Error: config.php does not exist.'; exit; } require(APP_ROOT .'/config.php'); // get the config file if (!extension_loaded('xml')) { echo '
Error: phpsysinfo requires xml module.
'; exit; } // reassign HTTP variables (incase register_globals is off) if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS)) while (list($name, $value) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS)) $$name = $value; if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS)) while (list($name, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) $$name = $value; // Check to see if where running inside of phpGroupWare if (isset($sessionid) && $sessionid && $kp3 && $domain) { define('PHPGROUPWARE', 1); $phpgw_info['flags'] = array('currentapp' => 'phpsysinfo-dev' ); include(APP_ROOT .'../'); } else { define('PHPGROUPWARE', 0); } if (!isset($template)) { $template = $_COOKIE['template']; } if (!isset($template)) { $template = $default_template; } //echo 'template is '.$template; // check to see if we have a random template first if ($template == 'random') { $dir = opendir(APP_ROOT .'/templates/'); while (($file = readdir($dir)) != false) { if ($file != 'CVS' && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { $buf[] = $file; } } $template = $buf[array_rand($buf, 1)]; $random = true; } if ($template != 'xml') { $template = basename(APP_ROOT .'/templates/' . $template); // figure out if we got a template passed in the url if (!file_exists(APP_ROOT ."/templates/$template")) { // default template we should use if we don't get a argument. $template = $default_template; } } define('TEMPLATE_SET', $template); // get our current language // default to english, but this is negotiable. if (!isset($lng)) { $lng = $_COOKIE['lng']; } if (!isset($lng)) { $lng = $default_lng; } $lng = basename(APP_ROOT .'/includes/lang/' . $lng . '.php', '.php'); if (!file_exists(APP_ROOT .'/includes/lang/' . $lng . '.php')) { // see if the browser knows the right languange. if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $plng = split(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); if (count($plng) > 0) { while (list($k, $v) = each($plng)) { $k = split(';', $v, 1); $k = split('-', $k[0]); if (file_exists(APP_ROOT .'/includes/lang/' . $k[0] . '.php')) { $lng = $k[0]; break; } } } } } require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/lang/' . $lng . '.php'); // get our language include // Figure out which OS where running on, and detect support if (file_exists(APP_ROOT . '/includes/os/class.' . PHP_OS . '.inc.php')) { require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/os/class.' . PHP_OS . '.inc.php'); $sysinfo = new sysinfo; } else { echo '
Error: ' . PHP_OS . ' is not currently supported
'; exit; } if (!empty($sensor_program)) { if (file_exists(APP_ROOT . '/includes/mb/class.' . $sensor_program . '.inc.php')) { require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/mb/class.' . $sensor_program . '.inc.php'); $mbinfo = new mbinfo; } else { echo '
Error: ' . $sensor_program . ' is not currently supported
'; exit; } } require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/common_functions.php'); // Set of common functions used through out the app require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/xml/vitals.php'); require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/xml/network.php'); require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/xml/hardware.php'); require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/xml/memory.php'); require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/xml/filesystems.php'); require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/xml/mbinfo.php'); $xml = "\n"; $xml .= "\n\n"; $xml .= created_by(); $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= xml_vitals(); $xml .= xml_network(); $xml .= xml_hardware(); $xml .= xml_memory(); $xml .= xml_filesystems(); if (!empty($sensor_program)) { $xml .= xml_mbtemp(); $xml .= xml_mbfans(); $xml .= xml_mbvoltage(); } ; $xml .= ""; if ($template == 'xml') { // just printout the XML and exit Header("Content-Type: text/xml\n\n"); print $xml; } else { // If they have GD complied into PHP, find out the height of the image to make this cleaner if (function_exists('getimagesize') && $template != 'xml') { $image_prop = getimagesize(APP_ROOT . '/templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET . '/images/bar_middle.gif'); define('BAR_HEIGHT', $image_prop[1]); unset($image_prop); } else { // Until they complie GD into PHP, this could look ugly define('BAR_HEIGHT', 16); } // Store the current template name in a cookie, set expire date to one month later // Store 'random' if we want a random template if ($random) { setcookie("template", 'random', (time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); } else { setcookie("template", $template, (time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); } // Store the current language selection in a cookie setcookie("lng", $lng, (time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); if (PHPGROUPWARE != 1) { require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/'); // template library } // fire up the template engine $tpl = new Template(APP_ROOT . '/templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET); $tpl->set_file(array('form' => 'form.tpl' )); // print out a box of information function makebox ($title, $content, $percent) { $t = new Template(APP_ROOT . '/templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET); $t->set_file(array('box' => 'box.tpl' )); $t->set_var('title', $title); $t->set_var('content', $content); if (empty($content)) { return ''; } else { return $t->parse('out', 'box'); } } // Fire off the XPath class require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/XPath.class.php'); $XPath = new XPath(); $XPath->importFromString($xml); // let the page begin. require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/system_header.php'); $tpl->set_var('title', $text['title'] . ': ' . $XPath->getData('/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Hostname') . ' (' . $XPath->getData('/phpsysinfo/Vitals/IPAddr') . ')'); $tpl->set_var('vitals', makebox($text['vitals'], html_vitals(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('network', makebox($text['netusage'], html_network(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('hardware', makebox($text['hardware'], html_hardware(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('memory', makebox($text['memusage'], html_memory(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('filesystems', makebox($text['fs'], html_filesystems(), '100%')); if (!empty($sensor_program)) { $tpl->set_var('mbtemp', makebox($text['temperature'], html_mbtemp(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('mbfans', makebox($text['fans'], html_mbfans(), '100%')); $tpl->set_var('mbvoltage', makebox($text['voltage'], html_mbvoltage(), '100%')); } else { $tpl->set_var('mbtemp', ''); $tpl->set_var('mbfans', ''); $tpl->set_var('mbvoltage', ''); } ; // parse our the template $tpl->pparse('out', 'form'); // finally our print our footer if (PHPGROUPWARE == 1) { $phpgw->common->phpgw_footer(); } else { require(APP_ROOT .'/includes/system_footer.php'); } } ?>