vtiger CRM

Step 4 of 5

vtiger CRM

Create Config File

'en', 'ja'=>'jp', 'sp_ve'=>'sp', 'it_it'=>'it', 'tw_zh'=>'zh', 'pt_br'=>'pt', 'se'=>'sv', 'cn_zh'=>'zh', 'ge_ge'=>'de', 'ge_ch'=>'de', 'fr'=>'fr');\n\n"; $config .= "\$default_module = 'Home';\n"; $config .= "\$default_action = 'index';\n\n"; $config .= "//set default theme\n"; $config .= "\$default_theme = 'blue';\n\n"; $config .= "// If true, the time to compose each page is placed in the browser.\n"; $config .= "\$calculate_response_time = true;\n"; $config .= "// Default Username - The default text that is placed initially in the login form for user name.\n"; $config .= "\$default_user_name = '';\n"; $config .= "// Default Password - The default text that is placed initially in the login form for password.\n"; $config .= "\$default_password = '';\n"; $config .= "// Create default user - If true, a user with the default username and password is created.\n"; $config .= "\$create_default_user = false;\n"; $config .= "\$default_user_is_admin = false;\n"; $config .= "// disable persistent connections - If your MySQL/PHP configuration does not support persistent connections set this to true to avoid a large performance slowdown\n"; $config .= "\$disable_persistent_connections = ".return_session_value_or_default('disable_persistent_connections', 'false').";\n"; $config .= "// Defined languages available. The key must be the language file prefix. E.g. 'en_us' is the prefix for every 'en_us.lang.php' file. \n"; $language_value = "Array('en_us'=>'US English',)"; if(isset($_SESSION['language_keys']) && isset($_SESSION['language_values'])) { $language_value = 'Array('; $language_keys = explode(',', urldecode($_SESSION['language_keys'])); $language_values = explode(',', urldecode($_SESSION['language_values'])); $size = count($language_keys); for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i+=1) { $language_value .= "'$language_keys[$i]'=>'$language_values[$i]',"; } $language_value .= ')'; } $config .= "\$languages = $language_value;\n"; $config .= "// Default charset if the language specific character set is not found.\n"; $config .= "\$default_charset = '".return_session_value_or_default('default_charset','ISO-8859-1')."';\n"; $config .= "// Default language in case all or part of the user's language pack is not available.\n"; $config .= "\$default_language = '".return_session_value_or_default('default_language','en_us')."';\n"; $config .= "// Translation String Prefix - This will add the language pack name to every translation string in the display.\n"; $config .= "\$translation_string_prefix = ".return_session_value_or_default('translation_string_prefix','false').";\n"; //$config .= "// Forum Configurations\n"; //$config .= "\$dbms = 'mysql';\n"; //$config .= "\$dbhost = '".$db_host_name."';\n\n"; //$config .= "\$dbuser = '".$db_user_name."';\n\n"; //$config .= "\$dbpasswd = '".$db_password."';\n\n"; //$config .= "\$dbname= '".$db_name."';\n\n"; //$config .= "\$table_prefix = 'phpbb_';\n"; //$config .= "define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);\n"; $config .= "?>"; if ($is_writable && ($config_file = @ fopen("config.php", "w"))) { fputs($config_file, $config, strlen($config)); fclose($config_file); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "

Successfully created config file (config.php) in :

".$root_directory."\n"; echo "
"; } else { echo ""; } ?>
"; echo "Cannot write to config.php file in the directory ".$root_directory." file.\n"; echo "

You can continue this installation by manually creating the config.php file and pasting the configuration information below into the config.php file. However, you must create the config.php file before you continue to the next step.

\n"; echo ""; echo "

Did you remember to create the config.php file?

" /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " />