print "
print "\n";
} else {
warn __FILE__ . " running without a SESSION." ;
sub show_index_candidates {
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Exec Report $FORM{'rptno'}");
print "
$REPORT{'rptid'} - $REPORT{'rptdesc'}
sub show_index_tests {
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Exec Report $FORM{'rptno'}");
&get_candidate_profile( $SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'});
my $style = "SELECT {\"width: 200px;height: 200px;font-size: 8pt;\"}";
print "
$REPORT{'rptid'} - $REPORT{'rptdesc'}
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "3", "Exec Report $FORM{'rptno'} completed");
sub show_filter_options {
my $cndid;
my $cndname;
my @testdates;
my $iopt;
my $optval;
my $optdesc;
my $lstdates;
my $qcor;
my $qinc;
my $tscore;
my $trash;
my $j;
my $i;
my @tests;
my @tmpdates;
my $jscript;
my $colspan;
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Report Options $FORM{'rptno'}");
&get_candidate_profile( $SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'});
@tests = split(/\,/,$FORM{'tstid'});
$cndname = join('', $CANDIDATE{'nml'}, ", ", $CANDIDATE{'nmf'}, " ", $CANDIDATE{'nmm'});
$cndid = $CANDIDATE{'uid'};
$lstdates = "\n");
$styles = "SELECT {\"font-size: 8pt;\"}\n";
$styles = join('',$styles,"INPUT {\"font-size: 8pt;height: 20px;\"}\n");
print "
$REPORT{'rptid'} - $REPORT{'rptdesc'}
sub show_detail {
my @tentries;
my @tcols;
my $i;
my $j;
my $k;
my $loidx;
my $hiidx;
my $loscore;
my $hiscore;
my $avgscore;
my $avgcount;
my @testdates;
my @found;
my $sgrepfor;
my $bDisplay;
my $timetaken;
my $testtitle;
my $tstdate;
my $testid;
my @tmparray;
my @tmpdates;
my $RTF_PNG_Begin ;
my $RTF_PNG_Close ;
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "2", "Exec Report $FORM{'rptno'}");
# populates the Assoc. array %CLIENT with data for the client id.
&get_candidate_profile( $SESSION{'clid'}, $FORM{'cndid'});
# populates the Assoc. array %CANDIDATE with data for the candidate/user/student who took the test/survey.
# HBI - Go find the format of the test results.
# The original code supported multiple selected tests.
# This report does not support multiple tests.
&get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
# populates the Assoc. array %TEST with the characteristics of the test (but not the questions or answers).
$foo = get_test_sequence_for_reports($CLIENT{'clid'},$FORM{'cndid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
$QUESTIONS_AH = get_question_definitions ($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
# Populates an array of hashs that contains all of the questions and the answers.
# $QUESTIONS_AH is a reference to the arrays of hashs.
if ($HBI_Debug) {
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
print "\ \n" ;
print "\ \ SYSTEM HASH ARRAY\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%SYSTEM)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $SYSTEM{$key}\ \n" ;
print "\ \ CLIENT HASH ARRAY\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%CLIENT)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $CLIENT{$key}\ \n" ;
print "\ \ SESSION HASH ARRAY\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%SESSION)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $SESSION{$key}\ \n" ;
print "\ \ FORM HASH ARRAY\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%FORM)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $FORM{$key}\ \n" ;
print "\ \ CANDIDATE HASH ARRAY\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%CANDIDATE)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $CANDIDATE{$key}\ \n" ;
print "\ \ TEST HASH ARRAY\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%TEST)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $TEST{$key}\ \n" ;
print "\ \ TEST_SESSION HASH ARRAY\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%TEST_SESSION)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $TEST_SESSION{$key}\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%SUBTEST_QUESTIONS)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $SUBTEST_QUESTIONS{$key}\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%SUBTEST_ANSWERS)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $SUBTEST_ANSWERS{$key}\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%SUBTEST_RESPONSES)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $SUBTEST_RESPONSES{$key}\ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%SUBTEST_SUMMARY)) {
print "KEY $key VAL $SUBTEST_SUMMARY{$key}\ \n" ;
} # end of if $HBI_Debug
$last_index = $#{$QUESTIONS_AH} ; # Last index of the Array of Hashs of the Q&A.
my %supercat_total = () ; # Total points available for a category.
my %supercat_earned = () ; # Points earned for a category.
my %TGWall_Comments = () ; # Collected Text for questions and comments in a category.
my %TGWall_Comments_fnd = () ; # Collected Text for questions and comments in a category.
# The following values have a similar name, and are logically connected.
my $SUPERCAT_TOTAL = 0 ; # Total points available in all categories.
my $SUPERCAT_EARNED = 0 ; # Total points earned in all categories.
my $points, $weight, @scores, @correct_ans, @incorrect_ans, @all_ans ;
my $ques_type, $supercat, $scores, @responses, $responses ;
my @individ, $individ, @img_labels, @img_data , @Response_parts;
$SYSTEM{'ALL_Comments'} = "" ;
$responses = $SUBTEST_RESPONSES{2} ;
@responses = split (/\&/, $responses) ;
shift @responses ; # Drop the empty element in front of the list.
if ($last_index == -1) {
print "\ \n" if ($HBI_DEBUG) ;
print "\ \ No Questions in the test.\ \n" if ($HBI_DEBUG) ;
print "\ \n" if ($HBI_DEBUG) ;
warn "ERROR: No Questions in the test." ;
} else {
foreach $index1 (0 .. $last_index) {
# Get the data for a single question.
$points = ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'pts'} ;
$weight = ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'wght'} ;
$ques_type = ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'qtp'} ;
$scores = ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'scores'} ;
@scores = split (/\,/ , $scores) ;
$supercat = ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'supercat'} ;
# Populate the responses for all the questions.
@Response_parts = split ('::', $responses[$index1], 2) ;
${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'responses'} = $Response_parts[0] ;
${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'comments'} = $Response_parts[1] ;
# Parse out any HTML line breaks.
# my ($Comment_work_str, $Comment_repl_str) ;
# $Comment_work_str = ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'responses'} ;
# while ($Comment_work_str =~ m/( ?)\<[Bb][Rr]\>( ?)/) {
# $Comment_repl_str = (((length $1) + (length $2)) == 0) ? " " : "" ;
# $Comment_work_str =~ s/\<[Bb][Rr]\>/$Comment_repl_str/ ;
# # The while loop forces all of the to be processed.
# # We do not use the global suffix operator for the search
# # and replace because the replacement string can be different.
# }
# ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'responses'} = $Comment_work_str ;
${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'responses'} =~ s/\s*\ \s*/ /isg ;
# $Comment_work_str = ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'comments'} ;
# while ($Comment_work_str =~ m/( ?)\<[Bb][Rr]\>( ?)/) {
# $Comment_repl_str = (((length $1) + (length $2)) == 0) ? " " : "" ;
# $Comment_work_str =~ s/\<[Bb][Rr]\>/$Comment_repl_str/ ;
# }
# ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'comments'} = $Comment_work_str ;
${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'comments'} =~ s/\s*\ \s*/ /isg ;
if ($ques_type eq "lik") {
$supercat_total{$supercat} += $points ;
$SUPERCAT_TOTAL += $points ;
$responses = $responses[$index1] ;
@individ = split(/\?/, $responses) ;
shift @individ ;
foreach $index2 (0 .. $#scores) {
print "\ index2 $index2 individ elem $individ[$index2] scores elem $scores[$index2]\n" if $HBI_Debug ;
if ($individ[$index2] ne "xxx" and $individ[$index2] ne "" and $individ[$index2] == $index2) {
$supercat_earned{$supercat} += $scores[$index2] ;
$SUPERCAT_EARNED += $scores[$index2] ;
print "\ supercat $supercat responses $responses index1 $index1 index2 $index2 \ \n" if $HBI_Debug ;
# Collect the questions and comments.
unless ($TGWall_Comments{$supercat}) {
# First time found the category.
$TGWall_Comments{$supercat} = "\\par CATEGORY - $supercat\n" ;
$TGWall_Comments{$supercat} .= "\\par \n" ;
if ($Response_parts[1] =~ m/\S/) {
# The question has a comment.
$TGWall_Comments{$supercat} .= "\\par Question " . ($index1 + 1) . " - " ;
$TGWall_Comments{$supercat} .= ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'qtx'} . "\n" ;
$TGWall_Comments{$supercat} .= "\\par " . ${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index1]->{'comments'} . "\n" ;
$TGWall_Comments_fnd{$supercat} = 1 ;
} # end of if $ques_type
} # end foreach $index1
foreach $supercat (sort keys %TGWall_Comments) {
unless ($TGWall_Comments_fnd{$supercat}) {
$TGWall_Comments{$supercat} .= "\\par NO Comments.\n" ;
$SYSTEM{'ALL_Comments'} .= $TGWall_Comments{$supercat} ;
# print "\ \n" ;
# print "Candidate: $CANDIDATE{'nmf'} " ;
# if ($CANDIDATE{'nmm'}) {print "$CANDIDATE{'nmm'} " ;}
# print "$CANDIDATE{'nml'} \ \n" ;
$SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} = "\\par \n" ;
$SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} .= "Candidate: $CANDIDATE{'nmf'} " ;
if ($CANDIDATE{'nmm'}) {$SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} .= "$CANDIDATE{'nmm'} " ;}
$SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} .= "$CANDIDATE{'nml'}\n" ;
$CANDIDATE{'full_name'} = $CANDIDATE{'nmf'} . " " ;
$CANDIDATE{'full_name'} .= $CANDIDATE{'nmm'} . ". " if ($CANDIDATE{'nmm'}) ;
$CANDIDATE{'full_name'} .= $CANDIDATE{'nml'} ;
my $percent ;
@img_labels = () ;
@img_data = () ;
my $category_count = keys %supercat_total ; # The number of elements of %supercat_total
if ($category_count) {
foreach $rep (sort keys %supercat_total) {
$percent = int ((100.0 * $supercat_earned{$rep} / $supercat_total{$rep}) +0.5) ;
# print "$rep Score: $percent\%\ \n" ;
$SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} .= "\\par $rep Score: $percent\%\n" ;
push @img_labels, $rep ;
push @img_data, $percent ;
} # end of foreach $rep
push @img_labels, "Total" ;
$percent = int ((100.0 * $SUPERCAT_EARNED / $SUPERCAT_TOTAL) +0.5) ;
push @img_data, $percent ;
# print "Total Score: $percent\%\ \n" ;
$SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} .= "\\par Total Score: $percent\%\n" ;
} else {
# $category_count is zero. No categories.
# print "\ \n" ;
# print "\ \ No Likert Scale Questions in the test.\ \n" ;
# print "\ \n" ;
$SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} .= "\\par No Likert Scale Questions in the test.\n" ;
$SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} .= "\\par \n" ;
# The list parameters are: labels, values, and values2.
my (@values2, $xdim, $ydim, $hbar, $title, $xlabel, $ylabel, $ymax, $ymin, $yticknum) ;
# The scalar parameters are: xdim, ydim, hbar, title, xlabel, ylabel, ymax, ymin, yticknum
@values2 = () ;
($xdim, $ydim, $hbar, $title, $xlabel, $ylabel, $ymax, $ymin, $yticknum, $colorscheme) =
(500, 300, 1, "Scores", "Category", "Percent for Category", 100, 0, 10, 1) ;
($t_margin, $b_margin, $l_margin, $r_margin) = (0, 0, 0, 30) ;
$ydim = 150 + 30 * $#img_labels ;
my $Eol = "\r\n" ;
$RTF_PNG_Begin = '{\\*\\shppict' ;
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= '{\\pict\\pngblip' ;
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= "\\picw${xdim} " ; # Width in pixels
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= "\\pich${ydim} " ; # Height in pixels
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= "\\picwgoal" . (${xdim}*20) ; # width on the page in twips
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= "\\pichgoal" . (${ydim}*20) ; # Height on the page in twips.
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= $Eol ;
# I am using a pixel in a point. A point is 1/72 inches.
# A twip is 1/20 of a point.
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= "\\bliptag10000" ; # Unique identifier for the image.
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= '{\\*\\blipuid ' ;
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= "00000000000000000000000000002710" ; # 32 numeric digits
$RTF_PNG_Begin .= '}' . $Eol ; # Ends blipuid.
$RTF_PNG_Close = '}}' ; # Ends pict and shppict commands.
$RTF_PNG_Close .= $Eol ;
my $HBI_Debug_msg_str = "" ;
my $T_colors = "" ; # Normally this is a colon separated string of color names.
my $png_data = &Build_Graph_PNM(\@img_labels, $T_colors, \@img_data, undef,
$xdim, $ydim, $hbar, $title, $xlabel, $ylabel, $ymax, $ymin,
$yticknum, $t_margin, $b_margin, $l_margin, $r_margin, $colorscheme) ;
my $offset = 0 ;
my $length_line = 80 ;
my $len_left ;
my $part_data = "" ;
my $Hex_image = unpack ("H*", $png_data) ;
my $All_data_len = length $Hex_image ;
do {$len_left = $All_data_len - $offset ;
if ($len_left < $length_line) {$length_line = $len_left;}
$part_data .= substr($Hex_image, $offset, $length_line) ;
$part_data .= $Eol ;
$offset += $length_line ;
} while ($offset < $All_data_len ) ;
$HBI_Debug_msg_str .= " Graph HBI \\par \n" ;
$HBI_Debug_msg_str .= "Num. of labels " . $#img_labels . "\\par \n" ;
$HBI_Debug_msg_str .= "Num. of points " . $#img_data . "\\par \n" ;
$HBI_Debug_msg_str .= "Num. of phg data chars " . (length $png_data) . "\\par \n" ;
$HBI_Debug_msg_str .= "Num. of part data chars " . (length $part_data) . "\\par \n" ;
# $SYSTEM{'Bargraph1'} = $HBI_Debug_msg_str . $RTF_PNG_Begin . $part_data . $RTF_PNG_Close ;
$SYSTEM{'Bargraph1'} = $RTF_PNG_Begin . $part_data . $RTF_PNG_Close ;
} # end of if $last_index
$testtitle="$FORM{'tstid'} - $TEST{'desc'}";
if ($HBI_Debug) {
if ($last_index == -1) {
print "\ \n" ;
print "\ \ QUESTIONS_AH HASH ARRAY is empty.\ \n" ;
print "\ \n" ;
} else {
foreach $index (0 .. $last_index) {
print "\ \n" ; # HBI
print "\ \ QUESTIONS_AH HASH ARRAY Element $index \ \n" ;
foreach $key (sort keys (%{${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index]})) {
print "KEY $key VAL " ;
print "${$QUESTIONS_AH}[$index]->{$key}" ;
print "\ \n" ;
} # end foreach $key
} # end foreach $index
} # end of if $last_index
} # end of if $HBI_Debug
# Now we are going to format the date the test was taken. <%=FORM.tdatesel%>
# Original text is like 05-Jul-2013_19:37:35_GMT
my %Month_Full =
("Jan" => "January", "Feb" => "February", "Mar" => "March",
"Apr" => "April", "May" => "May", "Jun" => "June",
"Jul" => "July", "Aug" => "August", "Sep" => "September",
"Oct" => "October", "Nov" => "November", "Dec" => "December") ;
my $given_date_str = $FORM{'tdatesel'} ;
my $new_fmt_date ;
my ($day_month, $month_str, $cent_year) ;
if ($given_date_str =~ m/^(\d+)\-([^\-]+)\-(\d+)/ ) {
$day_month = $1 ;
$month_str = $2 ;
$cent_year = $3 ;
$month_str = $Month_Full{$month_str} if ($Month_Full{$month_str}) ;
$FORM{'tdatesel'} = "$month_str $day_month, $cent_year" ;
if ($HBI_Debug) {
print "\ \n" ;
print "full name\ \n" ;
print $CANDIDATE{'full_name'} ;
print "\ \n" ;
print "Test Date\ \n" ;
print $FORM{'tdatesel'} ;
print "\ \n" ;
print "Graphic Text\ \n" ;
print $SYSTEM{'Graphic_Text'} ;
print "\ \n" ;
print "Comments\ \n" ;
print $SYSTEM{'ALL_Comments'} ;
print "\ \n" ;
exit 0 ;
&log_entry($SESSION{'clid'}, $SESSION{'uid'}, "3", "Exec Report $FORM{'rptno'} completed");
$OUTPUT_Format = "RTF" ;
print "Content-Type: text/rtf\n";
print "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=report.rtf\n\n";
&show_template("LAP_Blank_Report_Hank.rtf") ;
$OUTPUT_Format = "HTML" ;
# Subroutine Name
# GetTestHeader
# Description
# This subroutine returns the header of the test file
# Inputs
# $clientId -- The id of the client to search through
# Outputs
# None
# Returns
# @testFields -- An array of fields in the header
sub GetTestHeader
my $clientId = $_[0];
my @testList = &get_data("tests.$clientId");
my $testHdr = $testList[0];
my $testFields;
chop( $testHdr );
@testFields = split( /&/, $testHdr );
return @testFields;
# Subroutine Name
# GetTestsByOwner
# Description
# This subroutine searches through the test definition file of the given
# client for all the tests that are owned by the given user id or are public
# Inputs
# $clientId -- The id of the client to search through
# $ownedBy -- The name of the owner of the test to search for
# Outputs
# None
# Returns
# @tests -- An array of tests owned by the given user id
sub GetTestsByOwner
my $clientId = $_[0];
my $ownedBy = $_[1];
my %currHash;
my @testList = &get_data("tests.$clientId");
my @currField;
my @tests;
my $testHdr = $testList[0];
my $testFields;
my $testCntr;
@testFields = &GetTestHeader( $clientId );
for( $testCntr = 1; $testCntr < $#testList; $testCntr++ )
#print "$testList[$testCntr] \n";
chop( $testList[$testCntr] );
@currField = split( '&', $testList[$testCntr] );
for( 0 .. $#testFields )
$currHash{$testFields[$_]} = $currField[$_];
#print "$currHash{'ownedby'} - $ownedBy
if( ( $currHash{'ownedby'} eq $ownedBy ) || ( $currHash{'ownedby'} eq "" ) )
push( @tests, $testList[$testCntr] );
#print "$testList[$testCntr] \n";
return @tests;
# Return: Count of test result files in $dir matching regex with $clid
# and $testid, OR -1 if there was an error.
sub CountTestFilesByCnd {
my ($dir, $clid, $testid, $cndid) = @_;
if ( ! defined($dir) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined directory for client ID '$clid', testid '$testid'");
return -1;
if ( ! defined($clid) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined client ID for directory '$dir', testid '$testid'");
return -1;
if ( ! defined($testid) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined test ID for directory '$dir', client ID '$clid'");
return -1;
my $tstcount = scalar(get_matching_files($dir, "^$clid".'\.'."$cndid".'\.'."$testid\$"));
return $tstcount;
# Return: Count of test result files in $dir matching regex with $clid
# and $testid, OR -1 if there was an error.
sub CountHistoricTests {
my ($dir, $clid, $testid, $cndid) = @_;
if ( ! defined($dir) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined directory for client ID '$clid', testid '$testid'");
return -1;
if ( ! defined($clid) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined client ID for directory '$dir', testid '$testid'");
return -1;
if ( ! defined($testid) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined test ID for directory '$dir', client ID '$clid'");
return -1;
my $historyfile = join($pathsep,$dir,"$clid.$testid.history");
open (HISTFILE,"<$historyfile") or return 0;
my @histentries = ;
my $sgrepfor=join('&',"\<\<\>\>$clid","$cndid","$testid","");
my @cndidentries = grep( /$sgrepfor/,@histentries);
my $tstcount = $#cndidentries + 1;
return $tstcount;
# Return: Count of cnd result files in $dir matching regex with $clid
# and $cndid, OR -1 if there was an error.
sub CountCndFiles {
my ($dir, $clid, $cndid) = @_;
if ( ! defined($dir) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined directory for client ID '$clid', cndid '$cndid'");
return -1;
if ( ! defined($clid) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined client ID for directory '$dir', cndid '$cndid'");
return -1;
if ( ! defined($cndid) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined cnd ID for directory '$dir', client ID '$clid'");
return -1;
return scalar(get_matching_files($dir, "^$clid".'\.'."$cndid".'\.\S+$'));
# Return: Sum of times taken during a test in seconds.
sub computeTestTime {
my ($dir, $clid, $testid, $cndid, $tstkey) = @_;
if ( ! defined($dir) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined directory for client ID '$clid', testid '$testid'");
return -1;
if ( ! defined($clid) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined client ID for directory '$dir', testid '$testid'");
return -1;
if ( ! defined($testid) ) {
&logger::logerr("Undefined test ID for directory '$dir', client ID '$clid'");
return -1;
my $timefile = join($pathsep,$dir,"$clid.$cndid.$testid.tim");
open (TLOGFILE,"<$timefile") or return 0;
my @tlogentries = ;
my $sgrepfor="^$tstkey\&(1)\.(2)\.(.*)\&$clid\&$cndid\&$testid\&(.*)";
my @cndidentries = grep( /$sgrepfor/,@tlogentries);
@tlogentries = ();
my $iidx;
my @tentrycols;
my $tottime;
$tottime = 0;
for $iidx (0 .. $#cndidentries) {
@tentrycols = split(/&/,$cndidentries[$iidx]);
$tottime += $tentrycols[7];
@tentrycols = ();
return $tottime;
sub formatTimeFromSeconds {
my ($t, $fmt) = @_;
my $h;
my $m;
my $s;
my $r;
my $j;
$m = int($t/60);
$s = $t - ($m * 60);
$h = int($m/60);
$m = $m - ($h * 60);
if ($fmt =~ m/h/i) {
$r = "00000$h";
$r = substr($r,$j,2);
$fmt =~ s/h/$r/g;
if ($fmt =~ m/m/i) {
$r = "00000$m";
$r = substr($r,$j,2);
$fmt =~ s/m/$r/g;
if ($fmt =~ m/s/i) {
$r = "00000$s";
$r = substr($r,$j,2);
$fmt =~ s/s/$r/g;
return $fmt;
# Normally xdim was 400 and ydim was 100.
sub BuildBarGraph {
# This subroutine builds the HTML to get an image from an URL.
# The URL is a cgi-bin PERL script, with several parameters.
# The list parameters are: labels, values, and values2.
# The scalar parameters are: xdim, ydim, hbar, title, xlabel, ylabel, ymax, ymin, yticknum, colorscheme, $t_margin, $b_margin, $l_margin, $r_margin
# The first 3 parameters are references to three lists, which are mandatory.
# The values2 list may be an empty list. (and ignored.)
# The rest of the parameters are optional, but are order specific.
# Any parameter that is an empty string will be effectively ignored,
# but may be required to fill the list of parameters to a needed parm.
my @label_names, @value_points, @value2_points ;
my $labels_ref, $values_ref, $values2_ref ;
my $xdim, $ydim, $hbar, $title, $xlabel, $ylabel, $ymax, $ymin, $yticknum ;
my $colorscheme ;
my $t_margin, $b_margin, $l_margin, $r_margin ;
$labels_ref = $_[0] ;
@label_names = @{$labels_ref} ;
# @label_names is an array of character strings of the names of the bars on the graph.
$values_ref = $_[1] ;
@value_points = @{$values_ref} ;
# @value_points is an array of numeric values for each of the names in the first array.
# The sizes of the two arrays should be the same.
$values2_ref = $_[2] ;
@value2_points = @{$values2_ref} ;
shift ; shift ; shift ; # Remove the first 3 parms, to set up the next statement.
($xdim, $ydim, $hbar, $title, $xlabel, $ylabel, $ymax, $ymin, $yticknum, $colorscheme, $t_margin, $b_margin, $l_margin, $r_margin) = @_ ;
my $labels, $values, $values2 ;
# print ' label_names ' . "@label_names" . ' ' ;
# print ' value_points ' . "@value_points" . ' ' ;
if ($#label_names != $#value_points) {
print ' ERROR BuildBarGraph has different number of labels and data values. ' ;
$labels = join (":", map {munge($_)} @label_names ) ;
$values = join (":", map {munge($_)} @value_points ) ;
$values2 = join (":", map {munge($_)} @value2_points ) ;
# my $baseurl = "/cgi-bin/bargraph.pl?labels=$labels&title=Trust%20Level&ylabel=Respondents";
my $baseurl = "/cgi-bin/bargraph.pl?labels=$labels&values=$values" ;
if ($xdim or $xdim == 0) { $baseurl .= "&xdim=" . $xdim ; }
if ($ydim or $ydim == 0) { $baseurl .= "&ydim=" . $ydim ; }
if ($hbar or $hbar == 0) { $baseurl .= "&hbar=" . $hbar ; }
if ($title or $title == 0) { $baseurl .= "&title=" . munge( $title) ; }
if ($xlabel or $xlabel == 0) { $baseurl .= "&xlabel=" . munge( $xlabel) ; }
if ($ylabel or $ylabel == 0) { $baseurl .= "&ylabel=" . munge( $ylabel) ; }
if ($ymax or $ymax == 0) { $baseurl .= "&ymax=" . $ymax ; }
if ($ymin or $ymin == 0) { $baseurl .= "&ymin=" . $ymin ; }
if ($t_margin or $t_margin == 0) { $baseurl .= "&t_margin=" . $t_margin ; }
if ($b_margin or $b_margin == 0) { $baseurl .= "&b_margin=" . $b_margin ; }
if ($l_margin or $l_margin == 0) { $baseurl .= "&l_margin=" . $l_margin ; }
if ($r_margin or $r_margin == 0) { $baseurl .= "&r_margin=" . $r_margin ; }
if ($colorscheme) { $baseurl .= "&colorscheme=" . $colorscheme ; }
if ($yticknum or $yticknum == 0) { $baseurl .= "&yticknum=" . $yticknum ; }
return "";
# Function: munge( $string )
# Description: Do the normal munging to replace non-normal chars with %XX.
# Returns: a modified string with %XX patterns inserted
# Author: HBI, 2008/09/30
# The process is performed on strings that are sent as literal text,
# as part of an URL to be re-analyzed by a WEB server. The higher
# level application must do this once, and only once. This function
# assumes that the character string contains only 7 or 8 bit characters.
# This function cannot deal with multi-byte UTF-8 characters.
sub munge( $ ) {
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/join('', '%', uc(unpack("H*",$1)))/eg;
return $string;
# Function: unmunge( $string )
# Description: Inverse operation of munge(), replace %XX with the real ascii.
# Returns: a modified string with %XX patterns replaced
# Author: efl, 11/2001
sub unmunge( $ ) {
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
return $string;