\n"; /** * display a calendar for some weeks */ class calendar extends layout { Function calendar() { $this->db = new PearDatabase(); $this->pref = new preference(); $calobj = new UserCalendar(); $this->tablename = $calobj->table_name; } /** * Display One Weeks appointments (including s) starting with Monday or Sunday * t format YYYYMMDD * */ Function Cal_Week ($t) { global $mod_strings, $tutos, $callink,$image_path,$current_user; $ts = mktime(12,0,0,substr($t,4,2),substr($t,6,2),substr($t,0,4)); /* Back to last weekstart day before ts */ # echo $this->user->weekstart ." ". $ts." ". strftime($lang['DateTimeStr'],$ts) ." ". Date("w",$ts)."
"; while ( Date("w",$ts) != $this->pref->weekstart ) { $ts -= 86400; } # echo $this->user->weekstart ." ". $ts." ". strftime($lang['DateTimeStr'],$ts) ." ". Date("w",$ts)."
"; $w0 = (( 1 + Date("w",mktime(12,0,0,1,1, Date("Y",$ts) ) )) % 7) > 3; $wn = sprintf("%02d", Round( (Date("z",$ts)+7 ) / 7) ); $yy = Date("y",$ts); echo " ". $this->pref->menulink($callink ."calendar_week&t=".Date("Ymd",$ts)."&team=". $this->pref->team, $wn ."/". $yy, $mod_strings['LBL_WEEK'] ." ". $wn ."/". $yy ) ."\n"; /* Select appointments for this day */ $from = new DateTime(); $to = new DateTime(); $from->setDateTimeTS($ts - 12 * 3600); $to->setDateTimeTS($ts - 12 * 3600); $to->addDays(7); $this->pref->callist = array(); appointment::readCal($this->pref,$from,$to); //print_r($this->pref->callist); //print_r($this->user->callist); /*if ( $tutos[tasksincalendar] == 1 ) { task::readCal($this->pref,$from,$to); } foreach($tutos[activemodules] as $i => $f) { $x = @new $tutos[modules][$f][name]($this->dbconn); $x->readCal($this->user,$from,$to); }*/ $dd = new DateTime(); $day = 0; while ( $day < 7 ) { # $d = strftime($lang['DateFormatStr'],$ts); $dd->setDateTimeTS($ts); $d = $dd->getDate(); $tref = Date("Ymd",$ts); $next = NextDay($ts); # Check for workday if ( ! $dd->isWorkDay($this->pref) ) { $ts = $next; $day++; continue; } //print("GS --> L1"); $dinfo = GetDaysInfo($ts); //print("GS --> L2"); echo "\n"; if ( isset($dinfo[Desc]) ) { #if ( $this->user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_NEW) ) { echo " " . $this->pref->makelink($callink ."app_new&t=". $tref,$d,$mod_strings['LBL_NEW_APPNT_INFO'],$dinfo[popinfo]) ."\n"; #} else { # echo " " . $d ."\n"; #} echo "
". $dinfo[Desc] ."\n"; } else { #if ( $this->user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_NEW) ) { //Comented - added by raj #echo " " . makelink($callink ."app_new&t=". $tref,$d,$mod_strings['LBL_NEW_APPNT_INFO']) ."\n"; echo " " . makelink($callink ."calendar_day&t=". $tref,$d,$mod_strings['LBL_VIEW_DAY_APPNT_INFO']) ."\n"; #} else { # echo " " . $d ."\n"; #} } $hastable = 0; $a = 0; //print("GS --> L3"); //print_r($this->user->callist); foreach ($this->pref->callist as $idx => $x) { /* the correct day */ if ( ! $this->pref->callist[$idx]->inside($dd) ) { //print("GS --> not inside"); continue; } //print("GS --> inside"); /*if (!cal_check_against_list($this->pref->callist[$idx],$this->uids)) { print("GS --> not in list"); continue; } print("GS --> list");*/ if ( $hastable == 0 ) { echo "\n \n"; $hastable = 1; } else { echo " \n"; } #echo "1 ".$this->user->weekstart ."
"; $this->pref->callist[$idx]->formatted(); #echo "2 ".$this->user->weekstart ."
"; $a++; } if ( $hastable == 1 ) { echo "
\n"; } while ( $a < 2 ) { echo "
\n"; $a++; } echo "\n"; /* Next Day */ $day++; $ts = $next; } return(Date("Ymd",$ts)); } /** * the data display part */ Function info() { global $tutos , $lang, $callink,$mod_strings; $cols = 1; $weeks = $this->pref->get_prefweeks(); for ( $i = 0;$i<=6;$i++ ) { if ($this->pref->isWorkDay($i)) { $cols++; } } $ts = mktime(0,0,0,substr($this->t,4,2),substr($this->t,6,2),substr($this->t,0,4)); $last_week = Date("Ymd",$ts - 7 * 86400); $next_week = Date("Ymd",$ts + 7 * 86400); $last_month = Date("Ymd",$ts - 28 * 86400); $next_month = Date("Ymd",$ts + 28 * 86400); # Display for current time $this->addHidden("t",$this->t); if ( $this->id > 0 ) { $this->addHidden("id",$this->id); } echo "
\n"; // echo "\n"; // echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; //echo " \n"; //Added for integration //echo " \n"; // echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "\n"; //Added for Ingtegration //echo " \n"; // //echo " \n"; //echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; //echo " ". $lang['forphrase'] ."\n"; //cal_options($this->team,$this->teamname); //Commented for integration //echo " \n"; #if ( $this->user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_NEW) ) { echo $this->pref->menulink($callink ."app_new&t=".$this->t,$this->pref->getImage(appointment,'list').$mod_strings['LBL_NEW_APPNT'],$mod_strings['LBL_NEW_APPNT_INFO']); #} else { # echo " "; #} echo " \n"; echo $this->pref->menulink($callink ."calendar&t=". $last_month,$this->pref->getImage(first,'list').$lang[''],$mod_strings['LBL_4WEEKS_BACK']); echo "  "; echo $this->pref->menulink($callink ."calendar&t=". $last_week,$this->pref->getImage(left,'list').$lang[''],$mod_strings['LBL_LAST_WEEK']); echo "  "; echo $this->pref->menulink($callink ."calendar&t=". $next_week,$lang[''].$this->pref->getImage(right,'list'),$mod_strings['LBL_NEXT_WEEK']); echo "  "; echo $this->pref->menulink($callink ."calendar&t=". $next_month,$lang[''].$this->pref->getImage(last,'list'),$mod_strings['LBL_4WEEKS_PLUS']); echo "\n"; echo $this->pref->menulink($callink ."calendar&t=". $this->t ,$this->pref->getImage(reload,'list').$mod_strings['LBL_RELOAD'],$mod_strings['LBL_RELOAD']); echo " 
\n"; // echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; for ( $i = $this->pref->weekstart;$i<=6;$i++ ) { if ($this->pref->isWorkDay($i)) { echo " \n"; } } for ( $i = 0;$i<$this->pref->weekstart;$i++ ) { if ($this->pref->isWorkDay($i)) { echo " \n"; } } $t2 = $this->t; for ($i = 0; $i < $weeks; $i++) { echo " \n"; # echo $this->user->weekstart ." ".$t2."
"; $t2 = $this->cal_Week($t2); # echo $this->user->weekstart ." ".$t2."
"; } echo " \n"; echo "
". $mod_strings['LBL_WEEK'] ."". $mod_strings['LBL_DAY'.$i] ."". $mod_strings['LBL_DAY'.$i] ."
\n"; hiddenFormElements(); echo $this->getHidden(); echo "
\n"; } /** * */ Function navigate() { } /** * */ Function prepare() { global $lang,$msg,$db,$mod_strings; $this->name = $mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME']; #if ( ! $this->user->feature_ok(usecalendar,PERM_SEE) ) { # $msg .= sprintf($lang['Err0022'],"'". $this->name ."'"); # $this->stop = true; #} $this->teamname = ""; $this->t = Date("Ymd"); $this->id = -1; if ( isset($_GET['t']) ) { $this->t = $_GET['t']; } /* Show a calendar containing Appointment id */ if ( isset($_GET['id']) ) { $this->id = $_GET['id']; $query = "SELECT id,a_start FROM calendar where id =". $this->id; check_dbacl( $query, $this->user->id); $result = $this->db->query($query); if ( 1 != $this->db->getRowCount($result)) { $msg .= sprintf($lang['Err0040'],$lang['Appointment']) ; $this->id = -1; } else { $d = $result->getDateTime(0, "a_start"); $this->t = $d->getYYYYMMDD(); } //$result->free(); } #$this->uids = cal_parse_options($this->user,$this->teamname); #$this->team = $this->user->get_prefteam(); # menu #$m = appointment::getSelectLink($this->user); #$m[category][] = "obj"; #$this->addmenu($m); #$m = appointment::getAddLink($this->user,$this->user); #$this->addMenu($m); } } $l = new calendar($current_user); $l->display(); //$dbconn->Close(); ?>