Version: 1.0 Release date: 30 March 2004 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ require_once('Group-Office.php'); $GO_SECURITY->authenticate(); ?> <?php echo $GO_CONFIG->title; ?> refresh_rate.';url='.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?initiated=true">'; $height = 0; //if user uses the calendar then check for events to remind $calendar_module = isset($GO_MODULES->modules['calendar']) ? $GO_MODULES->modules['calendar'] : false; if ($calendar_module && $GO_MODULES->modules['calendar']['read_permission']) { require_once($calendar_module['class_path'].''); $cal = new calendar(); if($remind_events = $cal->get_events_to_remind($GO_SECURITY->user_id)) { $height += 160; } }else { $remind_events = false; } $todos_module = isset($GO_MODULES->modules['todos']) ? $GO_MODULES->modules['todos'] : false; if ($todos_module && $GO_MODULES->modules['todos']['read_permission']) { require_once($todos_module['class_path'].''); $todos = new todos(); if($remind_todos = $todos->get_todos_to_remind($GO_SECURITY->user_id)) { $height += 160; } }else { $remind_todos = false; } $_SESSION['notified_new_mail'] = isset($_SESSION['notified_new_mail']) ? $_SESSION['notified_new_mail'] : 0; $_SESSION['new_mail'] = 0; $remind_email = false; if(($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['start_module'] != 'summary' && $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['start_module'] != 'email') || isset($_REQUEST['initiated'])) { //check for email $email_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('email'); if ($email_module && ($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $email_module['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $email_module['acl_write']))) { require_once($email_module['class_path'].''); require_once($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'mail/'); $imap = new imap(); $email1 = new email(); $email2 = new email(); $email1->get_accounts($GO_SECURITY->user_id); while($email1->next_record()) { if ($email1->f('auto_check') == '1') { $account = $email1->Record; if ($imap->open($account['host'], $account['type'],$account['port'],$account['username'],$account['password'], '', 0, $account['use_ssl'], $account['novalidate_cert'])) { if ($account['type'] == 'imap') { $_SESSION['unseen_in_mailbox'][$account['id']] = 0; $status = $imap->status('INBOX'); if ($status->unseen > 0) { $_SESSION['unseen_in_mailbox'][$account['id']] += $status->unseen; $_SESSION['new_mail'] += $status->unseen; } $email2->get_folders($email1->f('id')); while($email2->next_record()) { if ($email2->f('name') != 'INBOX') { $status = $imap->status($email2->f('name')); if ($status->unseen > 0) { $_SESSION['unseen_in_mailbox'][$account['id']] += $status->unseen; $_SESSION['new_mail'] += $status->unseen; } } } }else { $status = $imap->status('INBOX'); $_SESSION['unseen_in_mailbox'][$account['id']] = $status->unseen; $_SESSION['new_mail'] += $status->unseen; } }else { $email2->disable_auto_check($account['id']); echo ''; } } } if ($_SESSION['new_mail'] > 0 && $_SESSION['new_mail'] > $_SESSION['notified_new_mail']) { $remind_email = true; $height += 120; } if($_SESSION['notified_new_mail'] > $_SESSION['new_mail']) { $_SESSION['notified_new_mail'] = $_SESSION['new_mail']; } } } if ($remind_events || $remind_todos || $remind_email) { echo ''; } ?>