init($dbconn); $this->name = "Unknown Team"; $this->member = array(); $this->ids = array(); $this->p = array(); for ( $i = -1 ; $i > -100 ; $i-- ) { if ( isset($tutos[$i]) ) { $this->p[$i] = 0; } } $this->email = ""; $this->owner = $current_user; $this->teamlist = array(); $this->tablename = $this->dbconn->prefix ."teams"; $this->tablename2 = $this->dbconn->prefix ."adrteam"; } /** * Read all a result */ function read($id,&$obj) { global $g_hash,$lang,$current_user; if ( -1 == $id ) return; # Extra handling of virtual team 0 if ( $id == 0 ) { $query = "SELECT adr_id FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."people"; $result = $obj->dbconn->Exec($query); $n = $result->numrows(); if ( 0 == $n) { $this->ids[$current_user->id] = 1 ; } $a = 0; $obj->id = $id; $obj->name = $lang['everybody']; $obj->owner = $current_user; $obj->creation = new DateTime(); while ( $a < $n ) { $obj->ids[$result->get($a, "adr_id")] = 1 ; $a++; } $g_hash[$obj->id] = &$obj; return $obj; } $obj = parent::read($id,$obj); return $obj; } /** * Read all a result */ function read_result(&$r,$pos) { $this->name = $r->get($pos, "name"); $this->email = $r->get($pos, "email"); $cid = $r->get($pos, "owner"); $this->owner = getObject($this->dbconn,$cid); $this->creator = getObject($this->dbconn,$r->get($pos, "creator")); $this->ids[$cid] = 1; parent::read_result($r,$pos); # Teammember IDS $q = "SELECT adr_id FROM ". $this->tablename2 ." WHERE team_id =". $this->id; $r2 = $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $n = $r2->numrows(); $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $this->ids[$r2->get($a, "adr_id")] = 1; $a++; } $r2->free(); return; } /** * create address object for all teammembers */ function read_member() { if ( count($this->member) > 0 ) { return; } $this->member = array(); if ( $this->id == 0 ) { $q = "SELECT as id FROM ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."addresses a,". $this->dbconn->prefix ."people p WHERE = p.adr_id "; $q .= " ORDER by a.l_name"; } else { $q = "SELECT t.adr_id as id FROM ". $this->tablename2 ." t WHERE t.team_id =". $this->id; } $result = $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $n = $result->numrows(); $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $aid = $result->get($a, "id"); $x = new tutos_address($this->dbconn); $x = $x->read($aid,$x); if (is_Object($x) && ($x->id == $aid) ) { $this->member[$x->id] = &$x; } else { # try recursion $x = new team($this->dbconn); $x = $x->read($aid,$x); if ($x->id == $aid) { $this->member[$x->id] = &$x; } } $a++; unset($x); } $result->free(); } /** * fill the internal neighbour list with possible objects where a object * currently attached/referncing to THIS could be reattached */ function getNeighbours () { global $lang; if (count ($this->neighbours) > 0 ) return $this->neighbours; parent::getNeighbours(); # Possible new parents are all teams below or above $this->read_member(); foreach ($this->member as $a => $b) { if ( ($b->getType() == 'team') && $b->use_ok() ) { $this->neighbours[$a] = &$b; unset($b); } } team::obj_read($this); foreach ($this->teamlist as $a => $b) { $b = new team($this->dbconn); $b = $b->read($a,$b); $this->neighbours[$a] = &$b; unset($b); } return $this->neighbours; } /** * search for a team * filling a array with possible teams */ function search_by_name(&$arr,&$user,$name) { if ( trim($name) == "" ) return; $q = "SELECT * from ". $user->dbconn->prefix ."teams WHERE". $user->dbconn->Like ("name",$name); $q .= " order by name "; check_dbacl( $q, $user->id); $r = $user->dbconn->Exec($q); $n = $r->numrows(); $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $x = new team($user->dbconn); $x->read_result($r,$a); $arr[$x->id] = &$x; # echo $x->getFullName() ."
"; unset($x); $a++; } $r->free(); return; } /** * check if the given address is a teammember */ function is_member(&$adr) { @reset($this->member); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($this->member)) { if ( $f->id == $adr->id ) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Return the Short Name */ function getShortname() { return $this->name; } /** * get the full visible team name */ function getFullName() { return $this->name; } /** * fill mailing list with address/team objects or mail addresses * this will work recursive and add all members * and subteam members to the given mailing list */ function fill_maillist(&$ml) { $this->read_member(); foreach($this->member as $i => $obj) { if ($obj->gettype() == "team") { if (!isset($ml[$obj->id])) { $ml[$obj->id] = &$obj; $obj->fill_maillist($ml); } } else { $ml[$obj->id] = &$obj; } unset($obj); } return; } /** * get a email_address */ function default_email() { return $this->email; } /** * Return a Mail link for all team members */ function getMailUrl() { global $current_user,$lang,$tutos; if ( $current_user->feature_ok(usemail,PERM_NEW) && ($tutos[mailmode] != 0) ) { return "mail_new.php?toid=".$this->id ."&subject=". UrlEncode($lang['Team']." ".$this->getFullName() ); } $x = ""; $sep = ""; foreach($this->member as $i => $f) { $e = $f->default_email(); if ( !empty($e) ) { $fn = $f->getFullname(); $x .= " ". $sep . $fn ."<". trim($e) .">"; $sep = ","; } } $x .= "?subject=". $lang['Team'] ." ". $this->getFullName(); return "mailto:".$x; } /** * Return a Mail link for all team members */ function getMailLink(&$user,$text = "") { global $lang; if ($this->id < 0) { return; } if ( 0 == count($this->member) ) { return; } return array( url => $this->getMailUrl(), text => ($text == "" ? $lang['TeamMail'] : $text), info => sprintf($lang['TeamMailInfo'], $this->name), category => array("mail","module","team") ); return $x; } /** * Return a Calendar link for all team members */ function getCalLink(&$user,$text = "") { global $lang; if ($this->id < 0) { return; } if ( 0 == count($this->member) ) { return; } if ( ! $user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_SEE) ) { return; } return array( url => "calendar.php?team=". $this->id, # image => $user->layout->theme->getImage(appointment::getHtmlIcon(),'list'), text => ($text == "" ? $lang['Calendar'] : $text), info => sprintf($lang['TeamApps'], $this->name), category => array("app","module","team") ); } /** * Return a url to this team */ function getURL() { return "team_show.php?id=". $this->id; } /** * Return a url to modify this team */ function getModURL() { return "team_new.php?id=". $this->id; } /** * Return a url to delete this team */ function getDelURL() { return "team_del.php?id=". $this->id; } /** * Return a link to this team */ function getLink($text = "") { global $lang; if (empty($this->id)) return; if ( empty($text) ) { $text = $this->name; } if ( $this->see_ok() ) { return makelink($this->getUrl() ,myentities($text),sprintf($lang['TeamLinkInfo'], $this->name)); } else { return myentities($text); } } /** * set the team name */ function setName($value) { return $this->setStrField("name",trim($value),"Team"); } /** * set the teams email */ function setEmail($value) { return $this->setStrField("email",trim($value),"AdrEmail"); } /** * set the team manager */ function setOwner(&$value) { if ( $this->owner->id != $value->id ) { $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "TeamManager", "old" => $this->owner->id , "new" => $value->id ); $this->owner = $value; return 1; } return 0; } /** * Save the tema info * * add = array of userids to add to the team * del = array of userids to delete from the team */ function save($add,$del) { global $tutos,$current_user,$table; $msg = ""; $q = new query($this->dbconn); $q->setTable($this->tablename); $q->addFV("name",$this->name,"STRING",$table['team']['name'][size]); $q->addFV("owner",$this->owner,"OBJ"); $q->addFV("email",$this->email,"STRING",$table['team']['email'][size]); $q->addFV("creator",$this->creator,"OBJ"); if ( $this->id < 0 ) { $this->modified = array(); if ( isset($this->newid) ) { $this->id = $this->newid; $q->addFV("id",$this->id,""); } else { $this->id = $q->addFV("id",-1,"NEXTID"); acl_default($this,$current_user); $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "created" , "old" => $this->getType() , "new" => $this->id, "obj_id" => $this->id ); acl_raise($this,$this->owner->id,$tutos[delok]); } $q->addFV("creation",$this->creation,"DATETIME"); $query = $q->getInsert(); } else { $q->addWC("id",$this->id,""); $query = $q->getUpdate(); } $this->dbconn->Exec($query); if ( count($add) > 0 ) { foreach($add as $i => $f) { if ( $f == "" ) { continue; } $q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->tablename2 ." WHERE adr_id = ". $f ." AND team_id = ". $this->id; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $q = "INSERT INTO ". $this->tablename2 ." (adr_id,team_id ) VALUES (". $f .",". $this->id .")"; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $x = new tutos_user($this->dbconn); $x = $x->read($f,$x); acl_raise($this,$f,$tutos[seeok]); acl_raise($x,$this->id,$tutos[seeok]); #acl_save($x); $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "TeamAdd" , "old" => "-1", "new" => $f, "obj_id" => $this->id ); unset($x); } } # Remove team where we are member team::obj_read($this); foreach ($this->teamlist as $aid => $f) { $del[] = $aid; } if ( count($del) > 0 ) { foreach($del as $i => $f) { if ( $f == "" ) { continue; } $q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->tablename2 ." WHERE adr_id = ". $f ." AND team_id = ". $this->id; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); acl_set($this,$f,0); $x = new tutos_user($this->dbconn); $x = $x->read($f,$x); acl_set($x,$this->id,0); acl_save($x); $this->modified[] = array ( "field" => "TeamDel" , "old" => $f, "new" => "-1", "obj_id" => $this->id ); unset($x); } } acl_raise($this,$this->id,$tutos[seeok]); $msg .= parent::save(); return $msg; } /** * delete the team from the database */ function delete() { global $current_user; $msg = ""; $q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->tablename ." WHERE id = ". $this->id; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->tablename2 ." WHERE team_id = ". $this->id; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $msg .= product::obj_delete($current_user,$this); $msg .= appointment::obj_delete($current_user,$this); $msg .= parent::delete(); return $msg; } /** * This is not a user */ function isUser () { return 0; } /** * Read and set the feature permissions which this team has * feature permissions have an ID < 0 */ function read_permissions() { global $lang,$tutos; for ( $i1 = -1 ; $i1 > -100 ; $i1-- ) { $this->p[$i1] = 0; } $q = "SELECT * FROM ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."acl where obj_id < 0 AND adr_id = ". $this->id; $r = $this->dbconn->Exec($q); $n = $r->numrows(); $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $p = $r->get($a, "perm"); $obj_id = (integer)$r->get($a, "obj_id"); $a++; if ( ! isset ($tutos[$obj_id]) ) { continue; } if ($tutos[$obj_id] == 1) { $this->p[$obj_id] = $p; } else { $this->p[$obj_id] = $tutos[$obj_id]; } } $r->free(); if (isset($tutos[useaddressbook])) { $this->p[uselocation] = $this->p[useaddressbook]; $this->p[usecompany] = $this->p[useaddressbook]; $this->p[usedepartment] = $this->p[useaddressbook]; } } /** * Save the permissions of this team * feature permissions have an ID < 0 */ function save_permissions() { $msg = ""; $q = "DELETE FROM ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."acl where obj_id < 0 AND adr_id = ". $this->id; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); @reset ($this->p); while( list ($i,$f) = @each ($this->p)) { $q = "INSERT INTO ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."acl (obj_id,adr_id,perm) VALUES (". $i .",". $this->id .",". $f .")"; $this->dbconn->Exec($q); } return $msg; } /** * get the type of object */ function gettype () { return "team"; } /** * get the type id of object */ function gettypeid () { return useteams; } /** * get the type id of object */ function getHtmlIcon () { return 'teams'; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following methods are abstract factory functions for groups * which handle the membership list of an object * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * a object that uses this team is deleted */ Function obj_delete(&$user,&$obj) { $msg = ""; $obj->dbconn->Exec("DELETE FROM ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."adrteam WHERE adr_id =" .$obj->id); return $msg; } /** * show a list of teams attached to the given object */ function infolist (&$user,&$obj,$cols,$format = "html") { global $lang; team::obj_read($obj); if ( ! $user->feature_ok(useteams,PERM_SEE) ) { return; } if ( count($obj->teamlist) > 0 ) { echo "\n"; echo $user->layout->showfield($lang['Teams']); echo " \n"; $pre = ""; foreach ($obj->teamlist as $i => $t) { echo $pre. makelink("team_show.php?id=".$i,myentities($t),$t); $pre = "
\n"; } echo " \n"; echo "\n"; } } /** * read teams via int id */ function obj_read_int(&$obj,$id,$level = 0) { $q = "SELECT DISTINCT id,name from ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."adrteam a, ". $obj->dbconn->prefix ."teams t WHERE a.team_id = AND a.adr_id = ". $id; $r = $obj->dbconn->Exec($q); $n = $r->numrows(); # echo $obj->id .":".$id." N:". $n." L:".$level." Q:".$q."
"; $a = 0; while ( $a < $n ) { $tid = $r->get($a, "id"); if (!isset($obj->teamlist[$tid])) { $obj->teamlist[$tid] = $r->get($a, "name"); team::obj_read_int($obj,$tid,($level +1)); } $a++; } $r->free(); return; } /** * Return Info about connected teams to a object (address/user/team) */ function obj_read(&$obj) { if ( $obj == -1 ) return; if (! is_object($obj) ) return; if ( ! isset($obj->id) ) return; if ( isset($obj->teamlist) && count($obj->teamlist) > 0 ) { return; } $obj->teamlist = array(); # team::obj_read_int($obj,$obj->id); } /** * create a link to a overview page */ function getOverviewLink (&$user,$text = "") { global $lang,$tutos; if ( ! $user->feature_ok(useteams,PERM_SEE) ) { return; } return array( url => "team_overview.php", image => $user->layout->theme->getImage(team::getHtmlIcon(),'menu'), text => ($text == "" ? $lang['TeamOverview'] : $text), info => $lang['TeamOverviewInfo'], category => array("overview","team") ); } /** * create a link to a overview page */ function getSelectLink (&$user,$text = "") { global $lang,$tutos; if ( ! $user->feature_ok(useteams,PERM_SEL) ) { return; } return array( url => "team_select.php", image => $user->layout->theme->getImage(team::getHtmlIcon(),'menu'), text => ($text == "" ? $lang['Teams'] : $text), info => $lang['SearchForTeam'], category => array("search","team") ); } /** * get the help index */ function getHelpIndex () { global $lang; $r = ""; $r .= "

". makelink("help.php?p=glossary#team",$lang["Teams"],$lang["Teams"]) ."

\n"; echo $r; } } ?>