tgwall&dsheehan&LAP_3&6.0.0&&&LAP_3&&&, 1.1.o.o.o.1.&LAP_3.001&LAP_3.002&LAP_3.003&LAP_3.004&LAP_3.005&LAP_3.006&LAP_3.007&LAP_3.008&LAP_3.009&LAP_3.010&LAP_3.011&LAP_3.012&LAP_3.013&LAP_3.014&LAP_3.015&LAP_3.016&LAP_3.017&LAP_3.018&LAP_3.019&LAP_3.020&LAP_3.021&LAP_3.022&LAP_3.023&LAP_3.024&LAP_3.025 &::P1.0:1:1:0&::P1.0:1:1:0&::P2.0:1:1:0&::P2.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P3.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P3.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P3.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P4.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P4.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P4.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P5.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P5.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P5.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P6.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P6.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P6.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P7.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P7.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P7.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P8.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P8.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P8.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P9.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P9.0:1:5:0&::P9.0:1:1:0 &WHC is an insurance and risk management
brokerage. Our main purpose is to provide
insurance purchasing services for our clients
and to satisfy their risk management needs.

I am part of the Business Development team - the
main purpose of this team is to drive new
business for the firm by prospecting and
soliciting new clients. ::&At a basic level, I do my best to appear as a
leader - meaning I am at work almost an hour
early every day, I dress appropriately, and do
my best to come energized for work.

I think I am an effective communicator -
listening to others, while also making sure that
people are on the same page and working towards
a common goal.

I am also eager for new experiences or
opportunities to lead. I frequently volunteer to
take on internal initiatives and encourage
people to seek me out for guidance on topics
that I have become the internal "subject matter
expert" on.

::&Im not sure if I have a specific leadership
model or theory that I use to understand and
improve leadership.

My experiences in leadership roles since high
school have been on a model of trial and error.
Give something a shot - if it works, great, try
to replicate it in the future. If it doesnt
work, take some time to think about what could
have been done differently, making sure to
discuss the pitfalls and shortcomings of that
specific idea with others. ::&I think measuring leadership is a difficult
thing to do - its not like a batting average or
similar statistic/metric.

I suppose I can measure my improving leadership
by the sort of tasks that are handed down to me
by upper management or by the people from our
office who seek me out for help on tasks. The
less management given to a person might speak to
their respective perceived leadership ability.::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::This is a tough one - cant read peoples minds.
I am usually challenged by the most senior
people at the office. There may be some
reluctance by other people to disagree with me
because of my relation to Bill.&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::The sales team can do this well, I am not sure
about other departments. &?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::&&&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::&&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::Occasionally, it might be important for a leader
to "fall on the sword" for a team member. So
while the individual make take the personal
responsibility, the leader ought to take the
blame. &?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&Providing Criticism
Confrontation resolution
Delegation :: Not Scored by Definition