tas&rich_olimpio&mfusage&6.0.0&&&mfusage&&&bcarico@actscorp.com&N.Y.N.N.Y.N.N 1.1.o.o.o.N.0&mfusage.001&mfusage.002&mfusage.003&mfusage.004&mfusage.005&mfusage.006 &::1.0:1:1:0&::2.0:1:1:0&::3.0:1:1:0&::4.0:1:1:0&::5.0:1:1:0&::undefined.0:1:1:0 &1200 people using CICS/WebSphere. Overnight batch (COBOL) generating reports. Interfaces with warehouse system (SUN) for allocation, planning.::&Daily - Mostly monday thru friday. Batch processing and warehouse functions on weekend.::&CICS/WebSphere transactions.::&Primarily CICS/Batch COBOL. Newer applications being coded in JAVA (WebSphere). We have just implemented a ZAAP.::&Perception continues to be a problem long term. IBM shows much more interest in having us switch to LINUX, rather than expanding our z/OS usage.::&Yes:: Not Scored by Definition