The survey consists of 6 questions:

- How many people are served by your mainframes?
- How frequently?
- In what ways?
- What type of new applications are you running on the mainframe?
- What are your long term plans for the mainframe?
- Would you like any or all of this information to remain confidential?

You may pause the survey and return to it later, just be sure to remember your login ID and password.

Regarding the question of how many people are served, I'm looking to count the benefactors of the service provided. For example, if a person calls a service rep who uses a mainframe, please report how many people call in as well as the call volumes you handle. If a mainframe is processing credit cards, I want to know how many credit-card customers are enrolled and how many transactions are processed. At one university with 32,000 students, building security systems are tied into their mainframe so no one enters or exits a building unless the mainframe allows it. These are the types of things I'm looking for.

I would also like to know what new applications your putting on the mainframe, and if you're using the IFL or zAAP speciality processors.

Thanks in advance for your help.