LCP Test Instructions

LCP: Test Manager Instructions to candidate for testing.

Welcome to Freddie Mac’s Test Center.

Exam Overview:

  • The Loan Prospector Certification Exam contains 50 questions that examine your knowledge on the full scope of LP functionality and policy.
  • The questions are either multiple choice or true/false.
  • This is a timed exam. You will have two (2) hours to complete the 50 questions.
  • A clock in the upper-right corner of your screen will display the time remaining to complete the test. The clock will not register the time it takes to display pages and questions.
  • Once you begin the exam, you must complete it. You are not allowed to pause or stop the exam and return to it later.

Special Instructions: Some multiple-choice questions may require multiple responses. These questions will include directions to "Select all that apply". To correctly answer these multiple-choice questions, you should select all responses that apply, whether that is one, two, or more responses. You will not receive partial credit for incomplete responses. Incomplete and unanswered questions will be graded as incorrect.

General Instructions:

  • This is an “open book” exam. You may refer to the curriculum materials you received during your classroom studies, Freddie Mac’s Single Family Seller/Servicer Guide, and any information posted on Freddie Mac’s website located at
  • During the exam, sequentially navigate from question to question by clicking the Next and Back buttons.
  • During the exam, mark any questions you wish to revisit by clicking the checkbox marked Click here to review this question at the end of the test, located on each question screen. When you reach the end of the exam, you may revisit any questions marked for review.
  • Important: If, after you mark a question for later review, you then use the Next or Back buttons to navigate and display the question before completing the test, the checkbox will become blank (i.e., the question becomes not marked for review). You must recheck the checkbox if you would like to review the question again at the end of the exam before you submit it for evaluation
  • To submit the exam for evaluation, click the Done button located on the last exam screen. After submittal, you will not be allowed to go back and review any questions on the exam
  • Review the following Examination Terms and Conditions. If you accept these terms and conditions, you explicitly agree to abide by them in completing the exam

To begin, click the Start button to review the Examination Terms and Conditions, or click on the Cancel button to exit the Test Center now.