tgwall&brian.m.dempsey.civ&360_Nash&6.0.0&&&360_Nash&&&, 0.1.o.o.o.1.&360_Nash.001&360_Nash.002&360_Nash.003&360_Nash.004&360_Nash.005&360_Nash.006&360_Nash.007&360_Nash.008&360_Nash.009&360_Nash.010&360_Nash.011&360_Nash.012&360_Nash.013&360_Nash.014&360_Nash.015&360_Nash.016&360_Nash.017&360_Nash.018&360_Nash.019&360_Nash.020&360_Nash.021&360_Nash.022&360_Nash.023&360_Nash.024&360_Nash.025 &::P1.0:1:1:0&::P1.0:1:1:0&::P2.0:1:1:0&::P2.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P3.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P3.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P3.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P4.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P4.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P4.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P5.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P5.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P5.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P6.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P6.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P6.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P7.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P7.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P7.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P8.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P8.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P8.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P9.0:1:5:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::P9.0:1:5:0&::P9.0:1:1:0 &To be the R and D Branch for the SATCOM Division::&He does try to provided alot of technical insight into decisions related to his branch and division.::&i think he uses the lazzie Fair style. his folks seem to manage there own programs and career. I am not sure what he is doing from a leadership improvement perspective. if he is doing anything, i am not aware of it.::&to be honest, i have no idea. i have very little, if any insight into this side of randy.::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::i know he speaches up about his branch at staff meetings. but no idea wht the dad to day interaction is with his employees.&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::when randy and someone else dont agree, there typical is a healthy discuess about why.&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::i really dont see a consistency in his actions, to what he should do, and to what he says he will do.&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::i cant say for how his employees feel, but when i have gone to talk to him it has seemed like he is pretty focused on me and the task at hand.&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::i cant tell one way or another most of the time where i stand with him.&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::i know what the purpose is supposed to be, but to be really honest i dont know what that branch really does day to day besides 2 or 3 folks.&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::I think he used to make decisions in a bubble, again just my opinion. but i think he is asking his folks more and more for input.&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::i can hardle get a read on his behavior, but i dont think it relys the intent of communinication&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::I have hardle seem any adverse actions taken on employees from the person.&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::i think the people that work under this person get away with almost anything with no recourse on them&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::Not sure if he does this or not. if so, i havent seen it.&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::i personally dont think this happens with this person. if so, i am not aware of it going on.&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::i dont think he promotes a manager or leader and the skills needed for that job down to his folks. &?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::i havent seen this done if he does it.&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?xxx?2?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::i dont think he knows how to connection on a personel level with people. or its hard for him to do that&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&this is going to sound bad, but there isnt just 3 things he needs to work on. i would recommend a week long leadership class to help him figure out his strengths and weeknesses and go from there:: Not Scored by Definition