id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags mfusage2.001&nrt&2&N&1. What kind of industry is your business in?
e.g. financial services, manufacturing, retail, etc.&16384&&&&&&1.0&&&&&4&&&Y.What is your job title? mfusage2.002&mcm&0&N&2. Which of the following applications are you running on your
mainframe that you were NOT running on the mainframe a year or
two ago?&&ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning);CRM (Customer Relationship Management);SCM (Supply Chain Management);OLTP (online transaction processing), batch;Decision support (including data warehousing/data analysis/data mining);Collaboration (including email and Groupware);Application Development;File and Print;Networking (including proxy);Security;Systems Management;Web Serving/Web Application Serving;Scientific Engineering;Streaming Media;Other (please describe in comments box);&&&&a&1.0&2.0&&&&1&&&Y.Please comment here as needed on any of the above responses mfusage2.003&mcm&0&N&3. Which of the following applications have you quit running on
your mainframe
that you were running on the mainframe one or
two years ago?&&ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning);CRM (Customer Relationship Management);SCM (Supply Chain Management);OLTP (online transaction processing), batch;Decision support (including data warehousing/data analysis/data mining);Collaboration (including email and Groupware);Application Development;File and Print;Networking (including proxy);Security;Systems Management;Web Serving/Web Application Serving;Scientific Engineering;Streaming Media;Other (please describe in comments box);&&&&a&1.0&2.0&&&&1&&&Y.Please comment here as needed on any of the above responses mfusage2.004&nrt&0&N&4. Why did you quit running them on the mainframe?&16384&&&&&&1.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.005&nrt&0&N&5. On what platform is that application running now?&16384&&&&&&1.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.006&nrt&2&N&6. What value does your organization derive from the
zSeries mainframe that cannot be accomplished by any
other server platform (Intel, Unix, etc.)?&16384&&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.007&nrt&2&N&7. For mainframes supporting the external side of the
business, on average, how many customer transactions
occur on one of your mainframes daily? How many mainframes do you
have that predominantly support the external side of the business?
Please describe the types of transactions, e.g. credit card processing,
security control, account updates, loan applications, etc.
Here we want to know how many people (your customers)
are being served by mainframes in their daily/monthly activities.&16384&&&&&&2.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.008&nrt&0&N&8. For mainframes supporting the internal side of the business,
on average, how many customer transactions occur on one of
your mainframes daily? How many mainframes do you have
that predominantly support the internal side of the business?
Please describe the types of transactions, e.g. payroll, bills of
material, etc. Here we want to know how many employees or
business partners are being served and how they are being served by mainframes.&16384&&&&&&2.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.009&mcs&0&N&9. How many mainframes does your organization use?&&1;2;3;4;5;6 to 10;11 to 25;26 to 50;more than 50;&&&&x&2.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.If you have more than 5 mainframes, please give the exact
number here - and please identify how many speciality processors
are being used, such as the IFL and/or zAAP
Also, if you have one mainframe installed, please estimate
the percentage split of mainframe capacity used to provide external
versus internal services and estimate the number of daily
transactions for external versus internal applications
mfusage2.010&nrt&0&N&10. What do you do to quantify the value zSeries brings to
your organization, e.g. what is the return-on-invesment (ROI) formula you use?
Do you measure cost per user, software costs, people costs, and/or cost of
downtime? Please describe anything you do to quantify the value of zSeries. &16384&&&&&&4.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.011&nrt&0&N&11. Knowing that the mainframe has many different connotations
to business executives, what is the winning argument you use
to influence others to use the mainframe? &16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.012&nrt&0&N&12. Can you give me an example of a recent success story and
how that impacted your company's bottom line?&16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.013&nrt&0&N&13. What is the number one thing IBM has done to keep the
mainframe relevant to your organization?&16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.014&nrt&2&Y&What do you do to quantify the value zSeries brings to your organization?
e.g. what is the ROI formula you use?&16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.015&nrt&2&Y&What type of new applications are you running on the mainframe?

Please provide as much information as you can.
e.g. how the rollout went, lessons learned,
and if your using speciality processors like the IFL and zAAP.
&16384&&&&&&4.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.016&nrt&0&N&14. Are you familiar with the Mainframe Charter: Innovation, Value
and Community? In your view, is IBM fulfilling this promise?
If you haven't heard of it simply respond "not familiar."&16384&&&&&&undefined.0&5.0&&&&1&&&N. mfusage2.017&nrt&0&N&15. Other comments:
Please comment here on any of your previous responses,
or to add anything you think is of interest but was
not covered by the survey.
&16384&&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.018&nrt&2&Y&In what ways are people served by your mainframes?

Please provide as much detail as possible.&16384&&&&&&3.0&&&&&4&&&N. mfusage2.019&mcm&2&N&Thank you for completing the survey. Please indicate below which of the following ways we can show our appreciation (check all that apply):&&Yes, please send me the summary report resulting from this survey
;Yes, please send me a golf shirt with the ACTS company logo if I qualify. (A golf shirt is available for the first person from the first 25 qualifying organizations to complete the survey)

;Yes, please enter me in the drawing for a week-long all-expenses-paid trip for 2 to Hilton Head Island, includes one free seat in our TAS seminars May 1-5, 2006, seven nights in a 2-BR condo in Shipyard Plantation that sleeps 6, and an allowance for airfare and meals. Estimated value of $4000.;&&&&a&undefined.0&&&&&3&&&Y.Please enter your email address here if you checked any of the above boxes