id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags marsurv.001&mcs&0&&In the last six months, would you estimate that days to collection have increased, decreased, or stayed the same?&&Increased;Decreased;Stayed the same;&&&&a&.0&&&& marsurv.002&mch&0&Y&If your AR has increased for each time frame below, please indicate the percent of increase to collection.&less than 5%;6% to 10%;11% to 15%;16% to 20%;21% to 25%;26% to 35%;36% to 50%;&30-45 days;46-60 days;61-90 days;91-120 days;Beyond 120 days;In collection;Bankrupt/Non-collectable;&&&&a&.0&&&& marsurv.003&mcs&0&&What do you estimate your average turnaround on AR to be in days?&46-60 days&20-30 days;31-45 days;61-75 days;76-90 days;91-120 days;Over 120 days;&&&&a&.0&&&& marsurv.004&mcs&0&&What percent of your total AR are you anticipating to be uncollectable?&6% to 10%&less than 5%;11% to 15%;16% to 20%;21% to 25%;26% to 35%;36% to 50%;Over 50%;&&&&a&.0&&&& marsurv.005&mcs&0&&What percent did your company's bad debt grow last fiscal year? (Remember all responses are blind and therefore confidential.)&&less than 5%;6% to 10%;11% to 15%;16% to 20%;21% to 25%;26% to 35%;36% to 50%;Over 50%;&&&&a&.0&&&& marsurv.006&mcs&0&&What percent are you projecting your company's bad debt to grow this fiscal year?&&No increase, expect a decrease in bad debt!;Less than 5%;6% to 10%;11% to 15%;16% to 20%;21% to 25%;26% to 35%;36% to 50%;Over 50%;&&&&a&.0&&&& marsurv.007&nrt&0&&Please write one HINT/SUGGESTION on how you effectively collect on slow pays. Use free-form text please. This information will be shared, but we won't source where the recommendation came from. &3000&&&&&&.0&&&&