id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags custsat1.001&mcs&0&N&Does NCS provide an information technology Infrastructure and Services that meet your business needs?&&Excellent;Good;Satisfactory;Needs Improvement;Unsatisfactory;&&&&n&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer, especially if you responded below satisfactory: custsat1.002&nrt&0&Y&Please provide details for your answer to the previous question, especially if you responded below satisfactory.&&&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. custsat1.003&mcm&0&N&Are there any areas of NCS Infrastructure/Service Delivery that you would like to single out as exceeding your overall expectations?

Pick as many as apply:&&Mainframe;OA/Mail;HP/UNIX/NT Cross Platform;Web Hosting;Mid Range DG;Network;Print;Database;Service Desk Office Systems (613-995-6030);Service Desk GTIS National (613-738-7782);Client Relations;Disaster Recovery;&&&&a&.0&&&& custsat1.004&mcm&0&N&Are there any areas of NCS Infrastructure / Service Delivery that you would like to single out as NOT meeting your overall expectations?

Pick as many as apply:&&Mainframe;OA/Mail;HP/UNIX/NT Cross Platform;Web Hosting;Mid Range DG;Network;Print;Database;Service Desk Office Systems (613-995-6030);Service Desk GTIS National (613-738-7782);Client Relations;Disaster Recovery;&&&&a&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer as to why these items did not meet your expectations: custsat1.005&nrt&0&Y&Please provide details for your answer to the previous question as to why these items did not meet your expectations.&800&&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. custsat1.006&mcs&0&N&The next four questions deal with the IT environment.

The IT environment is ever changing as aging infrastructures and increasing business volumes require decisions and actions on replacement hardware and software. Please rate your overall satisfaction regarding the following 4 areas:

  • Provides platforms that meet your strategic business requirements
    &&Excellent;Good;Satisfactory;Needs Improvement;Unsatisfactory;&&&&a&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer, especially if you responded below satisfactory: custsat1.007&mcs&0&N&IT environment (continued): Please rate your overall satisfaction with the following:

  • Communication of changes to the Infrastructure / Services&&Excellent;Good;Satisfactory;Needs Improvement;Unsatisfactory;&&&&a&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer, especially if you responded below satisfactory. custsat1.008&mcs&0&N&IT environment (continued): Please rate your overall satisfaction with the following:

  • Management of hardware and or software roll-outs&&Excellent;Good;Satisfactory;Needs Improvement;Unsatisfactory;&&&&a&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer, especially if you responded below satisfactory: custsat1.009&mcs&0&N&IT environment (continued): Please rate your overall satisfaction with the following:

  • Maintains currency of infrastructure&&Excellent;Good;Satisfactory;Needs Improvement;Unsatisfactory;&&&&a&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer especially if you responded below satisfactory: custsat1.010&nrt&0&Y&Please provide details for your answer to any of the previous four questions, especially if you responded below satisfactory.&800&&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. custsat1.011&mcs&0&N&NCS has recently moved to a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) model which provides you with a single point of contact within NCS. Do you feel this is a positive step towards maintaining or improving NCS relationships with you the customer?&&Positive Influence;No Difference;Too Early to Tell;Unclear on Model;Negative Influence;&&&&n&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer to the previous question, especially if you responded with Negative Influence: custsat1.012&nrt&0&Y&Please provide details for your answer to the previous question, especially if you responded with Negative Influence.&800&&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. custsat1.013&mcs&0&N&Please indicate your overall satisfaction with NCS client representation: (Includes Client Communication, Reporting, Dispute resolution, Cooperation, Service Agreements)&&Excellent;Good;Satisfactory;Needs Improvement;Unsatisfactory;&&&&n&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer, especially if you responded below satisfactory: custsat1.014&nrt&0&Y&Please provide details for your answer to the previous question, especially if you responded below satisfactory.&800&&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. custsat1.015&nrt&0&N&Are there any areas not covered in this survey that you would like to provide feedback to NCS on?&800&&&&&&.0&&&&N. custsat1.016&mcs&0&N&Do you find this survey effective in rating NCS as a service delivery organization?&&Excellent;Good;Satisfactory;Needs Improvement ;Unsatisfactory;&&&&a&.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Please provide details for your answer, especially if you responded below satisfactory: custsat1.017&nrt&0&Y&Please provide details for your answer to the previous question, especially if you responded below satisfactory.&800&&&&&&.0&&&&&1&&&N. custsat1.018&mcs&0&N&How often should NCS do Customer Satisfaction Surveys?&&Once a year;Twice a year;Quarterly;;&&&&n&.0&&&&N. custsat1.019&mcs&0&&How many years has NCS been providing you with services?&&One year or less;2-4 years;3-6 years;7-9 years;10-14 years;15-19 years;20 years or more;&&&&a&.0&&&&N. custsat1.020&esa&0&&why&1;2;3&&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N.