id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded ohio.001&mcs&2&N&How many faces does this box have? ;&6&2 ;4&&1&1&A&math&&&&0 ohio.002&mcs&2&N&Where should the number 347 be placed in this row so that the numbers will be in order from the smallest to the largest?&triangle&circle ;square&&&&A&math&&&&0 ohio.003&mcs&0&N&Cincinnati had a population of three hundred sixty-four thousand, one hundred fourteen people in 1990.What would be the population of Cincinnati if the city grew by ten thousand?&374,114&365,114 ;464,114&&3&2&A&math&&&&0 ohio.004&mcs&2&N&Matt divided a problem this way: ;His teacher marked it wrong. Which of the following is the correct answer and expanation?&15 with a remainder of 1, because 15 x 3 = 45 and 45 + 1 = 46&14 with a reainder of 3, because 14 x 3 = 42 and 42 + 3 = 46 ;12 with a remainder 0, because 12 x 3 = 46&&5&3&A&math&&&&0 ohio.005&mcs&2&N&This fingernail is about 1 centimeter wide. About how many centimeters long is this paper clip?&3 cm&1 cm ;5 cm&&6&4&A&math&&&&0 ohio.006&mcs&2&N&Draw the two lines of symmetry for this rectangle.&perpendicular lines&ascew lines ;parallel lines&&6&5&A&math&&&&0 ohio.007&mcs&0&N&Which measurement is about the same as the length of a baseball bat?&1 meter&1 kilometer ;1 centimeter&&&&A&math&&&&0 ohio.008&mcs&2&N&Look at the three spinners. If you spin the arrow on each spinner 50 times, which one would likely point to number 1 most often?&Spinner A&Spinner B ;Spinner C&&9&7&A&math&&&&0 ohio.009&mcs&0&N&The Ohio State Fair is held every year in Columbus. At one of the state fairs there were 48 Girl Scouts marching in the parade. There were 6 girls in each row. Which equation would you use to find how many rows of Girl Scouts were marching in the parade?&n x 6 = 48&48 + 6 = n ;48 - n = 6&&10&8&A&math&&&&0 ohio.010&nrt&2&N&Look for a pattern. Describe the pattern and write the missing numbers to complete the table.&200&&&10&9&&math&&&&0 ohio.011&mcs&0&N& ;Round the numbers 42 and 31 to the nearest ten. Then subtract the rounded numbers to estimate the difference. Which statement is true?&Your estimate is smaller than the exact difference.&Your estimate larger than the exact difference. ;Your estimate is the same as the exact difference.&&&&A&math&&&&0 ohio.012&mcs&2&N&Jenny, Brian and Omar were in three sports events. The chart shows how many minutes it took the children to complete each event. ; ;The winner is the person with the lowest total time in all the events. Which child won?&Jenny&Brian ;Omar&&&&A&math&&&&0 ohio.013&nrt&2&N&Central School sold gift wrap to raise money for the school. Shawn sold 4 rolls at $9 each,10 rolls at $6 each, and 15 rolls at $7 each. ; ;To find out how much money he had to collect, he worked out the following problem on a sheet of paper. ; ;Shawn figured that he would have to collect $1786. Tell whether Shawn solved the problem correctly. If he did not, identify each of his mistakes. Use words, numbers,or pictures to explain your answer. Show your work.&200&&&13&12&&math&&&&0 ohio.014&mcs&2&N&Trisha bought 6 packages of ice cream bars each costing $2.29. Which buttons should she press on her calculator to find out the total cost ofthe ice cream bars?&2,.,2,9,x,6,=&2,.,2,9,/,6,= ;6,/,2,.,2,9,=&&&&A&math&&&&0 ohio.015&mcs&0&N&Maya bought a sandwich for a total of $3.79. She gave the sales person a $10 bill. ;Which picture shows the amount of change she would recieve.&$5,$1,.10,.10,.01&$5,.10,.10,.01 ;$5,$1,$1,.25,.25,.25,.10,.10&&16&14&A&math&&&&0 ohio.016&nrt&0&N&Maria baked a pie and cut it into 6 equal pieces. Pedro baked the same size pie and cut it into 8 equal pieces. Both children ate one piece of their own pie. ; ;Who ate a bigger piece? Use words , pictures , or numbers to explain your answer.&200&&&16&15&&math&&&&0 ohio.017&mcs&2&N&You are standing at the box office of the movie theater. the clock shows the present time. ; ;The movie starts in 25 minutes and runs for 1 hour and 30 minutes.What time should you be picked up if you want a ride right after the movie?&5:30 p.m.&5:00 p.m. ;6:00 p.m.&&18&16&A&math&&&&0 ohio.018&mcs&2&N&Look at this group of figures. Which figure could be included in this group?&quadralateral&triangle ;hexagon&&&&A&math&&&&0 ohio.019&nrt&2&N&Use Front-end estimation to estimate the sum. ;Show your work.&200&&&&&&math&&&&0 ohio.020&mcs&2&N&About 11 million people live in Ohio. About how many of them live in cities? Use the graph to answer the question.&8 million&3 million ;1 million&&&&A&math&&&&0 ohio.021&mcs&2&N&Use the map to answer the question ; ;Which oceans touch the shores of North America&Pacific and Atlantic&Indian and Atlantic ;Artic and Indian&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.022&mcs&0&N&Where would you find how many people lived in Cleveland in 1960?&An almanac&A thesaurus ;A globe&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.023&nrt&2&N&Use the chart to answer the question. ; ;In what two ways are the Shakers and the Amish alike?&200&&&&&&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.024&mcs&2&N&Use the time line to answer the question. ; ;Seven presidentsof the United States were born in Ohio. What event took place when Warren Harding was President?&Veterans Day became a national holiday.&Ohio State University began classes. ;The United States went to war against Spain.&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.025&mcs&0&N&Ohio is a leading producer of coal. Which people are needed to produce coal?&Miners&Farmers ;Factory workers&&26&24&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.026&nrt&0&N&One purpose of local government in Ohio is to provide for a system of justice. Name two places or people provided by local government to make sure we are all treated justly.&200&&&26&25&&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.027&mcs&0&N&Which of the following rules has to do with people taking turns?&Wait for the green light before crossing the street.&Wait until it gets warmer before going outside. ;Wait for the alarm clockto ring before getting up.&&&&a&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.028&mcs&0&N&In 1870 Benjamin Goodrich started a rubber company in Akron, Ohio. His skills stand for which factor of production?&Entrepreneurship&Labor ;Capital&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.029&mcs&0&N&Many Polish and Italian Americans live in Ohio. What is their background?&European&African ;Asian&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.030&mcs&2&N&Use the map to answer the question. ; ;What is true about Lake Erie?&The Cuyahoga River flows into it.&The Scioto River flows out of it. ;The Ohio River flows into it.&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.031&mcs&0&N&Years ago, European immigrants and African Americans were among the people who came to Ohio for jobs in making steel. These steelworkers helped Ohio become a leading&manufacturing state&farming state ;tourist state&&31&30&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.032&mcs&0&N&The United States became independent from Great Britian after the Revolutionary War. Part of the United States was called the Northwest Territory. Ohio was part of the Northwest territory. Who governed Ohio after the revolutionary War?&The United States government&The British government ;The French government&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.033&nrt&2&N&Use the map to answer the questions. ; ;Suppose you were going from Ohio to New Jersey to visit relatives.If you traveled in a straight line, in what direction would you be going? ;What mountains would you cross?&200&&&33&32&&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.034&mcs&0&N&Which of the following people is consuming something?&Jaleel is buying a new shirt.&Carmen is walking her dog. ;Dale is sorting baseball cards.&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.035&mcs&0&N&Which branch of Ohio's state government makes laws?&Legislative&Judicial ;Executive&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.036&mcs&0&N&When people work together to finish a job, such s building a house, the job will probably&get finished faster.&take longer to finish. ;not get done.&&36&35&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.037&nrt&0&N&Read the folowing paragraphto answer the question. ; ;a hundred years ago, many children worked in factories. Factory owners paid children less than grownups were paid. Since then , laws laws have been passed to protect children from working at a young age. today, all children in Ohio from age 6 to 17 must get schooling. Theymay not work in factories without special permission. ; ;Name two ways these laws have helped children. ; ;&200&&&&&&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.038&mcs&0&N&Why does the Ohio government repair roads?&To make car and truck traffic safer& ;To collect taxes ;To protect the rights of people&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0 ohio.039&mcs&0&N&Ohio farmers grow corn and soybeans. What do the farmers use to have good crops?&Fertilizer&Caves ;Honeycombs&&&&A&citiznship&&&&0