"equals", "n"=>"not equal to", "s"=>"starts with", "c"=>"contains", "k"=>"does not contain", "l"=>"less than", "g"=>"greater than", "m"=>"less or equal", "h"=>"greater or equal" ); class CustomView extends CRMEntity{ var $module_list = Array("Leads"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Address"=>2,"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5), "Contacts"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Address"=>2,"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5), "Accounts"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Address"=>2,"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5), "Potentials"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Description"=>2,"Custom Information"=>5), "Activities"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Description"=>2), "Products"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Description"=>2,"Custom Information"=>5), "Vendor"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Address"=>2,"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5), "PriceBook"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Description"=>2,"Custom Information"=>5), "Notes"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Description"=>3), "Emails"=>Array("Information"=>'1,2',"Description"=>4), "HelpDesk"=>Array("Information"=>'1,2',"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5), "Quotes"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Address"=>2,"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5), "Orders"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Address"=>2,"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5), "SalesOrder"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Address"=>2,"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5), "Invoice"=>Array("Information"=>1,"Address"=>2,"Description"=>3,"Custom Information"=>5) ); var $customviewmodule; var $list_fields; var $list_fields_name; var $setdefaultviewid; var $escapemodule; var $mandatoryvalues; var $showvalues; function CustomView($module="") { $this->customviewmodule = $module; $this->escapemodule[] = $module."_"; $this->escapemodule[] = "_"; } // to get the available customviews for a module // return type array function getCustomViewByCvid($cvid) { global $adb; $tabid = getTabid($this->customviewmodule); $ssql = "select customview.* from customview inner join tab on tab.name = customview.entitytype"; $ssql .= " where customview.cvid=".$cvid; $result = $adb->query($ssql); while($cvrow=$adb->fetch_array($result)) { $customviewlist["viewname"] = $cvrow["viewname"]; $customviewlist["setdefault"] = $cvrow["setdefault"]; $customviewlist["setmetrics"] = $cvrow["setmetrics"]; } return $customviewlist; } function getCustomViewCombo() { global $adb; $tabid = getTabid($this->customviewmodule); $ssql = "select customview.* from customview inner join tab on tab.name = customview.entitytype"; $ssql .= " where tab.tabid=".$tabid; //echo $ssql; $result = $adb->query($ssql); while($cvrow=$adb->fetch_array($result)) { if($cvrow['setdefault'] == 1) { $shtml .= ""; $this->setdefaultviewid = $cvrow['cvid']; } else { $shtml .= ""; } } //echo $shtml; return $shtml; } function getColumnsListbyBlock($module,$block) { global $adb; $tabid = getTabid($module); global $profile_id; $sql = "select * from field inner join profile2field on profile2field.fieldid=field.fieldid"; $sql.= " where field.tabid=".$tabid." and field.block in (".$block.") and"; $sql.= " field.displaytype in (1,2) and profile2field.visible=0"; $sql.= " and profile2field.profileid=".$profile_id." order by sequence"; $result = $adb->query($sql); $noofrows = $adb->num_rows($result); for($i=0; $i<$noofrows; $i++) { $fieldtablename = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"tablename"); $fieldcolname = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"columnname"); $fieldname = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"fieldname"); $fieldtype = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"typeofdata"); $fieldtype = explode("~",$fieldtype); $fieldtypeofdata = $fieldtype[0]; /*if($fieldcolname == "crmid" || $fieldcolname == "parent_id") { $fieldtablename = "crmentity"; $fieldcolname = "setype"; }*/ $fieldlabel = $adb->query_result($result,$i,"fieldlabel"); if($fieldlabel == "Related To") { $fieldlabel = "Related to"; } $fieldlabel1 = str_replace(" ","_",$fieldlabel); $optionvalue = $fieldtablename.":".$fieldcolname.":".$fieldname.":".$module."_".$fieldlabel1.":".$fieldtypeofdata; $module_columnlist[$optionvalue] = $fieldlabel; if($fieldtype[1] == "M") { $this->mandatoryvalues[] = "'".$optionvalue."'"; $this->showvalues[] = $fieldlabel; } } return $module_columnlist; } function getModuleColumnsList($module) { foreach($this->module_list[$module] as $key=>$value) { $columnlist = $this->getColumnsListbyBlock($module,$value); if(isset($columnlist)) { $ret_module_list[$module][$key] = $columnlist; } } return $ret_module_list; } function getColumnsListByCvid($cvid) { global $adb; $sSQL = "select cvcolumnlist.* from cvcolumnlist"; $sSQL .= " inner join customview on customview.cvid = cvcolumnlist.cvid"; $sSQL .= " where customview.cvid =".$cvid." order by cvcolumnlist.columnindex"; //echo $sSQL; $result = $adb->query($sSQL); while($columnrow = $adb->fetch_array($result)) { $columnlist[$columnrow['columnindex']] = $columnrow['columnname']; } return $columnlist; } function getStdCriteriaByModule($module) { global $adb; $tabid = getTabid($module); global $profile_id; foreach($this->module_list[$module] as $key=>$blockid) { $blockids[] = $blockid; } $blockids = implode(",",$blockids); $sql = "select * from field inner join tab on tab.tabid = field.tabid inner join profile2field on profile2field.fieldid=field.fieldid where field.tabid=".$tabid." and field.block in (".$blockids.") and (field.uitype =5 or field.displaytype=2) and profile2field.visible=0 and profile2field.profileid=".$profile_id." order by field.sequence"; $result = $adb->query($sql); while($criteriatyperow = $adb->fetch_array($result)) { $fieldtablename = $criteriatyperow["tablename"]; $fieldcolname = $criteriatyperow["columnname"]; $fieldlabel = $criteriatyperow["fieldlabel"]; $fieldname = $criteriatyperow["fieldname"]; /*if($fieldtablename == "crmentity") { $fieldtablename = $fieldtablename.$module; }*/ $fieldlabel1 = str_replace(" ","_",$fieldlabel); $optionvalue = $fieldtablename.":".$fieldcolname.":".$fieldname.":".$module."_".$fieldlabel1; $stdcriteria_list[$optionvalue] = $fieldlabel; } return $stdcriteria_list; } function getStdFilterCriteria($selcriteria = "") { $stdfilter = Array("custom"=>"Custom", "prevfy"=>"Previous FY", "thisfy"=>"Current FY", "nextfy"=>"Next FY", "prevfq"=>"Previous FQ", "thisfq"=>"Current FQ", "nextfq"=>"Next FQ", "yesterday"=>"Yesterday", "today"=>"Today", "tomorrow"=>"Tomorrow", "lastweek"=>"Last Week", "thisweek"=>"Current Week", "nextweek"=>"Next Week", "lastmonth"=>"Last Month", "thismonth"=>"Current Month", "nextmonth"=>"Next Month", "last7days"=>"Last 7 Days", "last30days"=>"Last 30 Days", "last60days"=>"Last 60 Days", "last90days"=>"Last 90 Days", "last120days"=>"Last 120 Days", "next30days"=>"Next 30 Days", "next60days"=>"Next 60 Days", "next90days"=>"Next 90 Days", "next120days"=>"Next 120 Days" ); foreach($stdfilter as $FilterKey=>$FilterValue) { if($FilterKey == $selcriteria) { $shtml .= ""; }else { $shtml .= ""; } } return $shtml; } function getCriteriaJS() { $today = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d"), date("Y"))); $tomorrow = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+1, date("Y"))); $yesterday = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-1, date("Y"))); $currentmonth0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), "01", date("Y"))); $currentmonth1 = date("Y-m-t"); $lastmonth0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, "01", date("Y"))); $lastmonth1 = date("Y-m-t", strtotime("-1 Month")); $nextmonth0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")+1, "01", date("Y"))); $nextmonth1 = date("Y-m-t", strtotime("+1 Month")); $lastweek0 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-2 week Sunday")); $lastweek1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 week Saturday")); $thisweek0 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 week Sunday")); $thisweek1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("this Saturday")); $nextweek0 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("this Sunday")); $nextweek1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+1 week Saturday")); $next7days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+6, date("Y"))); $next30days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+29, date("Y"))); $next60days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+59, date("Y"))); $next90days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+89, date("Y"))); $next120days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+119, date("Y"))); $last7days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-6, date("Y"))); $last30days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-29, date("Y"))); $last60days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-59, date("Y"))); $last90days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-89, date("Y"))); $last120days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-119, date("Y"))); $currentFY0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, "01", "01", date("Y"))); $currentFY1 = date("Y-m-t",mktime(0, 0, 0, "12", date("d"), date("Y"))); $lastFY0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, "01", "01", date("Y")-1)); $lastFY1 = date("Y-m-t", mktime(0, 0, 0, "12", date("d"), date("Y")-1)); $nextFY0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, "01", "01", date("Y")+1)); $nextFY1 = date("Y-m-t", mktime(0, 0, 0, "12", date("d"), date("Y")+1)); $sjsStr = ''; return $sjsStr; } function getStdFilterByCvid($cvid) { global $adb; $sSQL = "select cvstdfilter.* from cvstdfilter inner join customview on customview.cvid = cvstdfilter.cvid"; $sSQL .= " where cvstdfilter.cvid=".$cvid; $result = $adb->query($sSQL); $stdfilterrow = $adb->fetch_array($result); $stdfilterlist["columnname"] = $stdfilterrow["columnname"]; $stdfilterlist["stdfilter"] = $stdfilterrow["stdfilter"]; if($stdfilterrow["stdfilter"] == "custom") { if($stdfilterrow["startdate"] != "0000-00-00") { $stdfilterlist["startdate"] = $stdfilterrow["startdate"]; } if($stdfilterrow["enddate"] != "0000-00-00") { $stdfilterlist["enddate"] = $stdfilterrow["enddate"]; } } return $stdfilterlist; } //<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> function getAdvFilterByCvid($cvid) { global $adb; global $modules; $sSQL = "select cvadvfilter.* from cvadvfilter inner join customview on cvadvfilter.cvid = customview.cvid"; $sSQL .= " where cvadvfilter.cvid=".$cvid; //echo $sSQL; $result = $adb->query($sSQL); while($advfilterrow = $adb->fetch_array($result)) { $advft["columnname"] = $advfilterrow["columnname"]; $advft["comparator"] = $advfilterrow["comparator"]; $advft["value"] = $advfilterrow["value"]; $advfilterlist[] = $advft; } return $advfilterlist; } //<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> function getCvColumnListSQL($cvid) { $columnslist = $this->getColumnsListByCvid($cvid); //print_r($columnslist); if(isset($columnslist)) { foreach($columnslist as $columnname=>$value) { $tablefield = ""; if($value != "") { $list = explode(":",$value); $sqllist[] = $list[0].".".$list[1]; $tablefield[$list[0]] = $list[1]; $fieldlabel = trim(str_replace($this->escapemodule," ",$list[3])); $this->list_fields[$fieldlabel] = $tablefield; $this->list_fields_name[$fieldlabel] = $list[2]; } } $returnsql = implode(",",$sqllist); } return $returnsql; } function getCVStdFilterSQL($cvid) { global $adb; $stdfilterlist = $this->getStdFilterByCvid($cvid); //print_r($stdfilterlist); if(isset($stdfilterlist)) { foreach($stdfilterlist as $columnname=>$value) { if($columnname == "columnname") { $filtercolumn = $value; }elseif($columnname = "stdfilter") { $filtertype = $value; }elseif($columnname = "startdate") { $startdate = $value; }elseif($columnname = "enddate") { $enddate = $value; } } if($filtertype != "custom") { $datearray = $this->getDateforStdFilterBytype($filtertype); $startdate = $datearray[0]; $enddate = $datearray[1]; } if($startdate != "" && $enddate != "") { $columns = explode(":",$filtercolumn); $stdfiltersql = $columns[0].".".$columns[1]." between '".$startdate." 00:00:00' and '".$enddate." 23:59:00'"; } } //echo $stdfiltersql; return $stdfiltersql; } function getCVAdvFilterSQL($cvid) { $advfilter = $this->getAdvFilterByCvid($cvid); if(isset($advfilter)) { foreach($advfilter as $key=>$advfltrow) { if(isset($advfltrow)) { //echo $advfltrow["columnname"]; $columns = explode(":",$advfltrow["columnname"]); if($advfltrow["columnname"] != "" && $advfltrow["comparator"] != "" && $advfltrow["value"] != "") { $valuearray = explode(",",trim($advfltrow["value"])); if(isset($valuearray) && count($valuearray) > 1) { $advorsql = ""; for($n=0;$ngetRealValues($columns[0],$columns[1],$advfltrow["comparator"],trim($valuearray[$n])); } $advorsqls = implode(" or ",$advorsql); $advfiltersql[] = " (".$advorsqls.") "; }else { $advfiltersql[] = $this->getRealValues($columns[0],$columns[1],$advfltrow["comparator"],trim($advfltrow["value"])); } } } } } if(isset($advfiltersql)) { $advfsql = implode(" and ",$advfiltersql); } return $advfsql; } function getRealValues($tablename,$fieldname,$comparator,$value) { if($fieldname == "smownerid" || $fieldname == "inventorymanager") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,getUserId_Ol($value)); }else if($fieldname == "parentid") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$this->getAccountId($value)); }else if($fieldname == "accountid") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$this->getAccountId($value)); }else if($fieldname == "contactid") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$this->getContactId($value)); }else if($fieldname == "vendor_id" || $fieldname == "vendorid") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$this->getVendorId($value)); }else if($fieldname == "potentialid") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$this->getPotentialId($value)); }else if($fieldname == "quoteid") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$this->getQuoteId($value)); } else if($fieldname == "product_id") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$this->getProductId($value)); } else if($fieldname == "salesorderid") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$this->getSoId($value)); } else if($fieldname == "crmid" || $fieldname == "parent_id") { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname." in (".$this->getSalesEntityId($value).") "; } else { $value = $tablename.".".$fieldname.$this->getAdvComparator($comparator,$value); } return $value; } function getSalesEntityId($setype) { global $vtlog; $vtlog->logthis("in getSalesEntityId ".$setype,'info'); global $adb; $sql = "select crmid from crmentity where setype='".$setype."' and deleted = 0"; $result = $adb->query($sql); while($row = $adb->fetch_array($result)) { $parent_id[] = $row["crmid"]; } if(isset($parent_id)) { $parent_id = implode(",",$parent_id); }else { $parent_id = 0; } return $parent_id; } function getSoId($so_name) { global $vtlog; $vtlog->logthis("in getSoId ".$so_name,'info'); global $adb; if($so_name != '') { $sql = "select salesorderid from salesorder where subject='".$so_name."'"; $result = $adb->query($sql); $so_id = $adb->query_result($result,0,"salesorderid"); } return $so_id; } function getProductId($product_name) { global $vtlog; $vtlog->logthis("in getProductId ".$product_name,'info'); global $adb; if($product_name != '') { $sql = "select productid from products where productname='".$product_name."'"; $result = $adb->query($sql); $productid = $adb->query_result($result,0,"productid"); } return $productid; } function getQuoteId($quote_name) { global $vtlog; $vtlog->logthis("in getQuoteId ".$quote_name,'info'); global $adb; if($quote_name != '') { $sql = "select quoteid from quotes where subject='".$quote_name."'"; $result = $adb->query($sql); $quote_id = $adb->query_result($result,0,"quoteid"); } return $quote_id; } function getPotentialId($pot_name) { global $vtlog; $vtlog->logthis("in getPotentialId ".$pot_name,'info'); global $adb; if($pot_name != '') { $sql = "select potentialid from potential where potentialname='".$pot_name."'"; $result = $adb->query($sql); $potentialid = $adb->query_result($result,0,"potentialid"); } return $potentialid; } function getVendorId($vendor_name) { global $vtlog; $vtlog->logthis("in getVendorId ".$vendor_name,'info'); global $adb; if($vendor_name != '') { $sql = "select vendorid from vendor where vendorname='".$vendor_name."'"; $result = $adb->query($sql); $vendor_id = $adb->query_result($result,0,"vendorid"); } return $vendor_id; } function getContactId($contact_name) { global $vtlog; $vtlog->logthis("in getContactId ".$contact_name,'info'); global $adb; if($contact_name != '') { $sql = "select contactid from contactdetails where lastname='".$contact_name."'"; $result = $adb->query($sql); $contact_id = $adb->query_result($result,0,"contactid"); } return $contact_id; } function getAccountId($account_name) { global $vtlog; $vtlog->logthis("in getAccountId ".$account_name,'info'); global $adb; if($account_name != '') { $sql = "select accountid from account where accountname='".$account_name."'"; $result = $adb->query($sql); $accountid = $adb->query_result($result,0,"accountid"); } return $accountid; } function getAdvComparator($comparator,$value) { /* fLabels['e'] = 'equals'; fLabels['n'] = 'not equal to'; fLabels['s'] = 'starts with'; fLabels['c'] = 'contains'; fLabels['k'] = 'does not contain'; fLabels['l'] = 'less than'; fLabels['g'] = 'greater than'; fLabels['m'] = 'less or equal'; fLabels['h'] = 'greater or equal';*/ //require_once('include/database/PearDatabase.php'); if($comparator == "e") { if(trim($value) != "") { $rtvalue = " = ".PearDatabase::quote($value); }else { $rtvalue = " is NULL"; } } if($comparator == "n") { if(trim($value) != "") { $rtvalue = " <> ".PearDatabase::quote($value); }else { $rtvalue = "is NOT NULL"; } } if($comparator == "s") { $rtvalue = " like ".PearDatabase::quote($value."%"); } if($comparator == "c") { $rtvalue = " like ".PearDatabase::quote("%".$value."%"); } if($comparator == "k") { $rtvalue = " not like ".PearDatabase::quote("%".$value."%"); } if($comparator == "l") { $rtvalue = " < ".PearDatabase::quote($value); } if($comparator == "g") { $rtvalue = " > ".PearDatabase::quote($value); } if($comparator == "m") { $rtvalue = " <= ".PearDatabase::quote($value); } if($comparator == "h") { $rtvalue = " >= ".PearDatabase::quote($value); } return $rtvalue; } function getDateforStdFilterBytype($type) { $today = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d"), date("Y"))); $tomorrow = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+1, date("Y"))); $yesterday = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-1, date("Y"))); $currentmonth0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), "01", date("Y"))); $currentmonth1 = date("Y-m-t"); $lastmonth0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, "01", date("Y"))); $lastmonth1 = date("Y-m-t", strtotime("-1 Month")); $nextmonth0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")+1, "01", date("Y"))); $nextmonth1 = date("Y-m-t", strtotime("+1 Month")); $lastweek0 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-2 week Sunday")); $lastweek1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 week Saturday")); $thisweek0 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 week Sunday")); $thisweek1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("this Saturday")); $nextweek0 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("this Sunday")); $nextweek1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+1 week Saturday")); $next7days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+6, date("Y"))); $next30days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+29, date("Y"))); $next60days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+59, date("Y"))); $next90days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+89, date("Y"))); $next120days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+119, date("Y"))); $last7days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-6, date("Y"))); $last30days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-29, date("Y"))); $last60days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-59, date("Y"))); $last90days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-89, date("Y"))); $last120days = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-119, date("Y"))); $currentFY0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, "01", "01", date("Y"))); $currentFY1 = date("Y-m-t",mktime(0, 0, 0, "12", date("d"), date("Y"))); $lastFY0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, "01", "01", date("Y")-1)); $lastFY1 = date("Y-m-t", mktime(0, 0, 0, "12", date("d"), date("Y")-1)); $nextFY0 = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, "01", "01", date("Y")+1)); $nextFY1 = date("Y-m-t", mktime(0, 0, 0, "12", date("d"), date("Y")+1)); if($type == "today" ) { $datevalue[0] = $today; $datevalue[1] = $today; } elseif($type == "yesterday" ) { $datevalue[0] = $yesterday; $datevalue[1] = $yesterday; } elseif($type == "tomorrow" ) { $datevalue[0] = $tomorrow; $datevalue[1] = $tomorrow; } elseif($type == "thisweek" ) { $datevalue[0] = $thisweek0; $datevalue[1] = $thisweek1; } elseif($type == "lastweek" ) { $datevalue[0] = $lastweek0; $datevalue[1] = $lastweek1; } elseif($type == "nextweek" ) { $datevalue[0] = $nextweek0; $datevalue[1] = $nextweek1; } elseif($type == "thismonth" ) { $datevalue[0] =$currentmonth0; $datevalue[1] = $currentmonth1; } elseif($type == "lastmonth" ) { $datevalue[0] = $lastmonth0; $datevalue[1] = $lastmonth1; } elseif($type == "nextmonth" ) { $datevalue[0] = $nextmonth0; $datevalue[1] = $nextmonth1; } elseif($type == "next7days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $today; $datevalue[1] = $next7days; } elseif($type == "next30days" ) { $datevalue[0] =$today; $datevalue[1] =$next30days; } elseif($type == "next60days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $today; $datevalue[1] = $next60days; } elseif($type == "next90days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $today; $datevalue[1] = $next90days; } elseif($type == "next120days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $today; $datevalue[1] = $next120days; } elseif($type == "last7days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $last7days; $datevalue[1] = $today; } elseif($type == "last30days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $last30days; $datevalue[1] = $today; } elseif($type == "last60days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $last60days; $datevalue[1] = $today; } else if($type == "last90days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $last90days; $datevalue[1] = $today; } elseif($type == "last120days" ) { $datevalue[0] = $last120days; $datevalue[1] = $today; } elseif($type == "thisfy" ) { $datevalue[0] = $currentFY0; $datevalue[1] = $currentFY1; } elseif($type == "prevfy" ) { $datevalue[0] = $lastFY0; $datevalue[1] = $lastFY1; } elseif($type == "nextfy" ) { $datevalue[0] = $nextFY0; $datevalue[1] = $nextFY1; } elseif($type == "nextfq" ) { $datevalue[0] = "2005-07-01"; $datevalue[1] = "2005-09-30"; } elseif($type == "prevfq" ) { $datevalue[0] = "2005-01-01"; $datevalue[1] = "2005-03-31"; } elseif($type == "thisfq" ) { $datevalue[0] = "2005-04-01"; $datevalue[1] = "2005-06-30"; } else { $datevalue[0] = ""; $datevalue[1] = ""; } return $datevalue; } function getModifiedCvListQuery($viewid,$listquery,$module) { if($viewid != "" && $listquery != "") { $listviewquery = substr($listquery, strpos($listquery,'from'),strlen($listquery)); //$listviewquery = substr($listviewquery,strpos($listviewquery,'from'),strpos($listviewquery,'where')); //$wherequery = substr($listquery, strpos($listquery,'where'),strlen($listquery)); //echo $listviewquery." ".$wherequery; if($module == "Activities" || $module == "Emails") { $query = "select ".$this->getCvColumnListSQL($viewid)." ,crmentity.crmid,activity.* ".$listviewquery; }else if($module == "Notes") { $query = "select ".$this->getCvColumnListSQL($viewid)." ,crmentity.crmid,notes.* ".$listviewquery; } else if($module == "Products") { $query = "select ".$this->getCvColumnListSQL($viewid)." ,crmentity.crmid,products.* ".$listviewquery; }else { $query = "select ".$this->getCvColumnListSQL($viewid)." ,crmentity.crmid ".$listviewquery; } $stdfiltersql = $this->getCVStdFilterSQL($viewid); $advfiltersql = $this->getCVAdvFilterSQL($viewid); if(isset($stdfiltersql) && $stdfiltersql != '') { $query .= ' and '.$stdfiltersql; } if(isset($advfiltersql) && $advfiltersql != '') { $query .= ' and '.$advfiltersql; } } //echo $query; return $query; } function getMetricsCvListQuery($viewid,$listquery,$module) { if($viewid != "" && $listquery != "") { $listviewquery = substr($listquery, strpos($listquery,'from'),strlen($listquery)); $query = "select count(*) count ".$listviewquery; $stdfiltersql = $this->getCVStdFilterSQL($viewid); $advfiltersql = $this->getCVAdvFilterSQL($viewid); if(isset($stdfiltersql) && $stdfiltersql != '') { $query .= ' and '.$stdfiltersql; } if(isset($advfiltersql) && $advfiltersql != '') { $query .= ' and '.$advfiltersql; } } return $query; } /*function getMetricsCustomView($viewnames) { global $adb; $tabid = getTabid($this->customviewmodule); $ssql = "select customview.* from customview inner join tab on tab.name = customview.entitytype"; $ssql .= " where ; //echo $ssql; $result = $adb->query($ssql); while($cvrow=$adb->fetch_array($result)) { if($cvrow['setdefault'] == 1) { $shtml .= ""; $this->setdefaultviewid = $cvrow['cvid']; } else { $shtml .= ""; } } //echo $shtml; return $shtml; }*/ function getCustomActionDetails($cvid) { global $adb; $sSQL = "select customaction.* from customaction inner join customview on customaction.cvid = customview.cvid"; $sSQL .= " where customaction.cvid=".$cvid; //echo $sSQL; $result = $adb->query($sSQL); while($carow = $adb->fetch_array($result)) { $calist["subject"] = $carow["subject"]; $calist["module"] = $carow["module"]; $calist["content"] = $carow["content"]; $calist["cvid"] = $carow["cvid"]; } return $calist; } function getParentId($fields,$values) { global $adb; if($fields = 'crmentity.smownerid') { $sSQL = " left join users on users".$value; $result = $adb->query($sSQL); } } } ?>