id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags class10p.001&mcs&2&&The value of tan5° tan25° tan30° tan65° tan85° is&B&A;C;D;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.002&mcs&0&&A bag contains 5 red ball and some blue balls. If the probability of drawing a blue ball is double that of a red ball then the number of blue balls in the bag is&10&5;8;7;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.003&mcs&2&& &D&A;B;C;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.004&mcs&2&&Which of the following equations have the same graph? &II and III only&I and II only;I and III only;All have different graphs.;&&&&r&undefined.0&&&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.005&mcs&0&&A, B, and C are thermometers with different scales. When A reads 10º and 34º, B reads 15° and 31°, respectively. When B reads 30° and 42°, C reads 5° and 77°, respectively. If the temperature drops 18° using A’s scale, how many degrees does it drop using C’s scale?&72°&12°;24°;48°;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.006&mcs&0&&Two numbers are in the ratio of 3 : 5. If 8 is added to each number, the ratio becomes 2 : 3. What are the numbers ? &24 and 40 &20 and 30 ;32 and 42;35 and 45;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.007&mcs&2&N& &B&A;C;D;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.008&mcs&2&& &1&2;5;9;&&&&r&undefined.0&&&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.009&mcs&2&&The ratio of the volume of a cube to that of a sphere which will exactly fits inside the cube is&A&B;C;D;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.010&mcs&2&& &102.23 kg &102.43 kg ;102 kg;105 kg;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.011&mcs&0&&In a group of five people, K, L and M are ambitious, M, N and R are honest, L, M and N are intelligent and K, N and R are industrious. Among these, neither industrious nor ambitious person(s) would include&None of these&K alone;M and N;L and R;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.012&mcs&0&&A hunter aims his gun at a point between the eyebrows of a monkey sitting on the branch of a tree. Just as he fires, the monkey jumps down. The bullet will&Miss the monkey altogether&Hit the monkey at the point aimed.;Hit the monkey below the point aimed.;Hit the monkey above the point aimed;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.013&mcs&0&N&On another planet, the local terminology for earth, water, light, air and sky are ‘sky’, ‘light’, ‘air’, ‘water’ and ‘earth’ respectively. If someone is thirsty there, what would he drink? &Light&Sky;Air;Water;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.014&mcs&2&N&In a business concern, there are four functions, namely, Production (PR), Finance (FN), Personnel (PS) and Marketing (MK). The Customer (C) may also play a role in the prosperity of the concern. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: &A5, B4, C1, D2&A4, B3, C1, D2;A4, B3, C2, D5;A5, B4, C2, D1;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.015&mcs&2&&The yield versus fertilizer input is shown in the following graph: Consider the following statements based on this graph:
1. Yield rate is zero at B and C.
2. There is no yield with no fertilizer input.
3. The yield is minimum at D.
4. The yield is neither minimum nor maximum at C.
Which of the above statements are correct? &1, 3 and 4&1, 2 and 4;3 and 4;2 and 3;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&4:v&&&N. class10p.016&mcs&0&&World Marine Foundation is planning to locate the Sunken Ship “Titan” at the bottom of middle of Pacific Ocean. Three deep sea explorers, A, B and C are selected for the job. It is not feasible for each explorer to go on more than one trip. Also,
Either A or B, but not both, goes on the first trip
Either B or C, but not both, will go on a given trip
More people go on the first trip than the second trip
A goes on the first trip . Which of the following must be true?&C and A go on the first trip&A and C go on the second trip;C goes on the second trip;C does not go on the first trip ;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.017&mcs&0&&Step 1 : Multiply by 2
Step 2 : Subtract 1
Step 3 : If less than 10, jump to step 1 and continue from there; otherwise proceed to step 4
Step 4 : Add 7
Step 5 : Divide by 2
Step 6 : Add 2
Step 7 : Multiply by 2
If you start with a value of 6 then calculate how many times you had to jump to step 1.&None of these&5;6;7;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.018&mcs&0&N&A simple computer has a register which contains computation results and has only 5 possible instructions:
01 Set to zero the current contents of the register
02 Add one to the current contents of the register
03 Subtract one from the current contents of the register
04 Repeat the previous instruction, then go on to the next instruction
05 Program halt: display the result in the register to the programmer
What does the following program display after it runs? 01020303020405&1&0;-1;-2;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.019&mcs&0&&A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a family consisting of four adults and three children, two of whom, F and G are girls. A and D are brothers and A is a doctor. E is an engineer married to one of the brothers and has two children. B is married to D and G is their child. Who is C? &A’s son&G’s brother;F’s father;E’s daughter;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.020&mcs&0&&Which of the following can be inferred from the statement that ‘Either John is stupid or John is lazy’?
1. John is lazy/therefore, john is not stupid.
2. John is not lazy/therefore, John is stupid.
3. John is not stupid/therefore, John is lazy.
4. John is stupid/therefore, John is not lazy
Choose the correct answer from the choices given below:&2 and 3&1 and 2;3 and 4;1 and 4;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.021&mcs&2&&Each command is followed by a meaning, match them&&1A 2B 3C 4D;1B 2C 3D 4A;1D 2A 3B 4C;1C 2D 3A 4B;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.022&mcs&0&&Which of the following high level language is not suitable for generating or developing a data file?&FORTRAN&BASIC;COBOL;PASCAL;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.023&mcs&0&&The processing speed of a computer is measured in&Mega hertz&Mega byte;16-bit;Milli seconds;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.024&mcs&0&&DOS is a:&A single user operating system&Multi-user operating system;Single user but multi-programming system ;Multi-user and multi-programming system;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.025&mcs&0&&Which of the following features distinguishes a database file from a mere collection of data&Database enables data to be organised for effective use much faster&It organises data in rows and columns;It gives reference name to each file created;It provides search facility;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.026&mcs&2&&Each command is followed by a meaning, match them.&None of the above&1A, 2B, 3C, 4D;1D, 2A, 3B, 4C;1C, 2D, 3A, 4B;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.027&mcs&2&N&Match the following terms with their definition &1B, 2A, 3D, 4C&1A, 2B, 3C, 4D;1D, 2C, 3B, 4A;1D, 2B, 3C, 4A;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.028&mcs&2&& &A&B;C;D;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&2:v&&&N. class10p.029&mcs&0&&Name the smallest addressable set of bits of the computer memory.&Byte&Word;Pixel ;Digit;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N. class10p.030&mcs&0&&Which of the following is not a hardware component?&LAN&Mouse;Chip;Semi-conductor memory;&&&&r&undefined.0&1&1&&&1:v&&&N.