]*)\">/", $val, $sub_key); preg_match_all("/]*> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td>/Ux", $val, $sub); preg_match_all("/]*> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td> ]*>(.*)<\/td>/Ux", $val, $sub_ext); foreach($sub[0] as $key => $val) { if (preg_match("/Configuration File \(php.ini\) Path /", $val)) { $val = preg_replace("/Configuration File \(php.ini\) Path /", '', $val); $phpini = strip_tags($val); } } } $gd_info_alternate = 'function gd_info() { $array = Array( "GD Version" => "", "FreeType Support" => 0, "FreeType Support" => 0, "FreeType Linkage" => "", "T1Lib Support" => 0, "GIF Read Support" => 0, "GIF Create Support" => 0, "JPG Support" => 0, "PNG Support" => 0, "WBMP Support" => 0, "XBM Support" => 0 ); $gif_support = 0; ob_start(); eval("phpinfo();"); $info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); foreach(explode("\n", $info) as $line) { if(strpos($line, "GD Version")!==false) $array["GD Version"] = trim(str_replace("GD Version", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "FreeType Support")!==false) $array["FreeType Support"] = trim(str_replace("FreeType Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "FreeType Linkage")!==false) $array["FreeType Linkage"] = trim(str_replace("FreeType Linkage", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "T1Lib Support")!==false) $array["T1Lib Support"] = trim(str_replace("T1Lib Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "GIF Read Support")!==false) $array["GIF Read Support"] = trim(str_replace("GIF Read Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "GIF Create Support")!==false) $array["GIF Create Support"] = trim(str_replace("GIF Create Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "GIF Support")!==false) $gif_support = trim(str_replace("GIF Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "JPG Support")!==false) $array["JPG Support"] = trim(str_replace("JPG Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "PNG Support")!==false) $array["PNG Support"] = trim(str_replace("PNG Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "WBMP Support")!==false) $array["WBMP Support"] = trim(str_replace("WBMP Support", "", strip_tags($line))); if(strpos($line, "XBM Support")!==false) $array["XBM Support"] = trim(str_replace("XBM Support", "", strip_tags($line))); } if($gif_support==="enabled") { $array["GIF Read Support"] = 1; $array["GIF Create Support"] = 1; } if($array["FreeType Support"]==="enabled"){ $array["FreeType Support"] = 1; } if($array["T1Lib Support"]==="enabled") $array["T1Lib Support"] = 1; if($array["GIF Read Support"]==="enabled"){ $array["GIF Read Support"] = 1; } if($array["GIF Create Support"]==="enabled") $array["GIF Create Support"] = 1; if($array["JPG Support"]==="enabled") $array["JPG Support"] = 1; if($array["PNG Support"]==="enabled") $array["PNG Support"] = 1; if($array["WBMP Support"]==="enabled") $array["WBMP Support"] = 1; if($array["XBM Support"]==="enabled") $array["XBM Support"] = 1; return $array; }'; ?> vtiger CRM 4.2 Installer: Step 1
vtiger CRM

Step 1 of 5

vtiger CRM

System Check

PHP version 4.2.x or 4.3.x.
  • NOTE: Charts are not supported in PHP5
  • Invalid version ($php_version) Installed" : "Version $php_version Installed"; ?>
    Database Available":"Not Available";?>
    config.php Writeable":"Not Writeable"; ?>
    Cache Directory (cache/) Writeable":"Not Writeable"; ?>
    Mail Merge Template Directory (test/wordtemplatedownload/) Writeable":"Not Writeable
    You might experience issues with the word template feature. You might visit the link for more details : forums
    "; ?>
    Uploads Directory (test/upload/) Writeable":"Not Writeable
    You might experience problems with the file attachments feature. You might visit the following link for more details : attachment issue
    "; ?>
    Email Templates Directory (modules/Emails/templates/) Writeable":"Not Writeable. You might experience problems with the email templates feature. You might refer to the following link for more details :email templates issue "; ?>
    GD graphics library version 2.0 or later GD Library not configured in your PHP installation.
    Check out our online documentation for tips on enabling this library. You can ignore this error and continue your vtiger CRM installation, however the chart images simply won't work.
    "; } else { if (!function_exists('gd_info')) { eval($gd_info_alternate); } $gd_info = gd_info(); if (isset($gd_info['GD Version'])) { $gd_version = $gd_info['GD Version']; $gd_version=preg_replace('%[^0-9.]%', '', $gd_version); if ($gd_version > "2.0") { echo "Version $gd_version Installed"; } else { echo "Version $gd_version Installed."; } } else { echo "GD Library available, but not properly configured in your PHP installation.
    You can ignore this error and continue your vtiger CRM installation, however the chart images simply won't work.
    "; } } ?>