id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags enroll1.001&nrt&0&N& 1. What is your full name, and what name or nickname do you prefer to be called?&50&&&&&&page1.0&&&&&1&&&N. enroll1.002&nrt&0&N& 2. What is your former name? (if applicable)&50&&&&&&page1.0&&&&&1&&&N. enroll1.003&nrt&0&N& 3. Please list any other schools you have previously attended or applied to or have been employed by. ;Include name of school, approximate dates, and student ID, or type "Not Applicable"&250&&&&&&page1.0&&&&&1&&&N. enroll1.004&mcs&0&N& 4. Please indicate your general knowledge of Information Technology (IT)? (choose one)&&None;Novice;Basic;Intermediate;Advanced;&&&&a&page2.0&&&&&1:v&&&Y.Comment: (optional) enroll1.005&nrt&0&N& 5. Please describe your technical skills and capabilities. For example, include jobs you've performed, projects you've worked ;on, or systems or ;software that you already have experience working with.&2000&&&&&&page2.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Additional Comments: enroll1.006&nrt&0&N& 6. What were your best topics at school?&250&&&&&&page3.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Additional Comments: enroll1.007&nrt&0&N& 7. What were your most difficult subjects in school?&&&&&&&page3.0&&&&&1&&&N. enroll1.008&mcs&0&N& 8. You don't have to be a math whiz to excel in IT. Nonetheless we would like to know about your math skills. How did you do in ;math in school? ¬ so good&okay;great;&&&&a&page4.0&&&&&1:v&&&N. enroll1.009&tf&0&N& 9. Yes or NO - In math class, were you good at solving word problems at this level of complexity:

;"A hotel has 7 floors. The lobby, restaurant and gym are located on the ground floor. ;The guestrooms are on 1st to 6th floors. If there are 35 standard rooms on each floor, how many standard rooms are ;there? ;&YES&NO&&&&&page4.0&&&&&1&&&Y.What is the correct answer? How many standard

rooms are there at the hotel? enroll1.010&nrt&0&N& 10. What are your favorite activities? Please include favorite types of music or books or sports or games or movies, etc.&1000&&&&&&page4.0&&&&&1&&&N. enroll1.011&mcm&0&N& 11. How do you feel about public speaking? (choose all that apply)&&I'v never done it;I get extremely nervous;It doesn't bother me in least;I can take it or leave it;I avoid it if possible;I enjoy it;&&&&a&page5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.You want to clarify any of your answers, do so ;

here: enroll1.012&mcm&0&N& 12. How do you feel about your ability to write? (choose all that apply)&&I don't like writing;It comes naturally to me;I'm not a good speller;I don't have a very good vocabulary;I've been told I'm a good writer;I enjoy it;&&&&a&page5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Want to clarify anything? enroll1.013&mcm&0&N& 13. How do you feel about reading? (choose all that apply)&&I am a slow reader;I can read really fast;I often read things multiple times to get the meaning;I have a good memory about things I've read;I read a lot of books;I enjoy it;&&&&a&page5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.What are your favorite things to read? enroll1.014&mcm&0&N& 14. Here are some random statements. Please choose all that apply to you.&&I hope to be able to work from home;I am willing to relocate for the right job.;I like where I am currently living.;I prefer to work alone.;People have told me I am a natural leader.;I hope to find a job and move away.;&&&&a&page5.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Additional Comments: enroll1.015&mcm&2&N&Please indicate the areas where you would like to speak with us about financial aid or work ;opportunities that could be used to lower the cost of your training. (check all that apply) ; ;&&applying for scholarships or financial aid;volunteering for unpaid Intern positions;competing for a paid Intern positions;working as an ACTS sales rep or consultant;deferred payment plans;&&&&a&page6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Questions or Comments: enroll1.016&mtr&0&&---&&&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. enroll1.017&ord&0&&Please indicate your interest by ranking 1 thru 5 with 1 as the highest ;and 5 as the lowest.&improving my programning skills;improving my presentation skills;Improving my sales skills;improving my writing skills;improving my other technical skills (non-programming);&&&&&o&page6.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Comments: