GROUP-OFFICE FAQ 1. Why don't I see any modules like, email filesystem or scheduler? You have to log in as an administrator and add them manually in the menu: administrator->modules Then select the modules you wish to use. 2. Can I upload big files? Yes you can. But some changes to php.ini are required for this: post_max_size = ??M file_uploads = On upload_max_filesize = ??M for apache's module config: conf.d/php.conf: limit_request_body = ?? Also if the upload is taking a long time you should set the connection timeout from your webserver to a higher value. For apache (httpd.conf): Timeout ??? Also check for Proxy server limits 3. Why can't I connect to IMAP or POP-3 servers? With some distro's (Redhat) you should add: '/notls' after the local_email_host property in Group-Office.php for local e-mail. For external mail servers you should put it behind the hostname part when you add an account. 4. Can I create folders and filters with POP-3 servers? No you can't. Multiple folders and filters are only supported with IMAP servers. 5. Why do I get errors when I put single quotes in my input? You have disabled magic_quotes_gpc in 'php.ini' 6. How can I browse the Group-Office files with samba or ftp? Load install.php in a browser and change the create mode to '0777' if you understand what you are doing. 7. Why do I get this error when i use the e-mail module? 'Error: the imap extension for PHP is not installed' or 'Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_utf7_encode() in ../classes/ on line 33' You didn't compile imap in PHP this is required for both IMAP and POP3. 8. Why do I instantly get an access denied error when I open the file manager? Becasue the home directories from the users are not writable for the webserver. The home directories are located in the path you entered where Group-Office should store files. The default setting is /home/groupoffice. The directory groupoffice should be owned by the webserver user and the directory home should be accessible (executable). 9. I have set up Group-Office to create Samba users. But how can I set up the samba shares? Set up a share like below and each user will have access to it's private files. NOte that the Group-Office permissions don't work with Samba. BEWARE OF THE 777 FILE PERMISSIONS! They are needed so the webserver can read and write to them as well. [groupoffice] comment = Group-Office Home directory writable = yes valid users = %U path = /usr/groupoffice/%U force create mode = 0777 directory mode = 0777 10. After installation I can't change the ownership of Group-Office.php and it won't start. What can I do? You can donwload Group-Office.php with FTP, delete it from the server and upload it back. 11. Why do I have to logon twice? Logon to the same domain you entered in Group-Office.php If you set the host in Group-Office.php to eg. and you type in the browser you will have to logon twice. This is because after the first login the server creates a session for ip Group-Office redirects you to the startpage with url There's no valid session for this url yet. 12. Why can' t I connect to Cyrus? It gives me a cross-realm error. Try these settings: allowplaintext:yes; sasl_mech_list: PLAIN sasl_minimum_layer:0 13. I've put my config file in /etc/Group-Office/../.... But when I access Group-Office with different URL's it sometimes doesn't find the config file. You need to set: "UseCanonicalName On" in httpd.conf of apache. This way it always uses the same name.