id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags jakub.001&mcs&0&N&The purpose of the client debrief is to&elicit constructive feedback and reinforce positive regard.&change a client's mind about the firm if there are performance issues.;spend more time with the client so they remember who you are.;start selling for the next project the client has scheduled. ;&Marketing Handbook, Chapter 3.7&&&a&03.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.002&mcs&0&N&Which of the following items should be considered when making a Go No/Go decision regarding an RFQ/RFP?&All should be considered.&The estimated cost to pursue the work.;Project location and ability of firm to service the work.;Political ramifications.;&Marketing Handbook, Chapter 3.4&&&a&04.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.003&mcs&0&N&Publicity differs from advertising and other forms of self-promotion because&it is "endorsed" by an objective third party.&it takes the least amount of time to prepare.;it's content is guaranteed.;there is less competition.;&&&&a&05.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.004&mcs&0&N&There are three basic parts to a cold call:&Getting a meeting, the meeting, the follow-up&Making the phone call, the meeting, the follow-up;Getting the meeting, the follow-up, the next meeting;Making the phone call, sending marketing materials, the meeting;&&&&a&03.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.005&mcs&0&N&Value pricing is&setting the price of a service based on its value to the client.&setting the price of a service based on time and materials.;setting the price of a service based on hourly rate fees.;setting the price of a service based on how long it will take to complete a project or assignment.;&Marketing Handbook, Chapter 5.7.&&&a&06.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.006&mcs&0&N&A marketing plan should be written &annually because its tied to the fiscal year.&every six months so progress can be monitored.;bi-annually, because its tied to the strategic plan.;as often as necessary to meet strategic goals.;&&&&a&02.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.007&mcs&0&N&Primary research is&original research that you conduct or hire someone to conduct.&conducted before other types of research.;easier to conduct and less expensive than secondary research.;better for gathering factual data than secondary research.;&&&&a&01.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.008&mcs&0&Y&What is my name?&Donna&Bill;Earl;Linda;&&&&x&02.0&&&&&1:v&&&N. jakub.009&mcs&0&Y&write test question here&write correct answer here&write distractor here;write distractor here;write distractor here;&Your notes and references here
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underline on underline off&&&a&01.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.010&mcs&0&N&A Marketing Business Plan should be evaluated&on an annual basis.&only during strategic planning.;at least once a week.;as often as necessary.;&Marketing Handbook, Chapter 1.2, page 23.&&&x&02.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y. jakub.011&mcs&0&Y&write test question here&write correct answer here&write distractor here;write distractor here;write distractor here;&Your notes and references here
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