id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded solg3smp.001&mcs&0&N&
Read this sentence from the story.
She milked the cows, tended the garden, and cooked meals for her father.

Q1. Which word has the same vowel sound as meal?&sweet&bread;merry;eggs;&&&&a&.0&&&& solg3smp.002&mcs&0&N&

Q2. What does the word "tended" mean in paragraph 1 of this story?&took care of&thought about;wrote about;looked at;&&&&a&.0&&&& solg3smp.003&mcs&0&N&

Q3. Which list of words from the story is in alphabetical order?&gloves, hat, ribbons, shoes&eggs, jars, hair, money;bees, market, puddle, garden;sash, basket, job, meals;&&&&a&.0&&&& solg3smp.004&mcs&0&Y&

Q4. Which sentence from the story tells what the farmer’s daughter learned? &&&&&&a&.0&&&& solg3smp.005&mcs&0&&

Q4. Which sentence from the story tells what the farmer’s daughter learned? &"I should not have been in such a hurry to spend money I didn't have!"&"I can sell the eggs from all those chickens, and I'll have lots of money." ;"It is time to take the honey from the beehives and sell it at market.";"I do not know what I would do without you.";&&&&a&.0&&&&