Configuration tests
PHP version: =")) { echo 'Ok ('.phpversion().')'; }else { $fatal_error = true; echo 'Fatal error: Your PHP version is too old to run Group-Office. PHP 4.1.0 is required'; } ?>
MySQL support: Fatal error: The MySQL extension is required. So is the MySQL server.'; } ?>
IMAP support: Warning: IMAP extension not installed, E-mail module will not work.'; } ?>
Iconv support: Warning: iconv extension not installed, E-mail module will be unreliable with character encodings.'; } ?>
File upload support: Fatal error: File uploads are disabled. Please set file_uploads=On in php.ini.'; } ?>
Safe mode: Warning: Safe mode is enabled. This may cause trouble with the filesystem module. If you can please set safe_mode=Off in php.ini.'; }else { echo 'Ok'; } ?>

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