Reporting Category:  Understand a Variety of Printed Materials/Resource Materials

Sample Reading Selection:

A Honey of a Sale

1.      There once was a hardworking farmer’s daughter. She milked the cows, tended the garden, and cooked meals for her father. Her favorite job, though, was taking care of the bees. She talked to the bees, and they hummed to her. She was so gentle that they never stung her, and their honey was unusually sweet.

2.      Daughter, the farmer said one day, I do not know what I would do without you. It is time to take the honey from the beehives and sell it at market. You will get a fine price. Use that money to buy yourself something pretty.

3.      The farmer’s daughter thanked her father and hurried to the beehives. She told the bees about her father’s generous gift. What should I buy? she asked them. Ribbons for my long black hair? Or a sash for my dress? But the bees only hummed and left the farmer’s daughter to her dreaming.

4.      On market day, she set off down the road with the jars of honey in a basket. Her mind was full of ways to spend her money.

5.      Perhaps a new hat, she said to herself. Or gloves to warm my hands. I know! I’ll buy a chicken. That chicken will lay eggs, and those eggs will grow up to be more chickens. I can sell the eggs from all those chickens, and I’ll have lots of money. Then I’ll buy ribbons, hats, and gloves. I’ll even buy beautiful shoes to wear to the dance. They’ll be beautiful red shoes with ribbons and bells. I’ll be the prettiest dancer there! Everyone will watch me! She danced along in the middle of the road, but as she twirled, the basket tipped. All the jars of honey fell out and broke.

6.      The farmer’s daughter watched sadly as the honey spread into a sticky puddle. Oh, dear, she thought. I should not have been in such a hurry to spend money I didn’t have! She gathered up the pieces of broken jars and put them in her basket. Then she walked home slowly, for she had no reason to go to the market now.