Special Instructions

  • You must review the confidentiality agreement. By proceeding with this item you are explicitly agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  • Some questions contain specific instructions for completing. Follow these instructions carefully.
  • You can sequentially move from question to question by using the Next and Back buttons.
  • If you would like to review specific answered or unanswered questions at the end of the exam, click the Click here to review this question at end of test checkbox.

    Note: If you use the Next or Back buttons to display a question marked for review, the checkbox is cleared (i.e. becomes not marked for review). You must flag the question again if you would like to review it at the end of the exam.

  • You may pause the exam at any time, however, this will log you out of the exam. After logging back into the exam, click the Resume button to continue.
  • HINT: For questions containing the instruction Check all that apply, you must select more than one answer. If you do not see this instruction, you must only select one answer.
  • When you are ready to submit the exam for evaluation, click the Done button. This prevents any further review of questions, even if they were marked for review.
IMPORTANT: Before starting the test, you must download, print, and complete the following worksheets.
Please note that the worksheets are .pdf files. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view these worksheets. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, please go to http://www.adobe.com for a free download.

ARMs: Use the calendar, Wall Street index and ARM rounding chart to complete the ARM worksheet.

Chargeoffs: Complete the chargeoff worksheets.

Foreclosure: Use the calendar to complete the foreclosure worksheet.

After printing these files, close the browser window in order to return to the test instruction page. Then click on the Start button below to review the confidentiality agreement, or click on the Cancel button below to exit now.