id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags ballot1.001&mcm&0&N&Board of Directors: Please select which of the following should serve on the Board of nine Directors,
each to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Corporation or until a
successor shall have been chosen and shall have qualified. &&For All ;Withhold All ;Joe Torre;Pete Rose;Pedro Martinez;Sammy Sosa;Peyton Manning;Fran Tarkenton;Billy Graham;Walter Cronkite;Lou Gerstner;&&&&n&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. ballot1.002&mcs&0&N&Selection of Independent Public Accountants: Please vote with respect to the ratification of the selection
of Ernst and Young LLP as Independent Public Accountants.&&For;Against;Abstain;&&&&n&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N. ballot1.003&tf&0&&Should the Corporation should stop offshoring activities in Russia?&YES&NO&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. ballot1.004&mcs&0&N&All other business: Please cast your vote for, against, or abstain from voting with respect
to transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Shareholder
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.&&For;Against;Abstain;&&&&x&undefined.0&&&&&1:v&&&N.