Author: Michael Borko Version: 1.0 Release date: 22 August 2003 Version: 1.5 Release date: 27 February 2004 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ class profiles { var $db; var $mapping; var $group_mapping; function profiles() { global $GO_CONFIG, $auth_sources, $GO_LDAP; $this->db = new db(); $this->db->connect(); if ($auth_sources[$_SESSION['auth_source']]['type'] == "ldap" ) { $this->mapping['ldap'] = array( 'id' => 'uidnumber', 'username' => 'uid', 'password' => 'userpassword', 'authcode' => 'goauthcode', 'first_name' => 'givenname', 'middle_name' => 'middlename', 'last_name' => 'sn', 'initials' => 'initials', 'title' => 'title', 'sex' => 'gender', 'birthday' => 'birthday', 'email' => 'mail', 'company' => 'o', 'department' => 'ou', 'function' => 'businessrole', // TODO 'home_phone' => 'homephone', 'work_phone' => 'telephonenumber', 'fax' => 'homefacsimiletelephonenumber', 'cellular' => 'mobile', 'country' => 'homecountryname', 'state' => 'homestate', 'city' => 'homelocalityname', 'zip' => 'homepostalcode', 'address' => 'homepostaladdress', 'homepage' => 'homeurl', // TODO: homeurl, workurl, labeledURI 'work_address'=> 'postaladdress', 'work_zip' => 'postalcode', 'work_country'=> 'c', 'work_state' => 'st', 'work_city' => 'l', 'work_fax' => 'facsimiletelephonenumber', 'photo' => 'jpegphoto', 'acl_id' => 'goAclID', 'date_format' => 'godateformat', 'time_format' => 'gotimeformat', 'thousands_seperator' => 'gothousandsseperator', 'decimal_seperator' => 'godecimalseperator', 'currency' => 'gocurrency', 'mail_client' => 'gomailclient', 'logins' => 'gologins', 'lastlogin' => 'golastlogin', 'registration_time' => 'goregistrationtime', 'samba_user' => '', // TODO 'max_rows_list' => 'gomaxrowslist', 'timezone' => 'gotimezone', 'DST' => 'goDST', 'start_module'=> 'gostartmodule', 'theme' => 'gotheme', 'language' => 'golanguage', 'first_weekday' => 'gofirstweekday', 'sort_name' => 'gosortname' ); $this->group_mapping['ldap'] = array( 'id' => 'gidnumber', 'ident' => 'dn', 'name' => 'sn', 'user_id' => 'memberuid' ); } } function get_profile_ldap( $userid ) { global $GO_SECURITY, $GO_CONFIG, $GO_GROUPS, $GO_LDAP; $GO_LDAP->search("uidNumber=$userid", $GO_LDAP->PeopleDN ); if ( $GO_LDAP->num_entries() == 1 ) { $entry = $GO_LDAP->get_entries(); return $this->convert_profile_ldap( $entry[0] ); } return false; } function convert_profile_ldap( $entry ) { global $GO_SECURITY, $GO_CONFIG, $GO_LDAP, $GO_GROUPS; /* if ( !$GO_GROUPS->is_in_group( $entry["uidnumber"][0], $GO_CONFIG->group_everyone ) ) { $GO_GROUPS->add_user_to_group( $entry["uidnumber"][0], $GO_CONFIG->group_everyone ); } */ $row = array(); foreach ( $this->mapping['ldap'] as $key => $ldapkey ) { if ( $ldapkey == '' ) { $row[$key] = ''; } else if ( $ldapkey == 'goAclID' ) { if ( isset( $entry["mail"][0] ) ) { $this->db->query( "SELECT * FROM acl_items WHERE description=\"". $entry["mail"][0]."\"" ); if ( $this->db->next_record()) { $row[$key] = $this->db->f("id"); } else { $acl_id = $GO_SECURITY->get_new_acl( $entry["mail"][0] ); $GO_SECURITY->add_group_to_acl( $GO_CONFIG->group_root, $acl_id ); $row[$key] = $acl_id; } } } else if ( $ldapkey == "uid" ) { if ( $entry["uid"]["count"] > 1 ) { $dn = $entry["dn"]; $dn = substr( $dn, 0, strpos( $dn, "," ) ); $value = substr( $dn, strpos( $dn, "=" ) + 1 ); } else { $value = utf8_decode( $entry["uid"][0] ); } if ( !$value ) { $value = ''; } $row[$key] = $value; } else if ( $ldapkey == "gofirstweekday" ) { $row[$key] = '1'; } else if ( $ldapkey == "godateformat" ) { $row[$key] = 'd-m-Y'; } else if ( $ldapkey == "gotimeformat" ) { $row[$key] = 'G:i'; } else if ( $ldapkey == "godecimalseperator" ) { $row[$key] = ','; } else if ( $ldapkey == "gothousandsseperator" ) { $row[$key] = '.'; } else if ( $ldapkey == "gosortname" ) { $row[$key] = ''; } else { if ( isset( $entry[$ldapkey] ) ) { $value = utf8_decode( $entry[$ldapkey][0] ); } else { $value = ''; } if ( !$value ) { $value = ''; } $row[$key] = $value; } } return $row; } function get_profile_sql( $userid ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$userid'"; $this->db->query( $sql ); if ($this->db->next_record()) { return $this->db->Record; } return false; } function get_profile( $userid ) { global $GO_LDAP; $sqlrecord = $this->get_profile_sql( $userid ); // echo "
    // var_dump( $sqlrecord );
    //echo "
"; if ( $GO_LDAP && $ldaprecord = $this->get_profile_ldap( $userid )) { if ( $sqlrecord ) { foreach ( $sqlrecord as $key => $value ) { if ( !$value && isset($ldaprecord[$key])) { $sqlrecord[$key] = $ldaprecord[$key]; } } } else { return $ldaprecord; } } return $sqlrecord; } function get_group_profile_ldap( $groupid ) { global $GO_SECURITY, $GO_CONFIG, $GO_LDAP; $GO_LDAP->search( "(&(gidNumber=$groupid)(mail=*))", $GO_LDAP->GroupDN ); if ( $GO_LDAP->num_entries() == 1 ) { $entry = $GO_LDAP->get_entries(); return $this->convert_group_profile_ldap( $entry[0] ); } return false; } function convert_group_profile_ldap( $entry ) { global $GO_SECURITY, $GO_CONFIG; $row = array(); foreach ( $this->group_mapping['ldap'] as $key => $ldapkey ) { if ( $ldapkey == '' ) { $row[$key] = ''; } if ( $ldapkey == 'dn' ) { $value = utf8_decode( $entry[$ldapkey] ); $row[$key] = $value; } else { if ( isset( $entry[$ldapkey] ) ) { $value = utf8_decode( $entry[$ldapkey][0] ); } else { $value = ''; } if ( !$value ) { $value = ''; } $row[$key] = $value; } } return $row; } function get_group_profile_sql( $groupid ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM groups WHERE id='$groupid'"; $this->db->query( $sql ); if ($this->db->next_record()) { return $this->db->Record; } return false; } function get_group_profile( $groupid ) { global $GO_LDAP; $sqlrecord = $this->get_group_profile_sql( $groupid ); if ( $GO_LDAP ) { $ldaprecord = $this->get_group_profile_ldap( $groupid ); if ( $sqlrecord ) { foreach ( $sqlrecord as $key => $value ) { if ( !$value ) { $sqlrecord[$key] = $ldaprecord[$key]; } } } else { return $ldaprecord; } } return $sqlrecord; } } ?>