missing ". $tutos['base'] ."/config.pinc or ". $tutos['base'] ."/config.php
\n". "

You can try to create one with this script. create_config.php\n" ); } # set again the value from config_default # some uses simply copy the whole config_default # and thus we dont get real version numbers in bug reports $tutos[version] = $x; unset($x); include_once $calpath .'db/table.pinc'; #include_once $calpath .'modules.pinc'; if ( file_exists($tutos['base'] .'/db/table_custom.pinc') && is_readable($tutos['base'] .'/db/table_custom.pinc') ) { include_once $calpath .'db/table_custom.pinc'; } # There was some output (= errors) /*if (!isset($tutos['nocheck']) && headers_sent()) { $included_files = get_included_files(); $files = ""; $files .= ""; foreach($included_files as $filename) { $files .= ""; $files .= "\n"; $files .= ""; } $files .= "
FilenameModification Date
". $filename ."". Date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($filename)) ."
"; die("there was unwanted output (characters or whitespace outside of the '<?php' .... '?>' brackets or some syntax error)
check which of the following files was modified
". $files ."
\n ===> Please FIX ERRORS !
\n\n"); }*/ error_reporting(0); # disable debug == error_log in safe_mode if ( (ini_get("safe_mode") == "On") || (ini_get("safe_mode") == "1") ) { $tutos[debug] = 0; } //disable error log $tutos[debug] = 0; #set_error_handler('PHP_Error'); if ( $tutos[debug] != 0 ) { # $tutos['error_reporting'] = E_ERROR|E_WARNING|E_PARSE; $tutos['error_reporting'] = E_ERROR|E_WARNING|E_PARSE|E_NOTICE|E_ALL; @error_log(Date("d.m.Y H:i:s T") ."\t". $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." \t". $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ." ". $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ."\n" ,3,$tutos[errlog].".log"); @chmod ($tutos[errlog].".log",0666); if ( @filesize($tutos[errlog].".log") > 1024000) { @rename($tutos[errlog].".log",$tutos[errlog].".log.". Date("YmdHi")); } @chmod ($tutos[errlog],0666); if ( @filesize($tutos[errlog]) > 1024000) { $fd = fopen($tutos[errlog],"w+"); if ($fd) { fwrite($fd,"--- END ---\r\n"); fclose($fd); } @rename($tutos[errlog],$tutos[errlog] .".". Date("YmdHi") ); @unlink($tutos[errlog]); } ini_set('display_errors','On'); } else { $tutos['error_reporting'] = 0; $tutos[debugConsole] = 0; ini_set('display_errors','Off'); } error_reporting($tutos['error_reporting']); set_error_handler('PHP_Error'); define('FPDF_FONTPATH',$tutos['base'] ."/". $tutos[fpdfpath].'/font/'); include_once $calpath .'database.pinc'; # (this was moved from config to static) # Permission levels (do not change this !) # $tutos[seeok] = 1; $tutos[useok] = 5; $tutos[modok] = 10; $tutos[delok] = 20; if ($tutos[useacl] != 1) { $tutos[use_check_dbacl] = 0; } # a software called tutos should do this $tutos[useteams] = 1; $tutos[useuser] = 1; $tutos[usedbs] = 1; $tutos[usecompany] = 1; $tutos[usedepartment] = 1; $tutos[uselocation] = 1; # $tutos[activemodules] = array(); $g_hash['hits'] = 0; $g_hash['hits2'] = 0; $tutos['dateformat'] = array(); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Open the Database */ Function DB_Open ($id,$update = true) { if ( ! isset($id) ) { Fatal_Error("Missing DB ID","DB_OPEN needs an non empty argument"); } $db = new database(); $db = $db->read($id,$db); $dbc = $db->getConnection(); $db->dbconn = &$dbc; if ( $update == true ) { $db->read_update(); } return $dbc; } ?>