package IntegroLib; # A collection of functions used for custom reports for Integro. # Most data processing functions. # # $Id:,v 1.5 2005/10/31 17:03:34 ddoughty Exp $ use FileHandle; use Time::Local; use Data::Dumper; use vars qw(%FORM %SESSION %CLIENT %TEST_SESSION %SUBTEST_QUESTIONS %TEST %SUBTEST_SUMMARY %CANDIDATE %SUBTEST_ANSWERS %SYSTEM %REPORT %SUBTEST_RESPONSES); use vars qw($testcomplete $cgiroot $pathsep $dataroot ); require ''; require ''; require ''; require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. @EXPORT = qw(get_survey_results CommEffectData TrustLevelData ValuesData diversityData KindsOfPeopleData); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); $VERSION = '0.01'; sub get_survey_results { my ($client,$user,$test) = @_; &main::get_test_sequence_for_reports($client,$user,$test); #print STDERR Dumper(\%SUBTEST_RESPONSES,\%SUBTEST_QUESTIONS); my (@answers,$i,@comments,@responses); foreach (split(/\&/,$main::SUBTEST_RESPONSES{2})) { my ($response,$comment) = split(/::/,$_); push @responses, $response; push @comments, $comment; } for ($i = 1; $i<=69; $i++) { ($responses[$i] =~ /^\D*(\d+)/); $answers[$i] = $1; # Also need to get comments } if ($main::SUBTEST_QUESTIONS{2} =~ /\.057/) { ($responses[57] =~ /^\D*(\d+)/); $answers[57] = $1; } else { # Question 57 is suppressed in this survey # Shift the last two questions to their # correct position, and flag 57 $comments[60] = $comments[59]; $comments[59] = $comments[58]; $comments[58] = $comments[57]; $comments[57] = -1; $responses[60] = $responses[59]; $responses[59] = $responses[58]; $responses[58] = $responses[57]; $answers[57] = -1; } my ($slug,$steady,$energetic) = (5,5,5); my @tmp = split(/\?/,$responses[58]); for ($i = 1; $i<= 60; $i+=3) { #print STDERR "$i - $tmp[$i] - $slug,\n"; if ($tmp[$i] =~ /\d+/) { last; } else { $slug += 5; } } if ($slug == 105) {$slug = 0;} foreach ($i = 2; $i<= 60; $i+=3) { #print STDERR "$i - $tmp[$i] - $steady\n"; if ($tmp[$i] =~ /\d+/) { last; } else { $steady += 5; } } if ($steady == 105) {$steady = 0;} foreach ($i = 3; $i<= 60; $i+=3) { #print STDERR "$i - $tmp[$i] - $energetic\n"; if ($tmp[$i] =~ /\d+/) { last; } else { $energetic += 5; } } if ($energetic ==105) {$energetic = 0;} if (($slug + $steady + $energetic) == 100) { $answers[58] = [$slug,$steady,$energetic]; } else { #print STDERR "$slug, $steady, $energetic\n"; $answers[58] = undef; } $answers[59] = $responses[59]; #print STDERR Dumper(\@answers); if (wantarray) { return (\@answers,\@comments); } else { return \@answers; } } sub CommEffectData { my ($client,$testid,$idlist,$groups) = @_; my $grpMembership = &main::getGroupMemberships($client); my $config = {'Purpose' => {'Clarity' => [17,25], 'Approval' => [21,29]}, 'Values' => {'Clarity' => [19,27], 'Approval' => [23,31]}, 'Vision' => {'Clarity' => [18,33], 'Approval' => [22,37]}, 'Goals' => {'Clarity' => [26,34], 'Approval' => [30,38]}, 'Procedures' => {'Clarity' => [20,35], 'Approval' => [24,39]}, 'Roles' => {'Clarity' => [28,36], 'Approval' => [32,40]} }; #my (%histograms,$claritysum,$approvalsum); my $res; foreach (keys %$config) { @{$res->{'organization'}->{'histogram'}->{$_}->{'Clarity'}} = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0); foreach my $i (0..6) { @{$res->{'organization'}->{'histogram'}->{$_}->{'Approval'}->[$i]} = (0,0,0); } } my @filelist = &main::get_test_result_files($main::testcomplete, $client,$testid); foreach my $file (@filelist) { my $user = $file; $user =~ s/.$testid$//; $user =~ s/^$client.//; if (defined $idlist and not $idlist->{$user}) { next; } my $answers = &get_survey_results( $client, $user, $testid); foreach (keys %$config) { my ($clarity, $approval); if (defined $answers->[$config->{$_}->{'Clarity'}->[0]] and defined $answers->[$config->{$_}->{'Clarity'}->[1]] and defined $answers->[$config->{$_}->{'Approval'}->[0]] and defined $answers->[$config->{$_}->{'Approval'}->[1]]) { $clarity = $answers->[$config->{$_}->{'Clarity'}->[0]] + $answers->[$config->{$_}->{'Clarity'}->[1]]; $res->{'organization'}->{'histogram'}->{$_}->{'Clarity'}->[$clarity]++; $res->{'organization'}->{'claritysum'}->{$_}->{'number'}++; $res->{'organization'}->{'claritysum'}->{$_}->{'value'} += $clarity; $approval = $answers->[$config->{$_}->{'Approval'}->[0]] + $answers->[$config->{$_}->{'Approval'}->[1]]; $res->{'organization'}->{'approvalsum'}->{$_}->{'number'}++; $res->{'organization'}->{'approvalsum'}->{$_}->{'value'} += $approval; my $approvalhist; if ($approval < 3) {$approvalhist = 0;} elsif ($approval < 5) {$approvalhist = 1;} else {$approvalhist = 2;} $res->{'organization'}->{'histogram'}->{$_}->{'Approval'}->[$clarity]->[$approvalhist]++; #if () { if ($grpMembership and exists $grpMembership->{$user}) { foreach my $group (@{$grpMembership->{$user}}) { if (defined $idlist and not exists $groups->{$group}) { # a subset of groups was chosen, and this group is not in that list next; } if (not exists $res->{'groups'}->{$group}) { foreach my $conf (keys %$config) { @{$res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'histogram'}->{$conf}->{'Clarity'}} = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0); foreach my $i (0..6) { @{$res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'histogram'}->{$conf}->{'Approval'}->[$i]} = (0,0,0); } } } $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'histogram'}->{$_}->{'Clarity'}->[$clarity]++; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'histogram'}->{$_}->{'Approval'}->[$clarity]->[$approvalhist]++; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'claritysum'}->{$_}->{'number'}++; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'claritysum'}->{$_}->{'value'} += $clarity; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'approvalsum'}->{$_}->{'number'}++; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'approvalsum'}->{$_}->{'value'} += $approval; } } } } } my @groups = ($res->{'organization'}); if (exists $res->{'groups'}) {push @groups, values(%{$res->{'groups'}});} foreach my $group (@groups) { my ($count,$claritytot,$approvaltot) = (scalar(keys(%{$group->{'claritysum'}})),0,0); foreach (values %{$group->{'claritysum'}}) { $_->{'value'} = 100*$_->{'value'}/(6*$_->{'number'}); $claritytot += $_->{'value'}; } foreach (values %{$group->{'approvalsum'}}) { $_->{'value'} = 100*$_->{'value'}/(6*$_->{'number'}); $approvaltot += $_->{'value'}; } $group->{'overallclarity'} = ($count ? $claritytot/$count : undef); $group->{'overallapproval'} = ($count ? $approvaltot/$count : undef); } #print STDERR Dumper($res); return $res; } sub TrustLevelData { my ($client,$testid,$idlist,$groups) = @_; my $grpMembership = &main::getGroupMemberships($client); my %reversed = (2 => 1, 13 => 1, 15 => 1); if ($testid =~ m/^TAQ01\_/ ) {%reversed = ( );} my %config = ('Openness' => [1,5,9,13], 'Congruence' => [2,6,10,14], 'Acceptance' => [3,7,11,15], 'Reliability' => [4,8,12,16] ); my ($res,%defhistograms); @defhistograms{keys(%config)} = ([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]); @{$res->{'organization'}->{'histogram'}}{keys(%config)} = ([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]); my @filelist = &main::get_test_result_files($main::testcomplete, $client,$testid); foreach my $file (@filelist) { my $user = $file; $user =~ s/.$testid$//; $user =~ s/^$client.//; if (defined $idlist and not $idlist->{$user}) { next; } my $answers = &get_survey_results( $client, $user, $testid); CONFIG: foreach (keys %config) { my $value; foreach my $i (@{$config{$_}}) { if (not defined $answers->[$i]) { # We are missing a response in one of the data points for this category, # skip the category for this canidate. $value = 0; next CONFIG; } if (exists $reversed{$i}) { $value += (4 - $answers->[$i]); } else { $value += $answers->[$i]; } } $res->{'organization'}->{'trust'}->{$_}->{'number'}++; #print STDERR "$_: ($res->{'organization'}->{'trust'}->{$_}->{'number'}, $value => "; my $hvalue = $value - 4; $res->{'organization'}->{'trust'}->{$_}->{'value'}+=$value; if ($hvalue < 0) {$hvalue = 0;} if ($hvalue > 8) {$hvalue = 8}; $res->{'organization'}->{'histogram'}->{$_}->[$hvalue]++; if ($grpMembership and exists $grpMembership->{$user}) { # it isn't clear what by group breakout should be # when the reports are limited by groups, so skip it. foreach my $group (@{$grpMembership->{$user}}) { if (defined $idlist and not exists $groups->{$group}) { # a subset of groups was chosen, and this group is not in that list next; } if (not exists $res->{'groups'}->{$group}) { @{$res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'histogram'}}{keys(%config)} = ([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]); } $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'trust'}->{$_}->{'number'}++; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'trust'}->{$_}->{'value'}+=$value; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'histogram'}->{$_}->[$hvalue]++; } } $value = 0; $hvalue = 0; } } #print STDERR Dumper($res->{'organization'}); my @groups = ($res->{'organization'}); if (exists $res->{'groups'}) {push @groups, values(%{$res->{'groups'}});} foreach my $group (@groups) { my ($count,$overall) = (scalar(keys(%{$group->{'trust'}})),0); foreach (values %{$group->{'trust'}}) { #print STDERR "($_->{'value'}, $_->{'number'})\n"; $_->{'value'} = 100*$_->{'value'}/(16*$_->{'number'}); $overall += $_->{'value'}; } $group->{'overalltrust'} = ($count ? $overall/$count : undef); } #print STDERR Dumper($res->{'organization'}); return $res; } sub ValuesData { my ($client,$testid,$idlist,$groups) = @_; my $grpMembership = &main::getGroupMemberships($client); #print STDERR Dumper( $grpMembership ); #my @filelist = &main::get_test_result_files($main::testcomplete, $client,$testid); my %config ; if ($testid eq "passion") { %config = ('Straightforwardness' => 21, 'Honesty' => 23, 'Receptivity' => 25, 'Disclosure' => 27, 'Respect' => 29, 'Recognition' => 31, 'Seeks Excellence' => 33, 'Keeps Commitments' => 35, ); } else { %config = ('Straightforwardness' => 41, 'Honesty' => 43, 'Receptivity' => 45, 'Disclosure' => 47, 'Respect' => 49, 'Recognition' => 51, 'Seeks Excellence' => 53, 'Keeps Commitments' => 55, ); } # data is stored [Personal Importance, Work Performance] my %levels = map(($_ => [0,0]), keys(%config)); my %count = map(($_ => 0), keys(%config)); # number of responses my @filelist = &main::get_test_result_files($main::testcomplete, $client,$testid); my $res = {}; foreach my $file (@filelist) { my $user = $file; $user =~ s/.$testid$//; $user =~ s/^$client.//; if (defined $idlist and not $idlist->{$user}) { next; } my $answers = &get_survey_results( $client, $user, $testid); foreach (keys %config) { if (not defined $answers->[$config{$_}] or not defined $answers->[$config{$_}+1]) { next; } $res->{'organization'}->{$_}->{'count'}++; $res->{'organization'}->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'} += $answers->[$config{$_}]+1; $res->{'organization'}->{$_}->{'Work Performance'} += $answers->[$config{$_}+1]+1; if ($grpMembership and exists $grpMembership->{$user}) { # it isn't clear what by group breakout should be # when the reports are limited by groups, so skip it. foreach my $group (@{$grpMembership->{$user}}) { if (defined $idlist and not exists $groups->{$group}) { # a subset of groups was chosen, and this group is not in that list next; } $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{$_}->{'count'}++; #my $bob = $answers->[$config{$_}]+1; #print STDERR "User: $user Group: $group Value: $_ Answer: $bob\n"; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'} += $answers->[$config{$_}]+1; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{$_}->{'Work Performance'} += $answers->[$config{$_}+1]+1; } } } } my @tmp = ($res->{'organization'}); if (exists $res->{'groups'}) {push @tmp, values(%{$res->{'groups'}});} foreach my $grp (@tmp) { foreach (keys %config) { if (not $grp->{$_}->{'count'}) {next;} $grp->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'} /= $grp->{$_}->{'count'}; $grp->{$_}->{'Work Performance'} /= $grp->{$_}->{'count'}; $grp->{'Personal Importance'} += $grp->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'}; $grp->{'Work Performance'} += $grp->{$_}->{'Work Performance'}; $grp->{'gap'} += $grp->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'} - $grp->{$_}->{'Work Performance'}; } } return $res; } sub diversityData { my ($client,$testid,$idlist,$groups) = @_; # warn "diversityData called" ; # HBI Debug my $grpMembership = &main::getGroupMemberships($client); #print STDERR Dumper( $grpMembership ); #my @filelist = &main::get_test_result_files($main::testcomplete, $client,$testid); my %config = ('Respectfulness' => 60, 'Speaking Up' => 62, 'Divergent Thinking' => 64, 'Freedom from Harassment' => 66, 'Fairness of Decisions' => 68 ); # data is stored [Personal Importance, Work Performance] my %levels = map(($_ => [0,0]), keys(%config)); my %count = map(($_ => 0), keys(%config)); # number of responses my @filelist = &main::get_test_result_files($main::testcomplete, $client,$testid); my $res = {}; foreach my $file (@filelist) { my $user = $file; $user =~ s/.$testid$//; $user =~ s/^$client.//; if (defined $idlist and not $idlist->{$user}) { next; } my $answers = &get_survey_results( $client, $user, $testid); foreach (keys %config) { if (not defined $answers->[$config{$_}] or not defined $answers->[$config{$_}+1]) { next; } $res->{'organization'}->{$_}->{'count'}++; $res->{'organization'}->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'} += $answers->[$config{$_}]+1; $res->{'organization'}->{$_}->{'Work Performance'} += $answers->[$config{$_}+1]+1; if ($grpMembership and exists $grpMembership->{$user}) { # it isn't clear what by group breakout should be # when the reports are limited by groups, so skip it. foreach my $group (@{$grpMembership->{$user}}) { if (defined $idlist and not exists $groups->{$group}) { # a subset of groups was chosen, and this group is not in that list next; } $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{$_}->{'count'}++; #my $bob = $answers->[$config{$_}]+1; #print STDERR "User: $user Group: $group Value: $_ Answer: $bob\n"; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'} += $answers->[$config{$_}]+1; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{$_}->{'Work Performance'} += $answers->[$config{$_}+1]+1; } } } } my @tmp = ($res->{'organization'}); if (exists $res->{'groups'}) {push @tmp, values(%{$res->{'groups'}});} foreach my $grp (@tmp) { foreach (keys %config) { if (not $grp->{$_}->{'count'}) {next;} $grp->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'} /= $grp->{$_}->{'count'}; $grp->{$_}->{'Work Performance'} /= $grp->{$_}->{'count'}; $grp->{'Personal Importance'} += $grp->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'}; $grp->{'Work Performance'} += $grp->{$_}->{'Work Performance'}; $grp->{'gap'} += $grp->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'} - $grp->{$_}->{'Work Performance'}; } } return $res; } sub KindsOfPeopleData { my ($client,$testid,$idlist,$groups) = @_; my $grpMembership = &main::getGroupMemberships($client); #print STDERR Dumper( $grpMembership ); my @filelist = &main::get_test_result_files($main::testcomplete,$client,$testid); my $res = {'self' =>{}}; $res->{'self'}->{'count'} = 0; foreach my $file (@filelist) { my $user = $file; $user =~ s/\.$testid$//; $user =~ s/^$client\.//; #print STDERR " $user\n"; my $answers = &get_survey_results( $client, $user, $testid); if (defined $idlist and not $idlist->{$user}) { #print STDERR "Skipping $user\n"; next; } $res->{'Number of Surveys'}++; #print STDERR Dumper($answers); if (exists $res->{'self'} and defined $answers->[57] ) { #print STDERR "BOOOO:$user:$answers->[57]:$answers->[57]->[0] $answers->[57]->[1] $answers->[57]->[2]\n"; if ($answers->[57] >= 0) { my @types = ('Rebellious', 'Compliant', 'Self-Directed'); $res->{'self'}->{'count'}++; $res->{'self'}->{$types[$answers->[57]]} += 100; } } if (defined $answers->[58] ) { #print STDERR "BOOOO::$user $answers->[58]->[0] $answers->[58]->[1] $answers->[58]->[2]\n"; $res->{'organization'}->{'count'}++; $res->{'organization'}->{'Rebellious'} += $answers->[58]->[0]; $res->{'organization'}->{'Compliant'} += $answers->[58]->[1]; $res->{'organization'}->{'Self-Directed'} += $answers->[58]->[2]; if ($grpMembership and exists $grpMembership->{$user}) { foreach my $group (@{$grpMembership->{$user}}) { if (defined $idlist and not exists $groups->{$group}) { # a subset of groups was chosen, and this group is not in that list next; } $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'count'}++; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'Rebellious'} += $answers->[58]->[0]; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'Compliant'} += $answers->[58]->[1]; $res->{'groups'}->{$group}->{'Self-Directed'} += $answers->[58]->[2]; } } } } if ($res->{'self'}->{'count'} < 1) { delete $res->{'self'}; } if (not defined $res) { return undef; } my @tmp = ($res->{'organization'}); if (exists $res->{'groups'}) {push @tmp, values(%{$res->{'groups'}});} if (exists $res->{'self'}) {push @tmp, $res->{'self'};} foreach (@tmp) { if (not $_->{'count'}) { $_ = undef; next; } $_->{'Rebellious'} /= $_->{'count'}; $_->{'Compliant'} /= $_->{'count'}; $_->{'Self-Directed'} /= $_->{'count'}; } #print STDERR Dumper($res,$idlist); return $res; } 1;