21-Sep-2009 11:13:09 GMT<<>>tas&townsonj&tasott09&6.0.0&&&tasott09&&&bcarico@actscorp.com&N.Y.Y.N.Y.N.N.N.N.N<<>>1.1.o.o.o.1.&tasott09.001&tasott09.002&tasott09.003&tasott09.005&tasott09.008&tasott09.012&tasott09.013&tasott09.017&tasott09.019<<>>&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0?5=0::.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0?5=0?6=0::undefined.0:1:1:0<<>>&Chuck Henrys presentation on the 2009/2010 vision for the government::&The IBM exclusive view of the world. I think it would be interesting to have one of the other key players in the distributed space provide their view. Would provide a more "balanced" view::&I enjoyed all the speakers without exception. It has been my experience that this forum brings together speakers to whom the participants would not otherwise have access.::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx::&Adding less of an IBM bias. That is one of the comments I received when talking this series up within my organization. <BR> <BR>Perhaps stand alone 1/2 day sessions. It is difficult to get away for 3 solid days::&::&Not at this time::&?xxx?1?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::Luc Boileau<BR>Director Sever Systems Competency Centre<BR>613-748-2645<BR><BR>He is also very interested in the concept of CLoud Computing&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx?xxx?xxx::Started my career in the early 90s puulling cables under the floor. Have been ivolved in activiteis of increasing responsibility including leading a contracted LAN support Team, acting as a customer service rep, Managing a team responsible for the integration of client IT business into our infrastructure, managing a midrange support team and most recently acting as the Director End user Services<<>>Not Scored by Definition 23-Sep-2009 19:51:58 GMT<<>>tas&poapstsp&tasott09&6.0.0&&&tasott09&&&bcarico@actscorp.com&N.Y.Y.N.Y.N.N.N.N.N<<>>1.1.o.o.o.1.&tasott09.001&tasott09.002&tasott09.003&tasott09.005&tasott09.008&tasott09.012&tasott09.013&tasott09.017&tasott09.019<<>>&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0?5=0::.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0?5=0?6=0::undefined.0:1:1:0<<>>&Current trends and opinions expressed by those knowledgeable in the IT field.::&Perhaps a little too much emphasis on one particular IT vendor.::&None -- all were very good presenters.::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&Virtualization -- when not to consider deploying.::&n/a::&n/a::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4?xxx::n/a&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4?xxx?xxx::OpenVMS system management and Oracle Database Administration. Current focus is on hardware monitoring.<<>>Not Scored by Definition 28-Sep-2009 14:12:07 GMT<<>>tas&Lenihanda@csc-scc.gc.ca&tasott09&6.0.0&&&tasott09&&&bcarico@actscorp.com&N.Y.Y.N.Y.N.N.N.N.N<<>>1.1.o.o.o.1.&tasott09.001&tasott09.002&tasott09.003&tasott09.005&tasott09.008&tasott09.012&tasott09.013&tasott09.017&tasott09.019<<>>&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&::tas.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0?5=0::.0:1:1:0&?0=0?1=0?2=0?3=0?4=0?5=0?6=0::undefined.0:1:1:0<<>>&I found that the TAS was very interesting listening to senior managers and experts giving their opinion of where technology is going and their views on why the industry is moving in that direction. <BR> <BR>::&Unfortunately, I felt that there was way too much talk on the benefits of Mainframe technology. We all understand the Mainframes have their place but a lot of Government organization are removing them. Not to say I didnt feel that some of it was interesting but either your in the Mainframe market or your not. There where times it felt very much like any IBM "lunch and learn" where if you listen to the marketing you will get a free pizza lunch. <BR> <BR> <BR>::&I found all instructors very knowledgeable, professional and engaging::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&As I said, a very specific group wants to talk about mainframe IBM has other platforms I would like to hear about. Most organization are Windows, Unix, Linux and Virtualization technology. Talking about security, and project management and current challenges I found very informative. I missed the guest speaker on the second day I heard it was excellent. <BR>So trim Mainframe, and expand guest speakers and current challenges facing more relevant technology <BR>::&Being more of a technical person and wanting to move into a managerial role. I found that the TAS gave me an insight as to how senior managers throughout the industry view technology trends and how they formulate their views on specific subject matter that they are experts in. <BR>::&no one at this time....::&?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx?4?xxx::Murray Macdonald&?xxx?xxx?xxx?3?xxx?xxx?xxx::10 years as a Windows server administrator and 3 years working in the Virtual Server infrastructure<<>>Not Scored by Definition