assign an entirely new form number;Print the form number in a different type-face;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.005&mcs&0&&A client who is trying to streamline shipping forms and who usually ships by common carrier would most likely consider combining&packing list with bill of lading.&packing list with delivery receipt.;purchase order with receiving report.;invoice with delivery receipt.;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.006&mcs&0&&POSTNET bar codes allow the post office to &sort a piece of mail on automated equipment.&identify the postage cost for a piece of mail.;provide address correction and forwarding capabilities.;initially face a piece of mail in the proper direction for scanning.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.007&mcs&0&&When addressing business mail for automation, the line immediately above the last line of the address should be the&delivery address line.&information or attention line.;city and state.;recipient's name.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.008&mcs&0&&When designing an electronic form, instructions concerning a completed screen should appear at the &bottom.&right of data field.;left of data field.;top.;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.009&mcs&0&&To match an ink color to a previously printed piece, it is best for the press operator to have a sample of the printed piece for comparison because precision color matches usually require&customized ink blends and press adjustments.&press adjustments for atmospheric conditions.;adjustments to the web tension.;the same brand of ink as the original piece.;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.010&mcs&0&&If part 4 of a four-part carbonless form is to be used in a poorly lit area, which of the following would be the best choice of paper color for part 4?&Canary&Goldenrod;Green;Pink;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.011&mcs&0&&To improve the readability of lengthy and complex instructions, text should be set in&upper and lower case type.&bold type.;reverse type.;all upper case type.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.012&mcs&0&&Which of the following is most appropriate for a document to be faxed?&Use 12 pt Helvetica&Use stylized typefaces;Place data at the top and bottom of the sheet;Include screens;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.013&mcs&0&&If a marketing department is planning a promotional printing job with photographs but does not want the expense of four-color process, which of the following techniques should be used?&Duotones&Reverses;Phantoms;Pantographs;&&&&n&III-B-4.0&&&&
cdc3.014&mcs&0&&If a continuous form must be hand-decollated without stripping the margins, the forms designer should specify&crimping.&cold glue.;hot glue.;stapling.;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.015&mcs&0&&To ensure only variable information and not static information is read when scanning a document, which of the following must be determined?&Drop out colors of the scanner&Size of the form scanned;Positioning of dropout images;Amount of text in scanned area;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.016&mcs&0&&If a two-way mailer is being designed so that its return envelope can be opened by nonadjustable automatic equipment, the design of the envelope should include &a top-opening flap.&a left-opening flap.;a right-opening flap.;an opening tear strip.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.017&mcs&0&&Which of the following is the most important design consideration on most fuel meter tickets?&A method to image part 1 without a ribbon&Use of a tag stock on the first part;The need for particulate-free paper;Use of a solvent-based carbon;&&&&n&III-C-8.0&&&&
cdc3.018&mcs&0&&In designing cut sheet forms for high-speed, non-impact printers, the forms designer should ensure that&the paper is suitable for feeding and printing.&high-speed skipping is designed into the form.;non-read inks are used.;all print lines are of equal length.;&&&&n&III-C-9.0&&&&
cdc3.019&mcs&0&&A five-part unit set is being designed with parts 1, 2, and 5, 5 1/2 inches detached, and parts 3 and 4, 11 inches detached. The top portion of all five parts will be typed as a set and parts 3 and 4 will then be removed and common information entered on them at a later date. Which of the following construction techniques should be used to produce this form?&Double stub parts 3 and 4 with the third carbon in bottom stub&Long and short parts and two carbons (one full coated carbon and one pattern carbon);Spot glue opposite stub and short carbon;Spot glue in regular stub and double stub;&&&&n&III-C-11.0&&&&
cdc3.020&mcs&0&&Continuous forms are to be used on a fixed pinfeed platen. In the preparation of design specifications, the most important distance would be the distance from the first print position to the &center of left line hole.&center of right line hole.;right edge of the paper.;top edge of the paper.;&&&&n&III-C-12.0&&&&
cdc3.021&mcs&0&&If a problem is occurring with excessive bulking of a continuous form with a blown on label, an alternative construction which would best reduce the problem would be &an integrated label.&a carbon spot label.;a piggyback label.;a stencil label.;&&&&n&III-C-13.0&&&&
cdc3.022&mcs&0&&Label repeat refers to the distance from &top of one label set to top of next label set.&the first print position to the last print position.;first perforations to the top of the label.;the bottom of one label to top of another.;&&&&n&III-C-14.0&&&&
cdc3.023&mcs&0&N&When determining copy placement and size of die for a continuous impact printed EDP label, the designer should specify&at least an additional 1/2 print position from left and right edges of label.&all measurements in 1/16 inches increments.;a label depth equal to twice its web width.;a label size at least 20 characters across the width.;&&&&n&III-C-14.0&&&&
cdc3.024&mcs&0&N&According to ANSI specifications, what is the maximum size of a check that can be processed through the Federal Reserve system?&8 3/4 inches x 3 2/3 inches&8 1/2 inches x 3 2/3 inches;8 1/2 inches x 3 3/4 inches;8 5/8 inches x 3 5/8 inches;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.025&mcs&0&&Split-fountain printing is a security technique which is achieved by which of the following?&Adding two or more colors to one ink tower to achieve a random and unique pattern&Using four-color process printing to achieve a rainbow effect;Printing one color from one tower and the rest from a second tower to achieve a special effect;Printing two-wide and allowing different ink densities in the fountain to create special patterns which are hard to copy;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.026&mcs&0&&A printed artificial watermark may be used as a security feature in check printing because it is &visible at a 45 degree angle and is difficult to photocopy.&part of the paper and cannot be altered.;part of a void pantograph that will appear if alteration chemicals are applied.;opaque and highly reflective.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.027&mcs&0&&Holograms are used as security features in check printing because they &cannot be reproduced on a color copier.&show through to the back of the check.;create an all over security pattern.;contain a warning about check forgery.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.028&mcs&0&&Which of the following security features consists of colored disks introduced during the manufacture of paper?&Planchettes&Retroreflectors;Void pantographs;Kinegrams;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.029&mcs&0&&Which of the following features on a check uses a slow drying dye which penetrates the paper?&Analine numbering&Piezostatic imaging;Prismatic printing;Dye diffusion transfer;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.030&mcs&0&&Invisible fluorescent ink printed on security documents can &be detected with black light.&be photocopied on a color copier.;anchor toner to protect from alterations.;only be printed by flexography.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.031&mcs&0&&If sections of a form are to be completed sequentially in three separate locations and an approval signature is required after each operation before the form is forwarded to the next location, where should the three signature lines be placed?&Separately, one at the end of each section&Separately, one on the back of each section;Together in an authorization section at the top of the form;Together in an authorization section at the bottom of the form;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.032&mcs&0&&The primary purpose of fugitive glue on a continuous form is to &hold carbon and paper in place only during processing on a printer.&bond two or more parts together for additional data entry after initial printer execution.;form a pocket.;eliminate tenting on a permanently fastened form.;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.033&mcs&0&&When an entire check is printed with MICR ink, the check can NOT have &overall pantographs.&printing within 5/8 inches from the right end.;bank name.;backprinting.;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.034&mcs&0&&In electronic screen design, when multiple level headings are used, the primary heading would normally be &centered above the other column headings.&justified left above the first character position.;justified right.;followed by a colon.;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.035&mcs&0&&Which of the following is NOT a consideration for mail that will be processed by the post office's automated scanning equipment?&Return address should print inside the OCR read area&Bar code read area should be free of any printing except the bar code;Typestyle of the address;Uniform left margin on address;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.036&mcs&0&&Which of the following primary folds is NOT used to fold and seal cut sheet mailers?&Broadside&Letter;Single;Accordian;&&&&n&III-C-10.0&&&&
cdc3.037&mcs&0&&Horizontal bars are used on business reply mail to &identify the piece as business reply.&denote the amount of postage due.;provide a machine detectable indicia for automatic canceling.;sort by permit number.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.038&mcs&0&N&When designing a mailer application, which of the following should be the FIRST concern for processing the mailer in the printer?&Overall thickness of all plies&Platen size;Tractor position;Number of glued sides;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.039&mcs&0&&Why is polystyrene film often recommended in place of glassine for the windows of envelopes that will be used in mechanical inserting equipment?&Polystyrene lies flatter&Polystyrene is recyclable;Less static is generated;A clearer window is possible;&&&&n&III-C-15.0&&&&
cdc3.040&mcs&0&&Why is it important to know paper path when printing checks on a sheet fed laser printer?&Determines whether the checks are delivered in proper sequence&Affects the type of ink used to produce the checks;Alters the placement of perforations on the checks;Changes the grain direction of the paper used for the checks;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.041&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the best range of type sizes to use for text in forms design?&9 - 12 point&14 - 17 point;18 - 24 point;4 - 6 point;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.042&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is usually NOT a problem in a form designed with captions under the line?&Filling in the next line in the liminted space available&Determining where to start typing;Determining whether to fill in the space above or below the line;Being able to read the captions when the form is in a typewriter;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.043&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following type styles is recommended for lengthy instructions?&Serif medium face&Sans serif condensed;Serif reverse;Sans serif italics;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.044&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following type styles would be best for a document that is to be microfilmed?&Sans serif medium face&Serif italics;Sans serif reverse;Serif condensed bold;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.045&mcs&0&Y&When drawing a form on a layout pad, it is advisable to draw all rules first as hairlines because hairlines&can be changed easily and neatly if necessary.&are the only rules that should be shown on a layout.;allow the composition department to choose the best rule for the job.;are easier to draw.;&&&&n&III-A-1.0&&&&
cdc3.046&mcs&0&Y&In forms design, a 3/5-spacing indicates &3 lines per inch and 5 characters per inch.&3/5-lines per vertical inch.;3/5-horizontal inch per character.;3 characters per inch and 5 lines per inch.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.047&mcs&0&Y&When every print position on a form is ultilized, which of the following can NOT be done with vertical rules?&Split their print position&Print them in light color;Omit them;Screen them;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.048&mcs&0&Y&A 4 1/4 inches depth continuous form that is to be printed out 6 lines per inch should &be designed as an 8 1/2 inches format with an extra perforation.&be designed without lockup.;permit the use of processed carbon.;permit the use of preprinted horizontal alignment guides.;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.049&mcs&0&Y&If a form is to be both handwritten and typed, what is the ideal line spacing?&3 LPI&4 LPI;6 LPI;8 LPI;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.050&mcs&0&Y&In designing a form that will be either typewritten or handwritten, it is best to use which of the following line spacings?&1/3 inches&1/10 inches;1/5 inches;1/4 inches;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.051&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following would normally NOT require specially formulated ink for printing?&A bar-coded package label&An optically-scanned input form;An accounts payable voucher check;An 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches cut sheet for laser printing;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.052&mcs&0&Y&In the box design technique, what is the most desirable position for a caption?&In the upper left corner of the box&Centered just below the top of the box;Centered just below the bottom of the box;Immediately to the left of the box;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.053&mcs&0&Y&When designing a data entry source document, the designer should do which of the following?&Request a copy of the screen layout&Number forms sequentially for control;Provide a clear acetate to check the print program;Screen vertical columns;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.054&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following phrases best describes the term lockup?&The image-free or nonprintable areas on a plate&The finishing of all preparatory work prior to printing;The locking of the infeed roll of paper into the press drive mechanism;The locking of the image on the printing plate;&&&&n&III-A-6.0&&&&
cdc3.055&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following construction techniques should be recommended in a critical unit set application where absolutely NO trace of copy information read-through is acceptable on internal parts?&Short and long parts and carbon&A pattern carbon and extra perforation on paper;Striped carbon combined with a Chinese-style blockout;Die-cut carbon;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.056&mcs&0&Y&The following form is a four-part unit set and all columns on part 1 will be filled in during the first writing. DIAGRAM Information from teh first writing will be withheld in column C on parts 2 and 3. If parts 2 and 3 are then removed intact and information is entered on them in column C, which combination of construction techniques should be incorporated into this form?&Double stub and four carbons (two pattern carbons and two full coated carbons)&Spot glue in regular stub, and two carbons (one full coated carbon and one pattern carbon) for face of one part;Short carbon and long or short parts;Spot glue opposite stub, and long or short parts;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.057&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following would best ELIMINATE information completely on part one of a unit set?&Drop-stub perforation&Die-cut;Blockout;Pattern carbon;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.058&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following stocks should be specified in the design of a tag that must be exposed to wet weather conditions for several months?&Spun olefin&Sulfate;Clay coated;Dyed-in-the-pulp;&&&&n&III-C-17.0&&&&
cdc3.059&mcs&0&Y&In considering design opportunities for combining 2 unit sets into a 1 unit set, primary consideration should be given to the &functional relationship between the forms.&relative size of each form.;color of ink on each form.;number of parts in each form.;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.060&mcs&0&Y&The following diagram is used to determine the DIAGRAM&minimum and maximum length-to-width ratio of an envelope.&bulk-rate mail postage.;maximum length of an envelope.;minimum thickness of a postcard.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.061&mcs&0&Y&The major advantage in using upper and lower case type for lengthy instructions is that it &can be read faster and more accurately.&looks better.;takes less space.;can be typeset both right and left.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.062&mcs&0&Y&In a continuous form with a side-stub carbon extraction feature, the carbon is normally&glued on one side.&fastened on both sides.;perforated on one side.;processed.;&&&&n&III-C-1.0&&&&
cdc3.063&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is NOT characteristic of double-stub unit sets?&Both stubs must have carbons pasted within the stub&They can be used in a typewriter.;The can be used with pattern carbons.;They can join parts that are not in sequence;&&&&n&III-C-1.0&&&&
cdc3.064&mcs&0&Y&The most effective way to exclude information on a carbonless unit set is to use a&design that allows the information to be removed when the stub is removed.&patterned carbon that is specially designed for use with carbonless paper.;desensitizing ink that is applied in the area in which the information is excluded.;blockout that is printed in purple ink.;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.065&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the primary reason for the use of gluing in a continuous form that will be used in a high-speed printer?&Form will later be used as a unit set&Form will have more than four parts;Parts will be kept aligned on the printer;Form will be deleaved after printing;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.066&mcs&0&Y&Glued continuous forms should have the margin perforated when they are to &be hand-decollated.&be machine-decollated.;have two or more carbons.;be bound unburst.;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.067&mcs&0&Y&If a four-part continuous form is to be separated on an A-frame decollator and bound unburst, which of the following fastening methods would be the most suitable?&Fugitive gluing the carbon and crimping the paper&Stapling the paper and the carbon;Hot gluing the paper and the carbon;Cold spot gluing the paper and crimping the carbon;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.068&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following fastening methods may be used when continuous forms are produced using mechanical-mated papers?&Crimping, gluing, stapling, and sewing&Crimping only;Gluing and sewing only;Crimping and stapling only;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.069&mcs&0&Y&To ensure proper spacing for a new computer-printed form, the form designer should consult the&computer programmer and equipment specification manual.&computer programmer only.;operating system only.;computer programmer and operating system.;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.070&mcs&0&Y&Whn unit sets are to be carried from place to place during normal use, which of the following methods may be recommended for holding the forms together?&Binding in books and using metal holders only&Tipping on carrier sheets and binding in books only;Tipping on carrier sheets and using metal holders only;Tipping on carrier sheets, binding in books, and using metal holders;&&&&n&III-C-11.0&&&&
cdc3.071&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most important consideration when a cut-sheet mailer is being designed?&Postal regulations&The fastening technique;Clear folding instructions;Placement of dat in relation to the address;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.072&mcs&0&Y&When forms are being designed for optical scanning, critical consideration must be given to&margin requirements, finished form size, and character spacing.&margin requirements only.;finished form size and character spacing only.;margin requirements and character spacing only.;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.073&mcs&0&Y&When a continuous form is being designed for use on a line printer, one should try to&maximize the length of each print line.&use as many short print lines as possible.;minimuze high-speed skipping.;use as narrow a form as possible.;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.074&mcs&0&Y&In printer specifications, "character spacing" refers to the number of &characters printed per square inch.&characters printed per minute.;characters capable of being accommodated horizontally.;lines printed per minute.;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.075&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is a common reason for using a hard carbon in a form?&To reduce character distortion on internal parts&To reduce carbon slippage during deleaving;To minimize carbon buildup on a print drum;To reduce form thickness;&&&&n&III-C-8.0&&&&
cdc3.076&mcs&0&Y&When a unit set is being designed, the first step should be to&draw a sketch of the proposed layout.&fill in the specifications on a layout pad.;draw in the fixed features on a layout pad.;make a carbon test.;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.077&mcs&0&Y&When a computer generated postal indicia is applied to a continuous mailer, the carbon should normally face the&face of the outgoing envelope.&insert.;face of the return envelope.;back of the return envelope.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.078&mcs&0&Y&If a customer wishes to file unfolded 8 1/2" x 11" documents into the pocket section of a 9 1/4" deep multiple-part unit set, what is the standard stub-width form to recommend?&12 inches&11 inches;11 1/2 inches;11 3/4 inches;&&&&n&III-C-11.0&&&&
cdc3.079&mcs&0&Y&Top-open return envelopes are designed into mailers primarily because they &facilitate machine opening.&are easier to open by hand.;are less expensive to manufacture.;do not require a transfer tape closing.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.080&mcs&0&Y&When continuous forms are used in a demand printing application, the primary function of triangular die cuts in the form at the point where the marginal and cross perforations meet is to aid in&extracting the form from the printer.&refolding the form behind the printer.;preventing air pockets during printing.;aligning the form in the printer.;&&&&n&III-C-7.0&&&&
cdc3.081&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is MOST important when converting a six-ply unit set to a continuous format?&Printer specifications&Form pricing;Paper sequence;Fastening techniques;&&&&n&III-C-12.0&&&&
cdc3.082&mcs&0&Y&According to ABA and ANSI specifications, what, if any, is the maximum processable size of a check?&8 3/4 inches x 3 2/3 inches&9 1/2 inches x 4 inches;There is no size limit;8 3/4 inches x 3 1/2 inches;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.083&mcs&0&Y&According to ABA and ANSI specifications, what, if any, is the MINIMUM allowable size of a check?&6 inches x 2 3/4 inches&6 inches x 2 5/6 inches;There is no size requirement;5 2/3 inches x 2 5/6 inches;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.084&mcs&0&Y&Envelopes being used with an inserting machine should be a MINIMUM of how much wider than the inserts?&1/2 inch&3/4 inch;3/16 inch;1/4 inch;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.085&mcs&0&Y&When a form is being designed for pattern carbon, how much tolerance (plus or minus) should be allowed?&1/16 inch&1/64 inch;1/32 inch;3/32 inch;&&&&n&III-C-5.0&&&&
cdc3.086&mcs&0&Y&Requesting inks with a higher pigment volume than usual will retard which of the following undesirable results?&Fade&Flaking;Chalking;Rub;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.087&mcs&0&Y&What type of fastening should be specified for a six-part carbon interleaved continuous form where the concerns are tenting, permanence, and economy?&Interrupt glue&Solid line glue;Line sew;Fugitive glue;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.088&mcs&0&Y&A department in a company routinely photocopies a one-part form and sends the copy to another department for statistical purposes. To protect confidentiality, the employee's name (located in the upper left corner) on the copy that is sent is crossed out with a thick, black, felt-tip marker. Twenty thousand of these forms are processed per year. Which of the following would be the most economical design for a new form that would not permit the employee's name to show through on the statistical copy?&A two-part unit set with a bottom stub and short carbon.&A two-part, edge-padded, carbonless unit set with a desensitized name area on part 2;A two-part unit set using black ink and black carbon with a block-out on part 2 in the name area;A one-part form with a horizontal perforation so that the name can be removed before the rest of the form is sent on for statistical use;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.089&mcs&0&Y&In designing a check, where must the area for MICR characters be located?&Parallel to the aligning edge&In the upper right hand corner;In the convenience amount field;Parallel to the leading edge ;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.090&mcs&0&Y&When an entire check is printed in MICR black ink, the designer should ensure that the&5/8 inch clear band area is free from ink except for the MICR line.&check size is at least 8 inches x 2 3/4 inches.;MICR line is no more than 1/4 inch in height.;MICR is at least 1/8 inch from the edge of the check.;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.091&mcs&0&Y&If a customer needs parts 1, 3, and 5 to remain together for additional entries after the unit set is snapped apart, which of the following would be the best construction?&Double stub&Erasure stub;Open end gluing;Drop line gluing;&&&&n&III-C-11.0&&&&
cdc3.092&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most economical way to withhold pricing information that must be completely concealed on part 4 of a continuous invoice used as a delivery ticket?&Narrow carbon&Die-cut carbon;Pattern carbon;Stripe carbon;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.093&mcs&0&Y&What is the most common method of permanent fastenig in current use?&Gluing&Sewing;Stapling;Crimping;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.094&mcs&0&Y&When box design technique is being used, the captions should be&asking a single question.&printed in large, bold type.;printed in the upper right-hand corner.;centered in the box.;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.095&mcs&0&Y&If both the face and back of a two-part unit set are to be completely filled out, which of the following should be used to produce the form?&Double stub with carbonless paper and carbon interleaved&Carbonless paper and two interleaved carbons (one full carbon and one pattern carbon) for face of one part;Double stub with long and short parts;Spot glue opposite stub with short parts;&&&&n&III-C-11.0&&&&
cdc3.096&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following conclusions concerning the unit set illustrated is most appropriate? DIAGRAM&The form is to be typewritten&The form is to be bound in a book;The form will have a hectomaster between parts 4 and 5;Part 1 will have a self-contained carbonless sheet;&&&&n&III-A.0&&&&
cdc3.097&mcs&0&Y&An important consideration in using form numbers is that they should&appear on both front and back of two-sided forms.&be printed in the tear off margin/stub area.;appear only in the first ply of a multipart form.;include a functional file number.;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.098&mcs&0&Y&A form title should inform the reader of the &function of form.&originating department.;best way to complete form.;user of form.;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.099&mcs&0&Y&The POSTNET Clear Zone on an envelope refers to the&area at the bottom reserved for 9-digit bar codes.&location of endorsements for special handling of mail pieces.;area reserved for the <i>Mail To</i> Name and Address fields.;area reserved for Facing Identification Mark (FIM) patterns.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.100&mcs&0&Y&Facing identification mark (FIM) patterns are used to&separate business reply and courtesty reply pieces from other letters in post office sorting systems.&indicate starting and ending locations for OCR scanners and OCR documents.;identify categories of forms in a forms management program numbering system.;identify the POSTNET bar codes of the sender of first class mail pieces at the post office.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.101&mcs&0&Y&A promotional printing piece that consists of many fine, sharply defined, halftone screens and requires true color and improved density in appearance would be produced best on which of the following papers?&Coated&Hi-bulk;Laid finish;Uncoated offset;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.102&mcs&0&Y&Show-through on a form may be due to &lack of opacity of the paper only.&poor drying of the ink and transfer of ink from the printed side to the underside of the sheet.;lack of opacity of the paper and transfer of ink from the printed side to the underside of the sheet.;poor drying of the ink only.;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.103&mcs&0&Y&On United States Business Reply Mail, all horizontal bars must print above the &address line.&attention line.;postal permit number.;city, state, and zip code.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.104&mcs&0&Y&If a form is typewritten, ballot boxes should &be placed horizontally.&be placed closely together.;line up with the right margin.;follow the caption.;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.105&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following would substantially help reduce smudging of large-volume insert style mailers run on postage meters and postal service sorting equipment?&Preprinting postal indicia and presorting by postal code&Setting the postage meter to a lighter setting and presorting by postal code;Preprinting postal indicia only;Setting the postage meter to a lighter setting only;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.106&mcs&0&Y&If a client with a high-speed line printer requests a fastening for a five-part continuous form, which of the following methods would be the LEAST expensive?&Crimping&Fugitive gluing;Solid-line gluing;Sewing;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.107&mcs&0&Y&If a program for elderly persons requires that lengthy instructions be set in 10 point type and printed on colored bond paper, the forms designer should specify&canary stock with serif typeface in upper and lower case.&pink stock with an upper and lower case t ype.;goldenrod stock with italics and large reverses.;pink stock with italics and sans serif typeface in upper case.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.108&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is NOT a reason for using screens on forms?&Saving printing ink&Making alterations more difficult;Indicating spaces that are not to be used;Permitting variable data that are out of register to be read;&&&&n&III-B-4.0&&&&
cdc3.109&mcs&0&Y&In a form that is to be written on a typewriter, tab stops are important because they &minimize key strokes.&control vertical line spacing.;eliminate hand position of the platen.;speed up the shift from upper case to lower case.;&&&&r&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.110&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following best describes the lockup space on a rotary-produced continuous form?&It is perpendicular to the line holes&It is not required;It is parallel to the web;It is inside the marginal line holes;&&&&n&III-A-6.0&&&&
cdc3.111&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following carbons is NOT economically practical for withholding information on a multipart continuous form?&Die cut&Pattern;Stripe;Narrow;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.112&mcs&0&Y&A continuous form combining a three-part invoice and three-part bill of lading is required. Of the 80 characters of data per line in the body of each form, half of the charcters may be different, and a 10 pitch printer with a 9 1/2 inch fixed platen will be used. Which of the following is the best technique for this purpose?&Design a three-part, over-and-under form&Design a six-part form with the appropriate pattern carbons;Use two forms;Design a three-part, side-by-side form;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.113&mcs&0&Y&If a continuous letterhead is to be cut by a forms cutter, which of the following is the most important consideration?&The need for a clear area top and bottom&The size of the run;The position of the timing mark;The size of between-sets perforations;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.114&mcs&0&Y&When a unit set is to be separated into two sections after the first writing, which of the following features is NOT desirable for removing the carbon between the two sections?&Drop stub perforation&Spot gluing;Loose carbon;Carbon perforation;&&&&n&III-C-1.0&&&&
cdc3.115&mcs&0&Y&If there are no printer or space restrictions, which of the following construction techniques would be most cost-effective for combining 3 invoice parts and 3 bill of lading parts in 20M carbonless continuous forms?&A three-part over-and-under set (3 invoice parts at left and 3 bill of lading parts at right)&A six-part set (3 invoice parts and 3 bill of lading parts);Two three-part carrier-mounted sets (over-and-under format);A three-part over-and-under set (3 invoice parts at top and 3 bill of lading parts at right);&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.116&mcs&0&Y&What is the preferred position of captions on a form with a box design?&Upper left&Lower center;Upper center;Lower left;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.117&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following parts are normally cross-web glued on a five-part insert style mailer?&2 and 5 only&3 and 4 only;4 and 5 only;1, 2, and 5;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.118&mcs&0&Y&A general disadvantage in the use of a continuous form with a side-stub carbon extraction feature is that&the feeding is difficult to perform on small platen printers.&the form mut be die-cut.;a processed carbon is required.;the user must touch the carbon paper.;&&&&n&III-C-1.0&&&&
cdc3.119&mcs&0&Y&If heavy back printing is required on a CB or CFB sheet, the copy should be printed&screened.&letterpress.;in a gray ink.;in a light color ink.;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.120&mcs&0&Y&A long envelope run is planned in which the envelope paper will be printed first and then converted. The least expensive way to include a form number on the back of the envelope, so that it will be covered by the flap when sealed, is to print the &front of the sheet only.&number after opening the flap.;front and back of the sheet in two runs.;front and back of the sheet on a perfector press.;&&&&n&III-C-15.0&&&&
cdc3.121&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is NOT characterisitc of continuous, insert mailers with top-opening return envelopes?&They may be designed for use with remoistenable glue&They may be designed to use transfer tape for envelope closure;They may be produced by hot-spot carbonizing on carbonizing bond;They may be produced on a collator with notching and cross-glue units;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.122&mcs&0&Y&When a four-part continuous form is being designed to run on a pinfeed platen printer, what is the best fastening method to specify?&Flexible fastening in one margin only&Solid-line gluing in both margins;Hot-line gluing in one margin only;Staple fastening in one margin only;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.123&mcs&0&Y&In the design of an electronic form, captions for a field should be made to appear&on the same line as the variable data line.&on the preceding screen only.;below the variable data line.;above the variable data line.;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.124&mcs&0&Y&Data suppression can be achieved on unit sets and continuous forms by means of &staggered perfs, patterned carbon, and varied-size parts.&staggered perfs only.;staggered perfs and patterned carbon only.;patterned carbon and varied-size parts only.;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.125&mcs&0&Y&A user wants an eight-part unit set in which the first five parts are retained as a subset and the last three parts are retained as a subset after the original data have been typed in. Which of the following construction techniques should be used to produce this form most economically?&Spot glue in stub&Carbonless paper and carbon interleaved;Double stub;Long or short parts;&&&&n&III-C-11.0&&&&
cdc3.126&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following color combinations of ink and paper has the highest contrast rating?&Black ink...white paper&Black ink...canary paper;Bright red ink...white paper;Right red ink...canary paper;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.127&mcs&0&Y&If information at the top of a form must be withheld from part 1 of a top stub unit set, and all parts print alike and are the same overall size, what technique should be used to withhold information?&Drop stub&Desensitizing;Pattern carbon;Blockout;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.128&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following statements best describes the use of form identification numbers?&In a multipart form, each part should have the form number&The ideal location for a form number on a unit set is in the stub;If a form is printed on both front and back, the form number should appear only on the front;If a user supplies camera ready copy for a new form that does not include a form number, the forms professional should assume a form number is not required;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.129&mcs&0&Y&Instructions on a form should be printed&where they will most help the user.&in bold face type.;at the top of the page.;at the same place on all forms.;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.130&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following continuous forms is LEAST likely to require a demand printing construction?&A payroll check&An invoice;A cash receipt;An A/P check;&&&&n&III-C-7.0&&&&
cdc3.131&mcs&0&Y&If a company has a forms management system, what information should appear on every form?&Form number&Quantity;Source;Order date;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.132&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following paper coloros will offer the greatest legibility for the last part of a set?&Canary&Goldenrod;Pink;Salmon;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.133&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is identified by C?&POSTNET bar code&Permit code;Horizontal bars;Facing Identification Mark (FIM);&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.134&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is indicated by B?&Horizontal bars&Mail piece clear area;Facing Identification Mark (FIM);Postal indicia;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.135&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is identified by A?&Facing Identification Mark (FIM)&Permit code;OCR read area;POSTNET bar code;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.136&mcs&0&Y&The readability of typefaces with long ascenders and descenders may be improved by using additional&leading.&indenting.;letterspacing.;kerning.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.137&mcs&0&Y&When an application requires a gummed label stock followed by a carbonless second part, the forms professional should specify&self-contained carbonless.&coated front and back paper.;sensitizing ink.;premium grade carbonless.;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.138&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following statements BEST characterizes form identification numbers?&Each part in a multipart form should have a form number&Form backers need not include the form number;Form numbers should be placed in unit set stubs;Most forms in existence today have form numbers;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.139&mcs&0&Y&When coated enamel stock is to be printed on an impact printer, which of the following should be specified to MINIMIZE rub-off of the variable data?&Print a matte coating over variable print areas at time of manufacture&Use a mylar ribbon;Heat dry after execution;Apply a fixative after execution;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.140&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the best title for a form whose purpose is to record employee consent for a deduction from payroll?&Payroll Deduction Authorization&Employee Deduction Approval Form;Deduction Consent;Payroll Deduction Form;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.141&mcs&0&Y&Extensive terms and conditions on a form should be set in upper and lower case type to&accommodate more text in less space.&allow for left and right justification.;minimize leading required.;conform to legal standards.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.142&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is most appropriate for a two-part unit set which is printed in reflex blue ink, with a blockout on part 2?&Carbon color blue&Carbon color black;Self-contained;Mechanical transfer;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.143&mcs&0&Y&Coated stock is NOT the best paper choice for four-color process printing when&the form is to be scanned.&remoistenable glue is to be used.;special perforations are required.;the form is to be imaged on an impact printer.;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.144&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following continuous forms configurations if glued left and right would most likely exhibit tenting problems?&15# CB, 14# CFB, 105# CF&15# Bond, 12# Bond, 15# Bond;15# Bond, 12# Bond, 32# Ledger;15# CB, 14# CFB, 15# CF;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.145&mcs&0&Y&Heavy text is best set in upper and lower case&serif.&italics.;sans serif.;reverse type.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.146&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is generally NOT provided by a form title?&A control identification for forms management&A deterrent to using the wrong form;A starting point for a forms analysis evaluation;A key to the form application use;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.146&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is generally NOT provided by a form title?&A control identification for forms management&A deterrent to using the wrong form;A starting point for a forms analysis evaluation;A key to the form application use;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.147&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most important factor in electronic screen format design?&Source document&Configuration of keys on the key pad;Light intensity in the user area;Print program;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.148&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is characterisitic of Facing Identification Marks (FIM)?&Change depending on type of mail&Can only be used on Business Reply Mail;Appear at the bottom of an envelope and represent the addressee zip code;Indicate the class of mail being sent;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.149&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following should be done when designing a window envelope to be electronically sorted by the U.S. Postal Service?&Avoid preprinting on the envelope in the postal scan area&Print a dark blockout inside the envelope to prevent show-through of data;Allow for an <i>Attention:</i> line to appear through window below the full address;Place addressee window in any position other than upper left or right corner;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.150&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following should be considered first when redesigning a continuous form to a self-mailer?&Software flexibility and printer specs&Current envelope size and window location;Die cutting and paper grades;Postal permits and zip code sorting;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.151&mcs&0&Y&Image quality may be improved on the last part of a multipart continuous form when colored papers and black ink are required by using&canary paper.&salmon paper.;goldenrod paper.;pink paper.;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.152&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the appropriate spacing for most forms that can be either typed or handwritten?&3/5&Elite;It depends on the form size;1/6;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.153&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is a potential problem when substituting hot melt glue for cold glue on continuous forms?&Unfastening with age&Increase in tenting problems;Misregistration of multiple-part forms;Less flexibility;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.154&mcs&0&Y&In forms layout, the caption used in box design should&request a single piece of information.&use as many abbreviations as possible.;be printed in upper and lower case letters.;match the type that will be used for the variable data.;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.155&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following best describes why screened rules in the body of a form are a valuable graphic technique?&They do not conflict with variable data&They compliment solid type and reverses;They attract the eye to that area;They highlight critical information;&&&&n&III-B-4.0&&&&
cdc3.156&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is an accurate description of form numbers?&The form number should be placed in a consistent location&A form number is well located in the tear-off margin of a continuous form;A form's revision date or number is usually omitted as a part of the form number;Form backers should not include form numbers;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.157&mcs&0&Y&In a conventional envelope/unit set combination, how is the envelope most commonly attached to the unit set?&Glue dots&Transfer tape;Cross-web gluing;Sewing;&&&&n&III-C-11.0&&&&
cdc3.158&mcs&0&Y&The major advantage of using upper and lower case type for lengthy instructions is that it &can be read faster and more accurately.&looks better.;takes less space.;can be justified more easily.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.159&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following should be considered first to MINIMIZE ink tracking on a press?&Screening the image&Specifying 24 lb or heavier paper;Reversing the column and box headings;Using dark ink;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.160&mcs&0&Y&A furniture manufacturer is using a 14 7/8" x 8 1/2" carbon-interleaved, continuous six-part invoice printed in process blue ink. Costing information is printed at the right side of the form in an area vertically free of other computer generated or preprinted information. Which of the following methods represents the most effective way to keep the company receiving invoice plies 1 and 2 from reading cost information?&Narrow plies and carbons&Pattern carbons;Horizontal perfs;Printed blockouts;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.161&mcs&0&Y&In a carbon interleaved form, blockouts are most effective when&used in combination with a pattern carbon.&printed in black ink.;placed in the front of the set.;placed farther back in the set.;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.162&mcs&0&Y&Combined forms design of a unit set form would NOT make use of &side by side construction.&two-way write.;carrier mounting.;part to part construction.;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.163&mcs&0&Y&In a five-part chemical-mated set, how many CFB sheets are required?&Three&Four;One;Two;&&&&n&III-C-8.0&&&&
cdc3.164&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is an advantage of using reverse type?&It attracts the eye &It reduces eye strain;It is easier to print;It promotes corporate image;&&&&n&III-B-4.0&&&&
cdc3.165&mcs&0&Y&What is the most important factor to be considered in designing a cut-sheet mailer?&Postal regulations&Fastening technique;Clear folding instructions;Data placement as related to the address;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.166&mcs&0&Y&If a cut sheet form is to be run on a high-speed laser printer, what type of ink is required?&Heat resistant&Sensitizing;Non-reflective;Magnetic;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.167&mcs&0&Y&In designing combined forms, it is LEAST important to consider whether or not&forms from the A/R cycle are combined with A/P forms.&many of the data elements are common to each of the forms being combined.;usage of the forms is similar.;a common construction is practical.;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.168&mcs&0&Y&If a self-contained sheet is used as part 2 in a three-part continuous letterhead, part 3 should use a &self-contained sheet.&bond sheet compatible with carbonless paper.;CB sheet.;CF sheet.;&&&&n&III-C-8.0&&&&
cdc3.169&mcs&0&Y&If a check is to be printed on carbonless paper, which of the following would be the correct paper specifications?&26# CB White, 14# CFB Blue, 15# CF Canary&24# White Ledger, 12# Blue Bond, 15# Canary Bond;15# CB White, 14# CFB Blue, 15# CF Canary;27# CF White, 14# CFB Blue, 15# CB Canary;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.170&mcs&0&Y&Custom watermarks which do not meet a paper manufacturer's minimum quantity can be produced using a &chemical process.&raised die pattern.;recessed die pattern.;heat fusion technique.;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.171&mcs&0&Y&If desensitizing is wanted on part 3 of a chemical-mated carbonless form, it is necessary to &selectively apply desensitizing ink to the CF coating on part 3.&selectively apply desensitizing ink only to the CB coating on part 2.;print a light coating of desensitized ink to the CB coating on part 2, and print a blockout on the CF coating of part 3.;apply desensitizing ink on all parts in the related area.;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.172&mcs&0&Y&Providing a construction diagram will allow the manufacturer to double-check specifications for &additional glue lines in stub.&relationship of copy to stripe carbon.;relationship of copy to pattern carbon.;paper type.;&&&&n&III-C-3.0&&&&
cdc3.173&mcs&0&Y&A client has ordered 10M four-part invoices and is concerned about the readability of the fourth sheet. Which of the following paper sequences should be recommended to the client?&White, green, pink, canary&White, canary, pink, goldenrod;White, canary, pink, blue,;White, canary, pink, green;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.174&mcs&0&Y&DIAGRAMThe <i>XXXXXX</i> symbol on the bottom of the check refers to the&MICR consecutive numbering positions.&Amount field.;Arabic numbering position.;area for bank routing numbers.;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.175&mcs&0&Y&Perforations on cut sheet forms for a high-speed laser printer should be &smooth.&loose.;on 16# paper.;litho perfed.;&&&&n&III-C-9.0&&&&
cdc3.176&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is a PRIMARY consideration when combining two forms into one?&More than half the data is the same&Forms are used in the same department;Forms are approximately the same size;Forms can be run side by side;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.177&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is characteristic of a good forms title?&Helps the reader quickly understand the purpose of the form&Facilitates reordering by providing essential information;Ensures proper routing of the parts;Tells the reader how to complete the form;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.178&mcs&0&Y&Use of a functional description is a good practice when creating&forms titles.&systems numbering.;construction specifications.;forms layout.;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.179&mcs&0&Y&A user is having a problem with a continuous form printed at 6 LPI. In the top portion of each form, the variable information registers correctly with the preprinted form, but by the time the form has advanced to the bottom one-third, the variable information is no longer in registration. What is most likely the cause of the problem?&The form is spaced in picas&The printer is set up for 10 CPI;The form is designed to print 8 LPI instead of 6 LPI;The tractors are stretching the paper;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.180&mcs&0&Y&Transfer tape used for closing a return envelope of a continuous mailer usually will&run parallel to the line-hole punching.&be at least 3/4 of an inch wide.;not be applied to carbonizing bond.;run parallel to cross-web perforation.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.181&mcs&0&Y&The primary use of a void pantograph is to &deter duplication on a copier.&relieve manufacturer of liability.;identify originating source.;enhance appearance of document.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.182&mcs&0&Y&The primary purpose of the mid-perforation is to &separate the form from the envelope.&help eliminate tending on the envelope.;act as a parallel to register the horizontal glue line.;fold in half for easy filing.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.183&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is LEAST characteristic of sewing a multipart business form?&Used in place of fugitive glue&Very flexible;Very permanent;Requires additional line hole margin width;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.184&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most accurate way to prepare postnet bar codes for U.S. business reply mail?&Have U.S. Postal Service provide artwork&Photocopy previously printed pieces ;Refer to U.S. Postal Service regulations;Have U.S. Postal Service provide facing identification marks (FIM);&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.185&mcs&0&Y&Type size is measured in&points only.&1/10's and 1/6's.;picas and points.;picas only.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.186&mcs&0&Y&What is the best type of style for easy reading of lengthy instructions?&Upper and lower case serif&Upper case italic;Condensed upper case;Lower case sans serif;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.187&mcs&0&Y&Fugitive gluing is an alternative to &crimping.&cold gluing.;hot melt gluing.;sewing.;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.188&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following fastenings is regarded as most permanent?&Sewing&Opposing crimps;Spot glue;Fugitive glue;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.189&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most effective method of blocking information from one part of a unit set?&Short part&Short carbon;Narrow carbon;Blockout;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.190&mcs&0&Y&Positioning variable print lines on continuous forms to facilitate skipping will&reduce computer printing time.&increase legibility and reading time for the user.;reduce the cost of typesetting the form.;increase manifolding ability of the form.;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.191&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the best form title?&Daily Absentee Report&Record of Daily Expenses;Overdue Account Notification Form;Purchase Order Blank;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.192&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following specialty inks would be used primarily for printing forms that are to be processed on a laser printer?&Heat resistant&OCR;MICR;Desensitizing;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.193&mcs&0&Y&The main purpose of the top perforation is to &close the delivery envelope.&fold over to reinforce the envelope edge.;detach easily for quick access to the envelope content.;provide a tear-off promotional device that will generate interest to open the piece.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.194&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following design suggestions should be made to a client to assure quality on the following four-color graphic? DIAGRAM&Outline each color segment in black so that color-to-color registration will not be as critical&Screen the colors so ink will not track;Run on sheet fed equipment with multiple passes;Separate color segments so that they are not touching;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.195&mcs&0&Y&Where should the form title be placed on a 3" x 5" card filed in a card file drawer?&At the bottom&In the upper left corner;On the left side;At the top;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.196&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the best title for a form whose purpose is to keep track of work missed due to illness?&Employee Absence Record&Absence Sheet;Attendance Form;Time Off Request;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.197&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is characteristic of electronic screen design?&Data items and paper forms should be sequenced in a similar manner&Auto skipping is flower but results in less keying errors than manual skipping;In computing a data element table, three spaces should be allowed for the attribute character;Captions are usually placed above variable data;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.198&mcs&0&Y&A DISADVANTAGE of using a side stub glued form is that &small platen printers may cause skewing.&the form must be die cut.;a processed carbon is required.;the user must touch the carbon paper.;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.199&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is NOT usually a consideration in evaluating forms for combination?&Forms are completed at the same location&Number of parts required is practical for the writing method employed;Usage is similar;There is much common data;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.200&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is NOT a consideration for mail that will be processed by the post office's automated scanning equipment?&Return address should print inside the OCR read area&Bar code read area should be free of any printing except the bar code;Typestyle of the address;Uniform left margin on address;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.201&mcs&0&Y&Instructions which pertain to certain sections of a form should ideally be placed&just above the specific section.&on the backer to save space.;in a large block of the left of the specific section.;at the top of the form with all other instructions.;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.202&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following best describes the form construction below? DIAGRAM&Plies 1 and 2 are detached as a set, and plies 3 and 4 are detached as a separate set&May be machine or hand decollated;Requires two passes through the collator for assembly;Carbon can be extracted in one step;&&&&n&III-C-3.0&&&&
cdc3.203&mcs&0&Y&A micrometer can be used to&determine thte thickness of a forms set.&verify the readability of MICR numbers.;measure the size of type used in microprinting.;determine the proper amount of leading in the typesetting process.;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.204&mcs&0&Y&The Postal Numeric Encoding Technique (POSTNET) bar code to delivery point should consist of a correction character and &zip code 4 2 code.&zip code.;zip code 4 code.;zip code 3 2 code.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.205&mcs&0&Y&If a customer requires the street address and post office box of the company to be printed on the Business Reply Envelopes and wants the reply delivered to the post office box, which of the following must be done?&Post office box should be immediately above the city, state, and zip code line&Post office will not accept the dual address;Zip code needs to reflect the post office box and the street address;Street address should be immediately above the city, state, and zip code line;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.206&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most commonly used temporary continuous forms fastening method?&Crimping&Spot glue;Fugitive glue;Hot glue;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.207&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most appropriate spacing for handwriting?&3 - 5&6 - 10;10 - 6;10 - 8;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.208&mcs&0&Y&In continuous insert mailers, the adhesive to be used in sealing top opening return envelopes should be applied as&remoistenable glue.&latex gum.;transfer tape.;fugitive glue.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.209&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is used to reveal a visible message when an envelope is opened?&Security adhesive&Planchettes;Benday pattern;Security fibers;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.210&mcs&0&Y&On a continuous or unit set form, the form number should be ideally located&in the lower left or lower right corner.&in the perforated linehole margin or stub.;beside the supplier's name and telephone number.;near the corporate logo.;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.211&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following label stock is LEAST suitable for EDP applications?&Cast coated&Matte litho;Smudgeproof;Latex impregnated;&&&&n&III-C-14.0&&&&
cdc3.212&mcs&0&Y&What is the most common cause of frequently encountered problems when computer printing continuous insert mailers?&Too thick mailer set&Misregistration from ply to ply;Static buildup;Hanging punches;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.213&mcs&0&Y&Why is the following mailing envelope classified as a flat by the U.S. Postal Service? DIAGRAM&Envelope is not addressed in accordance with postal specifications for letter-sized mail&Lack of a Facing Identification Mark;Lack of a postal bar code on the face of the envelope;The 6 1/8 inch x 11 1/2 inch dimension exceeds the maximum size qualification for letter-size;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.214&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following techniques should be used to minimuze potential problems when back printing CB and CFB carbonless paper?&Screening&Reverse printing;Printing in solid inks;Using 7 point type or larger;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.215&mcs&0&Y&On a point of sale roll, which of the following indicates the roll is nearing its end?&Warning marks&Trim marks;Timing marks;Skunk marks;&&&&n&III-C-19.0&&&&
cdc3.216&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the only type of cross-web glued envelope usable on automatic mail opening equipment?&Top opening with remoistenable glue&Side opening without thumb notch;Top opening with a double glue line;Side opening with thumb notch;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.217&mcs&0&Y&To ensure that a client's direct mail is processed in an efficient and timely manner, signed approval for packaging design, postal handling, and rates should come from&the Postal Service Center from which the piece will be mailed.&the Postal Service Center to which the piece will be delivered.;the office of the Postmaster General.;any U.S. Postal Service Bulk Mail Center.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.218&mcs&0&Y&When should a graphic effect be minimized in a form?&When used for faxing&When consistency of forms is required;When used for company letterhead;When engraving;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.219&mcs&0&Y&Warmth in a printed piece can be best achieved by selecting which of the following paper shades?&Cream white&Pink white;Blue white;Green white;&&&&n&III-B-2.0&&&&
cdc3.220&mcs&0&Y&To subjectively change the spacing between letters, which of the following should be adjusted?&Kerning&Font size;Characters per inch;Leading;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.221&mcs&0&Y&Black is added as a fourth color in four-color process printing to &enhance detail in highlights and middle tones.&allow use of black type and graphics.;achieve gray balance.;enhance detail in dark shadow areas.;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.222&mcs&0&Y&In the manufacturing process round corners on die cut labels are preferred because&the matrix ladder is strengthened.&labels look cleaner.;tick marks are avoided.;the dies are much less expensive.;&&&&n&III-C-14.0&&&&
cdc3.223&mcs&0&Y&When preprinting an image on a direct thermal roll product, what is the best method of preventing ink from flaking?&Print on the uncoated side&Print a phantom image on the coated side;Apply a flood coat of ink to the uncoated side;Print the coated side with thermographic inks;&&&&n&III-C-19.0&&&&
cdc3.224&mcs&0&Y&The amoung of space between the POSTNET bar code and the left and right edges of an envelope window should be a MINIMUM of &1/8 of an inch.&1/2 of an inch.;2 3/4 inches.;1/25 of an inch.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.225&mcs&0&Y&For efficient processing the best form/label combination to be used in a laser printer would be &integrated.&twin-web.;tipped on.;blown on.;&&&&n&III-C-13.0&&&&
cdc3.226&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following inks would NOT be considered a security ink?&MICR&Erasable;Fluorescent;Thermochromic;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.227&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following types of labels would be the best alternative to elaborate packaging?&Prime&Thermal transfer;Laser compatible;EDP;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.228&mcs&0&Y&What is the major consideration when preprinting on the face of direct thermal media?&Ink is scuff and heat resistant&Colors of ink used in reprinting;Speed of printer;Symbology of bar code used;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.229&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following should be used when designing envelopes that will be used on automated inserting equipment?&Split gumming&Self-sealing;Transfer tape;Full flap gumming;&&&&n&III-C-15.0&&&&
cdc3.230&mcs&0&Y&Interrupt gluing is a manufacturing technique used to remedy which of the following continuous forms problems?&Tenting&Tearing;Bursting;Decollating;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.231&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is a security feature that results in a blended ink effect that is difficult to copy?&Prismatic printing&Pantograph;Hologram;Benday pattern;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.232&mcs&0&Y&Considering the construction features of the form after it has been printed by the end user, what is most likely to happen?&Parts 1 and 2 will be removed from the printer and part 3 will remain in the printer&After a daily run of forms, parts 1 and 2 will be decollated off and burst into sets and part 3 will remain as a file copy;Parts 1 and 2 will be placed in a file for record keeping and part 3 will be given to the customer;All three parts will be torn off the printer with parts 1 and 2 forming a unit set and part 3 remains as a file copy;&&&&n&III-C-7.0&&&&
cdc3.233&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is a mailing piece that requires the recipients to affix postage?&Courtesy reply&Carrier route sort;Bulk;Cusiness reply;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.234&mcs&0&Y&Questions 1 - 2 are based on teh following diagram of a three-part carbonless, continuous form glued between prats 1 and 2 inside the left margin perforation. DIAGRAM The V-cut in the upper left corner of the form&makes the form easier to separate from the margin perfs.&controls tenting in the glued margin.;creates a timing mark for bursting the form.;alerts the user that this is a demand printer form.;&&&&n&III-C-7.0&&&&
cdc3.235&mcs&0&Y&To improve manifolding capabilities, the forms designer should specify&lightweight paper.&recycled paper.;long-grain paper.;short-grain paper.;&&&&n&III-C-8.0&&&&
cdc3.236&mcs&0&Y&When used as a security feature, microprinting is effective at exposing fraudulent copies because it&uses type which typical copiers and scanners either cannot reproduce or produce as a solid line.&uses a light screen which is ultraviolet light sensitive and can be seen with special viewers.;uses small amounts of multiple colors to confuse the copier which cannot reproduce the colors accurately.;incorporates the small printing of the word <i>copy</i> at various spots on the document which show up when the document is copied.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.237&mcs&0&Y&When specifying traditional screen density for a job, which of the following should be indicated?&Lines per inch and percentage&Gray scale and percentage;Percentage and dot shape;Lines per inch and dot shape;&&&&n&III-B-4.0&&&&
cdc3.238&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following best describes forms mapping?&Providing instructions for links to data base&Designing the form using graphic design software;Illustrating or charting paperwork flow in a system;Preparing a rough sketch of the form showing the locations of particular sections;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.239&mcs&0&Y&When used on a form construction diagram, the following symbol represents DIAGRAM&gluing.&crimping.;spot gluing.;perforating.;&&&&n&III-C-3.0&&&&
cdc3.240&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following characterizes an "intelligent" form?&Has the ability to edit or calculate certain fields in the form&Must be output on a high volume laser printer;Contains self-carbonizing areas;Follows the data entry sequence exactly;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.241&mcs&0&Y&Imaging problems when back printing on carbonless paper can be MINIMIZED by &avoiding large solids and using screens on the backs of CB and CFB.&using gray ink for back printing.;using heavier weight CB and CFB.;using inks that dry by absorption instead of oxidation.;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.242&mcs&0&Y&When designing electronic screen formats, which of the following is the recommended placement for a caption?&To the left of the variable data entry field, on the same horizontal line&Below the variable data entry field, with underscores to show the data entry field;Directly above the variable data entry field;To the left of the variable data entry field, on the line above;&&&&n&III-A-11.0&&&&
cdc3.243&mcs&0&Y&which of the following is illustrated in the following diagram? DIAGRAM&Business reply mailing piece&Presorted mailing piece;Courtesy reply mailing piece;Standard mailing piece;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.244&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following security features is covert?&Ultraviolet fluorescent fibers&Microprinting;Planchettes;Cylinder mold watermark;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.245&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following should be AVOIDED when designing the print format for mailers?&High-speed skipping&Single line skipping;Preprinted postal indicia;A write-through area;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.246&mcs&0&Y&A returned goods authorization letter is being imaged on a desktop laser printer with the accompanying return label currently being hand typed. The most effective label/form construction for this application would be&an integrated label.&a blown-on label.;a piggyback label.;a tipped-on label.;&&&&n&III-C-13.0&&&&
cdc3.247&mcs&0&Y&The OCR read area on a standard envelope is the area which includes the &mailing address.&permit indicia.;facing identification marks.;return address.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.248&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is a primary DISADVANTAGE to check security features such as watermarked paper stock and microprinting?&They require training to detect &A licensing fee must be paid by the company using the checks;Their cost exceeds the potential loss of altered or counterfeited checks;They increase production time significantly;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.249&mcs&0&Y&When reviewing the forms used within a business cycle, which of the following factors indicates potential for combining two or more forms into one form?&The same frequency of use&Common form sizes between the forms;The same number of copies in each form;Common paper colors between the forms;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.250&mcs&0&Y&Questions 1-2 are based on the following diagram of a demand printing application. DIAGRAM For ply 4 to remain in the top tractor when parts 1, 2, and 3 are removed, which of the following is necessary?&The margin perforations must be loose to easily extract plies 1, 2, and 3&Plies 1, 2, and 3 must not be glued;The form cannot be carbonless paper;The lineholes must be extracted with plies 1, 2, and 3;&&&&n&III-C-7.0&&&&
cdc3.251&mcs&0&Y&Why does the addressed envelope shown below present an OCR postal processing problem? DIAGRAM&Non-address printing appears below the delivery address line&Top of first address line is higher than 2 1/4 inches from bottom edge of envelope;No bar code is present denoting zip code;Use of all upper case characters in address area;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.252&mcs&0&Y&A method of obtaining more available manifolding area on a carbon interleaved unit set is to use carbons which are &feather-edged.&short.;narrow.;patterned.;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.253&mcs&0&Y&In the diagram below, which specification is NOT correct? DIAGRAM&1/2 inch bar code ink jet print area and bar code sorter read area&3 inches from bottom of envelope to top line of address;6 1/8 inches maximum height for machinable letter size mail;11 1/2 inches maximum length for machinable letter size mail;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.254&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is illustrated in the application?&Glued left parts 1, 2, and 3&White, canary, pink, and white bond papers;Crimped right only;Perforated left only 1 and 2;&&&&n&III-C-7.0&&&&
cdc3.255&mcs&0&Y&To avoide printer jamming, multiple-part, continuous mailers should be designed to &minimize high-speed skipping.&use the heaviest paper weights possible.;utilize two-wide constructions whenever possible.;take advantage of left and right alternating glue lines.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.256&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is a main benefit of stochastic screening?&It eliminates moire patterns&It is ideal for silk screen production;Less ink is used in the printing process;The dot pattern of the screen is clearly defined;&&&&n&III-B-4.0&&&&
cdc3.257&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is MOST important to remember when printing a business reply card for a client?&Appended zip code complies with automation standards&FIM marks must be printed in full value black;Minimum acceptable weight for a business reply card is 125# tag stock;Only printing allowed on the face of the reply card is the address and the facing identification marks;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.258&mcs&0&Y&When designing a pressure-sensitive label that will have 25 print positions in 10 pitch, what is the minimum suggested overall width of the label?&26 tenths&27 tenths;28 tenths;25 tenths;&&&&n&III-C-14.0&&&&
cdc3.259&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is most frequently used to display routing information on multiple part forms?&Marginal words&Crop marks;Overprinting;Stub printing;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.260&mcs&0&Y&When designing a cut sheet label for a desktop, heat fusion laser, which of the following would most likely cause problems?&Butt cut face slit labels&Rubber based adhesive;Acrylic based adhesive;Die-cut removed labels;&&&&n&III-C-14.0&&&&
cdc3.261&mcs&0&Y&Which type of proof should be requested in order to check the proper spacing of print positions on a continuous form?&Film positive &Diffusion transfer;Dry contact;Progressive;&&&&n&III-B-4.0&&&&
cdc3.262&mcs&0&Y&In which of the following would crimping be the most appropriate technique?&Three-part continuous carbonless form&Four-part insert mailer;Four-part inert mailer;Four-part bond and carbon unit set;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.263&mcs&0&Y&Intermittent gluing is a method of continuous form gluing that &stops approximately 1/2 to 1 inch before and after fold perforations.&places spots of glue 1/2 to 1 inch apart, alternating their alignment between parts.;glues forms on alternative margins.;temporarily fastens every other form set to reduce tenting.;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.264&mcs&0&Y&If a form requires permanent gluing and is approaching the printer's maximum thickness and tenting problems need to be reduced, what type of gluing should be specified?&Intermittent&Line;Fugitive;Cross-web;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.265&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most commonly used continuous forms fastening method?&Crimping&Tape lock;Spot gluing;Cold gluing;&&&&n&III-C-2.0&&&&
cdc3.266&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most important objective in good forms design?&Ensure forms efficiency&Improve corporate image;Make forms pleasing to the eye;Reduce number of type styles;&&&&n&III-A.0&&&&
cdc3.267&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is recommended in the design of a courtesy reply envelope that will be mailed to a customer?&Bar code and FIM only&Postal permit number only;Postal permit and bar code only;Bar code, postal permit number, and FIM;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.268&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following would best suit a label for use in extreme outdoor weather conditions or with harsh cleaning fluids?&Overlaminating&Embossing;Varnishing;Silkscreening;&&&&n&III-C-14.0&&&&
cdc3.269&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following best describes the POSTNET bar code?&A scannable representation of a zip code&A modified UPC-E bar code;An alpha/numeric bar code;A scannable representation of the FIM mark;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.270&mcs&0&Y&Thermal reactive ink is used as a verification device on negotiable documents because it &disappears with increases in temperature.&glows under black light.;creates a simulated watermark.;reacts with fluorescent fibers when copied.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.271&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following types of forms is most cost-effectively adapted to an on-demand printing application?&Cut sheet&Peel back mailer;Multipart continuous form;Unit set;&&&&n&III-C-9.0&&&&
cdc3.272&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is most important to know before combining business forms?&Common data&Paper sequence;Sizes;Usage;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.273&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following describes an eyelet?&Metal reinforcement used to strengthen a hole on a tag&Metal opening on a forms printer for aligning continuous forms;Top hole, right and left, on a continuous form which will be bound in books;Hole created when continuous forms are stitched together;&&&&n&III-C-17.0&&&&
cdc3.274&mcs&0&Y&On a rotary-produced insert mailer, how much lockup space is required on the finished size?&None&1/8 of an inch;1/4 of an inch;3/8 of an inch;&&&&n&III-A-6.0&&&&
cdc3.275&mcs&0&Y&Prismatic security background printing is best accomplished by &splitting an ink fountain with different ink colors.&mixing numerous ink colors in a single fountain and printing with a licensed void screen.;overcoating a pantograph with invisible ink of a security logo.;printing multiple ink colors from different offset units with different screen densities.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.276&mcs&0&Y&In a two-way mailer construction, what is the most commonly used closure for the return envelope?&Remoistenable glue&Latex gum;Wafer seal;Transfer tape;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.277&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following will best help a direct mailer minimize postal cost?&POSTNET bar coding&Business reply permit;Facing identification marks;Zip 4;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.278&mcs&0&Y&When a hologram used as a security feature is photocopied, the hologram on the copy will appear&one dimensional.&three dimensional.;dark, but the words <i>VOID</i> will be visible on top of hologram.;white, but the words <i>VOID</i> will be visible on top of the hologram.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.279&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following best describes small tissue dots embedded in paper that look like confetti and increase the security of documents?&Planchettes&Chemical reactants;Artificial watermarks;Void pantograph;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.280&mcs&0&Y&Remoistenable glue is often used in two-way mailer construction because it is less bulky than&transfer tape.&fugitive glue.;cross-web glue.;interrupt glue.;&&&&n&III-C-6.0&&&&
cdc3.281&mcs&0&Y&A multipart form must be designed for use where the client will receive part 1. If there is information on the form which should be seen only by the originator, which of the following construction methods would be most economical and effective?&Drop stub perforation&Block out;Pattern carbon;Desensitized area;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&
cdc3.282&mcs&0&Y&Where must the facing identification mark (FIM) be properly positioned on Business Reply Mail for successful automated processing?&Upper right&Bottom right;Bottom center;Upper left;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.283&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following best describes adjustment of spacing between characters?&Kerning&Trapping;Transposing;Leading;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.284&mcs&0&Y&Vertical printer spacing is measured in&lines per inch.&characters per inch.;pitch.;points.;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.285&mcs&0&Y&A format that will be written both by hand and machine should be designed with &3-5 inch spacing.&6-10 inch spacing.;6-12 inch spacing.;8-12 inch spacing.;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.286&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is a security feature that produces geometric lines, circles, and patterns in screened areas of a document?&Moire&Watermark;Microprinting;Void;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.287&mcs&0&Y&In printing, which of the following is characterized by the term "3 over 1"?&3 inks on one side, 1 ink on the other&3 PMS colors and black to create process color;3 ink colors on 1 sheet;A 3-page job in 1 color ink;&&&&n&III-B-1.0&&&&
cdc3.288&mcs&0&Y&FIM bar coded patterns are required on all&courtesy reply envelopes.&self-mailing labels.;closed faced envelopes.;continuous mailers.;&&&&n&III-A-10.0&&&&
cdc3.289&mcs&0&Y&Ascender and descender are characteristics of &typefaces.&flow charts.;MICR numbers.;security features.;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.290&mcs&0&Y&What is the most common line spacing for continuous forms?&6 lines per inch&8 lines per inch;10 lines per inch;4 lines per inch;&&&&n&III-A-3.0&&&&
cdc3.291&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following security features requires using a composition process?&Microprinting&Fluorescent fibers;Fourdrinier watermarks;Planchettes;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.292&mcs&0&Y&If a company wants to add variable data to a label that would be exposed to direct sunlight, water, and abrasion, which of the following would be the best solution?&Polyester printed with resin-based ribbon&Polyester printed with dot matrix printer;Spun olefin printed with a wax ribbon;Spun olefin printed with laser printer;&&&&n&III-C-14.0&&&&
cdc3.293&mcs&0&Y&If a retail outlet needs price tags that would be exposed to direct sunlight, which of the following would be the best solution?&Thermal transfer with plain paper&Direct thermal with fluorescent paper;Thermal transfer with fluorescent paper;Direct thermal with plain paper;&&&&n&III-C-17.0&&&&
cdc3.294&mcs&0&Y&How should paper forms with box design be captioned?&In the upper left with 5 or 6 pt sans serif type in all upper case letters&In the lower left with 8 pt sans serif type in upper and lower case letters;In the upper left with 8 pt serif type;At lower left with 5 or 6 pt sans serif type with all capital letters;&&&&n&III-A-4.0&&&&
cdc3.295&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following printer specifications is most important to consider when selecting form fastening?&Paper path&Pin diameter;Lines per minutes (LPM);Stub margin clearance;&&&&n&III-C-4.0&&&&
cdc3.296&mcs&0&Y&When a form is to be faxed, which of the following special effects can be used with the least amount of scanning problems?&Use of rules in various weights to separate sections&Screened areas;Color to highlight blocks of space;Reverse column heading;&&&&n&III-B-4.0&&&&
cdc3.297&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following forms could be most successfully combined?&Sales order, production order, and picking ticket&Sales order, warehouse picking ticket, and customer address change;Sales order, purchase request, and invoice;Customer invoice, purchase order, and sales order;&&&&n&III-A-9.0&&&&
cdc3.298&mcs&0&Y&To increase the amount of white space between the lines of text in the paragraph below, which of the following should be increased? DIAGRAM&Leading&Tracking;Letterspacing;Kerning;&&&&n&III-B-3.0&&&&
cdc3.299&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the MINIMUM grain long paper weight that can be used for bank checks?&20 lb bond&22 lb bond;24 lb bond;18 lb bond;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.300&mcs&0&Y&The payee endorsement area on a check should appear at the &trailing edge of the back of the check extending no more than 1 1/2 inches into check.&trailing edge of the front of the check extrending no more than 1 1/2 inches into check.;leading edge of the back of the check extending no more than a 1/2 inch into check.;leading edge of the back of the check extending no more than 4 inches into check.;&&&&n&III-C-16.0&&&&
cdc3.301&mcs&0&Y&A planchette can best be described as &colored disks embedded in paper or similar material.&small randomly placed fibers of various colors.;intricate geometric lines or patterns in the border or background of an image.;random shaped patterns in the background of scratch-off tickets.;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.302&mcs&0&Y&If the brochure below must be mechanically inserted into a 6" x 9" booklet window envelope so that the imaged area shows through the window, how should the envelope be manufactured and the brochure inserted to avoid having the brochure pop open or bind in the envelope? DIAGRAM&Manufacture the envelope with a bottom flap and insert brochure <i>fold A</i> first&Manufacture the envelope with a side flap and insert brochure <i>side B</i> first;Manufacture the envelope with top flap and insert brochure <i>fold D</i> first;Manufacture the envelope with a bottom flap and insert brochure <i>fold D</i> first;&&&&n&III-C-15.0&&&&
cdc3.303&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the best title for a form originally titled "Report of the Rejection of a Grievance"?&Grievance Rejection Report&Grievance Rejection Form;Report of Rejection - Grievance;Rejection of a Grievance Report;&&&&n&III-A-7.0&&&&
cdc3.304&mcs&0&Y&What is the generally accepted manufacturing coating tolerance of pattern carbon?&1/16 of an inch&1/10 of an inch;1/8 of an inch;1/6 of an inch;&&&&n&III-C-5.0&&&&
cdc3.305&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the most important factor to be considered when selecting the width and adhesive for transfer tape?&Surface to which the form is to adhere&Type of manufacturer's equipment that is to apply the tape;Number of parts in the set;Thickness of the release liner;&&&&n&III-C-20.0&&&&
cdc3.306&mcs&0&Y&When designing documents with security features, which of the following would comprise the best strategy?&Using a combination of features based on different technologies and using both overt and covert features&Using only one specific feature best suited to the application and technology at hand;Using as many covert features as possible;Using as many overt features as possible;&&&&n&III-D.0&&&&
cdc3.307&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following methods is most frequently used to display routing information on multiple part forms?&Marginal words&Stub printing;Crop printing;Overprinting;&&&&n&III-A-5.0&&&&
cdc3.308&mcs&0&Y&Which of the following is the primary weakness in a two-way-write unit set with pre-printed line items that uses carbon stripe coating on both sides?&No single part has all of the original writing&Forms of this type cannot be bound in books;Its overall size is normally too large for convenient handling;It is not possible to designate an area in which to handwrite;&&&&n&III-A-8.0&&&&