#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: tdef.pl,v 1.11 2006/05/22 16:06:41 psims Exp $ # # Source File: tdef.pl # Get config use CGI qw/:standard/; require 'sitecfg.pl'; require 'ui.pl'; require 'sbalib.pl'; use POSIX; if ( ! &go() ) { &logger::logerr("Unable to successfully serve page"); } sub go { &app_initialize; print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) { &LanguageSupportInit(); ### DED 8/27/02 Preview CFA if (($FORM{'cfa'} ne '') && ($FORM{'preview'} eq "Preview")) { &preview_cfa(); return; } my ($ok, $msg) = &setAvailableDatetimes( \%FORM ); $FORM{'respmsg'} = ""; if ( ! $ok ) { $FORM{'respmsg'} = &errorformat($msg); $FORM{'savechanges'} = 'N'; $FORM{'frm'} = 1; } if ($FORM{'tstid'} eq '') { $FORM{'tstid'} = $FORM{'id'}; } if ($FORM{'id'} eq '') { $FORM{'id'} = $FORM{'tstid'}; } if ($FORM{'UploadImages'} ne '') { &log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Test Image Upload $FORM{'tstid'}"); &show_upload_form; return 1; } else { if ($FORM{'savechanges'} eq 'Y' ) { if ( defined($FORM{'newtest'}) && ($FORM{'newtest'} eq 'Y') && &is_duplicate_test_id($FORM{'tstid'}, $SESSION{'clid'})) { # # Disallow duplicates on new test defns ... # $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 552); $msg .= qq{ "$FORM{'tstid'}" (}; $msg .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 553); $msg .= qq{ "$FORM{'desc'}") }; $msg .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 554); $FORM{'respmsg'} .= &errorformat($msg); &logger::loguerr($msg); } elsif ( defined($FORM{'newtest'}) && ($FORM{'newtest'} eq 'Y') && $FORM{'tstid'} =~ /\s/ ) { # # Disallow spaces in new test IDs ... # $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 555); $FORM{'respmsg'} .= &errorformat($msg); &logger::loguerr($msg); } else { if ($FORM{'flags'} ne '' || $FORM{'group'} ne '' || $FORM{'tstalwrotip'} ne '') { @flags = split(/\./, $FORM{'flags'}); $flags[4] = $FORM{'group'}; $flags[5] = $FORM{'tstalwrotip'}; $FORM{'flags'} = join('.',@flags); } ### DED 6/22/04 For Custom fields ### Not yet implemented #$FORM{'showsubj'} .= ".$FORM{'showques1'}.$FORM{'lblques1'}.$FORM{'showques2'}.$FORM{'lblques2'}"; &put_test_profile($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'id'}, \%FORM, $FORM{newtest}); if ($FORM{'seq'} eq 'std') { &put_test_saskmatrix($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'id'}, \%FORM); } &put_test_logo($SESSION{'clid'},$FORM{'id'}, \%UPLOADED_FILES); &log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "3", "Saved Test Definition $FORM{'id'}"); if ($FORM{'newtest'} eq 'Y') { &log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Question File Created $FORM{'id'}"); &create_question_file($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'id'}); $FORM{'newtest'} = "N"; } $FORM{'frm'} = 1; # $FORM{'respmsg'} .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 556); # # Create an Instance of this test? # if ( ($FORM{instanceit} eq 'Y' || $FORM{instanceit} eq 'on') ) { $FORM{instancename} = strip_blanks($FORM{instancename}); $FORM{desc} = $FORM{instancedesc}; my ($rc, $msg) = &instance_test($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}, $FORM{instancename}, \%FORM); if ( ! $rc ) { &logger::logerr("&instance_test($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}, $FORM{instancename}) FAILED;"); #hkh bug#157 delete any new files due to incomplete cloning } else { log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Created an Instance of test '$FORM{instancename}' from test/survey '$FORM{'tstid'}'"); } $FORM{'respmsg'} .= $msg; } # # Clone this test? # if ( ($FORM{cloneit} eq 'Y' || $FORM{cloneit} eq 'on') ) { $FORM{clonename} = strip_blanks($FORM{clonename}); $FORM{desc} = $FORM{clonedesc}; my ($rc, $msg) = &clone_test($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}, $FORM{clonename}, \%FORM); if ( ! $rc ) { &logger::logerr("&clone_test($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}, $FORM{clonename}) FAILED;"); #hkh bug#157 delete any new files due to incomplete cloning } else { log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Cloned test/survey '$FORM{clonename}' from test/survey '$FORM{'tstid'}'"); } $FORM{'respmsg'} .= $msg; } } $TEST{'reload'}="Y"; } else { $FORM{'respmsg'} .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 557); } push @templates, (tdefund, tdef, tdefstd, tdefadp); if ($FORM{'newtest'} ne 'Y') { &get_test_profile($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}); if ($FORM{'frm'} eq 0) { $FORM{'frm'} = ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'std') ? 2 : 3; } # added for subject area support } $SUBJAREA{'subjskillcgt'}=&get_subjskill_cntgrdtbl($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}, ""); # FIXME: This needs to go thru the language support facilities. if ($FORM{'respmsg'} eq "") { $FORM{'respmsg'} .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 556); } print $FORM{respmsg} if ( $FORM{respmsg} ); &get_client_profile($SESSION{'clid'}); &show_template($templates[$FORM{'frm'}]); return 1; } } } sub setAvailableDatetimes { my ($form) = @_; $form->{availonminute} ||= $UI{DEFAULT_AVAILON_MIN}; $form->{availonhour} ||= $UI{DEFAULT_AVAILON_HR}; $form->{availthruminute} ||= $UI{DEFAULT_AVAILTHRU_MIN}; $form->{availthruhour} ||= $UI{DEFAULT_AVAILTHRU_HR}; if ( ! defined($form->{availonminute}) || ! defined($form->{availonhour}) || ! defined($form->{availonpmoffset}) || ! defined($form->{availthruminute}) || ! defined($form->{availthruhour}) || ! defined($form->{availthrupmoffset}) ) { logger::logerr("One of the 'availon...' or 'availthru...' form fields is undefined...aborting setAvailableDatetimes()"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565)); } if ( $form->{availonminute} !~ /^\d+$/ ) { logger::logerr("form field 'availonminute' is not of the expected integer format...aborting setAvailableDatetimes(). availonminute = $form->{availonminute}"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565)); } if ( $form->{availonhour} !~ /^\d+$/ ) { logger::logerr("form field 'availonhour' is not of the expected integer format...aborting setAvailableDatetimes()"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565)); } $form->{availonpmoffset} ||= 0; $form->{availthrupmoffset} ||= 0; if ( $form->{availonpmoffset} !~ /^\d+$/ ) { logger::logerr("form field 'availonpmoffset' [$form->{availonpmoffset}] is not of the expected integer format...aborting setAvailableDatetimes()"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565)); } if ( $form->{availthruminute} !~ /^\d+$/ ) { logger::logerr("form field 'availthruminute' is not of the expected integer format...aborting setAvailableDatetimes()"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565)); } if ( $form->{availthruhour} !~ /^\d+$/ ) { logger::logerr("form field 'availthruhour' is not of the expected integer format...aborting setAvailableDatetimes()"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565)); } if ( $form->{availthrupmoffset} !~ /^\d+$/ ) { logger::logerr("form field 'availthrupmoffset' is not of the expected integer format...aborting setAvailableDatetimes()"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565)); } if ( $form->{availonhour} < 12 ) { $form->{availonhour} += $form->{availonpmoffset}; } elsif ( $form->{availonpmoffset} == 0 ) { $form->{availonhour} -= 12; } if ( $form->{availthruhour} < 12 ) { $form->{availthruhour} += $form->{availthrupmoffset}; } elsif ( $form->{availthrupmoffset} == 0 ) { $form->{availthruhour} -= 12; } $form->{availon} = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d-%02d:%02d", $form->{availonmonth}, $form->{availonday}, $form->{availonyear}, $form->{availonhour}, $form->{availonminute}); $form->{availthru} = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d-%02d:%02d", $form->{availthrumonth}, $form->{availthruday}, $form->{availthruyear}, $form->{availthruhour}, $form->{availthruminute}); my $on = POSIX::strftime("%s", 0, $form->{availonminute}, $form->{availonhour}, $form->{availonday}, $form->{availonmonth} - 1, $form->{availonyear} - 1900); my $to = POSIX::strftime("%s", 0, $form->{availthruminute}, $form->{availthruhour}, $form->{availthruday}, $form->{availthrumonth} - 1, $form->{availthruyear} - 1900); if ( ! valid_date( $form->{availonyear}, $form->{availonmonth}, $form->{availonday}) ) { &logger::loguerr("Bogus availability start date/time: [$form->{availon}]"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 577)); } if ( ! valid_date( $form->{availthruyear}, $form->{availthrumonth}, $form->{availthruday}) ) { &logger::loguerr("Bogus availability end date/time: [$form->{availthru}]"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 577)); } if ( $to <= $on ) { &logger::loguerr("Test/survey starting time ($form->{availon}) later than ending time ($form->{availthru})"); return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 576)); } return (1, ""); } sub valid_test_id_syntax( $ ) { my ($testid) = @_; # No spaces allowed in test names... if ( $testid =~ /\s/ ) { return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 555)); #No spaces } if ( $testid !~ /\S/ ) { return (0, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 567)); #At least 1 char } return (1, GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 566)); #OK } # Return 1 if the test already exists, 0 if it does not. sub is_duplicate_test_id { ($id,$clid) = @_; # FIXME: Handle undefined test ID/description @test_list = &get_test_list($clid); foreach ( @test_list ) { ($this_id, $this_desc) = split(/&/, $_); if ( $this_id eq $id ) { return 1; } } return 0; } # # Copy/duplicate the test $tstid and name the new cloned test $newtestid for # client $clid. # sub instance_test( $ $ $ $ ) { my ($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid, $params) = @_; my ($rc, $msg) = valid_test_id_syntax($newtestid); if ( ! $rc ) { &logger::loguerr("Invalid test ID syntax: '$newtestid'"); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( &is_duplicate_test_id($newtestid, $SESSION{'clid'}) ) { &logger::loguerr("The test ID '$newtestid' already exists and cannot serve as a test ID for a new instance test for client '$clid'."); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 936); $msg .= " ".GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 564); $msg .= " ".GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 552); $msg .= qq{ "$newtestid" }; $msg .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 554); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( ! $params || ref($params) ne 'HASH' ) { &logger::logerr("Missing new test parameters for Instance test ID '$newtestid', client '$clid'."); return 0; my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 936); $msg .= " ".GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 564); $msg .= " ".GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } my $newtest = 'Y'; if ( ! &put_test_profile($clid, $newtestid, $params, $newtest, $oldtestid) ) { &logger::logerr("put_test_profile($clid,$newtestid,$params,$newtest) FAILED"); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 936); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( ! &link_question_file($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) ) { &remove_created_test_file($clid, $newtestid); &logger::logerr("link_question_file($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) FAILED"); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 937); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( ! &link_sbacustom_files($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) ) { &remove_created_test_file($clid, $newtestid); &remove_created_question_file($clid, $newtestid); &logger::logerr("link_sbacustom_files($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) FAILED"); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 938); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( ! &link_test_logos($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) ) { &remove_created_test_file($clid, $newtestid); &remove_created_question_file($clid, $newtestid); &remove_created_sbacustom_files($clid, $newtestid); &logger::logerr("link_test_logos($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) FAILED"); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 939); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 940); $msg .= "'$oldtestid'"; $msg .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 569); $msg .= "'$newtestid'"; return (1, okformat($msg)); } sub link_test_logos { my ($clid, $srctestid, $newtestid) = @_; if ( ! opendir(DIR, $testgraphic) ) { &logger::logerr("Unable to opendir $testgraphic: $!"); return 0; } @filenames = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); # my $regex = "^$clid".'\.'."$srctestid".'(.*)$'; foreach my $srcfile ( @filenames ) { if ( $srcfile =~ /^$clid.$srctestid.0(.*)$/ ) { my $newfile = join($pathsep, $testgraphic, "$clid.$newtestid.0$1"); my $oldfile = join($pathsep, $testgraphic, $srcfile); if (! symlink($oldfile, $newfile)) { &remove_created_logo_files($clid, $newtestid); return 0; } } } return 1; } sub link_question_file { my ($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) = @_; my $oldfile = join($pathsep, $questionroot, "$oldtestid.$clid"); my $newfile = join($pathsep, $questionroot, "$newtestid.$clid"); if (! symlink($oldfile, $newfile)) { &remove_created_question_file($clid, $newtestid); return 0; } return 1; } sub link_sbacustom_files { my ($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) = @_; if ( ! opendir(DIR, $questionroot) ) { &logger::logerr("Unable to opendir $questionroot: $!"); return 0; } @filenames = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); #my $regex = "^$oldtestid".'\.'."$clid".'\.'.'(.*)$'; foreach my $srcfile ( @filenames ) { if ( $srcfile =~ /^$oldtestid\.$clid\.(.*)$/ ) { my $newfile = join($pathsep, $questionroot, "$newtestid.$clid.$1"); my $oldfile = join($pathsep, $questionroot, $srcfile); if ( ! symlink($oldfile, $newfile)) { &remove_created_sbacustom_files($clid, $newtestid); return 0; } } } return 1; } # # Copy/duplicate the test $tstid and name the new cloned test $newtestid for # client $clid. # sub clone_test( $ $ $ $ ) { my ($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid, $params) = @_; my ($rc, $msg) = valid_test_id_syntax($newtestid); if ( ! $rc ) { &logger::loguerr("Invalid test ID syntax: '$newtestid'"); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( &is_duplicate_test_id($newtestid, $SESSION{'clid'}) ) { &logger::loguerr("The test ID '$newtestid' already exists and cannot serve as a test ID for a newly cloned test for client '$clid'."); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 563); $msg .= " ".GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 564); $msg .= " ".GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 552); $msg .= qq{ "$newtestid" }; $msg .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 554); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( ! $params || ref($params) ne 'HASH' ) { &logger::logerr("Missing new test parameters for clone test ID '$newtestid', client '$clid'."); return 0; my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 563); $msg .= " ".GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 564); $msg .= " ".GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 565); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } my $newtest = 'Y'; if ( ! &put_test_profile($clid, $newtestid, $params, $newtest) ) { &logger::logerr("put_test_profile($clid,$newtestid,$params,$newtest) FAILED"); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 563); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( ! &clone_question_file($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) ) { &remove_created_test_file($clid, $newtestid); &logger::logerr("clone_question_file($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) FAILED"); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 731); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } # hkh 01/04 clone mtx & custom files if ( ! &clone_sbacustom_files($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) ) { &remove_created_test_file($clid, $newtestid); &remove_created_question_file($clid, $newtestid); &logger::logerr("clone_sbacustom_files($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) FAILED"); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 733); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } if ( ! &clone_test_logos($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) ) { &remove_created_test_file($clid, $newtestid); &remove_created_question_file($clid, $newtestid); &remove_created_sbacustom_files($clid, $newtestid); &logger::logerr("clone_test_logos($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) FAILED"); my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 734); return (0, errorformat($msg)); } my $msg = GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 568); $msg .= "'$oldtestid'"; $msg .= GetLanguageElement($SESSION{lang}, 569); $msg .= "'$newtestid'"; return (1, okformat($msg)); } sub reassignifduplicate { $vid = $_[1]; @vtrecs = &get_test_list($_[0]); while (&test_exists($vid)) { $vid++; } return $vid; } sub put_test_logo { my ($clid, $testid) = @_; my $upfile; my $msg; my $chmodok; my @suexts = () ; my $testimg = upload('testimg'); my @fileparts = split(/\./, param('testimg')); my $test_logo_ext = $fileparts[$#fileparts]; @fileparts = (); my $supportedmedia = join (";", $SYSTEM{'supportedimagemedia'}, $SYSTEM{'supportedaudiomedia'}, $SYSTEM{'supportedvideomedia'}); # if ($SYSTEM{'supportedimagemedia'} =~ /$test_logo_ext/i ) # @suexts = split(/\;/, $SYSTEM{'supportedimagemedia'}); if ($supportedmedia =~ /$test_logo_ext/i ) { @suexts = split(/\;/, $supportedmedia); # remove any old logos for this test foreach $suext (@suexts) { $prefile = join($pathsep, $pubroot, "graphic", "$clid.$testid"); $existingfile=&file_exists_with_extension($prefile, $suext); if ($existingfile ne '') { $cnt = unlink $existingfile; } } # write the uploaded file $upfile = join($pathsep, $pubroot, "graphic", "$clid.$testid.$test_logo_ext"); open (OUTFILE, ">$upfile") or $msg="failed"; if ($msg ne "failed") { binmode(OUTFILE); while ($bytesread=read($testimg,$buffer,1024)) { print OUTFILE $buffer; } close OUTFILE; $chmodok = chmod 0666, $upfile; } } } sub clone_test_logos { my ($clid, $srctestid, $newtestid) = @_; if ( ! opendir(DIR, $testgraphic) ) { &logger::logerr("Unable to opendir $testgraphic: $!"); return 0; } @filenames = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); # my $regex = "^$clid".'\.'."$srctestid".'(.*)$'; foreach my $srcfile ( @filenames ) { if ( $srcfile =~ /^$clid.$srctestid.0(.*)$/ ) { my $newfile = join($pathsep, $testgraphic, "$clid.$newtestid.0$1"); my $oldfile = join($pathsep, $testgraphic, $srcfile); #hkh bug#58 cpbin("$oldfile", "$newfile", 1); if (! &get_io_file($oldfile, $newfile)) { &remove_created_logo_files($clid, $newtestid); return 0; } # if ( ! cpbin("$oldfile", "$newfile") ) { # &logger::logerr("cpbin($oldfile, $newfile) FAILED"); # if ( scalar(@copied) ) { # &logger::logwarn("DUE cpbin() FAILURE, THERE ARE NOW ORPHANED IMAGE FILES IN $testgraphic: @copied"); # NOTE: We *could* delete the files we just copied, # NOTE: but that just seems like a bad idea given # NOTE: we could end-up deleting some original # NOTE: graphics files accidentally if they were # NOTE: already there and thus caused cpbin() to fail. # } # return 0; # } else { # push( @copied, $newfile ); # } } } return 1; } sub remove_created_test_file { my ($clid, $newtestid) = @_; @trecs = &get_test_list($clid); foreach $trec (@trecs) { chop ($trec); ($id, $trash) = split(/\&/, $trec); if ($newtestid ne $id) { push @newtests, $trec; } } @trecs = @newtests; &save_test_list($clid); } #hkh bug#157 delete new logofiles if clonning is not successful sub remove_created_logo_files { my ($clid, $newtestid) = @_; opendir(DIR, $testgraphic); @filenames = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach my $srcfile ( @filenames ) { if ( $srcfile =~ /^$clid.$newtestid.0(.*)$/ ) { $ulinkfile = join($pathsep, $testgraphic, $srcfile); $cnt = unlink $ulinkfile; } } } sub test_exists { foreach $vtrec (@vtrecs) { ($vid, $vmore) = split(/&/, $vtrec); if ($vid eq $_[0]) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub create_question_file { my ($clid, $testid) = @_; @lines = &get_question_list("default", "std"); $trash = join($pathsep, $questionroot, "$testid.$clid"); open (TMPFILE, ">$trash"); foreach $line (@lines) { print TMPFILE "$line"; } close TMPFILE; $chmodok = chmod 0666, $trash; } sub clone_question_file { my ($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) = @_; @lines = &get_question_list($oldtestid, $clid); $new_question_file = join($pathsep, $questionroot, "$newtestid.$clid"); if ( ! open (TMPFILE, ">$new_question_file") ) { &logger::logerr("Unable to write to $new_question_file: $!"); return undef; } $line1 = '0'; foreach $line (@lines) { #hkh bug#19 if oldtestid is diff. from question-id, replace q-id with newtestid if ($line1 eq '0') { $line1 = '1'; print TMPFILE "$line"; } else { @fields = split /&/, $line; $_ = shift(@fields); s/.*\./$newtestid./; unshift(@fields, $_); $line = join "&", @fields; #hkh bug#19 $line =~ s/^$oldtestid/$newtestid/; print TMPFILE "$line"; } } close TMPFILE; $chmodok = chmod 0666, $new_question_file; } sub remove_created_question_file { my ($clid, $newtestid) = @_; $ulinkfile = join($pathsep, $questionroot, "$newtestid.$clid"); $cnt = unlink $ulinkfile; } # hkh 01/04 sub clone_sbacustom_files { my ($clid, $oldtestid, $newtestid) = @_; if ( ! opendir(DIR, $questionroot) ) { &logger::logerr("Unable to opendir $questionroot: $!"); return 0; } @filenames = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); #my $regex = "^$oldtestid".'\.'."$clid".'\.'.'(.*)$'; foreach my $srcfile ( @filenames ) { if ( $srcfile =~ /^$oldtestid\.$clid\.(.*)$/ ) { my $newfile = join($pathsep, $questionroot, "$newtestid.$clid.$1"); my $oldfile = join($pathsep, $questionroot, $srcfile); #hkh bug#58 cpbin("$oldfile", "$newfile", 1) if ( ! &get_io_file($oldfile, $newfile)) { &remove_created_sbacustom_files($clid, $newtestid); return 0; } } } return 1; } sub remove_created_sbacustom_files { my ($clid, $newtestid) = @_; opendir(DIR, $questionroot); @filenames = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach my $srcfile ( @filenames ) { if ( $srcfile =~ /^$newtestid.$clid.(.*)$/ ) { $ulinkfile = join($pathsep, $questionroot, $srcfile); $cnt = unlink $ulinkfile; } } } sub show_upload_form { $iShownCount=0; $qreclist = ""; &get_test_profile($SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}); &show_template("uploadpagehdr"); print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; @qrecs = &get_question_list($FORM{'tstid'}, $SESSION{'clid'}); $bFirst = 1; foreach $qrec (@qrecs) { chop ($qrec); if ($bFirst) { @flds = split(/&/, $qrec); $bFirst = 0; $i = 0; foreach $fld (@flds) { if ($fld eq 'qim') { $iqim = $i; } else { if ($fld eq 'id') { $iid = $i; } else { if ($fld eq 'qtx') { $iqtx = $i; } } } $i++; } } else { @flds = split(/&/, $qrec); if ($flds[$iqim] ne '0') { $iShownCount++; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } } } $qreclist = substr($qreclist,0,-2); unless ($iShownCount) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "Upload Image\n"; print "\n"; print "\ \n"; print "\n"; print "Question\n"; print "
\n"; print " \n"; $qreclist .= "$flds[$iid]::"; print "\n"; print "\ $flds[$iid]:\ \n"; print "\n"; print "$flds[$iqtx]\n"; print "
\n"; print "No questions were tagged as having images.\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n\n"; } sub preview_cfa { print " Confidentiality Agreement
\n"; }