
&The information sharing and listening to different points from others in the industry.::&None noted.::&Well prepared and knowledgeable.  Stayed on target even when distracted.::&I was only involved the first day but I liked all the presentation.  It was all good for me...thanks.::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&::&I have only been to two of the presentations and I like the topics which Bill picks and I don%27t have a suggestion for change, again I think they are highly informative and I enjoy them.::&In the industry 21 years.  I am a strong manager of technical folks and come from a background in State Government.  The area I supervise is Data Administration and Change Control (Endevor, PAC).::&?0?xxx?xxx?xxx?xxx::&No suggestion.::&I would rather not.::&::&::&Ruth Doss, 512-463-4342::
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