tas&townsonj&tasott09&6.0.0&&&tasott09&&&bcarico@actscorp.com&N.Y.Y.N.Y.N.N.N.N.N 1.1.o.o.o.1.&tasott09.001&tasott09.002&tasott09.003&tasott09.005&tasott09.008&tasott09.012&tasott09.013&tasott09.017&tasott09.019 &::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0?5=0::.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0?5=0?6=0::undefined.0:1:1:0 &Chuck Henrys presentation on the 2009/2010 vision for the government::&The IBM exclusive view of the world. I think it would be interesting to have one of the other key players in the distributed space provide their view. Would provide a more "balanced" view::&I enjoyed all the speakers without exception. It has been my experience that this forum brings together speakers to whom the participants would not otherwise have access.::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&Adding less of an IBM bias. That is one of the comments I received when talking this series up within my organization.

Perhaps stand alone 1/2 day sessions. It is difficult to get away for 3 solid days::&::&Not at this time::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::Luc Boileau
Director Sever Systems Competency Centre

He is also very interested in the concept of CLoud Computing&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx?xxx?xxx::Started my career in the early 90s puulling cables under the floor. Have been ivolved in activiteis of increasing responsibility including leading a contracted LAN support Team, acting as a customer service rep, Managing a team responsible for the integration of client IT business into our infrastructure, managing a midrange support team and most recently acting as the Director End user Services Not Scored by Definition