<?php /********************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sugarcrm.com/SPL * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.; * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ********************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************* * $Header: /advent/projects/wesat/vtiger_crm/sugarcrm/modules/Potentials/Charts.php,v 1.12 2005/04/20 20:23:34 ray Exp $ * Description: Includes the functions for Customer module specific charts. ********************************************************************************/ require_once('config.php'); require_once('include/logging.php'); require_once('modules/Potentials/Opportunity.php'); require_once("jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php"); require_once('include/utils.php'); require_once('include/logging.php'); // TTF Font families DEFINE("FF_COURIER",10); DEFINE("FF_VERDANA",11); DEFINE("FF_TIMES",12); DEFINE("FF_COMIC",14); DEFINE("FF_ARIAL",15); DEFINE("FF_GEORGIA",16); DEFINE("FF_TREBUCHE",17); // Chinese font DEFINE("FF_SIMSUN",30); DEFINE("FF_CHINESE",31); DEFINE("FF_BIG5",31); function calculate_font_family($locale) { switch($locale) { case 'cn_zh': return FF_SIMSUN; case 'tw_zh': if(!function_exists('iconv')){ echo " Unable to display traditional Chinese on the graphs.<BR>The function iconv does not exists please read more about <a href='http://us4.php.net/iconv'>iconv here</a><BR>"; return FF_FONT1; } else return FF_CHINESE; default: return FF_FONT1; } return FF_FONT1; } class jpgraph { /** * Creates opportunity pipeline image as a horizontal accumlated bar graph for multiple users. * param $datax- the month data to display in the x-axis * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.. * All Rights Reserved.. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function outcome_by_month($date_start='1971-10-15', $date_end='2071-10-15', $user_id=array('1'), $cache_file_name='a_file', $refresh=false) { global $app_strings,$lang_crm, $app_list_strings, $current_module_strings, $log, $charset, $tmp_dir; global $theme; include_once ("jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php"); // Size of graph $width=600; $height=400; $log =& LoggerManager::getLogger('outcome_by_month chart'); // Set the basic parameters of the graph $graph = new Graph($width,$height,$cache_file_name); $log->debug("graph object created"); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); if (!file_exists($cache_file_name) || !file_exists($cache_file_name.'.map') || $refresh == true) { $font = calculate_font_family($lang_crm); $log->debug("date_start is: $date_start"); $log->debug("date_end is: $date_end"); $log->debug("user_id is: "); $log->debug($user_id); $log->debug("cache_file_name is: $cache_file_name"); //build the where clause for the query that matches $user $where = "("; $first = true; $current = 0; foreach ($user_id as $the_id) { if (!$first) $where .= "OR "; $first = false; $where .= "crmentity.smcreatorid='$the_id' "; } $where .= ") "; //build the where clause for the query that matches $date_start and $date_end $where .= "AND closingdate >= '$date_start' AND closingdate <= '$date_end'"; $subtitle = $current_module_strings['LBL_DATE_RANGE']." ".getDisplayDate($date_start)." ".$current_module_strings['LBL_DATE_RANGE_TO']." ".getDisplayDate($date_end)."\n"; //Now do the db queries //query for opportunity data that matches $datay and $user $opp = new Potential(); $opp_list = $opp->get_full_list("amount DESC, closingdate DESC", $where); //build pipeline by sales stage data $total = 0; $count = array(); $sum = array(); $months = array(); $other = $current_module_strings['LBL_LEAD_SOURCE_OTHER']; if (isset($opp_list)) { foreach ($opp_list as $record) { $month = substr_replace($record->column_fields['closingdate'],'',-3); if (!in_array($month, $months)) { array_push($months, $month); } if ($record->column_fields['sales_stage'] == 'Closed Won' || $record->column_fields['sales_stage'] == 'Closed Lost') { $sales_stage=$record->column_fields['sales_stage']; } else { $sales_stage=$other; } if (!isset($sum[$month][$sales_stage])) { $sum[$month][$sales_stage] = 0; } if (isset($record->column_fields['amount'])) { // Strip all non numbers from this string. $amount = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $record->column_fields['amount']); $sum[$month][$sales_stage] = $sum[$month][$sales_stage] + $amount; if (isset($count[$month][$sales_stage])) { $count[$month][$sales_stage]++; } else { $count[$month][$sales_stage] = 1; } $total = $total + ($amount/1000); } } } $legend = array(); $datax = array(); $aTargets = array(); $aAlts = array(); $stages = array($other, 'Closed Lost', 'Closed Won'); //sort the months or push a bogus month on the array so that an empty chart is drawn if (empty($months)) { array_push($months, date('Y-m',time())); } else{ sort($months); } foreach($months as $month) { foreach($stages as $stage) { $log->debug("stage is $stage"); if (!isset($datax[$stage])) { $datax[$stage] = array(); } if (!isset($aAlts[$stage])) { $aAlts[$stage] = array(); } if (!isset($aTargets[$stage])) { $aTargets[$stage] = array(); } if (isset($sum[$month][$stage])) { array_push($datax[$stage], $sum[$month][$stage]/1000); array_push($aAlts[$stage], $count[$month][$stage]." ".$current_module_strings['LBL_OPPS_OUTCOME']." $stage"); } else { array_push($datax[$stage], 0); array_push($aAlts[$stage], ""); } array_push($aTargets[$stage], "index.php?module=Potentials&action=ListView&date_closed=$month&sales_stage=".urlencode($stage)."&query=true"); } array_push($legend,$month); } $log->debug("datax is:"); $log->debug($datax); $log->debug("aAlts is:"); $log->debug($aAlts); $log->debug("aTargets is:"); $log->debug($aTargets); $log->debug("sum is:"); $log->debug($sum); $log->debug("count is:"); $log->debug($count); //now build the bar plots for each user across the sales stages $bplot = array(); $color = array('Closed Lost'=>'FF9900','Closed Won'=>'009933', $other=>'0066CC'); $index = 0; foreach($stages as $stage) { // Now create a bar pot $bplot[$index] = new BarPlot($datax[$stage]); //You can change the width of the bars if you like $bplot[$index]->SetWidth(5); // Set fill colors for bars $bplot[$index]->SetFillColor("#".$color[$stage]); // We want to display the value of each bar at the top $bplot[$index]->value->Show(); $bplot[$index]->value->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); //$bplot->value->SetAlign('left','center'); $bplot[$index]->value->SetColor("white"); $bplot[$index]->value->SetFormat(getCurrencySymbol().'%d'); $bplot[$index]->SetValuePos('max'); //set client side image map URL's $bplot[$index]->SetCSIMTargets($aTargets[$stage],$aAlts[$stage]); $log->debug("bplot[$index] is: "); $log->debug($bplot[$index]); $index++; } if($theme == "blue") { $font_color = "#212473"; } else { $font_color = "#000000"; } // Create the grouped bar plot $gbplot = new AccBarPlot($bplot); // Add the bar to the graph $graph->Add($gbplot); // No frame around the image $graph->SetFrame(true,"white"); // Rotate graph 90 degrees and set margin $top = 20; $bottom = 50; $left = 20; $right = 50; $graph->SetMargin($left,$right,$top,$bottom); // Set white margin color $graph->SetMarginColor('#F5F5F5'); // Use a box around the plot area $graph->SetBox(); // Use a gradient to fill the plot area $graph->SetBackgroundGradient('#E5E5E5','white',GRAD_HOR,BGRAD_PLOT); // Setup title $title = $current_module_strings['LBL_TOTAL_PIPELINE'].getCurrencySymbol().$total.$app_strings['LBL_THOUSANDS_SYMBOL']; $graph->title->Set($title); $graph->title->SetColor($font_color); $graph->title->SetFont($font,FS_BOLD,11); // Setup X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetColor($font_color); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($legend); $graph->xaxis->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); // Some extra margin looks nicer $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(10); // Label align for X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('center','center'); $graph->yaxis->SetColor($font_color); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_LEFT); // The fix the tick marks $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_RIGHT); // Add some grace to y-axis so the bars doesn't go // all the way to the end of the plot area $graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(10); // Setup the Y-axis to be displayed in the bottom of the // graph. We also finetune the exact layout of the title, // ticks and labels to make them look nice. $graph->yaxis->SetPos('max'); // First make the labels look right $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('left','top'); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelFormat(getCurrencySymbol().'%d'); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_RIGHT); // The fix the tick marks $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_LEFT); // Finally setup the title $graph->yaxis->SetTitleSide(SIDE_RIGHT); $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin(35); $subtitle .= $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE'].getCurrencySymbol().$current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE_VALUE']; $graph->footer->right->SetColor($font_color); $graph->footer->right->Set($subtitle); $graph->footer->right->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); $graph->yaxis->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL, 8); // .. and stroke the graph $graph->Stroke($cache_file_name); $imgMap = $graph->GetHTMLImageMap('outcome_by_month'); save_image_map($cache_file_name.'.map', $imgMap); } else { $imgMap_fp = fopen($cache_file_name.'.map', "rb"); $imgMap = fread($imgMap_fp, filesize($cache_file_name.'.map')); fclose($imgMap_fp); } $fileModTime = filemtime($cache_file_name.'.map'); $return = "\n$imgMap\n"; $return .= "<img src='$cache_file_name?modTime=$fileModTime'\n"; $return .= "ismap usemap='#outcome_by_month' border='0'>\n"; return $return; } /** * Creates lead_source_by_outcome pipeline image as a horizontal accumlated bar graph for multiple users. * param $datay- the lead source data to display in the x-axis * param $date_start- the begin date of opps to find * param $date_end- the end date of opps to find * param $ids - list of assigned users of opps to find * param $cache_file_name - file name to write image to * param $refresh - boolean whether to rebuild image if exists * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.. * All Rights Reserved.. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function lead_source_by_outcome($datay=array('foo','bar'), $user_id=array('1'), $cache_file_name='a_file', $refresh=false) { global $app_strings,$lang_crm, $current_module_strings, $log, $charset, $tmp_dir; global $theme; include_once ("jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php"); // Size of graph $width=300; $height=400; $log =& LoggerManager::getLogger('lead_source_by_outcome chart'); // Set the basic parameters of the graph $graph = new Graph($width,$height,$cache_file_name); $log->debug("graph object created"); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); if (!file_exists($cache_file_name) || !file_exists($cache_file_name.'.map') || $refresh == true) { $font = calculate_font_family($lang_crm); $log->debug("datay is:"); $log->debug($datay); $log->debug("user_id is: "); $log->debug($user_id); $log->debug("cache_file_name is: $cache_file_name"); $where=""; //build the where clause for the query that matches $user $count = count($user_id); if ($count>0) { $where = "("; $first = true; $current = 0; foreach ($user_id as $the_id) { if (!$first) $where .= "OR "; $first = false; $where .= "crmentity.smcreatorid='$the_id' "; } $where .= ") "; } //build the where clause for the query that matches $datay $count = count($datay); if ($count>0) { $where .= "AND ( "; unset($first); $first = true; foreach ($datay as $key=>$value) { if (!$first) $where .= "OR "; $first = false; $where .= "leadsource ='$key' "; } $where .= ")"; } //Now do the db queries //query for opportunity data that matches $datay and $user $opp = new Potential(); $opp_list = $opp->get_full_list("amount DESC, closingdate DESC", $where); //build pipeline by sales stage data $total = 0; $count = array(); $sum = array(); $other = $current_module_strings['LBL_LEAD_SOURCE_OTHER']; if (isset($opp_list)) { foreach ($opp_list as $record) { //if lead source is blank, set it to the language's "none" value if (isset($record->column_fields['leadsource']) && $record->column_fields['leadsource'] != '') { $lead_source = $record->column_fields['leadsource']; } else { $lead_source = $current_module_strings['NTC_NO_LEGENDS']; } if ($record->column_fields['sales_stage'] == 'Closed Won' || $record->column_fields['sales_stage'] == 'Closed Lost') { $sales_stage=$record->column_fields['sales_stage']; } else { $sales_stage=$other; } if (!isset($sum[$lead_source][$sales_stage])) { $sum[$lead_source][$sales_stage] = 0; } if (isset($record->column_fields['amount'])) { // Strip all non numbers from this string. $amount = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $record->column_fields['amount']); $sum[$lead_source][$sales_stage] = $sum[$lead_source][$sales_stage] + $amount; if (isset($count[$lead_source][$sales_stage])) { $count[$lead_source][$sales_stage]++; } else { $count[$lead_source][$sales_stage] = 1; } $total = $total + ($amount/1000); } } } $legend = array(); $datax = array(); $aTargets = array(); $aAlts = array(); $stages = array($other,'Closed Lost', 'Closed Won'); foreach($datay as $lead=>$translation) { if ($lead == '') { $lead = $current_module_strings['NTC_NO_LEGENDS']; $translation = $current_module_strings['NTC_NO_LEGENDS']; } foreach($stages as $stage) { $log->debug("stage_key is $stage"); if (!isset($datax[$stage])) { $datax[$stage] = array(); } if (!isset($aAlts[$stage])) { $aAlts[$stage] = array(); } if (!isset($aTargets[$stage])) { $aTargets[$stage] = array(); } if (isset($sum[$lead][$stage])) { array_push($datax[$stage], $sum[$lead][$stage]/1000); array_push($aAlts[$stage], $count[$lead][$stage]." ".$current_module_strings['LBL_OPPS_OUTCOME']." $stage"); } else { array_push($datax[$stage], 0); array_push($aAlts[$stage], ""); } array_push($aTargets[$stage], "index.php?module=Potentials&action=ListView&leadsource=".urlencode($lead)."&sales_stage=".urlencode($stage)."&query=true"); } array_push($legend,$translation); } $log->debug("datax is:"); $log->debug($datax); $log->debug("aAlts is:"); $log->debug($aAlts); $log->debug("aTargets is:"); $log->debug($aTargets); $log->debug("sum is:"); $log->debug($sum); $log->debug("count is:"); $log->debug($count); //now build the bar plots for each user across the sales stages $bplot = array(); $color = array('Closed Lost'=>'FF9900','Closed Won'=>'009933', $other=>'0066CC'); $index = 0; foreach($stages as $stage) { // Now create a bar pot $bplot[$index] = new BarPlot($datax[$stage]); //You can change the width of the bars if you like $bplot[$index]->SetWidth(5); // Set fill colors for bars $bplot[$index]->SetFillColor("#".$color[$stage]); // We want to display the value of each bar at the top $bplot[$index]->value->Show(); $bplot[$index]->value->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,7); //$bplot->value->SetAlign('left','center'); $bplot[$index]->value->SetColor("white"); $bplot[$index]->value->SetFormat(getCurrencySymbol().'%d'); $bplot[$index]->SetValuePos('max'); //set client side image map URL's $bplot[$index]->SetCSIMTargets($aTargets[$stage],$aAlts[$stage]); $log->debug("bplot[$index] is: "); $log->debug($bplot[$index]); $log->debug("datax[$stage] is: "); $log->debug($datax[$stage]); $index++; } if($theme == "blue") { $font_color = "#212473"; } else { $font_color = "#000000"; } // Create the grouped bar plot $gbplot = new AccBarPlot($bplot); // Add the bar to the graph $graph->Add($gbplot); // No frame around the image $graph->SetFrame(true,"white"); // Rotate graph 90 degrees and set margin $top = 20; $bottom = 50; $left = 130; $right = 40; $graph->Set90AndMargin($left,$right,$top,$bottom); // Set white margin color $graph->SetMarginColor('#F5F5F5'); // Use a box around the plot area $graph->SetBox(); // Use a gradient to fill the plot area $graph->SetBackgroundGradient('#E5E5E5','white',GRAD_HOR,BGRAD_PLOT); // Setup title $title = $current_module_strings['LBL_ALL_OPPORTUNITIES'].getCurrencySymbol().$total.$app_strings['LBL_THOUSANDS_SYMBOL']; $graph->title->Set($title); $graph->title->SetColor($font_color); $graph->title->SetFont($font,FS_BOLD,11); // Setup X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($legend); $graph->xaxis->SetColor($font_color); $graph->xaxis->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); // Some extra margin looks nicer $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(10); // Label align for X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right','center'); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_LEFT); $graph->yaxis->SetColor($font_color); // The fix the tick marks $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_RIGHT); // Add some grace to y-axis so the bars doesn't go // all the way to the end of the plot area $graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(10); // Setup the Y-axis to be displayed in the bottom of the // graph. We also finetune the exact layout of the title, // ticks and labels to make them look nice. $graph->yaxis->SetPos('max'); // First make the labels look right $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('left','top'); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelFormat(getCurrencySymbol().'%d'); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_RIGHT); // The fix the tick marks $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_LEFT); // Finally setup the title $graph->yaxis->SetTitleSide(SIDE_RIGHT); $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin(35); $subtitle = $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE'].getCurrencySymbol().$current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE_VALUE']; $graph->footer->right->SetColor($font_color); $graph->footer->right->Set($subtitle); $graph->footer->right->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); $graph->yaxis->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL, 8); // .. and stroke the graph $graph->Stroke($cache_file_name); $imgMap = $graph->GetHTMLImageMap('lead_source_by_outcome'); save_image_map($cache_file_name.'.map', $imgMap); } else { $imgMap_fp = fopen($cache_file_name.'.map', "rb"); $imgMap = fread($imgMap_fp, filesize($cache_file_name.'.map')); fclose($imgMap_fp); } $fileModTime = filemtime($cache_file_name.'.map'); $return = "\n$imgMap\n"; $return .= "<img src='$cache_file_name?modTime=$fileModTime'\n"; $return .= "ismap usemap='#lead_source_by_outcome' border='0'>\n"; return $return; } /** * Creates opportunity pipeline image as a horizontal accumlated bar graph for multiple users. * param $datax- the sales stage data to display in the x-axis * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.. * All Rights Reserved.. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function pipeline_by_sales_stage($datax=array('foo','bar'), $date_start='2071-10-15', $date_end='2071-10-15', $user_id=array('1'), $cache_file_name='a_file', $refresh=false) { global $app_strings,$lang_crm, $current_module_strings, $log, $charset, $tmp_dir; global $theme; include_once ("jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php"); // Size of graph $width=300; $height=400; $log =& LoggerManager::getLogger('opportunity charts'); // Set the basic parameters of the graph $graph = new Graph($width,$height,$cache_file_name); $log->debug("graph object created"); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); if (!file_exists($cache_file_name) || !file_exists($cache_file_name.'.map') || $refresh == true) { $font = calculate_font_family($lang_crm); $log->debug("starting pipeline chart"); $log->debug("datax is:"); $log->debug($datax); $log->debug("user_id is: "); $log->debug($user_id); $log->debug("cache_file_name is: $cache_file_name"); $where=""; //build the where clause for the query that matches $user $count = count($user_id); if ($count>0) { $where = "("; $first = true; $current = 0; foreach ($user_id as $the_id) { if (!$first) $where .= "OR "; $first = false; //reference post //if I change the owner of a opportunity, the graph shown on Home does not update correctly, this is because the graph is looking for the creatorid and not for the ownerid //fix incorporated based on /sak's feedback $where .= "crmentity.smownerid='$the_id' "; } $where .= ") "; } //build the where clause for the query that matches $datax $count = count($datax); if ($count>0) { $where .= "AND ( "; unset($first); $first = true; foreach ($datax as $key=>$value) { if (!$first) $where .= "OR "; $first = false; $where .= "sales_stage ='$key' "; } $where .= ")"; } //build the where clause for the query that matches $date_start and $date_end $where .= "AND closingdate >= '$date_start' AND closingdate <= '$date_end'"; $subtitle = $current_module_strings['LBL_DATE_RANGE']." ".getDisplayDate($date_start)." ".$current_module_strings['LBL_DATE_RANGE_TO']." ".getDisplayDate($date_end)."\n"; //Now do the db queries //query for opportunity data that matches $datax and $user $opp = new Potential(); $opp_list = $opp->get_full_list("amount DESC, closingdate DESC", $where); //build pipeline by sales stage data $total = 0; $count = array(); $sum = array(); if (isset($opp_list)) { foreach ($opp_list as $record) { if (!isset($sum[$record->column_fields['sales_stage']][$record->column_fields['assigned_user_id']])) { $sum[$record->column_fields['sales_stage']][$record->column_fields['assigned_user_id']] = 0; } if (isset($record->column_fields['amount'])) { // Strip all non numbers from this string. $amount = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $record->column_fields['amount']); $sum[$record->column_fields['sales_stage']][$record->column_fields['assigned_user_id']] = $sum[$record->column_fields['sales_stage']][$record->column_fields['assigned_user_id']] + $amount; if (isset($count[$record->column_fields['sales_stage']][$record->column_fields['assigned_user_id']])) { $count[$record->column_fields['sales_stage']][$record->column_fields['assigned_user_id']]++; } else { $count[$record->column_fields['sales_stage']][$record->column_fields['assigned_user_id']] = 1; } $total = $total + ($amount/1000); } } } $legend = array(); $datay = array(); $aTargets = array(); $aAlts = array(); foreach ($datax as $stage_key=>$stage_translation) { foreach ($user_id as $the_id) { $the_user = get_assigned_user_name($the_id); if (!isset($datay[$the_id])) { $datay[$the_id] = array(); } if (!isset($aAlts[$the_id])) { $aAlts[$the_id] = array(); } if (!isset($aTargets[$the_id])) { $aTargets[$the_id] = array(); } if (isset($sum[$stage_key][$the_id])) { array_push($datay[$the_id], $sum[$stage_key][$the_id]/1000); array_push($aAlts[$the_id], $the_user.' - '.$count[$stage_key][$the_id]." ".$current_module_strings['LBL_OPPS_IN_STAGE']." $stage_translation"); } else { array_push($datay[$the_id], 0); array_push($aAlts[$the_id], ""); } array_push($aTargets[$the_id], "index.php?module=Potentials&action=ListView&assigned_user_id[]=$the_id&sales_stage=".urlencode($stage_key)."&closingdate_start=".urlencode($date_start)."&closingdate_end=".urlencode($date_end)."&query=true"); } array_push($legend,$stage_translation); } $log->debug("datay is:"); $log->debug($datay); $log->debug("aAlts is:"); $log->debug($aAlts); $log->debug("aTargets is:"); $log->debug($aTargets); $log->debug("sum is:"); $log->debug($sum); $log->debug("count is:"); $log->debug($count); //now build the bar plots for each user across the sales stages $bplot = array(); $color = 'D50100'; $index = 0; foreach($user_id as $the_id) { // Now create a bar pot $bplot[$index] = new BarPlot($datay[$the_id]); //color="black",$hsize=3,$vsize=3,$show=true $bplot[$index]->SetShadow(); //You can change the width of the bars if you like $bplot[$index]->SetWidth(0.5); // Set fill colors for bars //$bplot[$index]->SetFillGradient('red','#7D7D7D',GRAD_HOR);//SetFillColor("#$color"); $bplot[$index]->SetFillColor("#$color"); $color = $color + 220022; // We want to display the value of each bar at the top $bplot[$index]->value->Show(); $bplot[$index]->value->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); //$bplot->value->SetAlign('left','center'); $bplot[$index]->value->SetColor("white"); $bplot[$index]->value->SetFormat(getCurrencySymbol().'%d'); $bplot[$index]->SetValuePos('max'); //set client side image map URL's $bplot[$index]->SetCSIMTargets($aTargets[$the_id],$aAlts[$the_id]); $log->debug("bplot[$index] is: "); $log->debug($bplot[$index]); $log->debug("datay[$the_id] is: "); $log->debug($datay[$the_id]); $index++; } // Create the grouped bar plot $gbplot = new AccBarPlot($bplot); // Add the bar to the graph $graph->Add($gbplot); // No frame around the image $graph->SetFrame(true,"white"); // Rotate graph 90 degrees and set margin $top = 20; $bottom = 70; $left = 130; $right = 40; $graph->Set90AndMargin($left,$right,$top,$bottom); // Set white margin color $graph->SetMarginColor('#F5F5F5'); // Use a box around the plot area $graph->SetBox(); // Use a gradient to fill the plot area $graph->SetBackgroundGradient('#E5E5E5','white',GRAD_HOR,BGRAD_PLOT); if($theme == "blue") { $font_color = "#212473"; } else { $font_color = "#000000"; } // Setup title $title = $current_module_strings['LBL_TOTAL_PIPELINE'].getCurrencySymbol().$total.$app_strings['LBL_THOUSANDS_SYMBOL']; $graph->title->Set($title); $graph->title->SetColor($font_color); $graph->title->SetFont($font,FS_BOLD,11); // Setup X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($legend); $graph->xaxis->SetColor($font_color); $graph->xaxis->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); // Some extra margin looks nicer $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(10); // Label align for X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right','center'); // Add some grace to y-axis so the bars doesn't go // all the way to the end of the plot area $graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(10); // Setup the Y-axis to be displayed in the bottom of the // graph. We also finetune the exact layout of the title, // ticks and labels to make them look nice. $graph->yaxis->SetPos('max'); // First make the labels look right $graph->yaxis->SetColor($font_color); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center','top'); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelFormat(getCurrencySymbol().'%d'); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_RIGHT); // The fix the tick marks $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_LEFT); // Finally setup the title $graph->yaxis->SetTitleSide(SIDE_RIGHT); $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin(35); $subtitle .= $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE'].getCurrencySymbol().$current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE_VALUE']; $graph->footer->right->Set($subtitle); $graph->footer->right->SetColor($font_color); $graph->footer->right->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); $graph->yaxis->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL, 8); // .. and stroke the graph $graph->Stroke($cache_file_name); $imgMap = $graph->GetHTMLImageMap('pipeline'); save_image_map($cache_file_name.'.map', $imgMap); } else { $imgMap_fp = fopen($cache_file_name.'.map', "rb"); $imgMap = fread($imgMap_fp, filesize($cache_file_name.'.map')); fclose($imgMap_fp); } $fileModTime = filemtime($cache_file_name.'.map'); $return = "\n$imgMap\n"; $return .= "<img src='$cache_file_name?modTime=$fileModTime'\n"; $return .= "ismap usemap='#pipeline' border='0'>\n"; return $return; } /** * Creates pie chart image of opportunities by lead_source. * param $datax- the sales stage data to display in the x-axis * param $datay- the sum of opportunity amounts for each opportunity in each sales stage * to display in the y-axis * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.. * All Rights Reserved.. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function pipeline_by_lead_source($legends=array('foo','bar'), $user_id=array('1'), $cache_file_name='a_file', $refresh=true) { global $app_strings,$lang_crm, $current_module_strings, $log, $charset, $tmp_dir; global $theme; include_once ("jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie.php"); include_once ("jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie3d.php"); $font = calculate_font_family($lang_crm); if (!file_exists($cache_file_name) || !file_exists($cache_file_name.'.map') || $refresh == true) { $log =& LoggerManager::getLogger('opportunity charts'); $log->debug("starting pipeline chart"); $log->debug("legends is:"); $log->debug($legends); $log->debug("user_id is: "); $log->debug($user_id); $log->debug("cache_file_name is: $cache_file_name"); //Now do the db queries //query for opportunity data that matches $legends and $user $where=""; //build the where clause for the query that matches $user $count = count($user_id); if ($count>0) { $where = "("; $first = true; foreach ($user_id as $the_id) { if (!$first) $where .= "OR "; $first = false; $where .= "crmentity.smcreatorid='$the_id' "; } $where .= ") "; } //build the where clause for the query that matches $datax $count = count($legends); if ($count>0) { $where .= "AND ( "; $first = true; foreach ($legends as $key=>$value) { if (!$first) $where .= "OR "; $first = false; $where .= "leadsource ='$key' "; } $where .= ")"; } $opp = new Potential(); $opp_list = $opp->get_full_list("amount DESC, closingdate DESC", $where); //build pipeline by lead source data $total = 0; $count = array(); $sum = array(); if (isset($opp_list)) { foreach ($opp_list as $record) { if (!isset($sum[$record->column_fields['leadsource']])) $sum[$record->column_fields['leadsource']] = 0; if (isset($record->column_fields['amount']) && isset($record->column_fields['leadsource'])) { // Strip all non numbers from this string. $amount = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $record->column_fields['amount']); $sum[$record->column_fields['leadsource']] = $sum[$record->column_fields['leadsource']] + ($amount/1000); if (isset($count[$record->column_fields['leadsource']])) $count[$record->column_fields['leadsource']]++; else $count[$record->column_fields['leadsource']] = 1; $total = $total + ($amount/1000); } } } $visible_legends = array(); $data= array(); $aTargets = array(); $aAlts = array(); foreach ($legends as $lead_source_key=>$lead_source_translation) { if (isset($sum[$lead_source_key])) { array_push($data, $sum[$lead_source_key]); if($lead_source_key != '') { array_push($visible_legends, $lead_source_translation); } else { // put none in if the field is blank. array_push($visible_legends, $current_module_strings['NTC_NO_LEGENDS']); } array_push($aTargets, "index.php?module=Potentials&action=ListView&leadsource=".urlencode($lead_source_key)."&query=true"); array_push($aAlts, $count[$lead_source_key]." ".$current_module_strings['LBL_OPPS_IN_LEAD_SOURCE']." $lead_source_translation "); } } $log->debug("sum is:"); $log->debug($sum); $log->debug("count is:"); $log->debug($count); $log->debug("total is: $total"); if ($total == 0) { return ($current_module_strings['ERR_NO_OPPS']); } if($theme == "blue") { $font_color = "#212473"; } else { $font_color = "#000000"; } // Create the Pie Graph. $graph = new PieGraph(490,260,$cache_file_name); $graph->SetShadow(); // Setup title $title = $current_module_strings['LBL_TOTAL_PIPELINE'].getCurrencySymbol().$total.$app_strings['LBL_THOUSANDS_SYMBOL']; $graph->title->Set($title); $graph->title->SetColor($font_color); $graph->title->SetFont($font,FS_BOLD,11); // No frame around the image $graph->SetFrame(false); //$graph->SetMarginColor('#F5F5F5'); $graph->legend->Pos(0.01,0.10); $graph->legend->SetColor($font_color); $graph->legend->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,12); $subtitle = $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE'].getCurrencySymbol().$current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE_VALUE']; $graph->footer->left->Set($subtitle); $graph->footer->left->SetColor($font_color); $graph->footer->left->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,8); // Create pie plot $p1 = new PiePlot3d($data); $p1->SetSize(0.30); $p1->SetTheme("water"); $p1->SetCenter(0.33,0.35); $p1->SetAngle(30); $p1->value->SetFont($font,FS_NORMAL,12); $p1->SetLegends($visible_legends); $p1->SetLabelType(PIE_VALUE_ABS); $p1->value->SetFormat(getCurrencySymbol().'%d'); //set client side image map URL's $p1->SetCSIMTargets($aTargets,$aAlts); $graph->Add($p1); $graph->Stroke($cache_file_name); $imgMap = $graph->GetHTMLImageMap('pipeline_by_lead_source'); save_image_map($cache_file_name.'.map', $imgMap); } else { $imgMap_fp = fopen($cache_file_name.'.map', "rb"); $imgMap = fread($imgMap_fp, filesize($cache_file_name.'.map')); fclose($imgMap_fp); } $fileModTime = filemtime($cache_file_name.'.map'); $return = "\n$imgMap\n"; $return .= "<img src='$cache_file_name?modTime=$fileModTime'\n"; $return .= "ismap usemap='#pipeline_by_lead_source' border='0'>\n"; return $return; } } /** * Creates a file with the image map * param $filename - file name to save to * param $image_map - image map string to save * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function save_image_map($filename,$image_map) { // save the image map to file $log =& LoggerManager::getLogger('save_image_file'); if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) { $log->debug("Cannot open file ($filename)"); return; } // Write $somecontent to our opened file. if (fwrite($handle, $image_map) === FALSE) { $log->debug("Cannot write to file ($filename)"); return false; } $log->debug("Success, wrote ($image_map) to file ($filename)"); fclose($handle); return true; } // retrieve the translated strings. $app_strings = return_application_language($current_language); if(isset($app_strings['LBL_CHARSET'])) { $charset = $app_strings['LBL_CHARSET']; } else { $charset = $default_charset; } ?>