&Cybersecurity Services::&4 years, 9 months::&?0?xxx?2?3?4::&?0?1?2?xxx?4?xxx::&$600,000::&?xxx?xxx?2::&3 years::&15%::&15%::&?xxx?xxx?2::&$180,000::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?1?2?xxx?4?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?1?2?xxx?4?5?xxx?7?xxx?xxx::&Abbreviated Vulnerability Assessment (AVA), Cyber Protect Service, IT consulting and other cyber services.::&Manufacturing and Financial Services::&Created Cybersecurity Services Group (CSG) and began performing services to take advantage of market conditions and available expertise.::&$250,000::&Immense, probably months of staffing time.::&Little to date although the number of cyber missions has increased.::&Increased it by 7%.::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?5::&100% as the CSG is new. All computers, software licenses and equipment are new investments.::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx?xxx::&::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx?xxx::&::&::&::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4?5?xxx?7?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx?xxx::Next quarter April - June is critical.&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx::&100 %, which is realistic given the small CSG revenue baseline as a start point.::&20%::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&Successful and satisfied that we contributed to the defense of U.S. businesses.
NOTE - Grammar problem with this question. Use YOU with YOUR, not ME. ::&How receptive are you to outside advice?
a. Im receptive to anything that will help me grow my business.
b. Ill look at the advice but will carefully consider it before moving ahead.
c. Im reluctant to start anything new unless Im sure it will work.
d. I have difficulty accepting outside advice.::&Not about desired state but may be important.
What is your current role in your business?
a. Founder, president/CEO
b. Non founder, president/CEO
c. Founder, but non president, CEO position
d. Strategic guidance::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4::&A majority of it in 10 years.::&Nothing to add.::
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