id&qtp&qim&qil&qtx&qca&qia&qrm&qnxt&qprv&qalb&subj&wght&pts&flr&ded&layout&qfixed&qptsbyans&flags Thank you for taking a look at our solution.&1&N&0&N.N.N.N
First, we will ask you tell us about your experiences &1&N&0&N.N.N.N with placement testing. Second, you &1&N&0&N.N.N.N will take an 8 question test, just a short sample to illustrate some of the capabilities&1&N&0&N.N.N.N of our software, and also to show you how your placements tests might look. Both the survey and test are &1&N&0&N.N.N.N powered by the industry's leading-edge testing engine. The entire &1&N&0&N.N.N.N process will only take a few minutes of your time.&1&N&0&N.N.N.N

&1&N&0&N.N.N.N The information collected in this survey will be kept confidential. &1&N&0&N.N.N.N
&1&N&0&N.N.N.N If you have any questions or remarks after completing this survey and sample test, &1&N&0&N.N.N.N please contact me. My contact information is included in the email you received &1&N&0&N.N.N.N inviting you to participate in this activity. &1&N&0&N.N.N.N
&1&N&0&N.N.N.N Again, thank you for your time. &1&N&0&N.N.N.N

&1&N&0&N.N.N.N Sincerely,
&1&N&0&N.N.N.N John E. Walkingstick
&1&N&0&N.N.N.N Director, Internet Solutions
&1&N&0&N.N.N.N ACTS Corporation

&1&N&0&N.N.N.N &1&N&0&N.N.N.N &1&N&0&N.N.N.N