This framework is based on log4j (see {@link log4j} for details).


Design, strategies and part of the methods documentation are developed by log4j team * (Ceki Gülcü as log4j project founder and * {@link contributors}).

* *

PHP port, extensions and modifications by VxR. All rights reserved.
* For more information, please see {@link}.

* *

This software is published under the terms of the LGPL License * a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the LICENSE file.

* * @package log4php * @subpackage layouts */ /** * @ignore */ if (!defined('LOG4PHP_DIR')) define('LOG4PHP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); if (!defined('LOG4PHP_LINE_SEP')) { if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows") { /** * @ignore */ define('LOG4PHP_LINE_SEP', "\r\n"); } else { /** * @ignore */ define('LOG4PHP_LINE_SEP', "\n"); } } /** */ require_once(LOG4PHP_DIR . '/LoggerLayout.php'); /** * String constant designating no time information. Current value of * this constant is NULL. */ define ('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_LAYOUT_NULL_DATE_FORMAT', 'NULL'); /** * String constant designating relative time. Current value of * this constant is RELATIVE. */ define ('LOG4PHP_LOGGER_LAYOUT_RELATIVE_TIME_DATE_FORMAT', 'RELATIVE'); /** * TTCC layout format consists of time, thread, category and nested * diagnostic context information, hence the name. * *

Each of the four fields can be individually enabled or * disabled. The time format depends on the DateFormat used.

* *

If no dateFormat is specified it defaults to '%c'. * See php {@link PHP_MANUAL#date} function for details.

* * Params: * - {@link $threadPrinting} (true|false) enable/disable pid reporting. * - {@link $categoryPrefixing} (true|false) enable/disable logger category reporting. * - {@link $contextPrinting} (true|false) enable/disable NDC reporting. * - {@link $microSecondsPrinting} (true|false) enable/disable micro seconds reporting in timestamp. * - {@link $dateFormat} (string) set date format. See php {@link PHP_MANUAL#date} function for details. * * @author VxR * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ * @package log4php * @subpackage layouts */ class LoggerLayoutTTCC extends LoggerLayout { // Internal representation of options var $threadPrinting = true; var $categoryPrefixing = true; var $contextPrinting = true; var $microSecondsPrinting = true; /** * @var string date format. See {@link PHP_MANUAL#strftime} for details */ var $dateFormat = '%c'; /** * Constructor * * @param string date format * @see dateFormat */ function LoggerLayoutTTCC($dateFormat = '') { if (!empty($dateFormat)) $this->dateFormat = $dateFormat; return; } /** * The ThreadPrinting option specifies whether the name of the * current thread is part of log output or not. This is true by default. */ function setThreadPrinting($threadPrinting) { $this->threadPrinting = is_bool($threadPrinting) ? $threadPrinting : (bool)(strtolower($threadPrinting) == 'true'); } /** * @return boolean Returns value of the ThreadPrinting option. */ function getThreadPrinting() { return $this->threadPrinting; } /** * The CategoryPrefixing option specifies whether {@link Category} * name is part of log output or not. This is true by default. */ function setCategoryPrefixing($categoryPrefixing) { $this->categoryPrefixing = is_bool($categoryPrefixing) ? $categoryPrefixing : (bool)(strtolower($categoryPrefixing) == 'true'); } /** * @return boolean Returns value of the CategoryPrefixing option. */ function getCategoryPrefixing() { return $this->categoryPrefixing; } /** * The ContextPrinting option specifies log output will include * the nested context information belonging to the current thread. * This is true by default. */ function setContextPrinting($contextPrinting) { $this->contextPrinting = is_bool($contextPrinting) ? $contextPrinting : (bool)(strtolower($contextPrinting) == 'true'); } /** * @return boolean Returns value of the ContextPrinting option. */ function getContextPrinting() { return $this->contextPrinting; } /** * The MicroSecondsPrinting option specifies if microseconds infos * should be printed at the end of timestamp. * This is true by default. */ function setMicroSecondsPrinting($microSecondsPrinting) { $this->microSecondsPrinting = is_bool($microSecondsPrinting) ? $microSecondsPrinting : (bool)(strtolower($microSecondsPrinting) == 'true'); } /** * @return boolean Returns value of the MicroSecondsPrinting option. */ function getMicroSecondsPrinting() { return $this->microSecondsPrinting; } function setDateFormat($dateFormat) { $this->dateFormat = $dateFormat; } /** * @return string */ function getDateFormat() { return $this->dateFormat; } /** * In addition to the level of the statement and message, the * returned string includes time, thread, category. *

Time, thread, category are printed depending on options. * * @param LoggerLoggingEvent $event * @return string */ function format($event) { $timeStamp = (float)$event->getTimeStamp(); $format = strftime($this->dateFormat, (int)$timeStamp); if ($this->microSecondsPrinting) { $usecs = round(($timeStamp - (int)$timeStamp) * 1000); $format .= sprintf(',%03d', $usecs); } $format .= ' '; if ($this->threadPrinting) $format .= '['.getmypid().'] '; $level = $event->getLevel(); $format .= $level->toString().' '; if($this->categoryPrefixing) { $format .= $event->getLoggerName().' '; } if($this->contextPrinting) { $ndc = $event->getNDC(); if($ndc != null) { $format .= $ndc.' '; } } $format .= '- '.$event->getRenderedMessage(); $format .= LOG4PHP_LINE_SEP; return $format; } function ignoresThrowable() { return true; } } ?>