assign("ID",$mod_strings); $list_form->assign("MOD", $mod_strings); $list_form->assign("APP", $app_strings); $list_form->assign("THEME", $theme); $list_form->assign("IMAGE_PATH", $image_path); $list_form->assign("MODULE_NAME", $currentModule); $current_offset = 0; if(isset($_REQUEST['current_offset'])) $current_offset = $_REQUEST['current_offset']; $response; if($currentModule == "Leads") { $response = $seed->get_lead_list($orderby, $where, $current_offset); } elseif($currentModule == "MessageBoard") { if(isset($_REQUEST['query'])) { $_REQUEST['query']= 'query'; } $response = $seed->get_msgboard_data($orderby, $where, $current_offset); } else { $response = $seed->get_list($orderby, $where, $current_offset); } $aList = $response['list']; $row_count = $response['row_count']; $next_offset = $response['next_offset']; $previous_offset = $response['previous_offset']; $start_record = $current_offset + 1; // Set the start row to 0 if there are no rows (adding one looks bad) if($row_count == 0) $start_record = 0; $end_record = $start_record + $list_max_entries_per_page; // back up the the last page. if($end_record > $row_count+1) { $end_record = $row_count+1; } // Deterime the start location of the last page if($row_count == 0) $number_pages = 0; else $number_pages = floor(($row_count - 1) / $list_max_entries_per_page); $last_page_offset = $number_pages * $list_max_entries_per_page; // Create the base URL without the current offset. // Check to see if the current offset is already there // If not, add it to the end. // All of the other values should use a regular expression search $base_URL = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']."¤t_offset="; $start_URL = $base_URL."0"; $previous_URL = $base_URL.$previous_offset; $next_URL = $base_URL.$next_offset; $end_URL = $base_URL.$last_page_offset; $sort_URL_base = $base_URL.$current_offset."&sort_order="; $log->debug("Offsets: (start, previous, next, last)(0, $previous_offset, $next_offset, $last_page_offset)"); if(0 == $current_offset) $start_link = $app_strings['LNK_LIST_START']; else $start_link = "".$app_strings['LNK_LIST_START'].""; if($previous_offset < 0) $previous_link = $app_strings['LNK_LIST_PREVIOUS']; else $previous_link = "".$app_strings['LNK_LIST_PREVIOUS'].""; if($next_offset >= $end_record) $next_link = $app_strings['LNK_LIST_NEXT']; else $next_link = "".$app_strings['LNK_LIST_NEXT'].""; if($last_page_offset <= $current_offset) $end_link = $app_strings['LNK_LIST_END']; else $end_link = "".$app_strings['LNK_LIST_END'].""; $log->info("Offset (next, current, prev)($next_offset, $current_offset, $previous_offset)"); $log->info("Start/end records ($start_record, $end_record)"); $list_form->assign("START_RECORD", $start_record); $list_form->assign("END_RECORD", $end_record-1); $list_form->assign("ROW_COUNT", $row_count); if ($start_link !== "") $list_form->assign("START_LINK", "[ ".$start_link." ]"); if ($end_link !== "") $list_form->assign("END_LINK", "[ ".$end_link." ]"); if ($next_link !== "") $list_form->assign("NEXT_LINK", "[ ".$next_link." ]"); if ($previous_link !== "") $list_form->assign("PREVIOUS_LINK", "[ ".$previous_link." ]"); $list_form->parse("main.list_nav_row"); $oddRow = true; if($currentModule == "MessageBoard") { foreach($aList as $aItem) { $fields = $aItem->get_list_view_data(); $list_form->assign($html_varName, $fields); $list_form->assign("MASS_DELETE_CHANGESTATUS", ""); if($oddRow) { $list_form->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'oddListRow'); } else { $list_form->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'evenListRow'); } $oddRow = !$oddRow; $list_form->parse("main.row"); } } else { foreach($aList as $aItem) { $fields = $aItem->get_list_view_data(); $list_form->assign($html_varName, $fields); $list_form->assign("MASS_DELETE_CHANGESTATUS", "
"); if($oddRow) { $list_form->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'oddListRow'); } else { $list_form->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'evenListRow'); } $oddRow = !$oddRow; $aItem->list_view_pare_additional_sections($list_form); $list_form->parse("main.row"); } } $list_form->parse("main"); if( $display_title == 'Lead List') { $button ="
"; //include 'modules/imports/ImportButton.html'; // $importTitle = "   [ ".$app_strings['LNK_IMPORT_LEADS']." ]"; // $display_title = $display_title .$importTitle; } echo get_form_header( $display_title, $button, false); $list_form->out("main"); echo get_form_footer(); echo "\n\n"; } ?>