id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags irtest.001&mcs&0&N&What is the difference between Reporting and Remitting?&Remitting is sending cash to Freddie Mac, Reporting is sending information to Freddie Mac&There is no difference, you can use these terms interchangeably;Reporting is optional as long as you remit;All of the above;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.002&mcs&0&&How many transactions can Freddie Mac process in a cycle for each loan?&One&As many as necessary;Up to five;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.003&mcs&0&&What action should you take, if any, to clear a loan without an asterisk on the Loans Missing Report?&I must transmit a transaction, but it does not have to be transmitted as a revision&No action is necessary/required;I must transmit a transaction as a revision;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.004&mcs&0&&What action should you take, if any, to clear a loan on the Edits To Be Cleared Report, excluding 101es?&I must transmit a new transaction as a revision&No action is necessary/required;I must transmit a new transaction, but it does not have to be transmitted as a revision;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.005&mcs&0&N&What action should you take, if any, to clear a loan on the System Cleared Edit Report, where you AGREE with what Freddie Mac processed? (Ignoring Servicer Performance Profile impacts)&No action is necessary/required&I must transmit a new transaction as a revision; I must transmit a new transaction, but it does not have to be transmitted as a revision;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.006&mcs&0&&What action should you take, if any, to clear a loan on the System Cleared Edit Report to minimize the impact of a loan edit on your Servicer Performance Profile?&I must transmit a new transaction as a revision&No action is necessary/required;I must transmit a new transaction, but it does not have to be transmitted as a revision;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.007&mcs&0&N&What action should you take, if any, to clear a loan on the System Cleared Edit Report, where you DO NOT AGREE with what Freddie Mac processed?&I must transmit a new transaction as a revision&No action is necessary/required;I must transmit a new transaction, but it does not have to be transmitted as a revision;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.008&mcs&0&&How many site numbers do you have for MIDANET for the PC?&One for each software received from Freddie Mac&One for each different Servicer number;One for each different functional area; All of the above;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.009&mcs&0&Y&You are transmitting a revision for a transaction. How should you mark the revision on MIDANET for the PC if the original transaction was sent via MIDANET for the PC?&&1;2;3;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.010&mcs&0&Y&You are transmitting a revision for a transaction. How should you mark the revision on MIDANET for the PC if the original transaction was sent via MIDANET for the PC?&Mark the revision as an UPDATE&Mark the revision as an ADD;Mark the revision as a REVISE;Mark the revision as a BROWSE;Mark the revision as a DELETE;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.011&mcs&0&N&What balance is used to calculate interest due to Freddie Mac?&The unpaid principal balance processed by Freddie Mac the previous cycle&The actual unpaid principal balance at the accounting cutoff;The actual unpaid principal balance on the first of the month;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.012&mcs&0&N&The 'amount due' on the Seller/Servicer Remittance Analysis (Cash Statement) is based on __________&What Freddie Mac processed&What Freddie Mac forecast as being due next cycle;All of the above;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.013&mcs&0&&At the May accounting cutoff you report monthly interest for:&April&May;June;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.014&mcs&0&N&Place a check next to the example below that correctly indicates a cash adjustment.&Freddie Mac $500 / GPI $0&Freddie Mac $500 / GPI $500;Freddie Mac $1200 / GPI $1200;Freddie Mac $200 / GPI $200;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.015&mch&0&&Match the exception code with its description.
NOTE: Indicate the letter in the box (to the left of the exception code) that corresponds to the exception name in the right column.&60;66;50;40;65;61;&Matured Payoff;Convertible ARM Repurchase;Reinstatement;Inactivation;Repurchase;Prepaid Payoff;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.016&tf&0&&The Edits to be Cleared Report is a daily report.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.017&tf&0&&The Loan Reconciliation Difference Report is a daily report&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.018&tf&0&N&You must complete your GPI call-in no later than 9:00 p.m. eastern time the same day the funds are due Freddie Mac to ensure we receive the funds by the due date.&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.019&tf&0&N&Freddie Mac debits your bank account for the 'Amount Due' on the Seller/Servicer Remittance Analysis (Cash Statement).&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.020&tf&0&N&You must have written approval from Freddie Mac to reduce a GPI call-in to recoup an overage on your Seller/Servicer Remittance Analysis (Cash Statement).&FALSE&TRUE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.021&tf&0&N&You must transmit the notification of foreclosure via EDR (action code 43) prior to reporting the loan-level transaction to inactivate the loan.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.022&tf&0&N&A 101 will stay on the Edits to be Cleared report every day until the end of the cycle.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. irtest.023&tf&0&&Most edits continue to appear on the Edits to be Cleared report every day until a revision is accepted or the cycle has ended.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.024&tf&0&N&When a loan is set up on your system it should match the Funding Detail report.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.025&tf&0&&Freddie Mac assumes a first of the month due date for all loans for investor reporting.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.026&esa&0&&You received the May and June payments on April 30th Each payment is for $100 in principal and $900 in interest. The DDLPI for the May accounting cycle is (MM/DD) __________
Please format your answer with a two digit month and a two digit day (mm/dd).&06/01&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.027&esa&0&&You received the May and June payments on April 30th Each payment is for $100 in principal and $900 in interest. The LPRD for the May accounting cycle is (MM/DD) __________
Please format your answer with a two digit month and a two digit day (mm/dd).&04/30&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.028&esa&0&&You received the May and June payments on April 30th Each payment is for $100 in principal and $900 in interest. For the May accounting cycle for a NET YIELD LOAN, the principal due is __________
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&200.00&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.029&esa&0&&You received the May and June payments on April 30th Each payment is for $100 in principal and $900 in interest. For the May accounting cycle for a NET YIELD LOAN, the interest due is __________
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&900.00&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.030&esa&0&&You received the May and June payments on April 30th Each payment is for $100 in principal and $900 in interest. For the May accounting cycle for an ALTERNATE METHOD LOAN, the principal due is __________
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&200.00&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.031&esa&0&&You received the May and June payments on April 30th Each payment is for $100 in principal and $900 in interest. For the May accounting cycle for an ALTERNATE METHOD LOAN, the interest due is __________
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&1800.00&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.032&esa&0&&You received the May and June payments on April 30th Each payment is for $100 in principal and $900 in interest. For the May accounting cycle for a SCHEDULED/SCHEDULED LOAN, the principal due is __________
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&100.00&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.033&esa&0&&You received the May and June payments on April 30th Each payment is for $100 in principal and $900 in interest. For the May accounting cycle for a SCHEDULED/SCHEDULED LOAN, the interest due is __________
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&900.00&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.034&mcs&0&&If the DDLPI is 3/1, what is the last month's interest collected from the borrower?&February&January;March;April;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.035&mcs&0&&If a loan was inactivated in the July cycle, what was the last month's interest passed through to Freddie Mac?&June&July;August;September;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.036&esa&0&N&If the ANY is 8.000% and the Freddie Mac 4/15 loan balance was $80, 000, what is the interest due for the May cycle for a loan that was active on 4/15 and is still active?
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&533.33&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.037&esa&0&N&You inactivate a loan in the May cycle (code 40). What is the interest due for the May cycle if the ANY is 8.000% and the 4/15 loan balance was $80, 000?
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&533.33&&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. irtest.038&esa&0&N&If the ANY is 8.000% and the Freddie Mac 4/15 loan balance was $80, 000, what is the interest due for the May cycle for a loan you inactivated in a previous cycle (at a balance of $80,000) and is still inactive?
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&0.00&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.039&esa&0&N&If the ANY is 8.000% and the Freddie Mac 4/15 loan balance was $80, 000, what is the interest due for the May cycle for a loan you are reinstating that was inactivated at a balance of $80,000 in the February cycle?
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($) or commas (,) in your answer.&1600.00&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.040&esa&0&N&If the ANY is 8.000% and the 4/15 loan balance was $80,000, what is the total interest advanced credit for a loan with a transfer to REO date of 5/10/98, a DDLPI of 10/1/97 and an inactivation of February 98?
Please format your answer as a number followed by 2 decimal places (ex. ####.##). Do not include the dollar sign ($, commas (,), or the negative sign (-) in your answer.&2133.00&&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. irtest.041&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #1 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.042&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #2 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.043&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #3 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.044&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #4 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.045&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #5 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.046&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #6 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.047&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #7 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.048&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #8 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.049&mcs&0&N&Which example below correctly indicates a paper adjustment?&Freddie Mac $1200 / GPI $1200&Freddie Mac $500 / GPI $0;Freddie Mac $0/ GPI $500;Freddie Mac $0 / GPI $200;&&&&a&.0&&&&&1&&&N. irtest.050&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #9 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.051&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #10 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.052&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #11 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.053&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #12 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.054&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #13 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.055&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #14 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.056&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #15 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.057&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #16 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.058&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #17 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.059&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #18 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.060&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #19 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.061&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #20 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.062&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #21 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.063&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #22 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.064&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #23 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.065&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #24 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.066&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #25 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.067&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #26 on the chargeoff worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.068&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #1 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.069&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #2 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.070&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #3 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.071&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #4 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.072&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #5 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.073&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #6 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.074&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #7 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.075&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #8 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.076&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #9 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.077&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #10 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.078&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #11 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.079&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #12 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.080&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #13 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.081&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #14 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.082&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #15 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.083&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #16 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.084&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #17 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.085&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #18 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.086&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #19 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.087&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #20 on the ARM worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.088&mcs&0&&The time period covered by the Seller/Servicer Remittance Analysis (Cash Statement) is for __________&An Accounting Cycle&A Calendar Month;A Fiscal Quarter;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.089&tf&0&N&The Amount Received columns (excluding the corrections column) on the Seller/Servicer Remittance Analysis (Cash Statement) are calculated on what you made available through GPI for the time period.&TRUE&FALSE&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. irtest.090&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #3 on the foreclosure worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.091&mcs&0&&If a loan is purchased/funded by Freddie Mac on 2/5, when do you report interest for the first time?&The March cycle&The January cycle;The February cycle;The April cycle;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.092&mcs&0&&If a loan is purchased/funded by Freddie Mac on 7/21, when do you report interest for the first time?&The August cycle&The June cycle;The July cycle;The September cycle;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.093&mcs&0&Y&You must have pre-approval from Freddie Mac to repurchase a loan except under the following circumstances:&None of the above&When you have a funding error between $1,000 and $5,000;When the Freddie Mac UPB is less than $10,000;When the loan is an ARM loan prior to its first change date;All of the above;&&&&a&.0&&&& irtest.094&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #5 on the foreclosure worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.095&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #6 on the foreclosure worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.096&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #7 on the foreclosure worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.097&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #8 on the foreclosure worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.098&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #1 on the foreclosure worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.099&nrt&0&&What amount goes in field #2 on the foreclosure worksheet?&20&&&&&&.0&&&& irtest.100&mcs&0&&If a loan is inactivated in the April cycle and reinstated in the July cycle, how many months of reinstatement interest are due Freddie Mac in the July cycle?&3 months of reinstatement interest&0 months of reinstatement interest;1 months of reinstatement interest;2 months of reinstatement interest;&&&&a&.0&&&&