body ="";
$this->bodies = array();
$this->contenttype = "text/plain";
$this->contentdesc = "";
$this->contentdispotype = "";
$this->contentdisponame = "";
$this->contentencoding = "8bit";
$this->contentclass = "";
$this->charset = $lang['content_encoding']; // default
$this->eoln = "\r\n";
$this->boundary = "-----------END_OF_TUTOS_MAIL_PART_". Date("Ymd") ."------";
$this->url = "http://\r\n";
$this->part = 1;
* Parser: initialize
function parse_init() {
$this->in_sub_body = false;
$this->got_header = false;
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->ct = "";
$this->cd = "";
$this->references = "";
* output the body
function output(&$writer) {
$cnt = count($this->bodies);
if ( $cnt > 1 ) {
$writer->writechannel("MIME-Version: 1.0");
$writer->writechannel("Content-Type: multipart/mixed;". $this->eoln ."\tboundary=\"". $this->boundary ."\"");
} else {
$writer->writechannel("Content-Type: ". $this->contenttype);
$writer->writechannel("Content-Description: ". $this->contentdesc);
$writer->writechannel("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit");
# A empty line starts the MAIN BODY
if ( $cnt > 1 ) {
$writer->writechannel("This is a multi-part message in MIME format.");
} else {
# Send the body line by line
if (ereg("text",$this->contenttype) ) {
$lines = split("[\n]",$this->body);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($lines); $j++) {
} else {
foreach($this->bodies as $abody) {
if ( $cnt > 1 ) {
$writer->writechannel($this->eoln."--". $this->boundary);
if (ereg("text",$abody->contenttype) ) {
$writer->writechannel("Content-Type: ". $abody->contenttype ."; charset=\"". $abody->charset ."\"");
} else {
$writer->writechannel("Content-Type: ". $abody->contenttype."; name=". $abody->contentdisponame);
$writer->writechannel("Content-Description: ". $abody->contentdesc);
if (ereg("text",$abody->contenttype) ) {
$writer->writechannel("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit");
} else {
$writer->writechannel("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64");
if ( $abody->contentdisponame != "" ) {
$writer->writechannel("Content-Disposition: ". $abody->contentdispotype ." filename=". $abody->contentdisponame);
# A empty line starts the Parts BODY
# Send the body line by line
if (ereg("text",$abody->contenttype) ) {
$lines = split("[\n]",$abody->body);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($lines); $j++) {
} else {
if ( $cnt > 1 ) {
$writer->writechannel($this->eoln."--". $this->boundary ."--");
* add a body part
* content = the body content
* type = mime type of that body part default to text/plain
* desc = Description
* dispo = Content-Disposition
function addBody($content,$type = "text/plain",$desc = "TUTOS Mail Part" , $dispo = "", $charset = "us-ascii") {
$b = new mail_body();
if ( $type == "text/plain" ) {
$b->body = StripSlashes($content);
$b->contenttype = $type;
} else {
$b->body = $content;
$b->contenttype = $type ;
$b->contentdesc = $desc;
$b->contentdisponame = $dispo;
$b->contentdispotype = "inline";
$b->charset = $charset;
if (eregi("^multipart/",$this->contenttype)) {
# this is already a multipart body
# add the new body
$this->bodies[] = &$b;
} else if (eregi("^text/plain",$this->contenttype) && (strlen($this->body) == 0) && (count($this->bodies) == 0) ) {
# we are a new mail
$this->contenttype = $b->contenttype;
$this->contentdesc = $b->contentdesc;
$this->contentdisponame = $b->contentdisponame;
$this->contentdispotype = $b->contentdispotype;
$this->charset = $b->charset;
$this->body = $b->body;
} else {
# change the existing mailbody to a subbody
$b2 = new mail_body();
$b2->contenttype = $this->contenttype;
$b2->contentdesc = $this->contentdesc;
$b2->contentdisponame = $this->contentdisponame;
$b2->contentdispotype = $this->contentdispotype;
$b2->charset = $this->charset;
$b2->body = $this->body;
$this->bodies[] = &$b2;
$this->bodies[] = &$b;
$this->contenttype = "multipart/mixed";
$this->contentdesc = "";
$this->contentdisponame = "";
$this->contentdispotype = "";
$this->body = "";
* show one body
function show_html(&$ly,$mformat,$part) {
global $tutos,$lang;
$skip = false;
$show_headline = false;
$show_text = false;
$show_raw = false;
$show_as_frame = false;
$show_as_img = false;
$select_alternative = false;
#echo "PART ".$part ." FORMAT ".$mformat ." this ". $this->part ." ". $this->contenttype ."
$r = "";
# $r .= "p:". $this->part ."b:".$this->boundary ."e:".$this->contentencoding ."|t:". $this->contenttype ."|b:".count($this->bodies)."|len:".strlen($this->body) ."". $this->part ."
if ( ($part != 0) && ($part != $this->part)) {
# echo "SKIP".$this->part;
$skip = true;
if (strtolower($this->contenttype) == "text/plain") {
$show_headline = true;
$show_text = true;
} elseif (strtolower($this->contenttype) == "text/calendar") {
$show_headline = true;
# $show_text = true;
} elseif (strtolower($this->contenttype) == "text/x-vcard") {
$show_headline = true;
# $show_text = true;
} elseif (strtolower($this->contenttype) == "text/html") {
$show_headline = true;
$show_as_frame = true;
} elseif (strtolower($this->contenttype) == "message/rfc822") {
$show_html = false;
} elseif (strtolower($this->contenttype) == "message/delivery-status") {
$show_html = false;
} elseif (strtolower($this->contenttype) == "message/disposition-notification") {
$show_html = false;
} elseif (eregi("^multipart/report",$this->contenttype)) {
$skip = true;
} elseif (eregi("^multipart/mixed",$this->contenttype)) {
$skip = true;
} elseif (eregi("^multipart/alternative",$this->contenttype)) {
$select_alternative = true;
} elseif (eregi("^image/",$this->contenttype)) {
$show_headline = true;
$show_as_img = true;
} elseif (eregi("^application",$this->contenttype)) {
$show_headline = true;
} elseif (eregi("^audio",$this->contenttype)) {
$show_headline = true;
} else {
$r .= "Unknown|".$this->contenttype."|
$show_headline = true;
if(!$skip && ($mformat == "download") ) {
$show_raw = true;
$show_text = false;
Header("Expires: 0");
Header("Pragma: no-cache");
Header("Content-type: " . $this->contenttype);
Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"". $this->contentdisponame ."\"");
Header("Content-Description: Upload from TUTOS" );
} elseif (!$skip && ($mformat == "show") ) {
$show_raw = true;
$show_text = false;
Header("Expires: 0");
Header("Pragma: no-cache");
Header("Content-type: " . $this->contenttype);
} elseif (!$skip && $show_headline) {
if ($mformat == 'reply') {
$r .= "";
} else {
$r .= "
$r .= " ". $this->contentencoding ."|". $this->contenttype ."|";
$r .= " | \n";
$r .= "
$xx = "[". makelink($this->getShowLink(), $lang['MailAttachmentShow'],$lang['MailAttachmentShow']) ."]";
$xx .= " [". makelink($this->getDownloadLink(), $lang['MailAttachmentDownload'],$lang['MailAttachmentDownload']) ."]";
if ($this->contentdesc) {
$r .= "\n";
$r .= $ly->showfield($lang['Description']);
$r.= $ly->showdata($this->contentdesc,2);
$r .= "".$xx." | \n";
$xx = "";
$r .= "
$r .= "\n";
$r .= $ly->showfield($lang['MailSize']);
$r.= $ly->showdata(strlen($this->body) ." Bytes",2);
$r .= "".$xx." | \n";
$xx = "";
$r .= "
if ($this->contentdispotype && !empty($this->contentdisponame)) {
$r .= "\n";
$r .= $ly->showfield($lang['MailAttachmentNew']);
$r.= $ly->showdata(decodeheader($this->contentdisponame) ,3);
$r .= "
if ($show_text && $part > 0) {
$show_raw = true;
$show_text = false;
if ($skip) {
// show nada
} elseif ($show_text) {
if ($mformat == 'reply') {
$r .= "";
} else {
$r .= "\n";
if ($this->contentencoding == "quoted-printable") {
$r .= wordwrap(quoted_printable_decode($this->body),80);
} else if ($this->contentencoding == "base64") {
$r .= wordwrap(base64_decode($this->body),80);
} else if (($this->contentencoding == "8bit") || ($this->contentencoding == "7bit")) {
if ($mformat == 'reply') {
$r .= wordwrap($this->body,80);
} else {
$r .= wordwrap(urlreplace(myentities($this->body),80));
if ($mformat == 'reply') {
$r .= "";
} else {
$r .= " |
} elseif ($show_raw) {
if ($this->contentencoding == "quoted-printable") {
$r .= quoted_printable_decode($this->body);
} else if ($this->contentencoding == "base64") {
$r .= base64_decode($this->body);
} else if (($this->contentencoding == "8bit") || ($this->contentencoding == "7bit")) {
if (strtolower($this->contenttype) == "text/html") {
$r .= urlreplace($this->body,0);
} else {
$r .= urlreplace($this->body);
} elseif ($show_as_frame) {
if ($mformat == 'reply') {
$r .= "--------\n";
} else {
$r .= "\n";
$r .= "\n";
$r .= " |
} elseif ($show_as_img) {
if ($mformat == 'reply') {
$r .= "--------\n";
} else {
$r .= "\n";
$r .= " getShowLink() ."\">\n";
$r .= " |
} else {
// show only a link for download and for display
if ($select_alternative) {
// check for text/plain
foreach($this->bodies as $abody) {
if (strtolower($abody->contenttype) == "text/plain") {
$r .= $abody->show_html($ly,$mformat,$part);
} else if (strtolower($abody->contenttype) == "text/html") {
$r .= $abody->show_html($ly,$mformat,$part);
// show all
foreach($this->bodies as $abody) {
$r .= $abody->show_html($ly,$mformat,$part);
} else {
foreach($this->bodies as $abody) {
$r .= $abody->show_html($ly,$mformat,$part);
return $r;
* set the url where we find this mailpart
function seturl($url) {
$this->url = $url;
* get the url where we find this mailpart (or all if main == true)
function geturl($main = false) {
if ($main) {
$url= addUrlParameter($this->url,"part=0");
} else {
$url= addUrlParameter($this->url,"part=".$this->part);
return $url;
* get the url where we find this mailpart
function getShowLink() {
$url= addUrlParameter($this->geturl(),"mformat=show");
return $url;
* get the url where we download this mailpart
function getDownloadLink() {
$url= addUrlParameter($this->geturl(),"mformat=download");
return $url;
* set the PartNr of this mailbody
function setPart($id) {
$this->part = $id;
* Parser: parse a single line of mail
function parse_line($line,$short) {
# echo "XXX".myentities($line) ."
if (!$this->got_header && (trim($line) == "")) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->got_header = true; // now we are in the body
} else if (!$this->got_header) {
// analyze
if (ereg("^Subject:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->subject = trim($reg[1]);
} else if (ereg("^From:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
} else if (eregi("^From(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (ereg("^To:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = 'To';
} else if (eregi("^Cc:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = 'Cc';
} else if (eregi("^Date:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->date = trim($reg[1]);
} else if (eregi("^Return-Receipt-To:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Reply-To:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Received:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->hdr[] = $line;
$this->parse_in = 'Received';
} else if (eregi("^Importance:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Content-Id:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^MIME-Version:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Return-Path:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
# echo "XXXX". $line ."XXXX";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^in-reply-to:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^references:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "references";
$this->references = $reg[1];
} else if (eregi("^Message-ID:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Organization:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Sensitivity:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Disposition-Notification-To:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
} else if (eregi("^User-Agent:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Disposition-Notification-To:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Content-Length:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Lines:",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if (eregi("^Content-type:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "Content-type";
$this->ct = $line;
# echo "XXXX". $line ."XXXX";
} else if (eregi("^Content-Disposition:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "Content-Disposition";
$this->cd = $reg[1];
} else if (eregi("^Content-class:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->contentclass = trim($reg[1]);
} else if (eregi("^Content-transfer-encoding:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->contentencoding = trim($reg[1]);
# echo "enc |". $this->contentencoding ."
} else if (eregi("^Content-Description:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "";
$this->contentdesc = trim($reg[1]);
# echo "desc |". $this->contentdesc ."
} else if (ereg("^X-.*:(.*)",$line,$reg)) {
$this->parse_in = "X";
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if ($this->parse_in == "X") {
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else if ($this->parse_in == "To") {
} else if ($this->parse_in == "Cc") {
} else if ($this->parse_in == "references") {
$this->references .= $line;
} else if ($this->parse_in == "Content-type") {
$this->ct .= $line;
} else if ($this->parse_in == "Content-Disposition") {
$this->cd .= $line;
} else if ($this->parse_in == "Received") {
$this->hdr[] = $line;
} else {
trigger_error("unknown mailheader | ". $line ."|". $this->parse_in ."|". strlen($line) ."\n");
$this->parse_in = "";
// analyze content type
if ($this->ct && ($this->parse_in != "Content-type")) {
$x = eregi("boundary=[\"]([-_=0-9A-Za-z/.]*)[\"]",$this->ct,$reg);
if ($x) {
$this->boundary = $reg[1];
eregi("Content-type:[ ]*([0-9A-Za-z./-]*)",$this->ct,$reg);
$this->contenttype = $reg[1];
# echo "ct |". $this->contenttype ."|". $this->ct."
$this->ct = "";
// analyze content dispo
if ($this->cd && ($this->parse_in != "Content-Disposition")) {
# $cd = "blabla; filename=\"1231\"";
$x = eregi("([a-z]*)[\r\n\t ;]*filename=[\"]?([-_=0-9A-Za-z/?.]*)[\"]?",$this->cd,$reg);
if ($x) {
$this->contentdispotype = $reg[1];
$this->contentdisponame = $reg[2];
# echo "dispo |". $this->contentdisponame ."
$this->cd = "";
if ($this->got_header && $short) {
// Subbody Handling
# if (substr(trim($line),0,strlen($this->boundary)+2) == "--".$this->boundary) {
if (trim($line) == "--".$this->boundary) {
// content of a subbody starts
$this->in_sub_body = true;
$x = new mail_body();
$x->setPart($this->part.".". (1+count($this->bodies)));
$this->bodies[] = &$x;
if (trim($line) == "--".$this->boundary ."--") {
$this->in_sub_body = false;
if ($this->in_sub_body) {
} else if ($this->got_header) {
$this->body .= $line;
# echo $this->got_header."-".$this->part ."|B| ". $line ."||
* @package BASE
* @module mail
class mail extends mail_body {
* initialize mail
function mail(&$user) {
$this->dbconn = $user->dbconn;
$this->user = $user;
$this->subject = "";
$this->hdr = array();
$this->fd = false;
$this->prio = 0;
$this->date = "";
$this->from_adr = "";
$this->replyurl= "mail_new.php";
// Parser
* splt name adress string
function split_name_email($str) {
$name = "";
$em = "";
$reg[1] = "";
$reg[2] = "";
$madr = "[a-zA-Z0-9/.-]*@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*";
if (ereg("(.*)[ ]*<(". $madr .")>",$str,$reg)) {
$name = trim($reg[1],"\" ");
$em = $reg[2];
} else if (ereg("<(". $madr .")>",$str,$reg)) {
$em = $reg[1];
$r = "<". AsEmail($reg[1],$reg[1]) .">";
} else if (ereg("(".$madr.")",$str,$reg)) {
$em = $reg[1];
$r = AsEmail($str,$reg[1],$reg[1]);
} else {
$em = $str;
$name = trim($name,"\"");
# echo "N:".$name ." E:".$em ." pre:".myentities($str) ."
return array($name,$em);
* format a from/to/cc for TUTOS
function adr_format($str) {
global $lang;
$r = "";
$addlink = "";
list($name,$em) = mail::split_name_email($str);
$name = decodeHeader($name);
$pre = " WHERE ";
$q = "SELECT * from ". $this->dbconn->prefix ."location ";
$q .= " ". $pre . $this->dbconn->Like("email_1",$em);
$pre = " or ";
$q .= " ". $pre . $this->dbconn->Like("email_2",$em);
check_dbacl( $q, $this->user->id);
$res = $this->dbconn->Exec($q);
if ( 0 != $res->numrows()) {
$l = new location($this->dbconn);
if ($name != "") {
$name = $l->ref->getLink($name);
} else {
$name = $l->ref->getLink();
} else {
// show a link to allow adding the address to TUTOS
$l = "address_new.php";
$fn = trim(substr($name,0,strpos($name," ")));
$ln = trim(substr($name,strpos($name," ")));
$l= addUrlParameter($l,"email_1=".UrlEncode($em),true);
$l= addUrlParameter($l,"f_name=".UrlEncode($fn),true);
$l= addUrlParameter($l,"l_name=".UrlEncode($ln),true);
$addlink = " ". makelink($l,"[add]",$lang['AdrCreateInfo']);
$r .= " ". $em;
$r = $name ." <". AsEmail($em,$em,$em) .">" . $addlink;
return $r;
* initialize with an imap structure (using the compiled in imap/pop)
function init_by_phpimap($mailbox,$msgno,$short) {
$b1 = imap_fetchheader($mailbox->mbox,imap_msgno($mailbox->mbox,$msgno),FT_PEEK);
$b2 = imap_body($mailbox->mbox,imap_msgno($mailbox->mbox,$msgno));
$this->replyurl= addUrlParameter($this->replyurl,"mno=".$msgno);
if ($mailbox->addpath) {
$this->replyurl= addUrlParameter($this->replyurl,"mpath=".Base64_Encode($mailbox->addpath));
$this->replyurl= addUrlParameter($this->replyurl,"mid=".$mailbox->id);
* parse a mail from an eml file
function init_by_text($str,$short) {
foreach (split("[\n]",$str) as $line) {
# echo $this->got_header ."xx ". $line ."
* parse a mail from an eml file
function init_by_file($filename,$short) {
$contenttype = "";
$fp = fopen($filename,"rb");
if (!$fp) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
* parse a mail from an tutos_document
function init_by_file_obj(&$obj,$short) {
$this->init_by_file($obj->base ."/". $obj->fileloc,$short);
$this->replyurl= addUrlParameter($this->replyurl,"fid=".$obj->id);
* get the url where we can build a reply or forwward of this mail
function getReplyUrl() {
return $this->replyurl;
* long info (used in docmanagement)
function info($ly,$mformat,$part) {
global $lang;
$r = "";
if ( ($mformat == "html") && ($part == 0)) {
$r .= $ly->DataTableStart();
$r .= "\n";
$r .= " ". $lang['MailboxEmail'] ." | \n";
$r .= "
$r .= "\n";
$r .= " \n";
$url = $this->getReplyUrl();
$u= addUrlParameter($url,"reply=1");
$r .= "[". makelink($u,$lang['MailReply'],$lang['MailReplyI']) ."]";
$u= addUrlParameter($url,"reply=2");
$r .= " [". makelink($u,$lang['MailReplyAll'],$lang['MailReplyI']) ."]";
$u= addUrlParameter($url,"reply=3");
$r .= " [". makelink($u,$lang['MailForward'],$lang['MailForwardI']) ."]";
$r .= "\n";
$r .= " |
$r .= "\n";
$r .= $ly->showfield($lang['MailFrom']);
$r .= $ly->showdata($this->adr_format($this->from_adr),3);
$r .= "
$r .= "\n";
$r .= $ly->showfield($lang['MailDate']);
$r .= $ly->showdata($this->date,3);
$r .= "
$r .= "\n";
$r .= $ly->showfield($lang['MailTo']);
$to = "";
$pre = "";
foreach ($this->to_adr as $t) {
$to .= $pre. $this->adr_format($t);
$pre = "
$r .= $ly->showdata($to,3);
$r .= "
if (count($this->cc_adr)) {
$r .= "\n";
$r .= $ly->showfield($lang['MailCc']);
$to = "";
$pre = "";
foreach ($this->cc_adr as $t) {
$to .= $pre . $this->adr_format($t);
$pre = "
$r .= $ly->showdata($to,3);
$r .= "
$r .= "\n";
$r .= $ly->showfield($lang['MailSubject']);
$r .= $ly->showdata( decodeHeader($this->subject),3);
$r .= "
$r .= $this->show_html($ly,$mformat,$part);
if ( ($mformat == "html") && ($part == 0)) {
$r .= $ly->DataTableEnd();
return $r;
* short info (used in docmanagement / and mailforwarding)
function shortinfo($format = "html") {
global $lang;
$r = "";
if ($format == "plain") {
if ($this->from_adr != "") {
list($name,$em) = mail::split_name_email(decodeHeader($this->from_adr));
$r .= $lang['MailFrom'] .":\t". $name;
if ($name) {
$r .= " <". $em .">\n";
} else {
$r .= $em ."\n";
} else if (is_object($this->from)) {
$r .= $lang['MailFrom'] .":\t". $this->from->getLink();
$r .= $lang['MailDate'] .":\t". $this->date ."\n";
$r .= $lang['MailTo'].":\t" ;
$to = "";
$pre = "";
foreach ($this->to_adr as $t) {
list($name,$em) = mail::split_name_email(decodeHeader($t));
$to .= $pre. $name;
if ($name) {
$to .= " <". $em .">\n";
} else {
$to .= $em ."\n";
$pre = "\t";
if ($to != "") $r .= $to;
if (count($this->cc_adr)) {
$r .= $lang['MailCc'] .":\t";
$to = "";
$pre = "";
foreach ($this->cc_adr as $t) {
list($name,$em) = mail::split_name_email(decodeHeader($t));
$to .= $pre. $name;
if ($name) {
$to .= " <". $em .">\n";
} else {
$to .= $em ."\n";
$pre = "\t";
if ($to != "") $r .= $to ."\n";
$r .= $lang['MailSubject'] .":\t". decodeHeader($this->subject) ."\n";
} else {
$r .= $lang['MailboxEmail'] ."\n";
if ($this->from_adr != "") {
$r .= $lang['MailFrom'] .":\t". $this->adr_format($this->from_adr) ."\n";
} else if (is_object($this->from)) {
$r .= $lang['MailFrom'] .":\t". $this->from->getLink() ."\n";
$r .= $lang['MailTo'].":\t" ;
$to = "";
$pre = "";
foreach ($this->to_adr as $t) {
$to .= $pre. $this->adr_format($t) ."\n";
$pre = "\t";
$r .= $to ."\n";
if (count($this->cc_adr)) {
$r .= $lang['MailCc'] .":\t";
$to = "";
foreach ($this->cc_adr as $t) {
$to .= $this->adr_format($t) ."\n";
$r .= $to ."\n";
$r .= $lang['MailSubject'] .":\t". decodeHeader($this->subject) ."\n";
return $r;
* start of a html formatted mail
* might be required by some outlook stuff
function HtmlStart() {
global $tutos,$lang;
$msg = "";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= " \n";
$msg .= " \n";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= "\n";
$msg .= "\n";
return $msg;
* end of a html formatted mail
function HtmlEnd() {
return "
* set the senders name
* a reply to will also set to the same name (TUTOS can not be addressed directly)
function setFrom(&$obj) {
$this->from = &$obj;
function setFromTxt($from) {
$this->from_adr = $from;
* reset the addresses where to send the mail
function resetTo() {
$this->sent = array();
$this->cc_adr = array();
$this->to_adr = array();
$this->cc = array();
$this->to = array();
$this->bcc_adr = array();
$this->bcc = array();
* set the address where to send the mail
* if obj is a team , than a mail will be send to every team member
function addTo($obj) {
if ( $obj == "" ) {
if ( ! is_Object($obj) ) {
$x = split(",",$obj);
foreach ($x as $y) {
if (trim($y)) {
$this->to_adr[] = trim($y);
if ( $obj->id < 1 ) {
* get the To List as a string
function getTo() {
$to = "";
$pre = "";
foreach($this->to as $i => $obj) {
if ( isset($this->sent[$obj->id]) && ($this->sent[$obj->id] == 1) ) {
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
if (isset($this->charset) ) {
$x = "=?". $this->charset ."?B?" . base64_encode( $obj->getFullName() ) . "?=";
} else {
$x = $obj->getFullName();
$to .= $pre ."\"". $x ."\" <". $t .">";
$pre = ",";
$this->sent[$obj->id] = 1;
if ( count($this->to_adr) ) {
foreach($this->to_adr as $i => $obj) {
list($name,$em) = mail::split_name_email($obj);
if (isset($this->charset) ) {
$name = "=?". $this->charset ."?B?" . base64_encode( $name ) . "?=";
$to .= $name ." <". $em .">";
$pre = ",";
return $to;
* get the To List as a string
function getToAscii() {
$to = "";
$pre = "";
$x = array();
foreach($this->to as $i => $obj) {
if ( isset($this->sent[$obj->id]) && ($this->sent[$obj->id] == 1) ) {
if (!is_object($obj)){
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
if ( isset($x[$t]) ) {
$x[$t] = 1;
$to .= $pre . $t ;
$pre = ",";
if ( count($this->to_adr) ) {
foreach($this->to_adr as $i => $t) {
if ( isset($x[$t]) ) {
$x[$t] = 1;
$to .= $pre . $t ;
$pre = ",";
return $to;
* set the Cc
function addCc($obj) {
if ( $obj == "" ) {
if ( ! is_Object($obj) ) {
$x = split(",",$obj);
foreach ($x as $y) {
if (trim($y)) {
$this->cc_adr[] = trim($y);
if ( $obj->id < 1 ) {
* get the cc List as a string
function getCc() {
$cc = "";
$pre = "";
if ( count($this->cc) ) {
foreach($this->cc as $i => $obj) {
if ( isset($this->sent[$obj->id]) && ($this->sent[$obj->id] == 1) ) {
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
if (isset($this->charset) ) {
$x = "=?". $this->charset ."?B?" . base64_encode( $obj->getFullName() ) . "?=";
} else {
$x = $obj->getFullName();
$cc .= $pre ."\"". $x ."\" <". $t .">";
$pre = ",";
$this->sent[$obj->id] = 1;
if ( count($this->cc_adr) ) {
foreach($this->cc_adr as $i => $obj ) {
list($name,$em) = mail::split_name_email($obj);
if (isset($this->charset) ) {
$name = "=?". $this->charset ."?B?" . base64_encode( $name ) . "?=";
$cc .= $name ." <". $em .">";
$pre = ",";
return $cc;
* get the cc List as a string
function getCcAscii() {
$cc = "";
$pre = "";
$x = array();
if ( count($this->cc) ) {
foreach($this->cc as $i => $obj) {
if ( isset($this->sent[$obj->id]) && ($this->sent[$obj->id] == 1) ) {
if (!is_object($obj)){
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
if ( isset($x[$t]) ) {
$x[$t] = 1;
$cc .= $pre . $t ;
$pre = ",";
if ( count($this->cc_adr) ) {
foreach($this->cc_adr as $i => $t) {
if ( isset($x[$t]) ) {
$x[$t] = 1;
$cc .= $pre . $t ;
$pre = ",";
return $cc;
* set the Bcc
function addBcc($obj) {
if ( $obj == "" ) {
if ( ! is_Object($obj) ) {
$this->bcc_adr[] = $obj;
if ( $obj->id < 1 ) {
* get the Bcc List as a string
function getBcc() {
$bcc = "";
$pre = "";
if ( count($this->bcc) ) {
foreach($this->bcc as $i => $obj) {
if ( isset($this->sent[$obj->id]) && ($this->sent[$obj->id] == 1) ) {
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
if (isset($this->charset) ) {
$x = "=?". $this->charset ."?B?" . base64_encode( $obj->getFullName() ) . "?=";
} else {
$x = $obj->getFullName();
$bcc .= $pre ."\"". $x ."\" <". $t .">";
$pre = ",";
$this->sent[$obj->id] = 1;
if ( count($this->bcc_adr) ) {
foreach($this->bcc_adr as $i => $obj ) {
$bcc .= $pre ." <". $obj .">";
$pre = ",";
return $bcc;
* get the Bcc List as a string
function getBccAscii() {
$bcc = "";
$pre = "";
$x = array();
if ( count($this->bcc) ) {
foreach($this->bcc as $i => $obj) {
if ( isset($this->sent[$obj->id]) && ($this->sent[$obj->id] == 1) ) {
if (!is_object($obj)){
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
if ( isset($x[$t]) ) {
$x[$t] = 1;
$bcc .= $pre . $t ;
$pre = ",";
if ( count($this->bcc_adr) ) {
foreach($this->bcc_adr as $i => $t) {
if ( isset($x[$t]) ) {
$x[$t] = 1;
$bcc .= $pre . $t ;
$pre = ",";
return $bcc;
* add addional header lines
function addHeader($arg,$val) {
$val = rtrim($val);
$this->hdr[] = $arg .": ". $val;
* set the subject
function setSubject($s) {
$this->subject = $s;
* get the subject
function getSubject() {
return $this->subject;
* set the address where to send the mail
* if obj is a team , than a mail will be send to every team member
function resetBody() {
$this->bodies = array();
* open a channel to the mailer
function open_channel(&$from,&$rcpt) {
global $tutos;
$msg = "";
if ( $tutos[mailmode] == 1 ) {
$this->fd = popen($tutos[sendmail]." -t -i","w");
if ( $this->fd == false ) {
$msg .= "could not connect to sendmail server
return $msg;
} else if ( ($tutos[mailmode] == 2) || ($tutos[mailmode] == 4) ) {
$errno = 0;
$errstr = "";
# POP before SMTP
# using the same host as smtp (some code stolen from squirrelmail)
if ( $tutos[popbeforesmtp] == 1 ) {
$fd = fsockopen($tutos[smtphost],110, $errno, $errstr);
if ( $fd == false ) {
$msg .= "could not connect to pop server for popbeforesmtp
return $msg . $errno ." ". $errstr;
$tmp = fgets($fd, 1024); /* banner */
if (!eregi("^\+OK", $tmp, $regs)) {
return $msg . $tmp;
fputs($fd, "USER ". $tutos[popbeforesmtp_user] . $this->eoln);
$tmp = fgets($fd, 1024);
if (!eregi("^\+OK", $tmp, $regs)) {
return $msg . $tmp;
fputs($fd, 'PASS '. $tutos[popbeforesmtp_pass] . $this->eoln);
$tmp = fgets($fd, 1024);
if (!eregi("^\+OK", $tmp, $regs)) {
return $msg . $tmp;
@fputs($fd, "QUIT".$this->eoln); /* log off */
fclose ($fd);
$this->fd = fsockopen($tutos[smtphost],25,$errno,$errstr);
if ( $this->fd == false ) {
$msg .= "could not connect to smtp server
return $msg . $errno ." ". $errstr;
$this->readsmtp($msg); // Read the Greetings
if ($tutos[mailmode] == 4) {
fputs($this->fd,"EHLO ". $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $this->eoln); //EHLO is correct
if (!$this->readsmtp($msg)) return $msg;
fputs($this->fd,"AUTH LOGIN" . $this->eoln);
if (!$this->readsmtp($msg)) return $msg;
fputs($this->fd,base64_encode($tutos[smtp_username]) . $this->eoln);
if (!$this->readsmtp($msg)) return $msg;
fputs($this->fd,base64_encode($tutos[smtp_password]) . $this->eoln);
if (!$this->readsmtp($msg)) return $msg;
} else {
$this->writechannel("HELO ". $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
if (!$this->readsmtp($msg)) return $msg;
$this->writechannel("MAIL From: <". $from .">");
if (!$this->readsmtp($msg)) {
return $msg;
foreach($rcpt as $i => $obj ) {
# Parse the name and/or email part
list($name,$em) = mail::split_name_email($obj);
$this->writechannel("RCPT To: <". $em .">");
if (!$this->readsmtp($msg)) {
return $msg;
# $this->readsmtp($msg);
} else {
$msg .= "Unknown Mailmode ". $tutos[mailmode] ." fix config.pinc
return $msg;
return $msg;
* close the channel to the mailer
function close_channel() {
global $tutos;
$msg = "";
if ( $tutos[mailmode] == 1 ) {
} else if ( ($tutos[mailmode] == 2) || ($tutos[mailmode] == 4) ) {
fclose ($this->fd);
$this->fd = false;
return $msg;
* write to smtp channel
function writechannel($str) {
fputs($this->fd,$str.$this->eoln) || die ("Error writing to mail channel");
* check for errors
function readsmtp(&$msg) {
global $tutos;
if ( ($tutos[mailmode] != 2) && ($tutos[mailmode] != 4) ) {
return true;
$line = fgets($this->fd,1024);
if (empty($line)) {
return true;
if ( ereg("^220",$line ) ) {
return true;
if ( ereg("^221",$line ) ) {
return true;
if ( ereg("^235",$line ) ) { // The OK response from AUTH LOGIN
return true;
if ( ereg("^250",$line ) ) {
return true;
if ( ereg("^354",$line ) ) {
return true;
if ( ereg("^334",$line ) ) { // The response from AUTH LOGIN
return true;
if ( ereg("^5",$line ) ) {
$msg .= $line ."
return false;
$msg .= $line ."
return false;
* send this mail
function send() {
global $lang, $tutos;
$msg = "";
if ( $this->from_adr != "" ) {
$from = $this->from_adr;
} else {
$from = $this->from->default_email();
if ( $from == "" ) {
$msg .= sprintf($lang['Err0034'],$this->from->getLink()) ."
return $msg;
if ( (($tutos[mailmode] == 1) && !is_executable($tutos[sendmail]))
|| (($tutos[mailmode] == 2) && empty($tutos[smtphost]))
|| ($tutos[mailmode] == 0)
|| ($tutos[demo] == 1) ) {
$msg .= sprintf($lang['Err0033'],$this->subject) ."
if ( isset($this->to) ) {
foreach($this->to as $i => $obj) {
$msg .= "to: ". $obj->getFullname() ."
if ( isset($this->to_adr) ) {
foreach($this->to_adr as $i => $obj) {
$msg .= "to: ". $obj ."
if ( isset($this->cc) ) {
foreach($this->cc as $i => $obj) {
$msg .= "cc: ". $obj->getFullname() ."
if ( isset($this->cc_adr) ) {
foreach($this->cc_adr as $i => $obj) {
$msg .= "cc: ". $obj ."
if ( isset($this->bcc) ) {
foreach($this->bcc as $i => $obj) {
$msg .= "bcc: ". $obj->getFullname() ."
if ( isset($this->bcc_adr) ) {
foreach($this->bcc_adr as $i => $obj) {
$msg .= "bcc: ". $obj ."
return $msg;
if ( count($this->to) + count($this->to_adr) == 0 ) {
$msg .= $lang['Err0035'] ." (3)
return $msg;
if ( strlen($this->body) + count($this->bodies) == 0 ) {
return "no text" . $msg;
# Make a list of all recipents
$to = $this->getTo();
$rcpt = array();
foreach($this->to as $obj) {
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
$rcpt[] = $t;
$msg .= sprintf($lang['MailSent'],myentities($this->subject),myentities($obj->getFullname())) ."
if ( count($this->to_adr) ) {
foreach($this->to_adr as $obj) {
$rcpt[] = $obj;
$msg .= sprintf($lang['MailSent'],myentities($this->subject),myentities($obj)) ."
# CC
if ( count($this->cc) ) {
foreach($this->cc as $obj) {
if ( $this->sent[$obj->id] == 1 ) {
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
$rcpt[] = $t;
$msg .= sprintf($lang['MailSentCc'],myentities($this->subject),myentities($obj->getFullname($t))) ."
if ( count($this->cc_adr) ) {
foreach($this->cc_adr as $obj) {
$rcpt[] = $obj;
$msg .= sprintf($lang['MailSentCc'],myentities($this->subject),myentities($obj)) ."
if ( count($rcpt) == 0 ) {
# No recipents
$msg .= $lang['Err0035'] ." (2)
return $msg;
// get the cc addresses
$cc = $this->getCc();
if ( count($this->bcc) ) {
foreach($this->bcc as $obj) {
if ( $this->sent[$obj->id] == 1 ) {
$t = $obj->default_email();
if ( $t == "" ) {
$rcpt[] = $t;
$msg .= sprintf($lang['MailSentBcc'],myentities($this->subject),myentities($obj->getFullname($t))) ."
if ( count($this->bcc_adr) ) {
foreach($this->bcc_adr as $obj) {
$rcpt[] = $obj;
$msg .= sprintf($lang['MailSentBcc'],myentities($this->subject),myentities($obj)) ."
if ( count($rcpt) == 0 ) {
# No recipents
$msg .= $lang['Err0035'] ." (1)
return $msg;
$omsg = $this->open_channel($from,$rcpt);
if ($omsg != "") {
return $msg . $omsg;
# die(myentities($to));
$x = "=?". $lang['content_encoding'] ."?B?" . base64_encode($this->from->getFullName()) . "?=";
$this->writechannel("From: \"". $x ." (TUTOS)\" <". $from .">");
$this->writechannel("Reply-To: \"". $x ."\" <". $from .">");
$this->writechannel("Date: ". Date("r"));
# encode subject line
$subj = "=?". $this->charset ."?B?" . base64_encode( $this->subject ) . "?=";
$this->writechannel("Subject: ". $subj);
$this->writechannel("To: ". $to);
if ( $cc != "" ) {
$this->writechannel("Cc: ". $cc);
foreach ($this->hdr as $i) {
$this->writechannel("X-Mailer: TUTOS ". $tutos[version] ."/PHP " . phpversion() ." ". PHP_OS);
# if (!$this->readsmtp($msg)) {
# return $msg;
# };
$msg .= $this->close_channel();
return $msg;