# $Id: Integro3.pl,v 1.4 2006/05/04 20:55:48 ddoughty Exp $
# Source File: Integro.pl
# Get config
use FileHandle;
use Time::Local;
use Data::Dumper;
use IntegroLib;
require 'sitecfg.pl';
require 'testlib.pl';
require 'tstatlib.pl';
use strict;
%SUBTEST_RESPONSES @xlatphrase);
use vars qw($testcomplete $cgiroot $pathsep $dataroot @rptparams );
$FORM{"idlist"} =~ tr/\000/,/ ; # Change separator for multiple values from NULL to comma. HBI
#print STDERR Dumper(\%SESSION);
&get_test_profile($CLIENT{'clid'}, $FORM{'tstid'});
# Make sure we have a valid session, and exit if we don't
if (not &get_session($FORM{'tid'})) {
# Get the group filters, if any
my ($idlist,$groups);
if (exists $FORM{'grouping'} and $FORM{'grouping'} eq 'subset') {
#my @tmp = split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'});
my @tmp = param('idlist');
$FORM{'idlist'} = join(',', @tmp);
@{$groups}{@tmp} = @tmp;
$idlist = &getIdlist($CLIENT{'clid'},$FORM{'idlist'});
# Get the time stamp style
my $timestamp;
if ($FORM{'timestamp'} eq 'currenttime') {
$timestamp = scalar(localtime(time));
} elsif ($FORM{"timestamp"} eq 'custom' and $FORM{'customtime'} ne '') {
$timestamp = $FORM{'customtime'};
} elsif ($FORM{'timestamp'} eq 'mostrecent' and $FORM{'tstid'}) {
my $file = join($pathsep,$testcomplete,"$CLIENT{'clid'}.$FORM{'tstid'}.history");
my $fh = new FileHandle;
if ($fh->open($file)) {
my @history = map([split(/(?:<<>>|&)/,$_,4)],<$fh>);
#print "
if (defined $idlist) {
foreach (reverse @history) {
if (exists $idlist->{$_->[2]}) {
$timestamp = scalar(localtime(toGMSeconds($_->[0])));
} else {
$timestamp = scalar(localtime(toGMSeconds($history[$#history]->[0])));
} else {
print STDERR "Could not open $file in Integro.pl\n";
if (defined $timestamp) {
$timestamp = "$timestamp
} else {
$timestamp = "
# Generate the reports
if ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'commeffect') {
&CommEffectReport($idlist, $groups, $timestamp);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'commeffectsummary') {
&CommEffectSummary($idlist, $groups, $timestamp);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'trustlevel') {
&TrustLevelReport($idlist, $groups, $timestamp);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'trustlevelsummary') {
&TrustLevelSummary($idlist, $groups, $timestamp);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'values') {
&ValuesReport($idlist, $groups, $timestamp);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'valuessummary') {
&ValuesSummary($idlist, $groups, $timestamp);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'comments') {
&CommentsReport($idlist, $timestamp, 0);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'comments2') {
&CommentsReport($idlist, $timestamp, 1);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'people') {
&KindsOfPeopleReport($idlist, $groups, $timestamp);
} elsif ($FORM{'reportname'} eq 'peoplesummary') {
&KindsOfPeopleSummary($idlist, $groups, $timestamp);
} else {
# There should only be function definitions beyond this point.
sub HTMLHeader {
return "\n\n$_[0]\n".
sub HTMLHeaderPlain {
return "\n\n$_[0]\n".
sub HTMLFooter {
my $year = `date +%Y`;
my $ionline;
if ($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} =~ "integroonline.com") {
$ionline = " - Copyright (c) $year, Integro Learning Company";
return "
Copyright (c) $year, Integro Leadership Institute$ionline\n\n";
sub ReportChooser {
# Links w/javascript for chosing report
# Radio button to choose between all and select group(s)
# Menu box to chose one or more groups
my $groups = &getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
my $js = "function parmsIntegro(oform,rpt) {\n\t".
$js .= "\nfunction commIntegro(oform) {\n\t".
"oform.rptdesc.value='Test Statistics by Test'\n\t".
my $organizationname = $CLIENT{'clnmc'};
my $uberheader;
my $test;
if ($rptparams[0]) {
$test = $rptparams[0];
} else {
$test = "SAS01";
my ($tstid) = grep((/($test\s*)&/ && ($_=$1)),get_data("tests.$CLIENT{'clid'}"));
if (not $tstid) {
print HTMLHeader("Error! No Strategic Alignment Survey Found.");
print "Error! No Strategic Alignment Survey Found.
print HTMLFooter();
#print STDERR get_data("tests.$CLIENT{'clid'}");
#print STDERR "Test ID = $tstid\n";
print HTMLHeader("Integro Learning Custom Reports",$js);
print "";
print HTMLFooter();
# Also known as the Group Alignment report
sub CommEffectReport {
my ($idlist,$groups,$timestamp) = @_;
my $data = &CommEffectData($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'},$idlist,$groups);
my $claritysum = $data->{'organization'}->{'claritysum'};
my $approvalsum = $data->{'organization'}->{'approvalsum'};
my $histograms = $data->{'organization'}->{'histogram'};
my %intlc;
my %intla;
$intlc{'Purpose'} = "86";
$intla{'Purpose'} = "88";
$intlc{'Values'} = "77";
$intla{'Values'} = "86";
$intlc{'Vision'} = "72";
$intla{'Vision'} = "78";
$intlc{'Goals'} = "79";
$intla{'Goals'} = "85";
$intlc{'Procedures'} = "78";
$intla{'Procedures'} = "71";
$intlc{'Roles'} = "84";
$intla{'Roles'} = "70";
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Section 4 - Group Alignment Report");
print "Strategic Alignment Survey
Section 4 - Group Alignment Report
print "The Degree to which Group Members are in Alignment
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[799]
print $timestamp;
print " | Very Unclear | | ".
"Moderately Unclear | | Moderately Clear | ".
" | Very Clear | Group Clarity | ".
"Group Approval | ".
"Int'l Clarity | ".
"Int'l Approval |
# fill in the rows
my $overall = {'clarity' => 0, 'approval' => 0};
foreach my $row (qw(Purpose Values Vision Goals Procedures Roles)) {
print "$row | ";
for my $i (0..6) {
print "";
if ($histograms->{$row}->{'Clarity'}->[$i]) {
if ($histograms->{$row}->{'Approval'}->[$i]->[2]) {
print " ".
"$histograms->{$row}->{'Approval'}->[$i]->[2] ";
if ($histograms->{$row}->{'Approval'}->[$i]->[1]) {
print " ".
"$histograms->{$row}->{'Approval'}->[$i]->[1] ";
if ($histograms->{$row}->{'Approval'}->[$i]->[0]) {
print " ".
} else {
print " ";
print " | ";
printf "%.1f %% | \n", $claritysum->{$row}->{'value'};
printf "%.1f %% | \n", $approvalsum->{$row}->{'value'};
printf "%.1f %% | \n", $intlc{$row};
printf "%.1f %% | \n", $intla{$row};
print "
print "
\nPosition = Group Clarity
\nCountenance = Personal Approval
print HTMLFooter();
sub CommEffectSummary {
my ($idlist,$groups,$timestamp) = @_;
my $data = &CommEffectData($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'},$idlist,$groups);
my @cols = ("Purpose","Values","Vision","Goals","Procedures","Roles");
$groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Section 4 - Group Alignment Summary");
print "Strategic Alignment Survey
Section 4 - Group Alignment Summary
print "The Degree to which Group Members are in Alignment
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Summary for Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[799]
print $timestamp;
print "\n";
print "\n  | \n";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
print "$col | ";
print "
print "\n  | \n";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
print "Clarity | Approval | ";
print "
print "Overall | ";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
printf "%.1f %% | ", $data->{'organization'}->{'claritysum'}->{$col}->{'value'};
printf "%.1f %% | ", $data->{'organization'}->{'approvalsum'}->{$col}->{'value'};
if (exists $data->{'groups'}) {
print "
Group Breakdown |
print "Group | ";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
print "$col | ";
print "
foreach my $grp (sort keys %{$data->{'groups'}}) {
print "$groups->{$grp}->{'grpnme'} | ";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
printf "%.1f %% | ", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'claritysum'}->{$col}->{'value'};
printf "%.1f %% | ", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'approvalsum'}->{$col}->{'value'};
print "
print "\nInternational Average | \n";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
print "$col | ";
print "
print "";
print "86% | ";
print "88% | ";
print "77% | ";
print "86% | ";
print "72% | ";
print "78% | ";
print "79% | ";
print "85% | ";
print "78% | ";
print "71% | ";
print "84% | ";
print "70% | ";
print "
print "
print HTMLFooter();
sub TrustLevelReport {
my ($idlist,$groups,$timestamp) = @_;
my $data = TrustLevelData($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'},$idlist,$groups);
my $histograms = $data->{'organization'}->{'histogram'};
my $trust = $data->{'organization'}->{'trust'};
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Section 2 - Group Trust Level Report");
print "Strategic Alignment Survey
Section 2 - Group Trust Level Report
print "$xlatphrase[801]
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[799]
print $timestamp;
print " | | Group Trust Level | Int'l Average |
my $baseurl = "/cgi-bin/bargraph.pl?labels=Low::::Medium::::High&title=Trust%20Level&ylabel=Respondents";
$baseurl .= "&xdim=400&ydim=100";
my %intl;
$intl{'Congruence'} = "66";
$intl{'Openness'} = "69";
$intl{'Acceptance'} = "73";
$intl{'Reliability'} = "79";
foreach my $row (qw(Congruence Openness Acceptance Reliability)) {
print "$row | ";
print " {$row}})."\"> | ";
printf "%.1f%% | \n", $trust->{$row}->{'value'};
printf "%.1f%% |
\n", $intl{$row};
print "
#printf "Overall Group Trust Level = %.1f %%.
print HTMLFooter();
sub TrustLevelSummary {
my ($idlist,$groups,$timestamp) = @_;
my $data = TrustLevelData($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'},$idlist,$groups);
my @cols = ("Congruence","Openness","Acceptance","Reliability");
$groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Section 2 - Group Trust Level Summary");
print "Strategic Alignment Survey
Section 2 - Group Trust Level Summary
print "$xlatphrase[801]
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Summary for Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[800]
print $timestamp;
print "\n";
print " ";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
print " | $col | ";
print "
print "Overall | ";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
printf "%.1f %% | ", $data->{'organization'}->{'trust'}->{$col}->{'value'};
print "
if (exists $data->{'groups'}) {
print "Group Breakdown |
print "Group | ";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
print "$col | ";
print "
foreach my $grp (sort keys %{$data->{'groups'}}) {
print "$groups->{$grp}->{'grpnme'} | ";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
printf "%.1f %% | ", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'trust'}->{$col}->{'value'};
print "
print "\nInternational Average | \n";
foreach my $col (@cols) {
print "$col | ";
print "
print "";
print "66% | ";
print "69% | ";
print "73% | ";
print "79% | ";
print "
print "
print HTMLFooter();
# Aka Gap Analysis
sub ValuesReport {
my ($idlist,$groups,$timestamp) = @_;
my $data = &ValuesData($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'},$idlist,$groups);
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Section 3 - Values That Build Trust");
print "Strategic Alignment Survey
Section 3 - Values That Build Trust
print "The gap between Employee Expectation and the degree to
which the $xlatphrase[797] operates by these Values
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[799]
printf "Your Trust Values Gap Score is %.1f",$data->{'organization'}->{'gap'};
#print " World Class Standard ? International Benchmark ? ";
print " |
print "\n";
print "The graphs below show the Personal Importance and Perceptions of Work Performance".
" for each of the eight values.";
print " | Gap | Int'l Avg |
my $baseurl = "/cgi-bin/bargraph.pl?labels=Personal%20Importance:Work%20Performance".
my %intl;
$intl{'Straightforwardness'} = "2.0";
$intl{'Honesty'} = "1.7";
$intl{'Receptivity'} = "1.6";
$intl{'Disclosure'} = "1.8";
$intl{'Respect'} = "1.8";
$intl{'Recognition'} = "2.2";
$intl{'Seeks Excellence'} = "1.5";
$intl{'Keeps Commitments'} = "1.9";
foreach ('Straightforwardness', 'Honesty', 'Receptivity', 'Disclosure', 'Respect',
'Recognition', 'Seeks Excellence', 'Keeps Commitments') {
my $url;
my $pinum = (int(10*$data->{'organization'}->{$_}->{'Personal Importance'}+0.5)/10);
my $wpnum = (int(10*$data->{'organization'}->{$_}->{'Work Performance'}+0.5)/10);
my $diff = $pinum - $wpnum;
$diff = sprintf("%1.1f", $diff);
$url = $baseurl."&values=".$pinum.":";
$url = $url."&values2=:".$wpnum;
print "$_ |
print "![](\"$url\") | $diff | $intl{$_} |
print "Total Trust Values Gap | ";
printf "%.1f | ", $data->{'organization'}->{'gap'};
print "13.8 |
print "
print HTMLFooter();
sub ValuesSummary {
my ($idlist,$groups,$timestamp) = @_;
my $data = &ValuesData($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'},$idlist,$groups);
$groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Section 3 - Values That Build Trust Summary");
print "
Strategic Alignment Survey
Section 3 - Values That Build Trust Summary
print "The gap between Employee Expectation and the degree to
which the $xlatphrase[797] operates by these Values
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Summary for Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[799]
print $timestamp;
print "\n";
print " | Total Importance | Total Performance | Trust Values Gap |
print "Overall | ";
printf "%.1f | ", $data->{'organization'}->{'Personal Importance'};
printf "%.1f | ", $data->{'organization'}->{'Work Performance'};
printf "%.1f |
\n", $data->{'organization'}->{'gap'};
if (exists $data->{'groups'}) {
print "Group Breakdown |
print "Group | Total Importance | Total Performance | Trust Values Gap |
foreach my $grp (sort keys %{$data->{'groups'}}) {
print "$groups->{$grp}->{'grpnme'} | ";
printf "%.1f | ", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'Personal Importance'};
printf "%.1f | ", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'Work Performance'};
printf "%.1f |
\n", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'gap'};
print " | Total Importance | Total Performance | Trust Values Gap |
print "International Average | ";
printf "%.1f | ", 74.6;
printf "%.1f | ", 60.8;
printf "%.1f |
\n", 13.8;
print "
print HTMLFooter();
sub KindsOfPeopleReport {
my ($idlist,$groups,$timestamp) = @_;
my $data = KindsOfPeopleData($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'},$idlist,$groups);
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Section 1 - Kinds of People");
print "Strategic Alignment Survey
Section 1 - Kinds of People
print "$xlatphrase[802]
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[799]
print $timestamp;
print "";
my $url;
#if (exists $data->{'self'}) {
if (0) {
my @self = @{$data->{'self'}}{'Rebellious','Compliant','Self-Directed'};
$url = "/cgi-bin/piechart.pl?title=Self%20Perception&values=".
print "![](\"$url\") |
if (exists $data->{'organization'}) {
my @other = @{$data->{'organization'}}{'Rebellious','Compliant','Self-Directed'};
$url = "/cgi-bin/piechart.pl?title=Perception%20of%20Others&values=".
print "![](\"$url\") |
print "
print "\n";
print "Overall Group Values | Int'l Average |
printf "Rebellious | %.1f %% | 11% |
\n", $data->{'organization'}->{'Rebellious'};
printf "Compliant | %.1f %% | 27% |
\n", $data->{'organization'}->{'Compliant'};
printf "Self-Directed | %.1f %% | 62% |
\n", $data->{'organization'}->{'Self-Directed'};
print "
} else {
print "No valid Data
#print "".Dumper($data)."
print HTMLFooter();
sub KindsOfPeopleSummary {
my ($idlist,$groups,$timestamp) = @_;
my $data = KindsOfPeopleData($CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'},$idlist,$groups);
$groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Section 1 - Kinds of People Summary");
print "Strategic Alignment Survey
Section 1 - Kinds of People Summary
print "$xlatphrase[802]
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Summary for Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[799]
print $timestamp;
print "\n";
print " | Rebellious | Compliant | Self-Directed |
print "Overall | ";
printf "%.1f %% | ", $data->{'organization'}->{'Rebellious'};
printf "%.1f %% | ", $data->{'organization'}->{'Compliant'};
printf "%.1f %% |
\n", $data->{'organization'}->{'Self-Directed'};
if (exists $data->{'groups'}) {
print "Group Breakdown |
print "Group | Rebellious | Compliant | Self-Directed |
foreach my $grp (sort keys %{$data->{'groups'}}) {
print "$groups->{$grp}->{'grpnme'} | ";
printf "%.1f %% | \n", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'Rebellious'};
printf "%.1f %% | \n", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'Compliant'};
printf "%.1f %% |
\n", $data->{'groups'}->{$grp}->{'Self-Directed'};
print " | Rebellious | Compliant | Self-Directed |
print "International Average | 11% | 27% | 62% |
print "
print HTMLFooter();
sub CommentsReport {
my ($idlist, $timestamp, $bycat) = @_;
my @filelist = &get_test_result_files($testcomplete, $CLIENT{'clid'},$TEST{'id'});
my @comments;
for (my $i=0; $i<=59; $i++) {$comments[$i] = [];}
my @questions = map([split(/&/,$_)],&get_question_list($TEST{'id'},$CLIENT{'clid'}));
foreach (@questions) {$_->[4] =~ s/:::.*$//;}
foreach my $file (@filelist) {
my $user = $file;
$user =~ s/.$TEST{'id'}$//;
$user =~ s/^$CLIENT{'clid'}.//;
if (defined $idlist and not $idlist->{$user}) {
my ($answers,$usercomm) = &get_survey_results( $CLIENT{'clid'}, $user, $TEST{'id'});
for (my $i=1; $i<=58; $i++) {
if ($usercomm->[$i] == -1) {
$comments[$i] = -1;
} elsif ($usercomm->[$i]) {
push @{$comments[$i]},$usercomm->[$i];
if ($answers->[59]) {
push @{$comments[59]},$answers->[59];
print HTMLHeaderPlain("Comments Report");
print "Strategic Alignment Survey
Comments Report
print "$FORM{'orgname'}
if ($FORM{'uberheader'} ne "") {
print "".$FORM{'uberheader'}."
} elsif (defined $idlist) {
my $groups = getGroups($CLIENT{'clid'});
print "Groups: "
.join(", ",map($groups->{$_}->{'grpnme'},split(/,/,$FORM{'idlist'})))."
} else {
print "$xlatphrase[798] $xlatphrase[799]
print $timestamp;
print "\n";
print "\n";
my @outary = ();
for (my $i=1; $i <=59; $i++) {
if ($comments[$i] == -1) {
# inactive question
$outary[$i] = "
$outary[$i] .= "$questions[$i]->[0] - $questions[$i]->[4]\n";
if (@{$comments[$i]}) {
$outary[$i] .= "
foreach (@{$comments[$i]}) {
$outary[$i] .= "- $_
$outary[$i] .= "
} else {
$outary[$i] .= "\n";
$outary[$i] .= "\n";
# Read in .rgo file which defines question presentation order
my $out;
my $lookupfile = join($pathsep,$dataroot,"IntegroSAS.rgo");
if ($bycat && -e $lookupfile) {
my $fh = new FileHandle;
if ($fh->open($lookupfile)) {
$out = "";
my @lines = <$fh>;
shift @lines;
foreach (@lines) {
my @line = split(/\&/,$_);
my $section = shift @line;
if ($section ne "") {
$out .= "
$out .= "$section |
foreach my $sub (@line) {
my ($subheader, $quess) = split(/:/,$sub);
if ($subheader ne "") {
$out .= "
$subheader: |
my @ques = split(/\,/,$quess);
foreach my $quesid (@ques) {
$out .= $outary[$quesid];
print $out;
} else {
for (1 .. $#outary) {
print $outary[$_];
print "
print "
#print "".Dumper(\@questions,\@comments)."
print "".HTMLFooter();