1, "date_start"=>2, "time_start"=>3,); var $default_call_name_values = array('Assemble catalogs', 'Make travel arrangements', 'Send a letter', 'Send contract', 'Send fax', 'Send a follow-up letter', 'Send literature', 'Send proposal', 'Send quote'); var $minutes_values = array('00'=>'00', '15'=>'15', '30'=>'30', '45'=>'45'); var $table_name = "calls"; var $rel_users_table = "calls_users"; var $rel_contacts_table = "calls_contacts"; var $object_name = "Call"; var $column_fields = Array("id" , "date_entered" , "date_modified" , "assigned_user_id" , "description" , "status" , "name" , "date_start" , "time_start" , "duration_hours" , "duration_minutes" , "parent_type" , "parent_id" ); // This is used to retrieve related fields from form posts. var $additional_column_fields = Array('assigned_user_name', 'assigned_user_id', 'contact_id', 'user_id', 'contact_name'); // This is the list of fields that are in the lists. var $list_fields = Array('id', 'duration_hours', 'status', 'name', 'parent_type', 'parent_name', 'parent_id', 'date_start', 'time_start', 'assigned_user_name', 'assigned_user_id', 'contact_name', 'contact_id'); function Call() { $this->log = LoggerManager::getLogger('call'); $this->db = new PearDatabase(); } var $new_schema = true; function create_tables () { $query = 'CREATE TABLE '.$this->table_name.' ( '; $query .='id char(36) NOT NULL'; $query .=', date_entered datetime NOT NULL'; $query .=', date_modified datetime NOT NULL'; $query .=', assigned_user_id char(36)'; $query .=', name char(50)'; $query .=', duration_hours char(2)'; $query .=', duration_minutes char(2)'; $query .=', date_start date'; $query .=', time_start time'; $query .=', parent_type char(25)'; $query .=', status char(25)'; $query .=', parent_id char(36)'; $query .=', description TEXT'; $query .=', deleted bool NOT NULL default 0'; $query .=', PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) )'; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error creating table: "); //TODO Clint 4/27 - add exception handling logic here if the table can't be created. $query = "CREATE TABLE $this->rel_users_table ("; $query .='id char(36) NOT NULL'; $query .=', call_id char(36)'; $query .=', user_id char(36)'; $query .=', deleted bool NOT NULL default 0'; $query .=', PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) )'; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error creating call/user relationship table: "); $query = "CREATE TABLE $this->rel_contacts_table ("; $query .='id char(36) NOT NULL'; $query .=', call_id char(36)'; $query .=', contact_id char(36)'; $query .=', deleted bool NOT NULL default 0'; $query .=', PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) )'; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error creating call/contact relationship table: "); // Create the indexes $this->create_index("create index idx_call_name on calls (name)"); $this->create_index("create index idx_usr_call_call on $this->rel_users_table (call_id)"); $this->create_index("create index idx_usr_call_usr on $this->rel_users_table (user_id)"); $this->create_index("create index idx_con_call_call on $this->rel_contacts_table (call_id)"); $this->create_index("create index idx_con_call_con on $this->rel_contacts_table (contact_id)"); } function drop_tables () { $query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$this->table_name; $this->db->query($query); $query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$this->rel_users_table; $this->db->query($query); $query = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$this->rel_contacts_table; $this->db->query($query); //TODO Clint 4/27 - add exception handling logic here if the table can't be dropped. } /** Returns a list of the associated contacts * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.. * All Rights Reserved.. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_contacts() { // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT contact_id as id from calls_contacts where call_id='$this->id' AND deleted=0"; return $this->build_related_list($query, new Contact()); } /** Returns a list of the associated users * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.. * All Rights Reserved.. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function get_users() { // First, get the list of IDs. $query = "SELECT user_id as id from calls_users where call_id='$this->id' AND deleted=0"; return $this->build_related_list($query, new User()); } function save_relationship_changes($is_update) { if($this->account_id != "") { $this->set_calls_account_relationship($this->id, $this->account_id); } if($this->opportunity_id != "") { $this->set_calls_opportunity_relationship($this->id, $this->opportunity_id); } if($this->case_id != "") { $this->set_calls_case_relationship($this->id, $this->case_id); } if($this->contact_id != "") { $this->mark_call_contact_relationship_deleted($this->contact_id, $this->id); $this->set_calls_contact_invitee_relationship($this->id, $this->contact_id); } if($this->user_id != "") { $this->mark_call_user_relationship_deleted($this->user_id, $this->id); $this->set_calls_user_invitee_relationship($this->id, $this->user_id); } } function set_calls_account_relationship($call_id, $account_id) { //changed the _id to id. Fixes the issue in business card creation $query = "update $this->table_name set parent_id='$account_id', parent_type='Accounts' where id='$call_id'"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting account to call relationship: "."
$query"); } function set_calls_opportunity_relationship($call_id, $opportunity_id) { $query = "update $this->table_name set parent_id='$opportunity_id', parent_type='Opportunities' where _id='$call_id'"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting opportunity to call relationship: "."
$query"); } function set_calls_case_relationship($call_id, $case_id) { $query = "update $this->table_name set parent_id='$case_id', parent_type='Cases' where _id='$call_id'"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting case to call relationship: "."
$query"); } function set_calls_contact_invitee_relationship($call_id, $contact_id) { $query = "insert into $this->rel_contacts_table set id='".create_guid()."', contact_id='$contact_id', call_id='$call_id'"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting call to contact relationship: "."
$query"); } function set_calls_user_invitee_relationship($call_id, $user_id) { $query = "insert into $this->rel_users_table set id='".create_guid()."', user_id='$user_id', call_id='$call_id'"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error setting call to user relationship: "."
$query"); } function get_summary_text() { return "$this->name"; } function create_list_query(&$order_by, &$where) { $contact_required = ereg("contacts", $where); if($contact_required) { $query = "SELECT calls.id, calls.name, calls.assigned_user_id, calls.status, calls.parent_type, calls.parent_id, calls.date_start, calls.time_start, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name FROM contacts, calls, calls_contacts "; $where_auto = "calls_contacts.contact_id = contacts.id AND calls_contacts.call_id = calls.id AND calls.deleted=0 AND contacts.deleted=0"; } else { $query = 'SELECT id, name, assigned_user_id, status, parent_type, parent_id, date_start, time_start FROM calls '; $where_auto = "deleted=0"; } if($where != "") $query .= "where $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= "where ".$where_auto; if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY calls.name"; return $query; } function create_export_query(&$order_by, &$where) { $contact_required = ereg("contacts", $where); if($contact_required) { $query = "SELECT calls.*, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name FROM contacts, calls, calls_contacts "; $where_auto = "calls_contacts.contact_id = contacts.id AND calls_contacts.call_id = calls.id AND calls.deleted=0 AND contacts.deleted=0"; } else { $query = 'SELECT * FROM calls '; $where_auto = "deleted=0"; } if($where != "") $query .= "where $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= "where ".$where_auto; if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY calls.name"; return $query; } function fill_in_additional_list_fields() { $this->fill_in_additional_detail_fields(); } function fill_in_additional_detail_fields() { // Fill in the assigned_user_name $this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id); $query = "SELECT c.first_name, c.last_name, c.phone_work, c.email1, c.id FROM contacts as c, calls_contacts as c_c "; $query .= "WHERE c_c.contact_id=c.id AND c_c.call_id='$this->id' AND c_c.deleted=0 AND c.deleted=0"; $result = $this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: "); // Get the id and the name. $row = Array(); $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); $this->log->info("additional call fields $query"); if($row != null) { $this->contact_name = return_name($row, 'first_name', 'last_name'); $this->contact_phone = $row['phone_work']; $this->contact_id = $row['id']; $this->contact_email = $row['email1']; $this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_name = $this->contact_name"); $this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_phone = $this->contact_phone"); $this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_id = $this->contact_id"); $this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_email1 = $this->contact_email"); } else { $this->contact_name = ''; $this->contact_phone = ''; $this->contact_id = ''; $this->contact_email = ''; $this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_name = $this->contact_name"); $this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_phone = $this->contact_phone"); $this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_id = $this->contact_id"); $this->log->debug("Call($this->id): contact_email1 = $this->contact_email"); } if ($this->parent_type == "Opportunities") { require_once("modules/Opportunities/Opportunity.php"); $parent = new Opportunity(); $query = "SELECT name from $parent->table_name where id = '$this->parent_id'"; $result = $this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: "); // Get the id and the name. $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row != null) { $this->parent_name = stripslashes($row['name']); } } elseif ($this->parent_type == "Cases") { require_once("modules/Cases/Case.php"); $parent = new aCase(); $query = "SELECT name from $parent->table_name where id = '$this->parent_id'"; $result = $this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: "); // Get the id and the name. $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row != null) { $this->parent_name = stripslashes($row['name']); } } elseif ($this->parent_type == "Accounts") { require_once("modules/Accounts/Account.php"); $parent = new Account(); $query = "SELECT name from $parent->table_name where id = '$this->parent_id'"; $result = $this->db->query($query,true," Error filling in additional detail fields: "); // Get the id and the name. $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row != null) { $this->parent_name = stripslashes($row['name']); } } else { $this->parent_name = ''; } } function mark_relationships_deleted($id) { $query = "UPDATE $this->rel_users_table set deleted=1 where call_id='$id'"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error marking record deleted: "); $query = "UPDATE $this->rel_contacts_table set deleted=1 where call_id='$id'"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error marking record deleted: "); } function mark_call_contact_relationship_deleted($contact_id, $call_id) { $query = "UPDATE $this->rel_contacts_table set deleted=1 where contact_id='$contact_id' and call_id='$call_id' and deleted=0"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing call to contact relationship: "); } function mark_call_user_relationship_deleted($user_id, $call_id) { $query = "UPDATE $this->rel_users_table set deleted=1 where user_id='$user_id' and call_id='$call_id' and deleted=0"; $this->db->query($query,true,"Error clearing call to user relationship: "); } function get_list_view_data(){ $call_fields = $this->get_list_view_array(); global $app_list_strings, $focus, $action, $currentModule; if (isset($this->parent_type) && $this->parent_type != null) { $call_fields['PARENT_MODULE'] = $this->parent_type; } if ($this->status == "Planned") { $call_fields['SET_COMPLETE'] = "X"; } return $call_fields; } } ?>