id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&ques1&ques2&flags LTTDemo.001&mcs&0&N&Read the four paragraphs below the scale.
2. Select which ONE paragraph best describes you.
3. Select one of the numbers above that paragraph.
4. Click the box above that number.

Select the point on the scale that best describes your attitude toward fear and worry.:::Easily_Worried:::Never_Worried:::Quite security conscious, worries about the unkown. Would rather live in well-defined guidelines than venture into something new.::Worries about inability to perform up to expectation or fears things will not turn out as promised. Suspicious and unsure of the future.::Apprehension occurs for valid reasons (sickness, unexpected problems or cost increase). Usually devises an effective plan to work things out.::Rarely worries about the future. When he does, it is for a very short time. Adventuresome and sometimes reckless.&&-100;-80;-60;-40;-20;0;20;40;60;80;100;&1. Read the four paragraphs below the scale.
2. Select which ONE paragraph best describes you.
3. Select one of the numbers above that paragraph.
4. Click the box above that number.
&&&x&undefined.0&&&&&1:h&&&N. LTTDemo.002&mtr&2&N&Objective Strength Appraisal
For each of the 64 characteristics, decide how it usually describes you on a scale of 1-10 (1 means least like you, 10 means most like you). Select that number from the drop-down to the right of each word.&&32::2::Accurate;Innovative;Aesthetic;Intense;Agreeable;Kind-Hearted;Analytical;Leader;Artistic;Lively;Calm-Quiet;Loyal;Carefree;Music-Lover;Careful;Neat;Charisma;Optimistic;Compassionate;Organized;Conscientious;Outgoing;Conservative;Patient;Courageous;People-Oriented;Decisive;Perfectionist;Dependable;Personable;Determined;Persuasive;Diplomatic;Practical;Dry;Producer;Efficient;Promoter;Entusiastic;Reluctant Leader;Even-Tempered;Retentive Memory;Faithful;Responsive;Fearless;Self-Confident;Forceful;Self-Disciplined;Friendly;Self-Sacrificing;Generous;Sensitive;Gentle;Strong-Willed;Gifted Mind;Talkative;Hospitable;Unabrasive;Idealistic;Uninhibited;Independent;Visionary;Industrious;Warm;&&&&&undefined.0&&&&&1&&&N. LTTDemo.003&mcs&0&N&AFFECTION SCALE
How you display affection is often an indication of your temperament. Select the point that best describes how you show affection. :::Never_affectionate:::Very_affectionate:::Can take affection or leave it alone, does not feel it necessary to continually give or receive affection to prove love exists.::Enjoys discreet expressions of affection for those he loves, but finds it difficult to be affectionate toward those for whom he lacks deep feeling.::Enjoys receiving affection, but rarely volunteers it. Is easily embarrassed if it is displayed openly.::Aggressive people-lover, can hardly talk to anyone without touching them. Kisses freely whenever appropriate – and sometimes when it is not.&&-100;-80;-60;-40;-20;0;20;40;60;80;100;&&&&x&undefined.0&&&&&1:h&&&N. LTTDemo.004&mtr&2&N&Dominant Characteristics Score
For each of the 40 characteristics, decide how it usually describes you on a scale of 1-10 (1 means least like you: 10 means most like you). Fill that number in the space provided directly across from each word.&&20::2::1. Outgoing, active and enthusiastic:
Friends consider you an extrovert;21. Natural leader:
People usually follow your directions;2. Unaffectionate and cool:
Rarely moved to tears - insensitive;22. Undisciplined:
Change projects without finishing;3. Deeply emotional and sensitive:
Feel deeply hurts and feelings of others;23. Calm, easy-going:
Not easily ruffled or upset;4. Passive and unmotivated:
Prefer less strenuous activities;24. Moody and discouraged:
Occasional long periods of depression;5. Friendly:
People-oriented and easy to get to know;25. Self-confident and optimistic:
Look toward the future;6. Domineering:
Tend to dominate–others think you’re pushy;26. Weak-willed:
Impulse buyer – no sales resistance;7. Conscientious and Perfectionist:
View people and projects idealistically;27. Amiable, diplomatic and peace-maker;8. Unsure of yourself:
Anxious and over consequences of decisions;28. Negative and critical:
Tend to find fault with people and things;9. Talkative and expressive:
Talking comes easily to you;29. Strong-willed and determined:
Finish what you start;10. Sarcastic and cutting:
Remarks come easily;30. Disorganized:
Difficulty keeping good records;11. Analytical and detailed in your thinking;31. Efficient:
Organize thoughts and work;12. Self-protective:
Reluctant to “get involved”;32. Rigid and legalistic:
Resent interruptions;13. Happy and carefree:
Happy feelings dominate;33. Goal-oriented activist:
Mind filled with plans and projects;14. Opinionated and somewhat prejudiced;34. Egocentric:
Favorite subject is yourself;15. Aesthetic:
Love and appreciate art and music;35. Conservative and appropriate:
Prefer conservative styles and colors;16. Stubborn:
Seldom initiate but quietly resist opposition;36. Indecisive and hesitant:
Tend to second-guess decisions;17. Generous:
Sometimes give more than you have to give;37. Practical and utilitarian:
In values and thoughts;18. Hostile and Angry:
You remember those who offend you;38. Emotionally excitable:
Anger or tears frequent but short;19. Self-sacrificing:
Help others at expense of own comfort;39. Dependable but reluctant leader:
Fill necessary obligations;20. Dependent:
Reluctant to initiate but supportive of those who lead;40. Unsociable and touchy:
Enjoy solitude, “take it or leave it;&&&&&undefined.0&undefined.0&&&&1&&&N.