id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags&scores&supercat 360_sago.001&nrt&0&N&

1. What is the purpose of this person's job or team, as you understand it from
the person you're rating?&350&&&&&&P1.0&&&&&1&&&N.&& 360_sago.002&nrt&0&N&2. What specific behaviors demonstrate that the person you're rating is an effective
leader?&350&&&&&&P1.0&&&&&1&&&N.&& 360_sago.003&nrt&0&N&

;3. What leadership model or theory does the person you're rating use to understand and improve leadership?&350&&&&&&P2.0&&&&&1&&&N.&& 360_sago.004&nrt&0&N&4. How does the person you're rating measure leadership improvement in himself or
herself, and in others? BE SPECIFIC.&350&&&&&&P2.0&&&&&1&&&N.&& 360_sago.005&lik&0&N&

;5. This person consistently emphasizes the company or team purpose in his or her day-to-day
dealings with others.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P3.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Purpose 360_sago.006&lik&0&N&6. People feel it's safe to disagree openly with this person's point of view.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P3.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Listening 360_sago.007&lik&0&N&7. People definitely see consistency between what this person says, what
this person should do, and what this person actually does.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P3.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Consistency 360_sago.008&lik&0&N&

8. When individuals come to this person to discuss matters that are important
to them, this person's behavior tells them that he or she is TOTALLY focused on
what they're saying.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P4.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Respect 360_sago.009&lik&0&N&9. This person's behavior tells people that he or she is very straightforward in
letting them know where they stand with him or her.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P4.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Consistency 360_sago.010&lik&0&N&10. People who work with this person can explain this person's purpose clearly and
concisely.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P4.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Purpose 360_sago.011&lik&0&N&

11. When making an important decision, this person consults people who will be
affected by that decision, to gather their input and perspectives.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P5.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Respect 360_sago.012&lik&0&N&12. This person's behavior communicates to others that he or she is genuinely interested
in hearing other people's points of view.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P5.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Listening 360_sago.013&lik&0&N&13. If people do something wrong, or aren't performing the way
they should, this person immediately confronts the situation head-on.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P5.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Consistency 360_sago.014&lik&0&N&

14. When things go wrong, this person takes full responsibility for what happened
(instead of playing the "blame game").&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P6.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Accountability 360_sago.015&lik&0&N&15. This person promotes and rewards collaboration and teamwork among
people with whom he or she interacts.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P6.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Respect 360_sago.016&lik&0&N&16. This person makes a concerted effort to treat people as individuals,
taking into consideration their unique perspectives and backgrounds.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P6.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Respect 360_sago.017&lik&0&N& ;

17. This person initiates discussions about performance with his or her boss,
and others, on at least a monthly basis.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P7.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Accountability 360_sago.018&lik&0&N&18. This person interacts with others in ways that promote people taking personal
responsibility for their actions, performance, and results.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P7.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Accountability 360_sago.019&lik&0&N&19. This person spends a significant amount of time teaching others how to
improve performance.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P7.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Additional Comments:&1,2,3,4,5&Accountability 360_sago.020&lik&0&N& ;

20. People in our company (or team, department, etc.) approve of the
direction this person is going.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P8.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Comments&1,2,3,4,5&Purpose 360_sago.021&lik&0&N&21. This person displays adaptability and openness to new ideas when
dealing with change.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P8.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Comments&1,2,3,4,5&Listening 360_sago.022&lik&0&N&22. This person sets clear goals that are aligned with the company’s
(team’s, department's, etc.) purpose.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P8.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Comments&1,2,3,4,5&Purpose 360_sago.023&lik&0&N& ;

23. This person is careful to understand the underlying emotions involved
when people tell him or her about issues important to them.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P9.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Comments&1,2,3,4,5&Listening 360_sago.024&lik&0&N&24. This person is very clear about what he or she expects from team members
or those who work with this person, others he or she deals with, etc.&&Almost Never;Seldom;Sometimes;Usually;Almost Always;&&&&a&P9.0&1&5&&&1:v&&&Y.Comments&1,2,3,4,5&Consistency 360_sago.025&nrt&0&N&25. What three leadership skills would you like to see this person improve most?&&&&&&&P9.0&&&&&1&&&Y.Comments (Please add any comments you think will help this person )&&