#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: testreport.pl,v 1.27 2006/09/14 21:24:44 ddoughty Exp $ # # Source File: testreport.pl # Get config use Data::Dumper; require 'sitecfg.pl'; require 'testlib.pl'; require 'tstatlib.pl'; &app_initialize; $FORM{'frm'}=""; if ($ARGV[0]) { $FORM{'tid'} = $ARGV[0]; $FORM{'clid'} = $ARGV[1]; $FORM{'cndid'} = $ARGV[2]; $FORM{'tstid'} = $ARGV[3]; $FORM{'testdates'} = "$ARGV[4]"; $FORM{'correct'} = "$ARGV[5]"; $FORM{'incorrect'} = $ARGV[6]; $FORM{'total'} = $ARGV[7]; $FORM{'percent'} = $ARGV[8]; $FORM{'format'} = $ARGV[9]; $tofile = 1; } else { $tofile = 0; } if (&get_session($FORM{'tid'})) { &LanguageSupportInit(); &get_client_profile($SESSION{'clid'}); #($mycndid,$mytacl)=split(/\./,$FORM{'cndid'}); $testdate=""; if ($mytacl eq '') { &get_candidate_profile( $SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'}); &get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}); if ($FORM{'testdates'} ne '') { $testdate = $FORM{'testdates'}; my $spc=" "; $testdate =~ s/\,//g; $testdate =~ s/\_/$spc/g; } if ($FORM{'testdates'} ne '' && !$ARGV[0]) { if (!&get_test_sequence_from_history($testcomplete, $CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'}, $TEST{'id'}, $testdate)) { $msg = "No entry in history file.\n"; } } else { &get_test_sequence( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $CANDIDATE{'uid'}, $TEST{'id'}, $testcomplete); } } else { &get_candidate_profile( $SESSION{'clid'}, $mycndid); &get_tacl_profile(); &get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'}); if ($FORM{'testdates'} ne '') { $testdate = $FORM{'testdates'}; my $spc=" "; $testdate =~ s/\,//g; $testdate =~ s/\_/$spc/g; } if ($FORM{'testdates'} ne '' && !$ARGV[0]) { if (!&get_test_sequence_from_history($testcomplete, $CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'}, $TEST{'id'}, $testdate)) { $msg = "No entry in history file.\n"; } } else { &get_test_sequence( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'}, $TEST{'id'}, $testcomplete); } } # ADT - 2/15/2002 -- Moved these variable declarations here so they can be modified # by the UpdateScore routine if need be. @questions = split(/&/,$SUBTEST_QUESTIONS{2}); @keyanswers = split(/&/,$SUBTEST_ANSWERS{2}); @studentanswers = split(/&/,$SUBTEST_RESPONSES{2}); if ($FORM{'submit'} eq 'Update') { &UpdateScore(); } ($correctans, $incorrectans, $score, $trash) = split(/&/, $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2}); # convert $testdate to new format (dd-mmm-yyyy) DED 1/9/04 my @datestamparray = split(/ /, $testdate); my @datearray = split(/-/, $datestamparray[0]); if (length($datearray[0]) == 4) { my @months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); $datearray[1]--; $datestamparray[0] = "$datearray[2]-$months[$datearray[1]]-$datearray[0]"; $testdate = join(" ", @datestamparray); } @datestamparray = (); @datearray = (); if ($FORM{'format'} eq "csv") { &PrintCSV($tofile); } else { &PrintForm($tofile); } } # ADT 9/25/2001 # This subroutine was here. However, it was empty. I'm filling it! # ADT 2/25/2001 -- Modified this function greatly to coordinate changes with # what is on the production server. sub UpdateScore() { # Retrieve the number of essay answers to which credit was given my $creditGiven = $FORM{'graded'}; my $msg = "Score Updated."; my $numCorrectAnswers, $numIncorrectAnswers, $score, $answerString; my @answers, $answer; my $answerCntr, @questionIds; my $result, $studentAnswer, $correctAnswer; my $keyResponse, $kFlags; my $manuallyScored, $keyComments; # Split the summary ( $numCorrectAnswers, $numIncorrectAnswers, $score, $jpeg, $length, $answerString ) = split( /&/, $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2} ); # Calculate the new score $numCorrectAnswers += $creditGiven; $numIncorrectAnswers -= $creditGiven; $numTotal = $numCorrectAnswers + $numIncorrectAnswers; if ($numTotal == 0) { $score = 0; } else { $score = sprintf( "%3.1f", $numCorrectAnswers / ( $numTotal ) * 100 ); } @answers = split( /\//, $answerString ); $questionCntr = 0; foreach $question ( @questions ) { ( $result, $correctAnswer, $studentAnswer ) = split( /\./, @answers[$questionCntr], 3 ); ( $keyResponse, $kFlags ) = split( /::/, $keyanswers[$questionCntr] ); ( $manuallyScored, $keyComments ) = split( /\./, $keyresponse ); my $comment = "cm".$questions[$questionCntr]; $keyComments = $FORM{$comment}; $keyComments =~ tr/\r\n\&:\.//d; # Remove characters that can mess up the file $manuallyScored = 0; $result = 0; if( defined( $FORM{$questions[$questionCntr]} ) ) { if( $FORM{$questions[$questionCntr]} eq "on" ) { $manuallyScored = 1; $result = 1; } } $answers[$questionCntr] = join( '.', $result, $correctAnswer, $studentAnswer ); $keyResponse = join( '.', $manuallyScored, $keyComments ); $keyanswers[$questionCntr] = join( "::", $keyResponse, $kFlags ); $questionCntr++; } # Put the answers back together $answerString = join( '/', @answers ); $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{2} = join( '&', $numCorrectAnswers, $numIncorrectAnswers, $score, $jpeg, $length, $answerString ); $SUBTEST_ANSWERS{2} = join( '&', @keyanswers ); # Save the changes to the file &put_test_sequence( $testcomplete, $CLIENT{'clid'}, $CANDIDATE{'uid'}, $TEST{'id'} ); } # END ADT sub PrintForm() { if ($FORM{'remed'} == "") { $FORM{'remed'} = 0; } if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') { @skilllevel = ( '','','','' ); $itemdescription = "Survey"; } elsif ($FORM{'remed'} == 1) { $TEST{'seq'} = 'svy'; @skilllevel = ( '','','','' ); $itemdescription = "Test"; } elsif ($FORM{'remed'} == 2) { $TEST{'seq'} = 'svy'; @skilllevel = ( '','','','' ); $itemdescription = "Incorrect Test"; } else { @skilllevel = ( 'Basic','Intermediate','Advanced','' ); $itemdescription = "Test"; } if (!$_[0]) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
$itemdescription Results
\n"; print "Site: $CLIENT{'clid'}
\n"; print "Test: $TEST{'id'} - $TEST{'desc'}
\n"; if ($FORM{'testdates'} ne '') { print "Date: $testdate
\n"; } print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "Candidate:
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'sal'} $CANDIDATE{'nmf'} $CANDIDATE{'nmm'} $CANDIDATE{'nml'}
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'adr'}
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'cty'}, $CANDIDATE{'ste'} $CANDIDATE{'pst'}
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'ctry'}
\n"; print "
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'eml'}
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'cnd1'}
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'cnd2'}
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'cnd3'}
\n"; print "$CANDIDATE{'cnd4'}
\n"; print "
\n"; if (($FORM{'testdates'} ne '' || $FORM{'percent'} ne '') && $FORM{'remed'} == 0) { print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($FORM{'testdates'} ne '') { my $history = get_testhistory_from_log($CLIENT{'clid'},$CANDIDATE{'uid'},$TEST{'id'},$testdate); if (not defined $history) { print "\n"; } } print "\n"; print "\n"; } } if ($FORM{'percent'} ne '') { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; $minpass = ($TEST{'minpass'} eq "") ? "Not Specified" : $TEST{'minpass'}." \%"; print "\n"; } print "

Test Log Not Available\n"; $msg = ''; } else { foreach my $event (@{$history->{'history'}}) { my $action = $event->{'action'}; if ($action eq 'Start' or $action eq 'Pause' or $action eq 'Resume' or $action eq 'Complete') { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime($event->{'time'}); my @months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); $year += 1900; if ($mday < 10) { $mday = "0$mday"; } if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; } if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; } if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; } print "
$action$mday-$months[$mon]-$year $hour:$min:$sec GMT 
Total Time".fmtDuration($history->{'total'})." 
Actual Time".fmtDuration($history->{'actual'})." 
Correct Answers:$FORM{'correct'} 
Incorrect Answers:$FORM{'incorrect'} 
Total Number of Questions:$FORM{'total'} 
Score:$FORM{'percent'} % 
Passing Score:$minpass 
\n"; } if ($msg) { print "

\n"; print "$msg"; exit; } print "\n"; if ($FORM{'remed'} != 1) { print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') { print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') { #print "\n"; print "\n"; } else { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; } print "\n"; # ADT 2/15/2002 -- Moved variables to main routine so they could be modified # by the UpdateScore Routine $allowupdate = 0; $scored = 1; $correctanswertag = "$xlatphrase[137]"; $incorrectanswertag = "INCORRECT"; $noanswertag = "UNANSWERED"; @myalbls=(); foreach $questionindex (1 .. $#questions) { &get_question_definition($TEST{'id'},$CLIENT{'clid'},$questions[$questionindex]); $qtype = $QUESTION{'qtp'}; if ($qtype eq 'plc') { next; } $myqalb = $QUESTION{'qalb'}; ($qsubj, $sklvl) = split(/\./, $QUESTION{'subj'}); if ($sklvl eq '') { $sklvl = 3; } # v sac start changes to support question optional comments # (replace) # $studentresponse = $studentanswers[$questionindex]; # (with) my $trash = $studentanswers[$questionindex]; ($studentresponse,$studentcomments) = split(/::/,lc($studentanswers[$questionindex])); $studentcomments =unmunge($studentcomments); $studentcomments =~ s/\"/\"/g; $studentcomments =~ s/\+/" "/g; # ^ sac start changes to support question optional comments ($keyresponse,$kflags) = split(/::/, lc($keyanswers[$questionindex])); $scoreable = 1; $credit = $noanswertag; $checked = ""; $answerkey = ""; $studentkey = ""; $qanswermatch = ""; @txts = (); if (($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') || $FORM{'remed'} == 2) { if ($qtype eq 'nrt') { $scored = 0; $scoreable = 0; $tmpsr = $studentresponse; $tmpsr =~ s/\?//g; $tmpsr =~ s/xxx//g; $tmpsr =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag; } else { # ADT - 2/25/2002 -- Modified so the checkbox would be printed even if # the keyresponse has something in it. $credit = "unscoreable"; if ($keyresponse ne '') { ($manuallyscored,$keycomments) = split(/\./, $keyresponse); } # end ADT } $studentkey = "$studentresponse\n"; $studentkey =~ s/\%0D\%0A/\/g; $studentkey = unmunge($studentkey); } if ($qtype eq 'tf') { $answerkey = $keyresponse; $studentkey = $studentresponse; if ($studentkey eq $answerkey) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($qtype eq 'esa') { $answerkey = $keyresponse; $studentkey = $studentresponse; if ($answerkey =~ /\,/) { @txts = split(/\,/, $keyresponse); $credit = $incorrectanswertag; foreach $answerkey (@txts) { if (lc($studentresponse) eq lc($answerkey)) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } } $answerkey =~ s/\,/
/g; } else { if (lc($studentresponse) eq lc($keyresponse)) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } } if ($qtype eq 'mcs') { @myalbls=&set_answer_labels($myqalb); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; push @txts, $QUESTION{'qca'}; @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); foreach $qia (@txts_wro) { push @txts, $qia; } @kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse); foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) { $jidx = $j-1; @indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]); $checked = ($indexs[1] == '1') ? " CHECKED" : ""; $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$myalbls[$jidx]. $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); $checked = ($studentresponse =~ /\?$jidx\?/ || $studentresponse =~ /\?$jidx$/) ? " CHECKED" : ""; $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"$myalbls[$jidx]. $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); } if ($studentkey eq $answerkey) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($qtype eq 'mcm') { @myalbls=&set_answer_labels($myqalb); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); foreach $qia (@txts_wro) { push @txts, $qia; } @kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse); foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) { $jidx = $j-1; @indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]); $checked = ($indexs[1] == '1') ? " CHECKED" : ""; $answerkey = join('',$answerkey," $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); $checked = ($studentresponse =~ /\?$jidx\?/ || $studentresponse =~ /\?$jidx$/) ? " CHECKED" : ""; $studentkey = join('',$studentkey," $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); } if ($studentkey eq $answerkey) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($qtype eq 'mch') { $qanswermatch = "\ 
\n"; @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $anstype = shift @ansopts; @albls=&set_answer_labels($anstype); $keyresponse = ""; ### DED-02 7/17/2002 Added following 2 lines ### and changed studentkey join below ### to allow for "?" delimiter in response @studentresponse = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @studentresponse; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $cansord[$ansopts[$_]] = $albls[$_]; $qanswermatch = join('',$qanswermatch, "($cansord[$ansopts[$_]]) $txts_wro[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); } foreach $cansord (@cansord) { $keyresponse = join('', $keyresponse, $cansord); } for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"($cansord[$_]) $txts[$_]
\n"); ### DED-06 7/23/2002 added following if ### to print " " instead of "xxx" ### for blank response if ( $studentresponse[$_] eq "xxx" ) { $studentresponse[$_] = " "; } ### DED-02 changed #$studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",substr($studentresponse,$_,1),") $txts[$_]
\n"); ### to $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",$studentresponse[$_],") $txts[$_]
\n"); } @cansord = (); ### DED-02 vvv $studentresponse=""; for (0 .. $#studentresponse) { if ($studentresponse[$_] ne ' ') { $studentresponse=join('', $studentresponse, $studentresponse[$_]); } } ### END DED-02 if ($studentresponse eq $keyresponse) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($qtype eq 'ord') { ### DED 8/10/2002 Got rid of labels because ### "o" designator now working @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @studentresponse = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @studentresponse; @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $ansopt = shift @ansopts; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $ansopt = $ansopts[$_]; $ansopt++; $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"($ansopt) $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); ### DED-07 7/23/2002 added following if ### to print " " instead of "xxx" ### for blank response if ( $studentresponse[$_] eq "xxx" ) { $studentresponse[$_] = " "; } ### DED-03 changed #$studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",substr($studentresponse,$_,1),") $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); ### to $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",$studentresponse[$_],") $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); } if ($studentkey eq $answerkey) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; #$studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } } else { if ($qtype eq 'nrt') { $studentkey = "$studentresponse\n"; $studentkey =~ s/\%0D\%0A/\/g; $studentkey = unmunge($studentkey); } if ($qtype eq 'tf') { $studentkey = $studentresponse; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'esa') { $studentkey = $studentresponse; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'mcs' || $qtype eq 'mca') { @myalbls=&set_answer_labels($myqalb); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; @txts = (); if ($QUESTION{'qca'} ne '') { push @txts, $QUESTION{'qca'}; } @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); foreach $qia (@txts_wro) { push @txts, $qia; } @kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse); foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) { $jidx = $j-1; @indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]); my $srstring = $studentresponse."?"; $checked = ($srstring =~ /\?$jidx\?/) ? " CHECKED" : ""; $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"($myalbls[$jidx]) $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); } $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'mtx' || $qtype eq 'mtr') { $studentkey=""; # Split qia into row and col headers $qia = $QUESTION{'qia'}; $qia =~ s/\r/\n/g; $qia =~ s/\n\n/\n/g; ($qrowhdr, $numqrowhdr, $numqcolhdr, $qcolhdr) = split(/::/,$qia); @qrowhdr = split(/\n/, $qrowhdr); @qcolhdr = split(/\n/, $qcolhdr); if ($qtype eq 'mtx') { # Mark selections with "CHECKED" @optvalues = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @optvalues; $i=0; foreach $row (0 .. $#qrowhdr) { foreach $col (0 .. $#qcolhdr) { if ($optvalues[$i] eq "xxx" || $optvalues[$i] eq "") { $chmatrix[$row][$col]=""; } else { $chmatrix[$row][$col]="CHECKED"; } $i++; } } } else { # Mark selections with "SELECTED" @optvalues = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @optvalues; $i=0; foreach $row (0 .. $#qrowhdr) { foreach $col (0 .. $#qcolhdr) { $rank = $optvalues[$i]; foreach $irank (0 .. 10) { if ($irank eq $rank) { $chmatrix[$i][$irank]="SELECTED"; } else { $chmatrix[$i][$irank]=""; } } $i++; } } } # Build matrix html $studentkey="

$itemdescription-Taker ResponseID
Skill Level
Correct Response$itemdescription-Taker Response

\n"; foreach (0 .. $#qcolhdr) { $studentkey .= ""; } $studentkey .= "\n"; $i=0; foreach $row (0 .. $#qrowhdr) { $studentkey .= ""; foreach $col (0 .. $#qcolhdr) { if ($qtype eq 'mtx') { $studentkey .= ""; } else { $studentkey .= ""; } $i++; } $studentkey .= "\n"; } $studentkey .= "
\n"; @qrowhdr = (); @qcolhdr = (); @chmatrix = (); #$studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"($myalbls[$jidx]) $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'mcm') { @myalbls=&set_answer_labels($myqalb); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; @txts = (); if ($QUESTION{'qca'} ne '') { @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); } @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); foreach $qia (@txts_wro) { push @txts, $qia; } @kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse); foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) { $jidx = $j-1; @indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]); my $srstring = $studentresponse."?"; $checked = ($srstring =~ /\?$jidx\?/) ? " CHECKED" : ""; $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"($myalbls[$jidx]) $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); } $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'mch') { ### DED-04 7/17/2002 Same as DED-02 @studentresponse = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @studentresponse; $qanswermatch = "\ 
\n"; @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $anstype = shift @ansopts; @albls=&set_answer_labels($anstype); $keyresponse = ""; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $cansord[$ansopts[$_]] = $albls[$_]; $qanswermatch = join('',$qanswermatch, "($cansord[$ansopts[$_]]) $txts_wro[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); } foreach $cansord (@cansord) { $keyresponse = join('', $keyresponse, $cansord); } for (0 .. $#ansopts) { ### DED-04 changed # $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",substr($studentresponse,$_,1),") $txts[$_]
\n"); ### to $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",$studentresponse[$_],") $txts[$_]
\n"); } @cansord = (); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'ord') { ### DED-05 7/17/2002 Same as DED-02 @studentresponse = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @studentresponse; @albls = &set_answer_labels($QUESTION{'qalb'}); @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $ansopt = shift @ansopts; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $ansopt = $ansopts[$_]; $ansopt++; ### DED-05 changed # $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",substr($studentresponse,$_,1),") $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); ### to $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",$studentresponse[$_],") $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); } $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') { print "\n"; if ($scoreable) { print "$credit\n"; } else { if ($credit eq $noanswertag) { print "$credit\n"; } else { $checked = ($manuallyscored) ? " CHECKED" : ""; print "Credit\n"; $allowupdate = 1; } } print "$questionindex. \n"; print "$QUESTION{'id'}
$skilllevel[$sklvl] \n"; print "$QUESTION{'qtx'}\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\ 
$qanswermatch\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if (($qtype eq 'nrt') && ($studentresponse ne '')) { if ($keycomments eq '') { print "Comments:
\n"; } else { print "Comments:
\n"; } } else { print "$answerkey\n"; } print "$studentkey\n"; print "\n"; if (($TEST{'remt'} ne '0') && ($TEST{'emlcndopt'} eq 'Y') && ($SESSION{'uac'} eq 'cnd')) { print "\n"; print " \n"; print "$QUESTION{'qrm'}\n"; print "\n"; } if ($QUESTION{'qcmtprmpt'} eq 'Y') { print "\n"; print " 
\n"; print " 
\n"; print " 
\n"; print "
(Student Comments) $QUESTION{'qcprmpt'}
\n"; print "\n"; } } else { unless ($FORM{'remed'} == 2 && $credit eq $correctanswertag) { print "\n"; print "$questionindex. \n"; if ($FORM{'remed'} == 0) { print "$QUESTION{'id'}
$skilllevel[$sklvl] \n"; } print "$QUESTION{'qtx'}\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; #print "\ \n"; print "\ 
$qanswermatch\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; #print "\ \n"; print "$studentkey\n"; print "\n"; if (($TEST{'remt'} ne '0') && ($TEST{'emlcndopt'} eq 'Y') && ($SESSION{'uac'} eq 'cnd')) { print "\n"; print " \n"; print "$QUESTION{'qrm'}\n"; print "\n"; } if ($QUESTION{'qcmtprmpt'} eq 'Y') { print "\n"; print " 
\n"; print " 
\n"; print "
(Student Comments) $QUESTION{'qcprmpt'}
\n"; print "\n"; } } } unless ($FORM{'remed'} == 2 && $credit eq $correctanswertag) { print "
\n"; } } if ($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') { if ($allowupdate) { print "\n"; } else { print "Test has been scored.\n"; } } print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } sub PrintCSV() { print "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=report.csv\n\n"; #if (!$_[0]) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; } #print "
	if ($FORM{'remed'} == "") { $FORM{'remed'} = 0; }
	if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
	    @skilllevel = ( '','','','' );
	    $itemdescription = "Survey";
	} elsif ($FORM{'remed'} == 1) {
	    $TEST{'seq'} = 'svy';
	    @skilllevel = ( '','','','' );
	    $itemdescription = "Test";
	} elsif ($FORM{'remed'} == 2) {
	    $TEST{'seq'} = 'svy';
	    @skilllevel = ( '','','','' );
	    $itemdescription = "Incorrect Test";
	} else {
	    @skilllevel = ( 'Basic','Intermediate','Advanced','' );
	    $itemdescription = "Test";

	$header = "Site,Test";
	$outline  = "\"".$CLIENT{'clid'}."\",\"$TEST{'id'} - $TEST{'desc'}\"";
	if ($FORM{'testdates'} ne '') {
		$header  .= ",Date";
		$outline .= ",$testdate";
	$header  .= ",\"Last Name\",\"First Name\",\"Middle Initial\"";
	$outline .= ",\"$CANDIDATE{'nml'}\",\"$CANDIDATE{'nmf'}\",\"$CANDIDATE{'nmm'}\"";
	$header  .= ",Address,City,State,\"Postal Code\",Country,E-mail";
	$outline .= ",\"$CANDIDATE{'adr'}\",\"$CANDIDATE{'cty'}\",\"$CANDIDATE{'ste'}\",\"$CANDIDATE{'pst'}\",\"$CANDIDATE{'ctry'}\",\"$CANDIDATE{'eml'}\"";
	if ($CLIENT{'clcnd1'} ne "") {
		$header  .= ",\"Custom Field 1\"";
		$outline .= ",\"$CANDIDATE{'cnd1'}\"";
	if ($CLIENT{'clcnd2'} ne "") {
		$header  .= ",\"Custom Field 2\"";
		$outline .= ",\"$CANDIDATE{'cnd2'}\"";
	if ($CLIENT{'clcnd3'} ne "") {
		$header  .= ",\"Custom Field 3\"";
		$outline .= ",\"$CANDIDATE{'cnd3'}\"";
	if ($CLIENT{'clcnd4'} ne "") {
		$header  .= ",\"Custom Field 4\"";
		$outline .= ",\"$CANDIDATE{'cnd4'}\"";
	if (($FORM{'testdates'} ne '' || $FORM{'percent'} ne '') && $FORM{'remed'} == 0) {
	    if ($FORM{'testdates'} ne '') {
		my $history = get_testhistory_from_log($CLIENT{'clid'},$CANDIDATE{'uid'},$TEST{'id'},$testdate);
		if (not defined $history) {
		    $header .= ",\"Start Time\"";
		    $outline .= ",\"Test Log Not Available\"";
		    $header .= ",\"Stop Time\"";
		    $outline .= ",\"Test Log Not Available\"";
		    $header .= ",\"Total Time\"";
		    $outline .= ",\"Test Log Not Available\"";
		    $header .= ",\"Actual Time\"";
		    $outline .= ",\"Test Log Not Available\"";
		} else {
		    foreach my $event (@{$history->{'history'}}) {
			my $action = $event->{'action'};
			if ($action eq 'Start' or $action eq 'Pause' or $action eq 'Resume' or $action eq 'Complete') {
			    ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime($event->{'time'});
			    my @months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
			    $year += 1900;
			    if ($mday < 10) { $mday = "0$mday"; }
			    if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; }
			    if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; }
			    if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; }
			    $header  .= ",\"$action Time\"";
			    $outline .= ",\"$mday-$months[$mon]-$year $hour:$min:$sec GMT\"";
		    $header .= ",\"Total Time\"";
		    $outline .= ",\"".fmtDuration($history->{'total'})."\"";
		    $header .= ",\"Actual Time\"";
		    $outline .= ",\"".fmtDuration($history->{'actual'})."\"";
	    if ($FORM{'percent'} ne '') {
		$header  .= ",\"Correct Answers\"";
		$outline .= ",".$FORM{'correct'};
		$header  .= ",\"Incorrect Answers\"";
		$outline .= ",".$FORM{'incorrect'};
		$header  .= ",\"Total Number of Questions\"";
		$outline .= ",".$FORM{'total'};
		$header  .= ",\"Score\"";
		$outline .= ",\"".$FORM{'percent'}." %\"";
		$minpass  = ($TEST{'minpass'} eq "") ? "Not Specified" :  $TEST{'minpass'}." \%";
		$header  .= ",\"Passing Score\"";
		$outline .= ",\"$minpass\"";
	$allowupdate = 0;
	$scored = 1;
	$correctanswertag = "$xlatphrase[137]";
	$incorrectanswertag = "INCORRECT";
	$noanswertag = "UNANSWERED";
	foreach $questionindex (1 .. $#questions) {
		$qtype = $QUESTION{'qtp'};
		if ($FORM{'remed'} != 1) {
		    if ($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') {
			$header .= ",Credit";
		    $header  .= ",\"Question Number\"";
		    #if ($FORM{'remed'} == 0) {
		        #$header  .= ",\"Question ID\",\"Subject Area\",\"Skill Level\"";
		    #$header  .= ",\"Question Text\"";
		    if ($qtype ne "mtx") {
			    if ($TEST{'seq'} eq 'svy' || $TEST{'seq'} eq 'dmg') {
				$header  .= ",\"$itemdescription-Taker Response\"";
			    } else {
				#$header  .= ",\"Subject Skill Level\"";
				#$header  .= ",\"Correct Response\"";
				$header  .= ",\"$itemdescription-Taker Response\"";
		if ($qtype eq 'plc') { next; }
		$myqalb = $QUESTION{'qalb'};
		($qsubj, $sklvl) = split(/\./, $QUESTION{'subj'});
		if ($sklvl eq '') { $sklvl = 3; }
		my $trash = $studentanswers[$questionindex];
		($studentresponse,$studentcomments) = split(/::/,lc($studentanswers[$questionindex]));
		$studentcomments =unmunge($studentcomments);
		$studentcomments =~ s/\"/\"/g;
		$studentcomments =~ s/\+/" "/g;

		($keyresponse,$kflags) = split(/::/, lc($keyanswers[$questionindex]));

		$scoreable = 1;
		$credit = $noanswertag;
		$checked = "";
		$answerkey = "";
		$studentkey = "";
		$qanswermatch = "";
		@txts = ();

		if (($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') || $FORM{'remed'} == 2) {
			if ($qtype eq 'nrt') {
				$scored = 0;
				$scoreable = 0;
				$tmpsr = $studentresponse;
				$tmpsr =~ s/\?//g;
				$tmpsr =~ s/xxx//g;
				$tmpsr =~ s/ //g;
				if ($studentresponse eq '') {
					$credit = $noanswertag;
				} else {
					$credit = "unscoreable";
					if ($keyresponse ne '') {
						($manuallyscored,$keycomments) = split(/\./, $keyresponse);
# end ADT
				$studentkey = "$studentresponse\n";
				$studentkey =~ s/\%0D\%0A/\/g;
				$studentkey = unmunge($studentkey);

			if ($qtype eq 'tf')	{
				$answerkey = $keyresponse;
				$studentkey = $studentresponse;
				if ($studentkey eq $answerkey) {
					$credit =  $correctanswertag;
				} else {
					$credit = $incorrectanswertag;
					$studentresponse =~ s/\?//g;
					$studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g;
					$studentresponse =~ s/ //g;
					if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;}

			if ($qtype eq 'esa')	{
				$answerkey = $keyresponse;
				$studentkey = $studentresponse;
				if ($answerkey =~ /\,/) {
					@txts = split(/\,/, $keyresponse);
					$credit =  $incorrectanswertag;
					foreach $answerkey (@txts) {
						if (lc($studentresponse) eq lc($answerkey)) {
							$credit =  $correctanswertag;
					$answerkey =~ s/\,/
/g; } else { if (lc($studentresponse) eq lc($keyresponse)) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } } if ($qtype eq 'mcs') { @myalbls=&set_answer_labels($myqalb); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; push @txts, $QUESTION{'qca'}; @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); foreach $qia (@txts_wro) { push @txts, $qia; } @kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse); foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) { $jidx = $j-1; @indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]); $checked = ($indexs[1] == '1') ? " CHECKED" : ""; $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"$myalbls[$jidx]. $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); $checked = ($studentresponse =~ /\?$jidx\?/ || $studentresponse =~ /\?$jidx$/) ? " CHECKED" : ""; $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"$myalbls[$jidx]. $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); } if ($studentkey eq $answerkey) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($qtype eq 'mcm') { @myalbls=&set_answer_labels($myqalb); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); foreach $qia (@txts_wro) { push @txts, $qia; } @kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse); foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) { $jidx = $j-1; @indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]); $checked = ($indexs[1] == '1') ? " CHECKED" : ""; $answerkey = join('',$answerkey," $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); $checked = ($studentresponse =~ /\?$jidx\?/ || $studentresponse =~ /\?$jidx$/) ? " CHECKED" : ""; $studentkey = join('',$studentkey," $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); } if ($studentkey eq $answerkey) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($qtype eq 'mch') { $qanswermatch = "\ 
\n"; @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $anstype = shift @ansopts; @albls=&set_answer_labels($anstype); $keyresponse = ""; ### DED-02 7/17/2002 Added following 2 lines ### and changed studentkey join below ### to allow for "?" delimiter in response @studentresponse = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @studentresponse; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $cansord[$ansopts[$_]] = $albls[$_]; $qanswermatch = join('',$qanswermatch, "($cansord[$ansopts[$_]]) $txts_wro[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); } foreach $cansord (@cansord) { $keyresponse = join('', $keyresponse, $cansord); } for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"($cansord[$_]) $txts[$_]
\n"); if ( $studentresponse[$_] eq "xxx" ) { $studentresponse[$_] = " "; } $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",$studentresponse[$_],") $txts[$_]
\n"); } @cansord = (); $studentresponse=""; for (0 .. $#studentresponse) { if ($studentresponse[$_] ne ' ') { $studentresponse=join('', $studentresponse, $studentresponse[$_]); } } if ($studentresponse eq $keyresponse) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($qtype eq 'ord') { ### DED 8/10/2002 Got rid of labels because ### "o" designator now working @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @studentresponse = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @studentresponse; @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $ansopt = shift @ansopts; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $ansopt = $ansopts[$_]; $ansopt++; $answerkey = join('',$answerkey,"($ansopt) $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); if ( $studentresponse[$_] eq "xxx" ) { $studentresponse[$_] = " "; } $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",$studentresponse[$_],") $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); } if ($studentkey eq $answerkey) { $credit = $correctanswertag; $corsc++; } else { $credit = $incorrectanswertag; #$studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } } else { ### Must be a svy or dmg if ($qtype eq 'nrt') { $studentkey = unmunge($studentresponse); $studentkey = "$studentkey"; } if ($qtype eq 'tf') { $studentkey = $studentresponse; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'esa') { $studentkey = $studentresponse; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'mcs' || $qtype eq 'mca') { @myalbls=&set_answer_labels($myqalb); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; @txts = (); if ($QUESTION{'qca'} ne '') { push @txts, $QUESTION{'qca'}; } @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); foreach $qia (@txts_wro) { push @txts, $qia; } @kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse); foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) { $jidx = $j-1; @indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]); my $srstring = $studentresponse."?"; $checked = ($srstring =~ /\?$jidx\?/) ? "1" : "0"; if ($checked) { $studentkey .= "$myalbls[$jidx]) $txts[$indexs[0]]"; } } $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'mtx' || $qtype eq 'mtr') { $studentkey=""; # Split qia into row and col headers $qia = $QUESTION{'qia'}; $qia =~ s/\r/\n/g; $qia =~ s/\n\n/\n/g; ($qrowhdr, $numqrowhdr, $numqcolhdr, $qcolhdr) = split(/::/,$qia); @qrowhdr = split(/\n/, $qrowhdr); @qcolhdr = split(/\n/, $qcolhdr); if ($qtype eq 'mtx') { # Mark selections with "CHECKED" @optvalues = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @optvalues; $i=0; foreach $row (0 .. $#qrowhdr) { foreach $col (0 .. $#qcolhdr) { if ($optvalues[$i] eq "xxx" || $studentresponse eq "") { $chmatrix[$row][$col]="0"; } else { $chmatrix[$row][$col]="1"; } $i++; } } } else { # Mark selections with "SELECTED" @optvalues = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @optvalues; $i=0; foreach $row (0 .. $#qrowhdr) { foreach $col (0 .. $#qcolhdr) { $rank = $optvalues[$i]; foreach $irank (0 .. 10) { if ($irank eq $rank) { $chmatrix[$i][$irank]="SELECTED"; } else { $chmatrix[$i][$irank]=""; } } $i++; } } } # Build matrix data $i=0; $mtxoutline = ""; foreach $row (0 .. $#qrowhdr) { foreach $col (0 .. $#qcolhdr) { $header .= ",\"$qrowhdr[$row]:$qcolhdr[$col]\""; if ($qtype eq 'mtx') { $mtxoutline .= ",\"$chmatrix[$row][$col]\""; } else { $studentkey .= ""; } $i++; } } #$studentkey = $mtxoutline; @qrowhdr = (); @qcolhdr = (); @chmatrix = (); #$studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"($myalbls[$jidx]) $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'mcm') { @myalbls=&set_answer_labels($myqalb); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; @txts = (); if ($QUESTION{'qca'} ne '') { @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); } @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); foreach $qia (@txts_wro) { push @txts, $qia; } @kans = split(/\?/,$keyresponse); foreach $j (1 .. $#kans) { $jidx = $j-1; @indexs = split(/=/, $kans[$j]); my $srstring = $studentresponse."?"; $checked = ($srstring =~ /\?$jidx\?/) ? " CHECKED" : ""; $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"($myalbls[$jidx]) $txts[$indexs[0]]
\n"); } $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'mch') { ### DED-04 7/17/2002 Same as DED-02 @studentresponse = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @studentresponse; $qanswermatch = "\ 
\n"; @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @txts_wro = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qia'}); @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $anstype = shift @ansopts; @albls=&set_answer_labels($anstype); $keyresponse = ""; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $cansord[$ansopts[$_]] = $albls[$_]; $qanswermatch = join('',$qanswermatch, "($cansord[$ansopts[$_]]) $txts_wro[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); } foreach $cansord (@cansord) { $keyresponse = join('', $keyresponse, $cansord); } for (0 .. $#ansopts) { ### DED-04 changed # $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",substr($studentresponse,$_,1),") $txts[$_]
\n"); ### to $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",$studentresponse[$_],") $txts[$_]
\n"); } @cansord = (); $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } if ($qtype eq 'ord') { ### DED-05 7/17/2002 Same as DED-02 @studentresponse = split(/\?/, $studentresponse); shift @studentresponse; @albls = &set_answer_labels($QUESTION{'qalb'}); @txts = split(/\n/, $QUESTION{'qca'}); @ansopts = split(/\./, $keyresponse); $ansopt = shift @ansopts; for (0 .. $#ansopts) { $ansopt = $ansopts[$_]; $ansopt++; ### DED-05 changed # $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",substr($studentresponse,$_,1),") $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); ### to $studentkey = join('',$studentkey,"(",$studentresponse[$_],") $txts[$ansopts[$_]]
\n"); } $studentresponse =~ s/xxx//g; $studentresponse =~ s/\?//g; $studentresponse =~ s/ //g; if ($studentresponse eq '') { $credit = $noanswertag;} } } if ($TEST{'seq'} ne 'svy' && $TEST{'seq'} ne 'dmg') { $outline .= "\n"; if ($scoreable) { $outline .= "$credit\n"; } else { if ($credit eq $noanswertag) { $outline .= "$credit\n"; } else { $checked = ($manuallyscored) ? " CHECKED" : ""; $outline .= "Credit\n"; $allowupdate = 1; } } $outline .= "$questionindex. \n"; $outline .= "$QUESTION{'id'}
$skilllevel[$sklvl] \n"; $outline .= "$QUESTION{'qtx'}\n"; $outline .= "\n"; $outline .= "\n"; $outline .= "\ 
$qanswermatch\n"; $outline .= "\n"; $outline .= "\n"; if (($qtype eq 'nrt') && ($studentresponse ne '')) { if ($keycomments eq '') { $outline .= "Comments:
\n"; } else { $outline .= "Comments:
\n"; } } else { $outline .= "$answerkey\n"; } $outline .= "$studentkey\n"; $outline .= "\n"; if (($TEST{'remt'} ne '0') && ($TEST{'emlcndopt'} eq 'Y') && ($SESSION{'uac'} eq 'cnd')) { $outline .= "\n"; $outline .= " \n"; $outline .= "$QUESTION{'qrm'}\n"; $outline .= "\n"; } if ($QUESTION{'qcmtprmpt'} eq 'Y') { $outline .= "\n"; $outline .= " 
\n"; $outline .= " 
\n"; $outline .= " 
\n"; $outline .= "
(Student Comments) $QUESTION{'qcprmpt'}
\n"; $outline .= "\n"; } } else { ### Must be a svy or dmg unless ($FORM{'remed'} == 2 && $credit eq $correctanswertag) { $outline .= ",\"$questionindex. \""; #if ($FORM{'remed'} == 0) { #$outline .= ",\"$QUESTION{'id'}\",\"$qsubj\",\"$skilllevel[$sklvl]\""; #} #$outline .= ",\"$QUESTION{'qtx'}\""; #$outline .= ",\"$qanswermatch\""; if ($qtype eq "mtx") { $outline .= $mtxoutline ; } else { $outline .= ",\"$studentkey\""; } #if (($TEST{'remt'} ne '0') && ($TEST{'emlcndopt'} eq 'Y') #&& ($SESSION{'uac'} eq 'cnd')) { #$outline .= ",\"$QUESTION{'qrm'}\""; #} if ($QUESTION{'qcmtprmpt'} eq 'Y') { $header .= ",\"(Student Comments) $QUESTION{'qcprmpt'}\""; $outline .= ",\"$studentcomments\""; } } } } $header =~ s/\n/ /g; $outline =~ s/\n/ /g; $outline =~ s/
/ /g; $outline =~ s/

/ /g; $outline =~ s/<\/p>/ /g; print "$header\n"; print "$outline\n"; #print "

\n"; }