LDAP support for Group-Office is not finished yet! You have two different options: 1.) User Management in Group-Office, only Authentication via LDAP. That means that only username/password is checked against and all userdetails are saved in the Group-Office SQL database. 2.) User Management in LDAP, so that the complete user information is retrieved from LDAP and can be changed in LDAP. For that purpose you will need the objectClass groupOfficePerson (as in the groupofficeperson.schema described) for each person. Method 1 (Authentication only) should work now out-of-the-box, but I'm sure that there are some bugs in it. Method 2 is in development now, it is possible to retrieve all information out of LDAP, but you cannot change anything. For the objectClass: it is based on the Enterprise Number of the TGM (14138) and you should not change it since the values are internally registered. So I suppose we should use another EN (which will be easily assigned by the IANA if you need one - but only one per company!)