Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ require_once("Group-Office.php"); print "step1"; $config_file = $GO_CONFIG->get_config_file(); prit $config_file; /*Uncomment with release! if(file_exists('install')) { echo 'Install directory exists. Click here to install or '. 'upgrade your installation or remove the install directory for security reasons. '; exit(); }elseif(is_writable($config_file)) { echo '\''.$config_file.'\' is writable please chmod 755 '.$config_file.' and change the ownership to any other user then the webserver user.'; exit(); }*/ $task = isset($_REQUEST['task']) ? $_REQUEST['task'] : ''; require_once($GO_LANGUAGE->get_base_language_file('login')); if ($task == "logout") { /* zed -- for bookmarks */ # reset cookies setcookie("BM4U_ROOT", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_USER", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_UID", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_TIME", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_TOKEN", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_GUSER", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_GUID", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_GTIME", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_GTOKEN", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_GUEST_MODE", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_CLIPBRD", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("BM4U_SEARCHES", "", 0, "/"); # echo ""; # echo ""; SetCookie("GO_UN","",time()-3600,"/","",0); SetCookie("GO_PW","",time()-3600,"/","",0); unset($_SESSION); unset($_COOKIE); /* zed - delete _webChat.html file */ $f_path = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['f_path']; $if_path = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['if_path']; if(file_exists($if_path)) { //echo "here".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].$if_path; die(); // fclose($if_path); if(!unlink($if_path)) die(); } if(file_exists($f_path)) { // fclose($f_path); if(!unlink($f_path)) die(); } $GO_SECURITY->logout(); } //when the user is logged in redirect him. if ($GO_SECURITY->logged_in == true) { $start_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module( $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['start_module']); if (isset($_REQUEST['return_to'])) { $link = $_REQUEST['return_to']; }elseif ( $start_module && ( $GO_SECURITY->has_permission( $GO_SECURITY->user_id, $start_module['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $start_module['acl_write']) ) ) { $link = $start_module['url']; }else { $link = $GO_CONFIG->host.'configuration/'; } require_once($GO_THEME->theme_path.""); exit(); } //if form was posted user wants to login //set cookies to remember login before headers are sent if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" || (isset($_COOKIE['GO_UN']) && isset($_COOKIE['GO_PW'])) ) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != "POST") { $remind = true; $password = smart_addslashes($_COOKIE['GO_PW']); $username = smart_addslashes($_COOKIE['GO_UN']); } else { $remind = isset($_POST['remind']) ? true : false; $username = smart_addslashes($_POST['username']); $password = smart_addslashes($_POST['password']); } //check if both fields were filled if (!$username)// || !$password) { $feedback = "


"; } else { SetCookie("GO_AUTH_SOURCE_KEY", $_REQUEST['auth_source_key'], time()+3600*24*30,"/",'',0); $_COOKIE['GO_AUTH_SOURCE_KEY'] = $_REQUEST['auth_source_key']; //attempt login using security class inherited from index.php //$params = isset( $auth_sources[$auth_source]) ? $auth_sources[$auth_source] : false; if ($GO_AUTH->login($username, $password, $_SESSION['auth_source'])) { //login is correct final check if login registration was ok if ($GO_SECURITY->logged_in == true) { if ($remind) { SetCookie("GO_UN",$username,time()+3600*24*30,"/",'',0); SetCookie("GO_PW",$password,time()+3600*24*30,"/",'',0); } //update language if(isset($_POST['SET_LANGUAGE']) && $_POST['SET_LANGUAGE'] != $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['language']['id']) { $GO_USERS->set_language($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $_POST['SET_LANGUAGE']); } if ($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['first_name'] == '' || $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['last_name'] == '' || $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['email'] == '') { header("Location: ".$GO_CONFIG->host. "configuration/index.php"); exit(); }else { // echo "value is ".$username; //exit; $_SESSION["uname"]= $username; $_SESSION['pw']= $password; $start_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['start_module']); #echo("there");exit(); /*( zed - create chat file here */ $uname = $_SESSION['uname']; $pw = $_SESSION['pw']; $f_path = "../webChat/".$uname."_webChat.html"; $if_path = "../webChat/if_".$uname."_webChat.html"; $if_url = "if_".$uname."_webChat.html"; umask(0177); if(!($handle = fopen($if_path, "w"))) { echo "cannot open file ($if_path)"; exit(); } else { $htmlcontent= " AVW webChat
"; if(fwrite($handle , $htmlcontent) == FALSE){ echo "cannot write to file ($f_path)"; exit; } fclose($handle); } if(!($handle = fopen($f_path, "w"))) { echo "cannot open file ($f_path)"; exit(); } else { $htmlcontent= " AVW webChat
"; if(fwrite($handle , $htmlcontent) == FALSE){ echo "cannot write to file ($f_path)"; exit; } fclose($handle); } session_register('f_path'); session_register('if_path'); /* ) */ if(!$start_module || (!$GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id,$start_module['acl_read']) && !$GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id,$start_module['acl_wrtite']))) { if($modules = $GO_MODULES->get_modules_with_locations()) { while($module = array_shift($modules)) { if($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $module['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $module['acl_write'])) { $start_module = $module; $GO_USERS->set_start_module($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $module['id']); break; } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['return_to'])) { $link = $_REQUEST['return_to']; } elseif ($start_module) { $link = $start_module['url']; } else { $link = $GO_CONFIG->host.'configuration/index.php?'; } //redefine theme $GO_THEME = new GO_THEME(); require_once($GO_THEME->theme_path.""); exit(); } }else { $feedback = "


"; } }else { $feedback = "


"; } } } require_once('login_screens/'.$GO_CONFIG->login_screen.'/'); //print 'login_screens/'.$GO_CONFIG->login_screen.'/'; ?>