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tutor&Tutorial Practice Test&Y.0&6&std&&&0&&&0&8&N&10&Y&20&N&Y&Y&0&0&001&3&0&&Y.Y.N.N.Y.N.N&&&01/01/1999-00:00&12/31/2009-00:00&Y.N..1......N.Y&N....&&&&1&enu.N.N.N..Y&&N
aircraft&Identifying Transport Aircraft&Y.0&15&std&&&0&&&0&7&Y&10&Y&20&N&N&N&&&&2&1&
samp1&Adhesives and Sealants&Y.0&5&std&samp-nda&&0&&&0&5&N&10&Y&20&N&Y&Y&&&&0&0&
samp-nda&Sample NDA&&&cfa&&&0&&&3&1&N&&N&&N&N&N&0&0&&0&0&&&&&01/01/2004-00:00&12/31/2009-00:00&&N....&&<blockquote><font size=3><STRONG>Confidentiality Agreement</strong></font><br><br>Candidate <b>may not</b>:<br><br><UL><LI>Receive assistance from another person in completing the exam</li><LI>Allow another person to complete all or part of the exam on their behalf</li><LI>Discuss or otherwise share with anyone the content of the exam </li></ul><br><br><B><br>Individual Certification<br><br> </b>I certify that: <br><br><UL><LI>I have read all of the examination terms and conditions</li><LI>I will complete this exam in compliance with all examination terms and conditions, as explained herein.</li></ul><br><br><br>To proceed with this exam you must click "I Accept" these terms. If you click "I Decline" you will not be allowed to take the exam.</blockquote>&&&&&